Medical official path

Chapter 339

At the Standing Committee of Jiangcheng City. Rong Pengfei, director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, reported to the Standing Committee on the spot. The latest progress of the mountain fight case, he said with a smile: "According to the situation we know now, most of the cultural relics robbed that day have been confiscated under our mobilization work, and some cultural relics have appeared on the antique page field in Jingshan City. At present, the Jingshan City Public Security Bureau is actively pursuing them. I believe it You can kill all the tomb robbers.

" He paused for a moment and said, "The case of Chen Chongshan shooting Zhu Hongwei that everyone is concerned about has also been clear. At the scene of the armed fight on that day, many people saw the specific situation of Chen Chongshan's shooting. We have found four witnesses and initially determined that Chen Chongshan is in self-defense!"

No one interrupted, and all the members of the Standing Committee listened quietly. Zhao Yanglin, director of the National People's Congress, and Yuan Chengxi, deputy mayor, handed over a look. Both of them realized that the wind direction began to change. All the articles revolved around Zhu Xiaoqiao Village and the death of Zhu Hongwei. Now the return of publicity has reversed the situation from the root. It is very simple, direct and effective. They are Chu, a native of Zhu Xiaoqiao Village, who has always been known for fighting fiercely, why did he give in so easily?

Rong Pengfei briefly described the situation. I ended my conversation: "We will continue to investigate the follow-up case, and the relevant responsible persons will be dealt with accordingly."

Mayor Zuo Yuanchao said indignantly, "It's really outrageous. Since they have seen the real situation, why don't they stand up at the beginning? Why don't you tell the truth and attack the government? This is the style of robbers. This is the hooligan style. We must investigate this kind of bad elements who intend to destroy social order to the end and never tolerate it!"

Other members of the Standing Committee are not willing to express their opinions, and the generous and passionate statement of Zuo Yuanchao has not aroused their resonance. Now that the situation is clear, you stand up. What have you done for a long time? When Du Tianye was trapped, why didn't you publish a conversation?

Zuo Yuanchao also felt that his talent performance was a little excessive. He coughed and said, "Secretary Du, please say a few words!"

Du Tianye nodded. After being convinced that his father was fine, Du Tianye's psychology was much calmer. He found that he was far from mature in politics. It was a good thing for people to have blood, but blood was immature in politics. Now when I think about this matter, it should not have developed like this. The trouble is that he shows too much attention to his father that others can take advantage of it.

Du Tianye said, "I want to talk about a few issues. The Qingtai Mountain Fighting Incident itself is handled by the police. I will not repeat it. First of all, I would like to apologize to the Standing Committee. In the handling of this matter, as the secretary of the Jiangcheng Municipal Party Committee, I have not been calm, and there are many shortcomings

Guo Liang, the commander of the military sub-district, said, "I think the key to this matter is that there are too many people with ulterior motives. There are too many people who are afraid that the world will not be chaotic." Guo Liang rarely expressed his opinions at the Jiangcheng Standing Committee in the past. Now is the time when Du Tianye needs the most support. He also needs to stand up against Du Tianye for the relationship between Chu Zhennan and Du Shankui.

Du Tianye smiled and said, "Through this. I also found a lot of shortcomings in Jiangcheng!" Speaking of this, he paused for a moment. He looked around the members of the Standing Committee, and then said, "Now I announce several important personnel changes. Comrade Yang Qingsheng, the head of the Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee, will no longer serve as the head of the Propaganda Department from now on due to physical reasons, and at the same time exempt The Minister of Propaganda Department is temporarily represented by Deputy Mayor Xiao Ming. At the same time, I request Comrade Xiao Ming to become the new member of the Standing Committee of Jiangcheng City

Yang Qingsheng, Propaganda Minister of the Municipal Party Committee, turned pale. From the beginning of Zhang Yang's beating of Hong Kong businessmen, he knew that he could not escape his responsibility, but he didn't expect that everything would come so quickly. The Qingtai Mountain Fighting Incident had already made Du Tianye worried. Unexpectedly, Zhang Yang, who had gone to the provincial party school to study, suddenly came out. It easily solved Du Tianye's dilemma and made the wind direction of the whole thing suddenly change. Among the people who stood up to sing against Du Tianye at the beginning, Zhao Yanglin took the lead, but the unfortunate one was himself.

Before Yang Qingsheng came to the Standing Committee today, he knew that the organization would move himself. Although Du Tianye was the leader of Jiangcheng, he must obtain the consent of the province to take such a big measure. Presumably he has done a good job in the province.

Yang Qingsheng stood up without saying a word and walked out of the door.

Du Tianye said: "The spring flood is coming. In order to ensure that this year's spring flood is safe, a flood control headquarters has been established. Vice Mayor Yuan Chengxi is the commander-in-chief of flood control. He is responsible for inspecting the flood control situation in various counties and cities in Jiangcheng. The agricultural production in charge is handed over

Yuan Chengxi looked at Du Tianye coldly, and his eyes were full of anger and unwillingness, compared with Yang Qingsheng. He was lucky, at least he still retained the deputy mayor and the position of standing committee. Du Tianye exiled him, and Yuan Chengxi also understood. He wants to pray to God that this year's flood control work must not go wrong. Even if the slightest mistake is caught by Du Tianye, I'm afraid it will be over this time.

Zhao Yanglin, director of the National People's Congress, behaved calmly. The winner is the king and the loser is the bandit, which has always been the same truth. After stabilizing his position, it is normal for Du Tianye to immediately retaliate against them, but he believes that Du Tianye can't laugh for too long

Zhang Yang came to the Heishanzi police station, and the director Zhou Liangshun greeted him with a smile. In the past, when Zhang Yang was the director of the family planning office in Heishanzi Township, Zhou Liangshun had something wrong with him, but now he is already at the deputy department level. Zhou Liangshun has to look up to him again. At the beginning, Du Yufeng was just the deputy director of Heishanzi Township, because he had a relationship with Zhang Yang. He has been promoted all the way. Now he is the deputy leader of the serious crime unit of Jiangcheng Public Security Bureau. It is said that he is still deeply appreciated by the director. If he had more relationship with Zhang Yang and climbing at the beginning, he may have been promoted now.

With this idea, Zhou Liangshun became more and more enthusiastic about Zhang Yang. He shook hands with him cordially and asked Zhang Yang to sit in the office. Zhang Yang smiled and said, "No, I'm from those reporters!"

Speaking of the five reporters, Zhou Liangshun couldn't help laughing: "I have been a police officer for so many years, and I have never seen anything like this. I took the initiative to attack the police. I didn't leave in our police station. The police who were beaten all said that they would not sue them. They also

Zhang Yang smiled secretly. Of course, he knew why these reporters dared not leave. The Shi brothers guarded outside with a group of people. As long as these reporters were driven out, they would beat them up immediately.

Zhou Liangshun led Zhang Yang to the place where the reporters were held. In fact, he did not hold them. The door chain was not even opened. Zhang Yang opened the door: "Which is reporter Liu Xiwen and Liu?" A white and fat middle-aged reporter stood up in fear: "I am"

Zhang Yang nodded and said, "I have something to talk to you about!"

Liu Xiwen followed Zhang Yang to the office. Zhang Yang motioned him to sit down. Liu Xiwen was very nervous and rubbed his hands on the pockets of his clothes.

Zhang Yang laughed, showing his neat and white teeth: "Don't be nervous, I'm here to help you!"

"You are

"I'm Zhang Yang, the deputy leader of the working group of the Pinghai Commission for Discipline Inspection!" Zhang Daguan enjoys the current position very much. Of course, this deputy team leader is self-tified by him, and it is not officially certified.

As soon as Liu Xiwen heard that it was him, his heart trembled for no reason, and his face turned pale.

Zhang Yang said, "Don't be afraid. It's not a big deal to attack the police. The police are fine, and they won't investigate. I just talked to Director Zhou. You can leave at any time.

Liu Xiwen shook his head: "Unless the police protect us, we will never leave!"

"I said, who do you think is your own bow? The head of state? Do you still need police protection?"

Liu Xiwen said, "Our personal safety is threatened. As long as we get out of the police station, those villagers will attack us!"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Why did they attack you? Don't you get along well with those villagers in Zhuxiaoqiao Village? There is news material. They will provide it to you as soon as possible. They attack the government, and you will contribute to the situation. You are very capable!"

Liu Xiwen didn't say anything.

Zhang Yang said, "The Southeast Daily is very influential. The reporters from such a big newspaper should be all iron-boned. You all adhere to the truth. How can you be scared by a group of ordinary people?

Liu Xiwen listened to Zhang Yang's coconut steal and didn't say a word.

Zhang Yang said, "The township police station can't protect you for the rest of your life. I don't think you are really afraid. You are at a loss. If you are rich in immoral things, you are not at ease."

Liu Xiwen said, "What do you mean?"

Zhang Yang said, "I'm too lazy to talk nonsense to you. Now the investigation results of the police have come out, and Chen Chongshan's matter has been settled. I know what you want to write. Southeast Daily is not in Pinghai. You came all the way here to report on Pinghai. Someone must have instructed you!"

Liu Xiwen's face turned red and white. He shook his head and said, "No one instructed us!"

Zhang Yang sneered and said, "No one instructed you. It's just that you are cheap. It's so good to write some reports to praise the party and the people. You have to go to this ravine to engage in a conspiracy and trick. The two brothers of Zhu Hongxing have explained that you give them money, ask them to give you first-hand information, and encourage their brothers to make trouble. I'm surprised Why are these ordinary people so capable? After making trouble in the county and the city, and the city and the provincial capital, it turns out that you senior ginseng helped to be dog-headed military strategists!"

Liu Xiwen said, "Our reporter's duty is to make the truth of the matter public to the society!"

"Talk less about your responsibilities with me. You just have bad intentions. How can I alarm you if something big happens in Qingtai Mountain? Did someone instigate you to do this? Fair reporting, have you done it? I don't care who is behind you. If you go out of here, don't make it up. Otherwise, even if you run to the ends of the earth, I will have the ability to take you back to Qingtai Mountain and give you to the villagers to beat you up. Whether you die or not depends on your creation.

Liu Xiwen has been scared for days. Hearing Zhang Yang's intimidation, he didn't even have the courage to argue. He whispered, "Don't worry, we won't scribble when we go back. We will respect the facts!"

Zhang Yang said, "The fact is a self-defense incident. If you want to know everything about the matter, you can go to the public security organ to understand the case! In addition, the matter of your private money to the Zhu brothers has violated the press law, and the attack on the police. If these two things are really put in court, I think you guys will be waiting to lose your jobs.

Liu Xiwen knew that Zhang Yang was not threatening him. He squeezed his lips and promised again, "Director Zhang, we will not write indiscribble when we go back!"

Zhang Yang said, "Don't worry, I won't embarrass you for the time being, but I'm surprised. Who on earth will inform you?"

Liu Xiwen said, "The task of the president. We don't know either!"

Zhang Ge nodded and said, "Okay, for your words, your president is unlucky! What's his year?"

"Li Tongyu!"

Zhang Yang said again, "You have to hand over all the film and videos. I don't want the stable and prosperous situation in Jiangcheng to be destroyed because of you!"

Liu Xiwen really obediently handed over the film and videotape, and Zhang also kept his promise and escorted the five reporters to Chunyang.

Du Yufeng was quite puzzled by Zhang Yang's approach: "You know that many things were instigated by Liu Xiwen. Why did you let him go?"

Zhang Yang said, "According to your opinion, I should kill him!"

Du Yufeng said, "What are you talking about? I didn't say to let you kill him. The obvious thing is that you can dig out the behind-the-scenes messenger this time along with Liu Xiwen's clues. Why don't you continue?

"Is it interesting to dig it out? Do you think it's your public security to solve the case, and you have to break the casserole and ask to the end? Do you have to make a cloud to see the moon before you stop? The most important thing in politics is to grasp the degree. I can get into the affairs of Chunyang, and I can manage the affairs of Montenegro. What about going on? Can the people who can move Secretary Du move as we want? Governor Song asked me to investigate the situation. Calm down the mood of the masses, I have now completed the task. Other things have nothing to do with me.

Du Yufeng praised, "Ok! I haven't seen you for a few days. Are you good at it?

Zhang Yang said, "The times make heroes. I was forced to do it, otherwise how could I understand this? Reason."

Du Yufeng said, "Who on earth do you think wants to move Secretary Du?"

Zhang Yang stared at him and said, "What's wrong! This thing

Du Yufeng smiled and said, "Brother, you are all from the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection now. Are you going to hang out in Dongjiang in the future?"

Zhang Yang hasn't spoken yet. Niu Wenqiang called. He asked Zhang Yang to have something to talk about. Zhang Yang said that Du Yufeng was also here. Niu Wenqiang looked very nervous and just asked Zhang Yang to go there alone.

Zhang Yang didn't talk to Du Yufeng in detail. He drove to Jin Kaiyue and was bumpy all the way. He couldn't help scolding Zhu Heng again.

Niu Wenqiang waited for him in the manager's office and saw Zhang Yang coming over. He got up and greeted him in. The door was locked.

When Zhang Yang saw his solemn appearance, he couldn't help laughing: "What are you doing? Has the adultery department been targeted by the police?

Niu Wenqiang dragged his arm to sit down on the sofa and whispered, "Zhang Yang, you have to help me this time!"

Zhang Yang grabbed the mineral water on the coffee table, twisted it and said, "If you have something to say, I've been busy lately!" Niu Wenqiang said, "The Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection got my father over!"

Zhang Yang was slightly stunned, saying that Niu Wenqiang's father, Niu Xuedong, was the director of Chunyang Finance Bureau. Isn't there an economic problem? He put down the mineral water bottle and smiled, "Don't worry, tell me what's going on!"

Niu Wenqiang said, "It is said to cooperate with the investigation. My father has always been very careful. He seldom takes things from the public family!"

Zhang Yang said, "The public's things should not have been taken in the first place!"

Niu Wenqiang said, "You shouldn't take it. He hasn't taken it either. At most, he will collect some cigarettes and alcohol. But what is the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection looking for him for? There is no one in me. Dude, let's have a relationship. Why do you have to help me? My old man is about to retire, but there can't be anything wrong. I'm really worried that he won't be able to protect his late holiday.

Zhang Yang said, "Don't worry, I'll ask you!"

Zhang Yang took out the phone to call the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection. After thinking about it, it's better to ask Liu Yanhong first. She is still staying in Jiangcheng. Maybe this matter has something to do with her.

After receiving the phone call, Liu Yanhong heard about Niu Xuedong and immediately said, "Yes, that's good. I asked the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection to invite him. Didn't you report to me that there was a problem of misappropriation of special funds in the road renovation of Chunyang County? So I asked him to come and help with the investigation!"

Zhang Yang really didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Unexpectedly, Mr. Niu Wenqiang was taken away and had a direct relationship with him. He said with concern, "Is there any result?"

Liu Yanhong said, "What you reported is true. We will investigate further, Zhang Yang. This matter has nothing to do with you. You can return to Dongjiang as soon as possible after you finish your work.

Zhang Yang said, "The rabbit is dead and the dog is cooking, and the bird is hiding. This matter is not over yet, so you want to drive me back!" Liu Yanhong couldn't help laughing: "Your work performance is obvious to all, just wait for the reward!"

"Is there anything wrong with the bull game?"

Liu Yanhong said, "Don't worry, he's fine. As the finance director, he is just an executor. After talking about the situation, he will go back. It's not a double rule. What are you afraid of?"

After Zhang Yang understood this matter, he told Liu Yanhong about the reporter of Southeast Daily.

Liu Yanhong pondered for a moment and said, "You have handled it well. Let them go back first. It's better not to be deadlocked in the media!"

Zhang Yang knows that Liu Yanhong's real concern is not the media. According to his temper, he really wants to follow this clue to the end, but Zhang Yang also knows that this matter is too extensive and can never be solved by him. What he should do now is to deal with his affairs well. Do a good job at the grassroots level. Other things are left to others.

Zhang Yang said, "Secretary Liu, my mission in Chunyang is over?"

Liu Yanhong said, "It's over. The purpose of our visit to Jiangcheng this time is to find out the truth of the matter. Now that we have figured it out, what are we going to do here all the time?

"Didn't you ask me to check whether the cadres at all levels in Chunyang have incompetent behavior in this incident?"

Liu Yanhong smiled and said, "There is a conclusion about right and wrong. You have reflected that the work of the Commission for Discipline Inspection is to deal with and correct mistakes, not find mistakes from others!"

Zhang Yang hung up the phone and thought about it for a long time. But no matter how I think about it, I still feel that the work of the Commission for Discipline Inspection is to find fault with others. The reason why Liu Yanhong said this is to remind him to pay attention to moderation and never deepen the matter.

When Niu Wenqiang heard that his father was fine, he was immediately happy. He hurriedly summoned Du Yufeng. Zhao Xinwei came to drink, but Zhang Yang could not stay. He had to rush back to Jiangcheng tonight. Du Tianye had something to do with him. Xu Zhaobin, the deputy county magistrate who just got on the bus, called again. The matter that Niu Xuedong, the director of Finance, was taken away by the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection was still greatly affected. Xu Zhaobin is currently on the united front with the county Changsha Puyuan. His relationship with Zhang Yang is relatively closer, so he wants to inquire about

What's wrong with Zhang Yang? One question: I don't know. Although he was temporarily seconded to the Commission for Discipline Inspection, Zhang Yang also learned to keep secrets. He would not reveal his concubine until the matter was clear.

But the officialdom of Chunyang County has become very unstable from this moment on. The first one is Shao Weijiang, the director of the Chunyang County Public Security Bureau, who has been promoted. He was promoted to vice principal of Jiangcheng Police School. The appointment came very suddenly, but it was not surprising for Du Weijiang. Since the police-civilian conflict in Zhuxiaoqiao Village, he has been fully prepared.

This spring night is not quiet. In a villa by Yayun Lake, several important figures in Jiangcheng are drinking tea and chatting.

The person sitting in the center is Zhao Yanglin, the director of the National People's Congress. Ma Yimin, chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, sat next to him, and Vice Mayor Yuan Chengxi walked around the room excitedly. As he walked, he waved his arm: "Public revenge! How can he kick Comrade Qingsheng out of the Standing Committee? Comrade Qingsheng has done so many years of publicity work, and he said he would take it! There is no room for manoeuvre, and there is not even a question for us or myself. It's chilling, it's really chilling!" On the surface, he is complaining about Yang Qingsheng, but in fact, he is complaining for himself.

Ma Yimin kept silent as usual. He looked at Zhao Yanglin beside him with a smile. Among them, Zhao Yanglin was the backbone.

Zhao Yanglin said: "The historical proof of mankind,

The fierce political struggle has to pay a price. Comrade Qingsheng's health is not good. If the basket is not good, it is also right to make way for other comrades.

Yuan Chengxi said, "Director Zhao, this matter can't be done like this. We are a socialist country. No one can cover the sky with one hand. I think Comrade Qingsheng has been treated unfairly. We should report the situation to our superior leaders.

Zhao Yanglin said coldly, "Do you think Secretary Du didn't communicate with the provincial leaders before making this decision?"

In a word, Yuan Chengxi was stunned.

Ma Yimin smiled and said, "Lao Yuan, sit down and have a cup of tea to calm down!"

Yuan Chengxi said, "Jiangcheng can't go on like this. Director Zhao, we can't watch Jiangcheng stop at the hands of some people!"

Zhao Yanglin said, "Lao Yuan, be more patient. I didn't tell you that things will change soon!"

Yuan Chengxi said, "Director Zhao, what time is it? There is no movement on it. Has things changed?

Zhao Yanglin picked up the tea cup and took a slow sip. He despised Yuan Chengxi in his heart. No wonder Yuan Chengxi could not stand out among many deputy mayors. In this way, people are still too impetuous and lack calm when encountering things. Zhao Yanglin said, "The things set will not change!"

Yuan Chengxi breathed a sigh of relief: "But Secretary Du's action this time is very big!"

Zhao Yanglin said, "Do your own work well; be worthy of the Party, worthy of the people, and everything else is not important!"

Du Tianye and Rong Pengfei drank against each other. Since the Qingtai Mountain Fighting Incident, Du Tianye has rarely been in the mood to drink.

Rong Pengfei helped him fill up the wine, picked up the wine and accompanied him to drink a cup and said, "Secretary Du, congratulations on solving this matter!"

Du Tianye smiled indifferently and said, "What do you want to congratulate? I didn't play any role in the whole incident. I should thank you!"

Rong Pengfei said, "Don't thank me. If you want to thank me, you should thank Zhangyang. If it weren't for him, the matter of Zhu Xiaoqiao Village would not have been solved so smoothly!"

Du Tianye sighed: "The authorities are fascinated by the onlookers. This time, my handling of the Qingtai Mountain Fighting Incident is really out of standard!"

Rong Pengfei said meaningfully, "If it hadn't been for someone secretly adding fuel to the trouble, the matter would not have been so big. The villagers in Zhu Xiaoqiao Village bit Chen Chongshan and would not let go. There must be a high-level guide. The sudden re-off of Su Yuanyu made this matter complicated."

Hearing the name of Su Nuanyu, Du Tianye's hand holding the glass paused for a moment and stopped for five seconds before drinking the glass of wine.

Rong Pengfei observed his words and whispered, "Su Yunuan's behavior has been suspected of providing evidence, and she can be prosecuted!"

Du Tianye shook his head and said, "Forget it. In that chaotic situation, a girl's panic and fear are inevitable. Lao Rong, there is no need to investigate. This is the end of this matter. For other relevant people involved, they should be dealt with at their discretion and given a lighter punishment!"

Rong Pengfei whispered, "Don't check it?"

Du Tianye asked, "Can you find out?"

Rong Pengfei said, "There is nothing absolute in the world!"

Du Tianye said, "What did you hear?"

Rong Pengfei was about to speak when the doorbell suddenly rang. But Zhang Yang rushed back from Chunyang County. Before he entered the gate, he shouted, "I said, Secretary Du, what kind of people do you hire in your municipal party committee compound? You don't even know my car!"

Du Tianye and Rong Pengfei both laughed. Du Tianye laughed and said, "Who do you think you are?"

Zhang Yang said, "I said, I'm a good friend of Du Tianye, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, and he doesn't give me face. Well, if you don't give me face, I won't give you face!"

Rong Pengfei said with great interest, "Then how did you get in?"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Then I told him. I'm Zhang Yang, the one who hit the Hong Kong businessman two days ago! The doorman looked in front of me and immediately smiled at me. Director Zhang, if you didn't say it was you earlier, please come in!" This guy learned the expression of the doorman just now, which made Rong Pengfei and Du Tianye almost laugh.

Du Tianye laughed and scolded, "Bung Boy," you are clearly implying me that I am not as powerful as you in Jiangcheng!"

Zhang Yangdu washed his hands in the bathroom and sat down at the table. Rong Pengfei had poured him a glass of wine and said, "Come on, welcome our first meritorious official to return to Jiangcheng!"

Zhang Yang raised his neck to dry the glass of wine, reached out and grabbed the leg of the white-cut chicken, gnawed twice and said, "The smell of the municipal government canteen?" He said it was a trick from the government.

Du Tianye nodded and said, "I called Rongju to come over for two drinks, so I packed a few dishes from one move.

Zhang Yang praised, "It's really clean. As long as you say a word, they will definitely move the kitchen over." He finished nibbling the chicken leg, smashed his mouth and said, "It's not delicious. It's not as good as Su's marriage aid!" The one obviously sprinkled salt on the wound.

Rong Pengfei is really impressed. He is the only one who dares to talk to Du Tianye like this in the whole Jiangcheng.

Du Tianye stared at him and said, "You don't talk. No one thinks you're dumb!"

Zhang Yang picked up his glass and said, "Secretary Liu of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection asked me to go back to the provincial city as soon as possible to report on Secretary Du's work. It seems that the matter of Qingtai Mountain's fight is over!"

Du Tianye said, "Does Secretary Liu really want to withdraw?"

Zhang Yang nodded and said, "It's true!"

Rong Pengfei said, "Mr. Tian has returned to the river in the afternoon!"

Du Tianye has understood from all signs that the upper class does not want this matter to continue. That's all, before he decided to deal with Yang Qingsheng. Specially calling and communicating with provincial leaders, Gu Yunzhi's attitude is very clear. Anyone who destroys the unity and stability of Jiangcheng must be taught. But at the same time, Gu Yunzhi also stressed that everything should be based on stability, and it seems that he doesn't want him to move too much.

Rong Pengfei looked at the time. He got up and said goodbye, "Secretary Du, I have to go first. I've been busy these days, and you have put my opinion!" In fact, he saw that Du Tianye and Zhang Yang must have something to talk about, and he was not suitable to stay and listen. C