Medical official path

Chapter 349 Control on

The results of the second demonstration of the expert group on the stadium stand project came out. The facts proved that there were not too many defects in the quality of the project. This result was absolutely unexpected by everyone. All the members of the investigation team, including Liu Yanhong, did not expect that Liu Haijun, who did not even have engineering resources, took a The migrant workers did not do the tofu dregs project. Perhaps Liu Haijun's words can explain this strange phenomenon: "My mother said that you have to be down-to-earth, and you have to do things well when you get the money!" Liu Haijun's mother has passed away for many years, and maybe she didn't expect that her original words would have such a big impact on her son in the future.

There is no problem with the quality of the project, which makes the internal parties in Pinghai Province relieved. No matter what loopholes and problems exist in the renovation project of the stadium, the quality of the project has passed the test. This is a fact, and it has also passed the demonstration of the expert group twice. In other words, the construction party should not be Taking the main responsibility, the real reason for the collapse is that the number of spectators drinking to the stands in a short period of time greatly exceeds the carrying capacity of the obium of the stands itself, and collapse is inevitable.

Gu Yunzhi, Secretary of the Pinghai Provincial Party Committee, and Song Huaiming, the governor of the province, gathered together again after the matter was initially clear. They discussed how to deal with this matter. Song Huaiming first reported the compensation plan to Gu Yunzhi. In terms of compensation, they gave the maximum compensation according to the relevant regulations, and the medical The sea is fully responsible.

Gu Yun knew: "In fact, tracking down the riots is not to shirk responsibility. I just don't want Yun'an Province to put too much pressure on us, and I want them to realize that they are also responsible for this incident."

Song Huaiming sighed and said, "Although there is no problem with the design and construction quality of the project, there are still many problems. If there are no 4 or 17 tragedies, these inside stories may be permanently hidden, but with the collapse of the stands, these insider transactions behind the sun are also exposed. In broad daylight.

Gu Yun knew: "The real reason for the collapse of the stands was the riot of fans. There were too many people in the West Stand in a short period of time, which exceeded the carrying limit of the stands!"

Song Huaiming said, "This is a fact, but it is not easy to be accepted by the people. Most people will intuitively think that there is a problem with the quality of the project. If we throw out the real reason now, it is estimated that the families of those who died will definitely not agree. Instead of the situation will not calm down, but Ding,

Gu Yun knew: "Anyone should respect the facts. The victims are worthy of sympathy, but they also have a certain responsibility for this incident. There are many responsibilities for this matter. The organizer of the game, the co-organizer of the game, the referee, the club officials, and even the players, there is no problem. No!"

Song Huaiming said, "Yun'an Province asked to take over the investigation of the bribery case of Taihong Club!"

Gu Yunzhi smiled indifferently and said, "They began to take the initiative and began to realize that they should face the reality, instead of blindly putting pressure on us. This tragedy is not the one-sided responsibility of Pinghai!

Song Huaiming said, "Do you think we should hand over the bribery case of Taihong Jule Gao to Yun'an Province?" Gu Yunzhi asked, "What do you think?"

Song Huaiming said, "In principle, we should hand it over. If we don't hand it over, we can find the Taihong Club at most, and we can't go further!" Gu Yun knew: "If you hand it over, will Yun'an Province continue to investigate?"

Song Huaiming did not say anything. He also knew about Taihong's background. Although Gao Yong had admitted that it was Zhao Guoqu who ordered him to bribe Zhu Yi, this matter was denied by Zhao Guoqu and handed over to Yun'an. Things will definitely change. However, the key to this problem is not to track down the fake black whistle, The reason for the fan riot, referee Zhu Yi is the briber and the briber is Gao Yong, deputy general manager of Taihong Club, but their starting point is to manipulate the game, and the fan riot is not what they want to happen. If they keep up with the operation, Yun'an Province is bound to continue to work on the quality of the project. The two sides will fall into a difficult game. The deeper they dig, the more problems will be exposed, and the more difficult it will be to solve. Song Huaiming said, "It's their business whether to check or not!" Gu Yunzhi said meaningfully, "How are you going to deal with the matter of 4 and 17?"

Song Huaiming said: "Hui Jingmin, the director of the Provincial Sports Commission, should come out and take responsibility. The contractor of the stadium renovation project should bear certain responsibility for this incident, and the construction party should also bear the corresponding responsibility!

Gu Yun knew: "Since it has been proved that there is no problem with the engineering design and construction quality, "Why do you still hit their boards?"

Song Huaiming said, "The board must be beaten. Liang Chenglong illegally subcontracted, which involves someone collecting project rebates. The purpose of beating their boards is to show to the public, and also to teach them J)1!"

Gu Yunzhi nodded. This matter involves two provinces, which is extremely ** and subtle. If it is not handled well, the two sides will continue to be deadlocked and refuse to cooperate. The result will inevitably be both sides. He believes that Qiaoyeliang is a smart person, and Pinghai will take the Taihong Club! ↑. ↑!!. If you give it to Yun'an, Qiao Zhenliang will understand their attitude. It won't take long, ': \{Ding-↓,! ;, ↑ will come to Pinghai to serve as the secretary of the provincial party committee. It is impossible for him to do anything in this matter, if one. Before he comes to Pinghai, he will leave a bad impression on officials at all levels in Pinghai, and even stimulate the resistance of officials, which is not good for Qiao Zhenliang's future work.

It's not that Song Huaiming doesn't want to investigate, but that there is no way to investigate this matter. The fact is clear that the collapse of the stadium stands has nothing to do with the quality of the project, but there are indeed problems in the project. "Someone has to bear the responsibility. It is the fans who caused the collapse. It It happened, but the fans have become victims and will still play the role of victims. The reason for their riots is this unfair game, and the makers of the game are the referees and the club.

Song Huaiming did not have much interest in China's sports mechanism, but the problem is in front of him. He must make a difference. Although he is the governor of a province, he has not done much in this regard. The scope of this mechanism is too broad, and it cannot be changed by himself.

Gu Yunzhi seemed to be aware of Song Huaiming's thoughts at this time and whispered, "Some ugly things are like cancers living in the human body. I wish I could cut them all with one knife, but if I cut them off, this person will lose too much blood, which will cause more serious diseases, so we can only do it step by Cut one by one! It also takes a long process to recover. We must be patient!" Song Huaiming and Gu Yunzhi sighed: "One day, we will remove all these cancers, so that our system can be healthy and let the people live and work in peace and contentment!"

Hong Weiji reported the progress of the incident to Qiao Zhenliang, the secretary of the provincial party committee, and found that Qiao Zhenliang did not seem to be listening. Hong Weiki stopped talking awkwardly.

Qiao Zhenliang looked at the desktop of the desk. As if thoughtful, he forgot the existence of Hong Weiki in front of him. He just woke up and smiled unconsciously, "I went to bed too late last night, and suddenly felt a little tired!"

Hong Weiki didn't know what his words had to do with the topic discussed today. He smiled and said, "Secretary Qiao should pay more attention to his health. We have to rely on your leadership!"

The matter that Qiao Zhenliang is about to go to Pinghai Province has been quietly spread, and there is no need for him to hide it. He smiled indifferently and said, "You don't have much time!" This is the first time that Qiao Zhenliang revealed what he wanted to leave in front of people. Hong Weiki said, "What if Secretary Qiao really is?"

Qiao Zhenliang nodded: "The Central Organization Department has talked to me. I will go to Pinghai at the end of May, and Lao He will take my place." The old He he mentioned is He Jinmin, the former governor of Pinghai Province. He is 55 years old, a little older than Qiao Zhenliang. Hong Weiki said oh, and he did not feel too lost. In terms of seniority and political achievements, he is still far from the leader of Yun'an Province. What's more, he hasn't been here for a long time since he came to Yun'an Province. The stool is not hot, and it is difficult to get promoted, but he and He Jinmin In this sense, the relationship is closer than Qiao Zhenliang.

Hong Weiji wants to get close to Qiao Zhenliang in his heart, but Qiao Zhenliang's personality is by no means as amiable as he seems. Qiao Zhenliang is kind in front of anyone, but he keeps a considerable distance between him and anyone. It is difficult to get close to each other's relationship with such people. Qiao Zhenliang's origin Jing decided that he didn't need to consider other people's feelings at all. He was born to be a superior. If you think that his warm smile to you means that he is willing to open his heart to you, then you are wrong. Hong Weiji sighed, "I really don't want you to leave!"

Qiao Zhenliang smiled again. He was very close to the people and smiled very kindly. If such a person hadn't known his identity in advance, no one would have been associated with the secretary of the provincial party committee. Qiao Zhenliang's thinking was very jumpy, and he suddenly returned to the 4th and 17th incidents: "The collapse of the Dongjiang Stadium stands really has nothing to do with the quality of the project?"

Hong Wei nodded: "The Pinghai Expert Group and the Central Expert Group have all demonstrated. We attended the demonstration meeting. The design of the project meets the standards, and there is no problem with the construction quality. It should be said that what really led to the collapse of the stands was the fan riot. In a short period of time, too many fans poured into the The upper limit of the stand, and then this tragedy happened. Qiao Zhenliang said, "There is a big problem in organizational management!

Hong Weiki said: "Pinghai has reacted. The director of the Provincial Sports Committee, the director of the Dongjiang Sports Committee, the officials of the Football Association, and the construction contractors are all under control. It seems that they will bear the corresponding responsibilities! ' Qiao Zhenliang said indifferently, "If you don't do this, it's not enough for civilians to be angry!" Hong Weiji said, "They handed over the matter of the Taihong Club to us!"

Qiao Zhenliang leaned back on the back of the chair and whispered, "Is the bribery of Taihong Club true?"

Hong Weiji said, "Gao Yong, deputy general manager of Taihong Club, has confessed to the bribery. The referee Zhu Yi and others also admitted the process of bribery. The confessions of both sides were consistent. However, when Gao Yong was in Pinghai, he had a confession that Zhao Guoliang, the general manager of Taihong Club, instructed Immediately retort the confession, saying that Zhang Yang of the other party's investigation team forced him to make a confession against him, forcing him to say so!

Qiao Zhenliang frowned. The reason why he is in such an embarrassing situation now is closely related to the purchase case of Taihong Club. Otherwise, in the game between them and the peaceful sea, Yun'an will have the upper hand. Up to now, the surface of Pinghai seems to be very thunderous and the coverage is very wide, but the raindrops As the incident went deeper, I don't know what kind of considerations Gu Yunzhi and Song Huaiming had? Qiao Zhenliang also understood that the reason why they successfully handed over the bribery case of Taihong Club to Yun'an is not a compromise, but an attitude. They look forward to their performance, and the two sides will cooperate with each other. 17 The incident was handled well.

Qiao Zhenliang whispered, "According to what the body said, objectively speaking, is this collapse caused by fan riots? Hong Weiki nodded. Qiao Zhenliang said, "So, the culprit is this unfair game? Hong Weiji said, "Does Secretary Qiao mean to thoroughly investigate the club?"

Qiao Zhenliang closed his eyes and seemed to be settled. After a while, he said, "The more you investigate, the greater the responsibility of Yun'an!" Yuzhou\} Ji looked at Qiao Zhenliang with some confusion.

Qiao Zhenliang said, "It happened in Pinghai. At the beginning, Yun'an should not be involved. Pinghai went hand in hand around several lines. Their real intention to check the black whistle of the court was to drag us in and let Yun'an change from a pure victim to one of the bearers of responsibility! Hong Weiki has also seen this matter clearly and has to admire Gu Yunzhi's smart wrist.

Qiao Zhenliang said, "In fact, Taihong is really not clean, that's why this matter has developed into the current situation.

Hong Weigi has understood what Qiao Zhenliang means. As he just said, the more you investigate, the greater the responsibility of Yunto. Even if you investigate, it is not now. He whispered, "Secretary Qiao, don't worry, I will deal with this matter!"

The publicity is in 4. After the incident, he visited Liang Chenglong as a friend for the first time. The matter was basically clear. Liang Chenglong will bear the responsibility, but the responsibility is not as serious as expected. Liang Chenglong looked at Zhang Yang and smiled: "Director Zhang wants to interrogate me? All the things I should say said with a smile, "How can you fucking laugh!"

Qu Chenglong sighed, "Why can't I laugh? The ghost door closed for a moment and I came back again. Fortunately, I'm really lucky!"

Zhang Yang sat down opposite him, took out a box of cigarettes from his pocket, opened it, handed one to Liang Chenglong, and helped him pick up the cigarette.

Qu Chenglong took a sip and said, "Today, are you visiting me as a friend or asking me as a member of the Commission for Discipline Inspection? Zhang Yang said, "The former! Qu Cheng-Long said, "It's really not easy!" Zhang Yang said, "Your confession is quite positive this time!"

Liang Chenglong nodded and said, "I haven't had a good sleep these days. If there is a problem with the quality of the project, it will kill my head! I haven't lived enough. My career has just started. "I'm not willing to die like this." He paused for a moment and took a few puffs of smoke.

Zhang Yang frowned and couldn't help reminding him: "Take two sips less, don't be reincarnated like a smoker!"

Qu Chenglong took a breath, and the white smoke from his mouth was sucked in by his nostrils. "His expression was very enjoyable, but Zhang Yang looked at it but felt a little disgusting. Liang Chenglong said, "Really, I thought I was going to die this time, as long as I don't implicate others and don't affect others!" The other person he mentioned is his uncle Liang Tianzheng, Secretary of the Dongjiang Municipal Party Committee. Zhang Yang said, "You still have a responsibility, and you can be regarded as a man!"

Liang Chenglong said, "With so many people dead, I can't get over my conscience. I think it's a matter of the quality of the project. I regret subcontracting the project to Liu Haijun, but I didn't expect that this problem did not come out of the quality of the project." Zhang Yang said, "You will also be punished for illegal subcontracting!"

Liang Chenglong said, "This is what I deserve. In fact, if I bite my mouth from the beginning and don't confess Liu Haijun, my responsibility will be lighter, and others will not know about the subcontracting project."

Zhang Yang laughed and said, "During the Anti-Japanese War, people like you were traitors. You haven't been severely tortured to force confessions. You have taken all of them!" Qu Chenglong said, "Have you come out with the above handling opinions?"

Zhang Yang said, "This matter has a great impact. Although there is no problem with the engineering design and quality, you have to pay for the illegal subcontracting covert operation in the project. According to me, you may be sentenced! According to the nature, it will not take more than seven years. Qu Chenglong said, "As long as I don't die, I will be lucky. I will obey any punishment!" Zhang Yang said, "Your illegal subcontracting will face a large fine!"

Qu Chenglong said, "In addition to the fine, I decided to donate two million to the deceased this time to express my heartfelt apology!"

Zhang Yang looked at Liang Chenglong and suddenly felt that there was a reborn change in this man's body. After experiencing ups and downs, people will indeed change his mentality. Liang Chenglong's experience of this incident is no different from his death once, so he can calmly accept the current results.

But Zhang Yang was not uncomfortable. He worked hard to track down the bribery case of Taihong Club. He used various methods to break through Gao Yong's psychological defense and let him confess Zhao Guoliang. Just as Zhang Yang was about to attack Zhao Guoliang, he handed over the Taihong Club case to Yun'an, which made Zhang Yang have a punch. The feeling of emptiness, he was very frustrated. He went to Liu Yanhong to complain. Liu Yanhong was also very depressed. He just said that he meant it, and there was nothing he could do.

At this time, neither Gu Yunzhi nor Song Huaiming will be in a good mood, and Zhangguan did not dare to take the initiative to touch this mold. He said angrily, "Is this the end of the matter? I have found Zhao Guoliang. He is the planner of the bribery. He is the culprit of the tragedy. Why don't he investigate it? Why did he hand over the matter of Taihong Club to Yundu?

Liu Yanhong smiled bitterly and said, "Don't ask me, I don't know why! Now the feedback from Yun'an said that Gao Yong complained that you tortured him, and he was a trick! Zhang Yang said angrily, "It's paralyzed. What is it? Let him come and check the wound!

Liu Yanhong stared at him. The man spoke rudely, but it was justifiable to think about it. He finally dug out a big fish. In a blink of an eye, the big fish was about to run away, and no one would feel good about it. Liu Yanhong said, "They don't really want to pursue you. According Love has nothing to do with Zhao Guoliang!" It doesn't matter. Fools can see that it was Zhao Guoliang who instructed him!"

Liu Yanhong said, "Gao Yong bites to death. You can't prove this matter. Now that Yun'an has taken over, they think that this matter has been found out, 4. The 17th incident should be over!"

Zhang Yang sneered and said, "Politics is indeed a game for a few people. They can play whatever they want!" 31 people have died, and now the reason has been traced. Why don't you make this matter completely clear?

Liu Yanhong said, "The most important thing now is to calm down this incident and comfort the dead and injured. Even if you can prove that Zhao Guoliang instigated Gao Yong to bribe, it is nothing more than one more person in prison. Will the dead be resurrected? If you dig deep into Taihong, Yun'an Province will not allow it. For Yun'an and Pinghai, if you continue to dig deeply, you will dismantle each other, and the consequences can only be both sides. Zhang Yang said, "Then let people like Zhao Guoliang go unpunished?"

Liu Yanhong sighed and said, "Zhang Yang, Gao Yong stood up and took on this matter. There are no loopholes in the law. Although he admitted that it was Zhao Guoliang instigated him before, Zhao Guoliang denied it. He washed it cleanly and took the money from the finance without his signature. We couldn't find any Zhang Yang said, "As long as I catch him, I can let him move!"

Liu Yanhong said, "We are the Commission for Discipline Inspection, not the Public Security Bureau. You have to know your position clearly. Things are over, and you must accept this reality!"

Zhang Yang said, "There is no fairness in the whole matter. Although Liang Chenglong and Liu Haijun have illegal subcontracting, there is no problem with the quality of the project, but they have to bear legal responsibility. The culprit who really caused the riots among fans is Zhao Guoliang, but this bastard has to go unpunished!"

[The first update is 6,000 words, and it will be updated in the evening. Octopus, please guarantee the monthly ticket!] ( To be continued, if you want to know's. How's it going? Please log in and read!) H