Medical official path

Chapter 356 Ask for advice

Zhang Yang said, "Minister Xu, I'm not very familiar with Fengze's situation. I just read some of Fengze's traffic science recently!"

Xu Biao said, "You asked the right person. Before Fengze became a county-level city, I served as the head of Fengze County and the secretary of the Political and Legal Committee. Fengze is a large grain-producing household in Jiangcheng. It is a heavy feed of agriculture and mostly plains. Fengze Lake, the second largest freshwater lake in Ping I know very well, the hometown of fish and rice, a good place!" Xu Yabei said, "I still remember that when I was a child, I lived by Fengze Lake and ate a lot of fish and shrimp.

Xu Biao said, "Shen Qinghua, the current secretary of Fengze Municipal Party Committee, is 58 years old. If there is no accident, he should work in Fengze to retired. This person has never left the political arena of Jiangcheng. He is one of the elders in Jiangcheng system. He works steadily and has a good political reputation. He On weekdays, he goes to and from work from the family home of the county party committee, and he doesn't need a driver. Zhang Yang nodded and said, "It's rare!"

Xu Biao said, "Mayor Sun Dongqiang, you should be very familiar with it. He hasn't been to Fengze for a long time, but from the feedback, the reputation is not bad. After all, Director Zhao, a political veteran, has pointed out, and his progress is also obvious." Xu Biao deserves to be engaged in organizational work. He told several municipal members of the Standing Committee of Fengze, such as Jiazhen. Zhang Yang nodded frequently. He collected it for most of the day! $ It's not as good as getting more from Xu Biao. Today's meal is not in vain, even the conversation of the organization department and the understanding of the situation of Fengze cadres. Zhang Yang asked for advice, "Minister Xu, what kind of working method do you think I should use when I go to Fengze?"

Xu Biao said: "As the saying is that the new official takes office with three fires. In fact, it is misleading. The person who dares to set fire must be the one who holds the right to speak. The secretary of the Fengze Municipal Party Committee can set fire, the mayor can set fire, and even the members of the Standing Committee can set Others will say that you don't do anything and have no ability. As you just said, it's a little low-key. In these years, people will not say that you are modest, only say that you are cowardly, and only that you have no ability.

Zhang Yang was a little confused. Xu Biao said that it was not appropriate to set fire, and said that it was not good to keep a low profile. Can he, the deputy mayor, have to set fire secretly?

Xu Biao said, "I just said that you, the deputy mayor, are easy to do. If you just want to complete your term, you can obey the order and obey the command. If you want to make a difference, you have to judge the situation. Zhang Yang said, "Speaking of all, I'm a small official. In fact, I don't have any power!"

Xu Biao smiled and said, "Not really, any organizational structure is full of factional struggles. This is Chinese characteristics. It is inevitable. If you go to Fengze, the first thing you face is the problem of standing in the team. Even if you don't think about it, someone will definitely pull you in. See the form clearly and then decide what to It's a mess."

Xu Yawei said, "Dad, why do you always persuade Zhang Yang to fool around? When the new official takes office, it is the time to show his ambition. If you don't say encouraging words, you keep retreating, which is a little too unspeakable." Xu Biao laughed and scolded, "You know nothing!" What don't I understand? The size is also a captain!"

"How many people can there be on a boat? How can you understand the complexity of politics!" Xu Biao turned to Zhang Yang and said, "The right way to deal with the situation is to deal with the situation. You are appointed as the deputy mayor of Fengze City. Secretary Du is under a lot of pressure. You have to work hard and prove your ability as soon as possible. After Zhang Yang left Xu Biao's house that night, he went to visit Li Changyu. Li Changyu and his wife Ge Chunli were watching TV. Since the defeat of the competition for mayor, Li Changyu has obviously kept a low profile. This is not only reflected in the Standing Committee, but also in the specific work. He rarely puts forward pioneering ideas and suggestions, but Silently acting as an executor of a superior policy, which is also the reason why the relationship between him and Zuo Aid North Korea has quickly eased and even become a lot.

After Aunt Su's death, the number of Zhang Yang's visits to Li Changyu's house was also significantly reduced. Ge Chunli was very surprised to see Zhang Yang's visit: "Zhang Yang! I haven't seen you for a few days!

Zhang Yang shouted with a smile, "Aunt Ge!"

Ge Chunli turned around and said, "Changyu! Zhang Yang is coming!"

Li Changyu said, "Please invite him in!"

Li Changyu sat on the sofa with a cigarette in his hand. A Taiwanese bitter drama was playing on the TV. Ge Chunli poured a cup of tea for Zhang Yang and immediately devoted herself to the TV program. Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Uncle Li, when do you also like to watch these bitter dramas?"

Li Changyu smiled helplessly and said, "Your aunt Ge had to let me accompany me, saying that it was to relax the brain. As soon as I heard the people in the play, my scalp was numb." He got up and pointed to the outside: "Let's talk outside. Don't delay Aunt Ge watching TV!" Yes. Zhang Yang answered and came to the yard with Li Changyu with a teacup. Sitting under the vine, Li Changyu smiled and said, "Are you on your way?" Zhang Yang smiled and said, "I really can't hide anything from you. Mayor Li's eyes are like a torch!"

Li Changyu said, "It's smooth-tongued. You are about to become the deputy mayor of Fengze. "Be more stable." Zhang Yang nodded and said, "Yes, yes!"

Li Changyu said, "It's not aluminum to go to Fengze. After Secretary Gu leaves office, Pinghai's political arena will definitely face a storm. Fengze is a safe haven." Sun Dongqiang is the mayor, and I'm afraid it's not peaceful when I go to Fengze!" In front of Li Changyu, he spoke as straightforwardly as ever.

Li Changyu said, "There are no eternal enemies and no eternal friends in politics. Only political interests remain unchanged!" Zhang Yang was stunned. He was stunned.

Li Changyu smoked. Yan said, "Feng Ze's right to speak is not in the hands of Sun Dongqiang, nor in your hands. In the hands of Shen Qinghua, Shen Qinghua is a famous official. This person is very stable, stable and a little conservative. You should be more careful to get along with him." Zhang Yang said, "I'm just a little official in charge of culture, education and health. I try not to mind my own business!"

Li Changyu said, "It's not easy to do culture, education and health. You have worked steadily for two years. If there are any difficulties, I will help you!" Li Changyu's words are sincere. Zhang Yang nodded with a sense of nod.

Li Changyu added: "When Secretary Du nominated you as the deputy mayor of Fengze City, many members of the Standing Committee came out to oppose it. I think Jiangcheng will become more and more uneasy." Zhang Yang disdained and said, "I have offended Zhao Yanglin since I ran for the top ten young people. He has always wanted to deal with me!"

Li Changyu sighed in his heart. From the nomination of Zhang Yang as the deputy mayor of Fengze City, it can be seen that the changes have quietly changed within the municipal standing committee. The biggest change is in the mayor Zuo Yuanchao. Zuo Yuanchao's opposition was an unprecedented thing, not to mention Zhang Yang The relationship between Zuo Yuanchao and Zhang Yang was once very close. His attitude was thought-provoking. Like Zuo Yuanchao, Xiao Ming, the new member of the Standing Committee, also showed an ambiguous attitude. He should have supported his relationship with Zhang Yang, but he proposed to vote.

Du Tianye, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, obviously saw this. He refused to vote because he was not sure and did not have the confidence to let the proposal be passed. As expected, there are no eternal friends in politics. Li Changyu understands that whether Zhang Yang or stays, the political struggle in Jiangcheng will inevitably come.

Zhang Yang said, "Uncle Li, I came here to learn from you. It's my first time to take such a job and manage so many people. I don't know where to start!"

Li Changyu smiled and said, "I can't teach you now. With my experience and experience, I almost shake my head. If I were in your position, I would definitely not adopt your treatment method, but it turned out that your method is very effective, and you should do things according to your own mind. In a word, As long as you have a clear conscience, you can do it well in any position.

Zhang Yang nodded: "I'm going to let Chang Lingfeng go to Fengze to help me. He has a good way in economics."

Li Changyu couldn't help laughing. With his understanding of Zhang Yang, this boy must have a big fight in Fengze. Du Tianye put him in Fengze, obviously creating conflicts. Is this young market drug secretary ready to attack Zhao Yanglin?

Li Changyu said: "We should pay attention to have a good relationship with the local officials of Fengze. Shen Qinghua, Secretary of the Fengze Municipal Party Committee, was inspected by the Organization Department with me in those years. He was not selected because of his age. Shen Qinghua's official voice is very good and has great prestige in Fengze. Almost all At the level of the city, Shen Qinghua is at the deputy department level. Zhang Yang said, "I don't know if he swallowed anything?"

The speaker was unintentional, and the listener was intentional. Li Changyu's old face couldn't help but have a fever. He coughed twice, looked behind him, and said in a low voice, "Recently, my body is not as good as before: i; . . . R. . . . "

When Zhang Yang saw Li Changyu's shy little girl-like expression, he couldn't help laughing. With his smile, Li Changyu felt even more embarrassed and whispered, "Help me diagnose my pulse!"

Zhang Yang helped him diagnose his pulse: "There is no problem. Maybe there is too much pressure at work. You can practice the meditation method I gave you every day." Li Changyu sighed and said, "I haven't practiced for days!" Zhang Yang's appointment as deputy mayor of Fengze City was finally officially issued, and the news soon spread. The whole Jiangcheng system was in an uproar, envious, jealous, more gossip, and came to climb the relationship. There was an endless stream of phone calls. Zhang Yang refused. He went to the wooden house villa in Xiaonanchao to live, and there God is the day he takes office, and he wants to have a good rest. But some people can't refuse, such as Qiao Mengyuan.

Qiao Meng prostitute called to congratulate Zhang Yang on his promotion. By the way, he proposed to hold a banquet in the new emperor that night to see off Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang agreed without thinking about it. Immediately, Qiao Mengjiao's old man, Qiao Zhenliang, came to Pinghai to take charge of the government. He and Qiao Mengjiao must maintain a good relationship. Maybe it will come in handy sometime.

Zhang Yang met Zhao Yanglin, the director of the National People's Congress, in front of the new emperor's door. Although he didn't want to see this old guy in his heart, he still needed to take care of his face. Zhang Yang took the initiative to go over with a smile and stretched out his hand and said, "Director Zhao, it'

Zhao Yanglin smiled and shook hands with Zhang Yang: "Xiao Zhang, I have made an appointment with a few old friends to get together here. You are..." Zhang Yang pointed to Qiao Mengjiao in a blue skirt and said, "Mr. Qiao invited me!"

Zhao Yanglin's heart thumped. Looking at Qiao Mengjiao coming with elegant steps, he thought to himself, did this boy want to connect with Secretary Qiao through Qiao Mengyuan? In the eyes of the conspirator, everyone is a conspirator. Zhao Yanglin is quite suspicious of everything. With this idea, he suddenly feels uncomfortable in his heart.

Qiao Mengyuan first came to Zhao Yanglin and said with a smile, "Director Zhao also came to us for dinner!" Qiao Mengqiao doesn't care about the specific affairs of the hotel. On weekdays, she basically doesn't come here except for dinner.

Zhao Yanglin often comes to the new emperor. In fact, no matter who invites him to dinner, he comes here. Zhao Yanglin is a person who pays attention to details. He believes that even a meal is also a support for Qiao Meng prostitute, and his support for Qiao Mengyuan comes to Secretary Qiao's goodwill.

Zhao Yanglin smiled and said, "I like the environment here. The taste of the new emperor's dishes is especially suitable for me!"

Zhang Yang said, "Director Zhao is old. It's better to eat light. Xin Dihao's dishes are a little spicy!" His sentence is a \{6 pun.

A political veteran like Zhao Yanglin tasted the irony as soon as he heard it. Zhao Yanglin smiled and said, "I can't help it. I can't eat without chili in my life. I can't change it from Chairman Mao!" He is quite good at sticking gold on his face.

At this time, several more people came over. One of them turned out to be Vice Mayor Xiao Ming. Xiao Ming couldn't help but be stunned when he saw Zhang Yang. Zhang Yang took the initiative to say, "Mayor Xiao is also here for dinner!"

Xiao Ming nodded with a smile. Zhao Yanglin smiled and said, "We are together!" When Xiao Ming heard the words, the expression on his face was obviously a little unnatural.

Zhang Yang laughed and said, "Mayor Xiao's drinking is not very good. Drink two cups less. Director Zhao is a famous mass!"

Zhao Yanglin took Xiao Ming to walk inside, and behind him came the Zhang Yangsheng Temple: "I'll toast you later!" [ In the code word, there is another chapter in the evening]F