Medical official path

Chapter 368 Manufacturing Site

"Yang Shoujing considered that he used the upper relationship to put pressure on Zhao Guodong. He committed a corpse and shouted that Rong Pengfei, the director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, had a good relationship. It was not difficult for Rong Pengfei to put pressure on Zhao Guodong. But after thinking about it, he went to Fengze. Now he is Guodong's explanation sounds somewhat reasonable. If the contradictions among the people are resolved through negotiation, even if he arrests Xie Debiao, it will be a detention at most.

"Mayor Zhang, someone is looking for you! Xiaofu Changzheng came to report.

Zhang Yang raised his eyebrows: "Who?

Chang Lingfeng, dressed in a dark blue suit, slowly came in from the outside, carrying a box in his hand: "Mayor Zhang, it's me!"

Zhang Yang laughed. He got up to meet him and grabbed Chang Lingfeng's hand: "You're finally here!"

Chang Lingfeng smiled bitterly and said, "I don't want to come, but think about your means, I'd better be honest and obedient!"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "It's your interest."

Chang Lingfeng put down the box casually: "Inside, there are two bottles of wine that Director Liu asked me to bring. It is said that it is a new product developed by the winery this year. I'll give you a taste!"

Zhang Yang said, "I'll give you a gift when you come. It's really yours." He asked Fu Changzheng to put the wine in his bookcase.

Chang Lingfeng followed Zhang Yang to the sofa area and sat down. He looked around the office environment and said, "Mayor Zhang's office environment is so simple that he doesn't even have a computer."

Zhang Yang said, "This is no better than Jiangcheng. We, Secretary Shen, don't like the set of office automation

Fu Changzheng made two cups of tea and sent them over.

Zhang Yang said, "Xiao Fu, it's your business here!"

Fu Changzheng nodded and retreated.

Chang Lingfeng said, "In the past, I heard that the secretary of the Fengze Municipal Party Committee was a two-sleeve clean official. Today, I saw that it was indeed the case

Zhang Yang said, "I'm worried that there is no help around me. You've finally come over!"

Chang Lingfeng said, "Vice Mayor Zhang is best at fighting alone, and he doesn't need help at all!"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Nonsense, one hero and three gangs. Of course I need help!"

Chang Lingfeng said, "I'm here with a bad reputation. What are you going to ask me to do?

Zhang Yang said, "It's better to attract investment."

Chang Lingfeng smiled and said, "Is there any mistake? As far as I said, you are now responsible for culture, education and health, and investment is not under your control!"

Zhang Yang said, "Culmonary and health also need to attract investment. I still have this right. I've thought about it and I'm ready to set it up. In the Office of Culture, Education and Health Reform, you serve as the director of the office, and Zhang Ruirong serves as the deputy director of the office. How about I create opportunities for both of you to take care of public and private. How can you thank me?

Chang Lingfeng said, "How can it be so easy to set up a department? You said it would be established?" But his heart was full of longing for the future outlined by Zhang Yang. Zhang Yang said, "Don't worry about this. I'll ask the municipal organization department to approve, and there will be no problem with Du Tianye. Later, I'll go to Secretary Shen and tell him about it!"

Chang Lingfeng said, "It seems that Vice Mayor Zhang has been premeditated!"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "This is called planning!"

Shen Qinghua didn't look good when he saw Zhang Yang this time. Before Zhang Yang could speak, Shen Qinghua asked, "Xiao Zhang, what's wrong with your education system? In the past, Fengze No.1 Middle School was not only the representative of Fengze Education, but also the representative of Jiangcheng Education. It was our honor. In the past two days, there have been an accident one after another. You are in charge of the deputy mayor. If there is a problem, I have to find you!"

Zhang Yang said, "Secretary Shen, I just took over the work and I'm dealing with it now!"

Shen Qinghua said, "How to deal with it? Do you know what time it is? Those students are taking the midterm exam. What happened in a row makes people panic and will definitely affect their grades. Now many parents of students have complained to me."

Zhang Yang did not argue with Shen Qinghua. Although he has just taken over the work, since he is in charge of this area and there is a problem, of course he will find himself. Zhang Yang said, "Secretary Shen, don't worry, I will rectify the matter of Fengze No. 1 Middle School as soon as possible!"

Shen Qinghua said, "It's not just Fengze No. 1 Middle School. I hope that Fengze's entire education system will remain stable. After saying this, Shen Qinghua's expression softened a little. He asked, "What's the matter with you looking for me?"

Zhang Yang said, "Secretary Shen, so many things have happened in Fengze No. 1 Middle School, which are by no means caused by a day or two. The drawbacks have existed for a long time. After accumulation, Wangqiao broke out in these two days. If you want to completely solve these problems, you must fundamentally reform the education system."

Shen Qinghua said, "Reform? How are you going to change it?

Zhang Yang said, "I am going to establish a cultural, educational and health reform office to change the backward phenomenon in the education and health system. Now the phenomenon of wage arrears in the cultural, educational and health system is very serious. Food is the first of the people, and teachers and doctors also need to eat. They can't get wages, and their lives It will cause dissatisfaction.

I think the key to reform is to improve their income level, so that their social and economic status can be improved

Shen Qinghua nodded and said, "It's a good idea, but it may not be easy to implement

Zhang Yang said, "No matter how good the idea is, if you don't do it, it will always be an idea. I hope Secretary Shen can approve my application. I will use practical actions to verify the correctness of the idea in the shortest time."

Shen Qinghua said, "I approved it, but there is a prerequisite!"

Zhang Yang respects Shen Qinghua.

Shen Qinghua said, "The city's finances are very difficult! It won't help you much financially."

Zhang Yang laughed and said, "Did Secretary Shen forget that what I did in the past was the China Merchants Office!"

At the beginning of Zhang Yangwang, he did not expect that Shen Qinghua would approve his application for the establishment of the Culture, Education and Health Reform Office so quickly. As long as Shen Qinghua nodded, the procedures in Jiangcheng would naturally be fine. The Office of Culture, Education and Health Reform went from nothing to none. Zhang Yang took some thought. This time, he wanted to find a formal establishment for Chang Lingfeng, and let Chang Lingfeng justifiably become a person in the system. Although Chang Lingfeng had no interest in the system, Zhang Yang determined that he must bind him to his staff. Chang Lingfeng had no choice I can only accept his arrangement for the time being.

Liu Qiang, the director of the Education Bureau, reacted quickly. He gave the seven houses to the leader who deleted the house and apologized to Zhang Yang on behalf of the seven people. Although Liu Qiang's four is full of the smell of power for personal gain, he can't find too many problems in the specific procedures, which is related to his wife It is very clear that he knows how to avoid political risks.

Just as he was plotting about the reform of education, an anonymous letter was sent to him. This anonymous letter was to report Meng Zonggui, the principal of Fengze No. 1 Middle School. The letter listed Meng Zonggui's receipt of kickbacks during the construction of the teaching building. He also made use of the self-funded students of Fengze No. 1 Middle School. Because of the high enrollment rate of Fengze No. 1 Middle School, many people in Jiangcheng area sent their children here to study. The school began to recruit self-funded transfer students from the previous year. The tuition fees paid by these students have brought considerable income to the school, and in the Receiving a lot of property. In the second half of this year alone, there were 17 students who nodded and transferred to Fengze No. 1 Middle School. The letter pointed out that every transferred student gave him gifts.

After receiving the letter, Zhang Yang called Chang Lingfeng to his office. After reading the letter, Chang Lingfeng thought for a long time before saying, "This letter is very clear, but he did not provide any solid evidence!"

Zhang Yang said, "I think this letter has considerable credibility. I have contacted Meng Zonggui several times and I don't feel good. As the principal, he can have a conflict with the teacher, and after the conflict, he will send the teacher to the police station to be locked up

Chang Lingfeng said, "Do you want to touch him?"

Zhang Yang said, "He is Secretary Shen's brother. If I touch him, it means to fight against Secretary Shen now. Before he has the solid evidence, let him have fun for a few days

Chang Lingfeng said, "According to the analysis of this anonymous letter, there should be a small vault in Fengze No. 1 Middle School. As long as you ask their accountants, the matter will be clear."

Zhang Yang said, "I don't think Meng Zonggui is short of money, but I don't know where the money was used by him. This person must check it carefully!"

Chang Lingfeng said, "I am responsible for the reform of culture, education and health, and I am not in charge of investigating people!"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "You don't have that ability. I'll do this kind of thing. You just need to help me figure out a way to make faculty and staff pay their salaries. Don't reach out to the government all day long.

Chang Lingfeng said, "Now there are many private schools in the south. Private capital is involved in education. If you want to improve the treatment of teachers, you must introduce foreign capital." Zhang Yang said, "Secretary Shen is very old-fashioned. If private capital is allowed to intervene in education. He will definitely be the first to come out against

Chang Lingfeng said an anonymous message: "If everything said above is true, Meng Zonggui has been recruiting unplanned students for the past three years. Among self-funded students and transfer students, basically their grades have not reached the enrollment line of Fengze No. 1 Middle School. What if they are below this standard? Money!"

Zhang Yang said, "This time I must check this Meng Zonggui, a middle school principal. I still don't believe that he can cover the sky with one hand in Fengze."

Since the strike incident, Meng Zonggui's life has not been easy. It rained all night. The matter of the strike has not been dealt with, and Xie Debiao's debt incident has occurred here. From all the signs, Meng Zonggui saw that the new deputy mayor did not have much good impression on him. Meng Zonggui was a Liu Qiang, Director of the Education Bureau, is to solve the problem of salary arrears to teaching staff.

Liu Qiang was also thinking. After he heard about Meng Zonggui's purpose, he spread out his hands and said, "Lao Meng, it's not that I don't help. How can the Education Bureau have money now? If the Finance Bureau doesn't allocate funds, what can I do?

Meng Zonggui said, "The school has not been interrupted in the past two days. If the salary is not paid in time, the teachers will definitely make trouble."

Liu Qiang got up angrily and said, "What's wrong with the trouble? Does their trouble have anything to do with the Education Bureau?

Meng Zonggui said, "When the teaching building was built. You all said that we should establish a model and give full support to the school to build a modern and technologicalized new era middle school, but now no one wants to pay!"

Liu Qiang said angrily, "I said Lao Meng, what you said is wrong. Didn't our Education Bureau spend 200,000 yuan to support your construction? The city has also agreed to allocate funds, but it is only divided into several payments. You can't always think about reaching out to the country, can you? The country asked you to build a teaching building. Who asked you to build a dormitory building?

Meng Zonggui said, "You also have a share in the dormitory building."

Liu Qiang's face turned red because of anger. Meng Zonggui's words were obviously to drag him into the water. Fortunately, he calculated the risks very clearly at the beginning, thanks to his reminder as the wife of the secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection. Liu Lou said, "There is something I forgot to tell you. I have handed over the seven houses to Vice Mayor Zhang, and now it has nothing to do with us

Meng Zonggui looked at him in surprise, and Liu Qiang's face was proud to put aside the relationship.

Meng Zonggui's tone softened: "Liu Bureau, I also built the dormitory building to improve the living conditions of faculty and staff, which is also to improve the welfare of teachers. I have spent so much effort to build the two buildings, and now it has fallen, right? Am I wronged?"

Liu Qiang sighed and said, "Lao Meng, as the saying goes, the new official took office three times, and Vice Mayor Zhang came out of Fengze. If he wants to establish prestige, the fire must be burned. He is in charge of culture, education and hygiene. Naturally, the fire will burn from here. Unfortunately, you can take it when something ?"

Meng Zonggui sighed secretly. He whispered, "The matter has come out. What should I do? Now that the salary has not been paid, these teachers are looking at me one by one. They wish they could eat me. If it goes on like this, something will definitely happen. He paused and said, "Liu, you are my supervisor. You must help me.


Liu Qiang said, "You still need my help. As long as Secretary Shen says something, it will be fine!"

Meng Zonggui said, "You know the temper of Secretary Shen, he won't give face to anyone."

Liu Qiang said, "Where's the old lady? Secretary Shen is a filial son!"

The second anonymous letter about Meng Zonggui was sent to Zhang Yang. This time, it was to report Meng Zonggui's lifestyle. The letter pointed out that Meng Zonggui and Du Yuli, the financial director of Fengze No. 1 Middle School, had an improper relationship between men and women.

Zhang Yang felt that Feng Ze was very serious, and he recruited Jin Zhu, the captain of the criminal police. And he gave the words to Qiu Jinzhu. After reading it, Qiu Jinzhu couldn't help smiling bitterly and said, "Mayor Zhang, it's the turn of the Commission for Discipline Inspection to the procuratorate, but it's not my turn to take care of this matter."

Zhang Yang said, "I want to go through the formal procedures. But think about it, I don't trust them. Among the people I come into contact with, you are the one I trust the most!" Qiu Jinzhu nodded in flattempt. He also understood that Zhang Yang trusted himself because he had a handle in his hand, if Zhang Yang wanted to destroy him. It can be done at any time.

Qiu Jinzhu said, "For Mayor Zhang's trust in me, I will do whatever you ask me to do!" This one did not lose the opportunity to show his loyalty.

Zhang Yang said, "I want to thoroughly investigate the matter of Fengze No. 1 Middle School. These anonymous letters will not be sent for no reason. Meng Zonggui is likely to have problems."

Qiu Jinzhu said, "In the Fengze public security system, I don't count. If I take Meng Zonggui away, Zhao Bureau will definitely find me unlucky. Their relationship is very good."

Zhang Yang said, "Zhao Guodong has a wide range of contacts. It is understandable that he and Meng Zonggui are good. After all, Meng Zonggui is the god son of Shen's mother. They can be regarded as relatives, but Zhao Guodong and Xie Debiao also seem to be good!"

Qiu Jinzhu said, "The office branch of our Public Security Bureau was built by Xie Debiao!"

Zhang Yang understood that if Xie Debiao and Zhao Guodong were only a general relationship, it would definitely be impossible to win the infrastructure project of the Public Security Bureau. Qiu Jinzhu was hinting at himself in this way.

Zhang Yang said, "I want to investigate this matter from Du Yuli! She is the head of the finance department, and the accounts of Fengze No. 1 Middle School are in her hands. As long as she tells the truth, the matter of Fengze No. 1 Middle School must be clear.

Qiu Jinzhu said, "Mayor Zhang, although that's what I said, I can't brazenly take Du Yuli away to ask questions. After all, they have not violated the criminal law? There is no criminal suspicion.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Suspected? Everyone is a suspect in the eyes of the police!"

Qiu Jinzhu smiled awkwardly and said, "Mayor Zhang, the police should also pay attention to the evidence."

When Zhang's official was preparing to investigate Meng Zonggui, the Fengze City Culture, Education and Health Reform Office was also established. After Shen Qinghua, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, nodded and agreed, Zhang Yang asked Zhang Denggao to prepare an office. Zhang Denggao specifically asked Mayor Sun Dongqiang for advice on this matter, and Sun Dongqiang To show his full support for this matter, the reason why Sun Dongqiang made such a statement is that Shen Qinghua, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, has approved Zhang Yang's application. Sun Dongqiang was clear about Zhang Yang's relationship in Jiangcheng. Shen Qinghua nodded. Naturally, there would be no problem on the other side of Jiangcheng. Another reason was that Sun Dongqiang saw the signs. Zhang Yang wanted to make waves in Fengze. Sun Dongqiang came to Fengze earlier than Zhang Yang. He knew the political situation of Fengze more clearly than Zhang After Ze, Sun Dongqiang has always adhered to the principle of keeping a low profile. In any public place, he always remembers that Shen Qinghua is the leader of Fengze. The political concept taught by his father-in-law Zhao Yanglin is to keep a low profile, and those who do great things must be patient. Today's low-key patience is for the

Sun Dongqiang also has his own political wisdom. He believes in the truth that cuckoos compete for profits. Shen Qinghua has formed a huge net in Fengze. Although Sun Dongqiang is the mayor, he has no choice but to enter. In this place, only Shen Qinghua has the right to speak. Although Sun Dongqiang is obedient on the surface, he It is extremely unbalanced. The recent events have given him the idea of using Zhang Yang. If Zhang Yang can tear through this net, it will not be good for him.

As a result, a new departmental cultural, educational and health reform office was added to the Fengze Municipal Government. The deputy mayor of this department is led by Zhang Yang. At present, there are two members in the office, Chang Lingfeng, the director, and Zhang Ruirong, the deputy director.

According to Zhang Ruirong's temper, she was unwilling to stay in a small place like Fengze. However, after the change of Jiangcheng Investment Office, Zhang Ruirong became much more mature. She became more content with the status quo, at least on the surface, she did not show her dissatisfaction with the current situation. At the beginning When she was in Guoan, she was full of enthusiasm, but her aunt sent her to Jiangcheng. After visiting Europe, her return became far away, but Zhang Ruirong's mentality gradually calmed down, and she even forgot her identity as a Guoan agent.

Chang Lingfeng handed over a piece of information at hand to Zhang Ruirong: Xiao Zhang, please help me sort it out. This is a list of businessmen who are interested in investing in running a school!"

Zhang Ruirong raised his beautiful eyes, and his eyes connected with Chang Lingfeng. It shows a little shyness. Chang Lingfeng smiled. He was always like this. He was gentle and full of demeanor. The longer Zhang Ruirong got along with him, the more indescribable affinity he felt from the bottom of his heart. She realized that the reason why she was content with the status quo had a great relationship with Chang Lingfeng.

Zhang Yangle came in: "Guys, I didn't disturb you, did I?"

Zhang Ruirong gave him a white look. Although this one has now become the deputy mayor, Zhang Ruirong has no idea of superiors and subordinates in his heart.

Chang Lingfeng smiled and said, "I'm working!"

Zhang Yang said with a bad smile, "There is no silver here!"

Zhang Ruirong said, "I said Mayor Zhang, if you come here to suffer by yourself, you have to toss us around and tie us up. Is it interesting?"

Zhang Yang said, "This is enough to prove it. I value your ability. We are a revolutionary friendship for thousands of years!"

Zhang Ruirong couldn't help saying, "Who has been with you for ten thousand years? You are the mayor, we can't afford it!"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "I'm shabby, aren't I? My deputy mayor sounds good, that is, a deputy director. It's no different from the past. Don't make a distance in your heart. I'm still very approachable!"

Chang Lingfeng said, "You talk first. I'll print a document!"

Zhang Yang frowned and said, "Damn it, Zhang Denggao's efficiency is so poor. I asked him to complete the printer and computer. It's been a few days, and there is nothing in the office!"

Chang Lingfeng said, "I've learned the efficiency of this Fengze official. I'll pay for it myself later. In addition, this office is too shabby. Even if someone wants to invest in school, I'm afraid I'll be scared away when I see our poor family."

Zhang Yang looked at the indoor environment, which was indeed a little shabby, but Fengze's letter from the municipal party committee... are all samples, and no one's office is rich.

Zhang Ruirong said, "Mayor Zhang, seeing that it's getting hotter day by day, can you install an air conditioner for us? If not, it will be hot to die here in dog days

Zhang Yang said, "I don't have an air conditioner. You'd better not think about it for the time being. In a small city, everyone will order it!"

Zhang Ruirong sighed and said, "Mayor Zhang, I don't think you have the right to speak. You can't even do such a small thing!"

Zhang Yang knew that she was irritizing herself and said with a smile, "Don't worry, there will be milk and bread. When everything is on track, I will be the first to improve the office environment for you

Chang Lingfeng went out.

Zhang Yang said mysteriously to Zhang Ruirong, "Have you been in contact with the organization recently?"

Zhang Ruirong shook his head: "No!"


Zhang Ruirong said, "Aren't you all out of the organization? Why did you suddenly think of asking this?

Zhang Yang pulled a stool and sat down at Zhang Ruirong's table and whispered, "I always feel that your aunt is not so easy to let me go. The reason why I left you here is to monitor me!"

Zhang Ruirong said angrily, "You think I'm willing to stay here. The poor family is broken. I got on the thief's boat, and I can't get off. Now they won't let me go back. I guess I'm probably implicated by you. If I had to stay in this office all my life, I might as well die!"

Zhang Yang said with a hippie smile, "No, how sad you would be if you die!"

Zhang Ruirong blushed when he said, and he cursed softly, "Get out of here."

Zhang's official deliberately raised his face and said, "Is there anyone who talks to the leader like this? There is no rule, it's the opposite of you!"

Zhang Ruirong said, "Mayor Zhang, do you have anything else to do?" The little girl actually issued an eviction order.

Zhang Yang nodded and said, "Of course there is something to do!" He was working on the matter of Fengze No. 1 Middle School. He thought about it. Du Yuli, the financial director of Fengze No. 1 Middle School, was a breakthrough, but Qiu Jinzhu had no evidence and it was not easy to investigate her, so Zhang Yang hit the abacus on Guoan. These people of Guoan were very capable, eaves It's what they are best at.

After listening to Zhang Yang's story about him, Zhang Ruirong couldn't help laughing: "Mayor Zhang, do you really dare to think that you also want to use the organization for such a small thing?"

Zhang Yang said confidently, "I don't owe the organization. The organization owes me, and it's right to help me do something to compensate.

Zhang Ruirong said, "If I report this kind of thing, I'm afraid I'll be laughed at by others. Isn't it just to investigate a financial section chief? Isn't it easy to do?

Zhang Yang said, "How to do it? I can't believe the Procuratorate of the Commission for Discipline Inspection. I want to investigate her, and I don't want to disturb others. It's natural to do it. It's difficult and very difficult!"

Zhang Ruirong said, "I'll give you an idea!"

Zhang Yang said, "Listen to my ears!, little

Zhang Ruirong said, "But I can't give you this idea in vain!"

"Tay the conditions, as long as you have a good idea and can achieve the purpose of my investigation of her, and your conditions are not too much, I promise

"Wow! After all, he has become a mayor. He speaks much more rigorously!"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "That's, I'm making continuous progress in the struggle!"

Zhang Ruirong said, "Put up a desk tone for our office!"

Zhang Yang nodded: "What's the matter for me? You say it first. Let me see if your idea is worth the air conditioner?"

Zhang Ruirong said, "Isn't this matter very simple? You said you want to use the police to investigate, but there is a lack of sharp evidence. If there is no evidence, you won't make evidence?"

Zhang Yang's foggy waterway: "What do you mean?"

Zhang Ruirong said, "I'm convinced of you, it's just your mind. The organization still regards you so much and treats you as a treasure!" She got closer to Zhang Yang. He whispered, "You said that Du Yuli is the head of the financial department of Fengze No. 1 Middle School. She wants to investigate her, but she doesn't want to alarm the procuratorate and the Commission for Discipline Inspection. The best way is to create a crime scene!"

Zhang Daguan turned his eyes and created a crime scene! When he really woke up the dreamer with a word, Zhang Yang touched the back of his head. Why didn't he think of it? As long as a crime scene is created, the police can intervene as a matter of course. At that time, they will catch all the accounts of the Finance Department of Fengze No. 1 Middle School, and then take the opportunity to investigate Du Yuli. As long as the gap is opened from her, the matter of Fengze No. 1 Middle School will naturally be clear.

The more Zhang Yang thought about it, the more proud he became. He got up and left the office with a big smile.

At the door, he almost bumped into Chang Lingfeng, who came back from printing documents. Chang Lingfeng looked at him with confusion. When he went away, he said to Zhang Ruirong, "What happened? Let him be so happy?"

Zhang Ruirong said, "I told you long ago that he was a psychopath!"

Zhang's official is not a psychopath. Zhang Ruirong's reminder made him suddenly enlightened. That night, he wore black clothes and stockings. Under the cover of this classic shape, he sneaked into Fengze No. 1 Middle School. Zhang Yang's purpose was very clear. In the finance department, with his light skills, he unconsciously sneaked into Difficulty.

Under the cover of the night, Zhang Daguanren opened the security door of the finance department, entered the finance department, and made a mess of everything inside. Zhang Yang took nothing away. His purpose was to make the scene and the scene after the the theft. After completing the task, he left with satisfaction. After safely evacuating the scene, Zhang Guanren looked at his watch. At 3:30 a.m., he dialed the mobile phone of Qiu Jinzhu, the captain of the criminal police: "Qiu brigade. The Finance Department of Fengze No. 1 Middle School has been skiwed. Hurry up!"

A woman's voice came from Qiu Jinzhu: "Who? In the middle of the night!"

Zhang Daguanren sneered, and Qiu Jinzhu was suddenly sleepless over there, and a huge exclamation point appeared in his mind! Shit, this man really dares to do it!

Update another 8,000, write 16,000 words today, compensate for yesterday's! H