Medical official path

Chapter 373 Fund Starts Eight Thousand Words

Shen Qinghua's speech was not long. The style of his speech was standard administrative, official, serious, and meticulous. It was difficult to arouse the interest of the people present, but everyone gave quite warm applause for their politeness.

After Shen Qinghua's speech, Vice Mayor Lou Guangliang and Education Director Liu Qiang spoke one after another. Their speech style and Shen Qinghua belong to the same type, so not many people give face. There was little applause. In the end, Vice Mayor Wang Huazhao, who originally wanted to join in the fun and say a few words, also lost If you don't have enough aura, it's better not to be bored.

In terms of the guest group, Qiao Mengyuan was elected as the representative. Qiao Mengjiao stood up with a smile and said, "It's an honor to speak on behalf of the entrepreneurs and investors in Jiangcheng. This time, we accepted Mayor Zhang's invitation to come to Fengze for the student aid fund. Everyone understands that this is a good thing As a friend of Mayor Zhang and an entrepreneur in Jiangcheng, we are all willing to contribute to the future of Fengze. Secretary Shen just said that if education is backward, it will lag behind the future. I hope our modest efforts can help more children and cultivate more talents for Fengze and our country! Zhang Yang took the lead in applauding, and this man took the lead several times today.

Qiao Mengyuan smiled and said, "I will be an example. On behalf of Huitong Group, I will donate 10,000 yuan as a start-up fund for students!"

Qiao Mengzhen's voice was not loud, but it shook the heart of the Fengze leader at the scene like thunder. Of course, except for Zhang, he was very clear about the strength of these people. 0 million was nothing to Qiao Mengyuan. She played an example. This was support for his work, and Zhang Yang felt a warmth in his heart.

The action of an entrepreneur completely shocked the leaders of Fengze. They originally thought that today's student fund launch ceremony was just a form, and they did not expect to raise much ruthenium. However, after Qiao Mengjiao donated ten thousand, An Yuchen also donated ten thousand to Zi County, and then Lin Qinghong and Changhai Tiandu represented The enterprise took out 0 million yuan, and other enterprises came generously one after another. In the end, they raised a 50,000 yuan student aid fund. Even Shen Qinghua did not expect to achieve such an effect today. He, who had always been calm, also got up excitedly to express his gratitude.

In the eyes of Vice Mayor Lou Guangliang, these people are all gods of Wealth. If any of them can be allowed to open a factory in Fengze, it will be a great political achievement. Lou Guangliang looked at the more than 5 million funds and his eyes were red. No wonder that the deputy mayor of Fengze generally has no actual financial power. I've never seen so much money!

At the beginning of the luncheon, Zhang Yang came to Shen Qinghua and pretended to be very sincere: "Secretary Shen, I have to admit my mistake to you!" Shen Qinghua said, "What's the matter? You organized it well today!"

Zhang Yang said, "Secretary Shen, I have raised the reception standard without authorization today. Each table of rice is in accordance with the standard of refutation y, a total of five tables of rice, which violates the hospitality regulations of our municipal party committee and municipal government! When the sergeant said this, he secretly looked at Shen Qinghua with a pair of eyes. He actually intended to do it. Doesn't your Secretary Shen like four dishes and one soup? Today, I would like to challenge your authority. You can see the standard of Shaopa Township.

Shen Qinghua was slightly stunned, and then smiled and said, "It's not a municipal government hostel. There is no need to be too rigid to entertain these famous entrepreneurs, and the policy should also be used flexibly." Shen Qinghua is so old-fashioned that he has understood in his heart, boy, you did it on purpose. For the sake of the donation of more than five million yuan, I will forgive you.

Zhang Yang was secretly happy. His favorite thing was to take an inch. He said, "Secretary Shen, many of these people like to drink. If I don't drink with them, they will feel that I'm not enthusiastic enough. If I drink, I will violate our prohibition!"

Shen Qinghua was so angry that he almost scolded his mother. This bastard really kicked his nose, but the donation of more than five million yuan was real. Shen Qinghua actually nodded: "As long as it's for work, it's inevitable to drink some wine, but don't go to the unit after drinking. Let people see that the impact is Shen Qinghua has shown up his face when he can say this.

It seems that any system is aimed at a specific group of people. Even Secretary Shen Qinghua, who has always been rigid, now knows how to be in a way? Although he knew that Shen Qinghua was more against his will, Zhang Daguan still thought that he had won a victory. Arsenic//jia shen jia ji●ji��●●■●jiji��0 shen●0,&qu;&qu;●jishen●●■∽jiji◆,&qu;&qu;●jir&qu;●● U;0 shen●jiajijir&qu;jijiarsenic//,&qu;●0

Shen Qinghua hurriedly left after toasting a glass of wine at the scene. Although he allowed Zhang Yang to eat and drink a lot during his work, he did not want to stay on such an occasion, so as not to leave others with the impression that it was not in line with usual. Shen Qinghua gave the scene to Zhang Yang with a smile, on the pre Yes.

Vice Mayor Lou Guangliang sent Shen Qinghua out of the Bailu Hotel. Before getting on the bus, Shen Qinghua instructed Lou Guangliang, "We must entertain these entrepreneurs well. If you have time in the afternoon, you can invite them to visit the development zone of Fengze." Lou Guangliang originally meant that, and he kept nodding with a smile.

Shen Qinghua did not walk this time, mainly because he was going to the countryside to inspect in the afternoon. Qi Guoyuan, Secretary-General of the Municipal Party Committee, followed him into the car and deliberately sighed, "I didn't expect this publicity to be very toss!" Shen Qinghua said meaningfully, "Didn't you already know before he came to Fengze?

Qi Guoyuan laughed and said, "In the past, it was heard, but today is the sun. Hearing is false, and seeing is believing!"

Shen Qinghua said, "There is a saying that black cats and white cats catch mice and are good cats. Zhang Yang did a beautiful job today!" Qi Guoyuan said, "It's more than five million yuan. It's easy to get it. He really has the ability. Those entrepreneurs have a good relationship with him. No wonder he used to be the director of the China Merchants Office! Shen Qinghua said, "He is quite suitable for investment promotion work!"

Qi Guoyuan heard some doorways from this sentence and whispered, "Secretary Shen, do you want him to preside over the investment promotion work?" Shen Qinghua looked at Qi Guoyuan with some dissatisfaction: "Isn't Li Zhong doing a good job?"

The State of Qi was far from talking. He knew that he had accidentally touched Secretary Shen's reverse whale. Li Zhong, the director of the Investment Office, was pulled up by Shen Qinghua himself. What's more, what Shen Qinghua hates most is that if others say these above-level words, how can the division of responsibilities of cadres be within the jurisdiction of Qi Guoyuan? Shen Qinghua closed his eyes, but his mind was thinking about Zhang Yanggang

Compared with Zhang Yang, Mayor Sun Dongqiang is much more honest. After Sun Dongqiang came to Fengze, he has been following the rules and has no merit. Compared with the two, Shen Qinghua doesn't like it very much. The former is excessive publicity. Although the latter is low-key, Shen Qinghua believes that Sun Dong In order to hide his light, he may be waiting for the opportunity to replace him. Shen Qinghua sighed in his heart that it seemed that there was less and less time for himself.

Everyone will face the day when they bid farewell to the political arena. Gu Yunzhi has been very open on this point and thought through. As the date of departure approaches, he has basically handed over the work to Song Huaiming. Even the Standing Committee of today's Provincial Party Committee did not preside over, but let Song Huaiming be the host. Gu Yunzhi stayed at home, and he had to take care of his daughter Gu Jiatong.

Gu Jiatong got some rain in Xiqiao the day before yesterday. After coming back, she caught a cold. After two days of fever, there was still no sign of fever. Gu Yunzhi wanted to send her to the hospital, but Gu Jiatong didn't want to go. He insisted on staying at home to take medicine, but his condition did not ease, but Gu Yunzhi called Han Liqun, the director of the respiratory department of the Provincial People's Hospital, to his home early this morning. Secretary Gu didn't care about this kind of small section. What is abuse of power? For the sake of his daughter, this is called incompetent.

After Han Liqun finished Gu Jiatong's examination, he prescribed some medicine. Before he came, he had already asked about the condition and prepared some anti-disease drugs. After the little nurse prepared the medicine, she gave Gu Jiatong an infusion. Gu Yunzhi and Han Liqun came outside and said with concern, "Director Zhuo, how is my daughter?

Han Liqun smiled and said, "It's nothing serious, it's just an upper respiratory tract infection, but I suggest that she'd better go to the hospital for a comprehensive examination!" Gu Yunzhi nodded: "Okay, I'll send her there after she finishes the infusion!"

Gu Yunzhi sent Han Liqun away and returned to his daughter's room. He saw his daughter holding a laptop and looking at the account of the pharmaceutical factory this month. Gu Yunzhi immediately raised his face and said, "You are sick and have to work. Don't you want to die?"

Gu Jiatong coughed and put down his notebook: "It's okay. It's just a common cold. Dad, why don't you go to work? As the secretary of the provincial party committee, it's not good for you to take the lead in violating labor discipline!"

Gu Yunzhi broke his finger and calculated: "Tomorrow Qiao Zhenliang will come to prepare to take over, and my task has also been completed. I have worked hard all my life. I haven't been late, and I haven't been absent from work. I have to feel it."

Gu Jiatong couldn't help laughing and said, "Dad, they all stand on the last shift. Why is it different when I get to you?" She understood in her heart that the reason why her father didn't go to work was because he had to take care of himself.

Gu Yun knew, "Why don't you call Zhang Yang and ask him to come over. With his medical skills, he will definitely get rid of the disease!" Gu Jiatong shook his head and said, "He has just taken office. Don't let it affect his work

Gu Yunzhi looked at his daughter's haggard face, and suddenly felt a sour in his heart. He had known the relationship between his daughter and Zhang Yang for a long time. Although he had already recognized this fact, seeing his daughter's current appearance, he still felt a little uncomfortable for her.

Gu Jiatong got what he thought from the change in his father's eyes. He stretched out his hand to hold his father's big hand, pulled his father to sit down beside her, and whispered, "Dad, don't worry about my business. Xiqiao's house has been renovated. When will you go and have a look?" Gu Yun knew: "Tomorrow's work handover. When you get better, we will go there and live for a while. Gu Jiatong nodded with a smile: "When I wait for the summer vacation, I will just go to Xiqiao to sketch!" The nanny's voice came from outside: "Secretary Gu, phone!" Gu Yunzhi patted the back of his daughter's hand, came outside, and took the cordless phone from the nanny. The call was from Song Huaiming. Qiao Zhenliang, the new provincial party secretary, arrived a day in advance and now he is staying in the provincial government hostel. Gu Yunzhi couldn't help frowning when he heard the news. Qiao After fighting for a day, I don't know what's going on in his mind. Gu Yun knew, "Did he inform you?"

Song Huaiming said, "No, it's the feedback from the provincial government's reception port. I'm going to visit him!"

Gu Yun knew, "I'll be there tomorrow. These things have nothing to do with me!" After saying that, Gu Yunzhi hung up the phone. Gu Yunzhi was indeed a little tired of these things. Officials at their level had a clear purpose in everything they did, and so did Qiao Zhenliang. Song Huaiming told himself that the news also had his intention. Gu Yunzhi was too lazy to think about it. Since Qiao Zhenliang had arrived in Dongjiang. From today on, he has been waiting to leave office. The last shift of his life is nothing more than carrying out the political struggle to the end. Gu Yunzhi doesn't want to fight and gives up the battlefield to others. In the future, Pinghai will be the stage of Qiao Zhenliang and Song Huaiming. He Gu Yunzhi will withdraw early from today. Gu Yun Although it is a little lost, the feeling of relaxation has never been felt for many years.

At this time, the doorbell of the Gu family rang, and the nanny went to open the door. Outside the door, a middle-aged couple stood smilingly, but it was Qiao Zhenliang and his wife, the secretary of the Pinghai Provincial Party Committee, who came to take office.

Gu Yunzhi was not surprised to hear that Qiao Zhenliang and his wife were coming. Qiao Zhenliang came to Pinghai to take over and came to pay a visit to him. He walked out of the door with a smile and stood at the door of the small building and did not continue to move forward.

When Qiao Zhenliang saw Gu Yunzhi's figure outside the small building, he hurriedly accelerated his pace, took the lead in stretching out his hand, and said with a smile, "Secretary Gu, I don't know how to come. I hope you won't be surprised!"

Gu Yunzhi stood there with a smile, stretched out his hand, waiting for Qiao Zhenliang to hold his big hand, and said pun: "You came here with the letter of appointment of the Central Organization Department. It's just right. It's not clear!" The two laughed at the same time. Gu Yunzhi invited Qiao Zhenliang and his wife to sit down in the living room and asked the nanny to make a pot of good tea. Qiao Zhenliang said, "Secretary Gu, I drove here by myself. I set out from Yun'an early this morning and drove to Dongjiang in three hours!"

Gu You ▲ Zhi smiled and said, "Comrade Zhenliang is in his prime, which really makes me envious!"

Qiao Zhenliang's wife Meng Chuanmei said, "I have advised him that he is a 50-year-old man, and his eyes are dazzled. He still let the driver drive safely, but he just insists on doing it by himself."

Gu owes ▲ knows: "As a leader, you should have the spirit of physical strength and practice. It's better not to pretend to be someone to do what you can do by yourself."

Qiao Zhenliang smiled and said, "Secretary Gu and I have the same idea. I'm really worried about other people driving. I have been driving for 30 years, and I can drive any car. I can drive tanks, armored vehicles, and even motorized three-wheelers!" Gu Gou ▲ Zhi couldn't help laughing: "Comrade Zhenliang is really awesome!"

Qiao Zhenliang said, "A specific era creates a specific person. It is difficult for young people now to have my past experience. Similarly, I can't reach Secretary Gu's experience." Gu owed ▲ Zhi laughed and said, "I'm old, and now I'm not energetic."

Qiao Zhenliang said, "Secretary Gu, don't say that. I came to visit you today. First, I will report to you in advance. Second, I want to keep you. You have been the secretary in Yuhai for so many years. Pinghai's achievements under your leadership are obvious to all. I would like to ask you to stay in Ping

Gu Yunzhi smiled and said, "I have expressed my intention very clearly before. Since I have retired, I have gone cleanly. Everyone's thoughts and thoughts are different. Not only can I not help in Pinghai, but I will become a stumbling block for you in the future. When I am old, I will stay in the Chinese People's Political Consultative What's the point of discussing politics? I can't give any useful advice. At my age, the way of leadership is more based on experience. It's not because I want to do it, but because of human nature. I can't help but do it. Gu Yunzhi paused and said, "Maybe I can leave and put forward one or two good suggestions, but I am more counterproductive. I also came to others. At the beginning, I also respected the opinions of the old comrades like most people. I hope the old comrades can help me, but later I slowly found that the old comrades brought it to me. The disadvantages outweigh the benefits. Gradually, I only respect the old comrades, but I don't respect their opinions. In the end, I simply said theirs, and I did it!" Qiao Zhenliang couldn't help laughing when he heard this. Gu Yun knew that this person was rarely wise.

Gu owe▲ Zhi laughed and said, "After the Standing Committee tomorrow, I will officially withdraw. I will leave this Pinghai to you. Don't ask for my opinion. In the past, you were the Secretary of the Yun'an Provincial Party Committee. Yun'an did a good job. Every leader's governance style is different. It went well in Pinghai, but if you follow my method, you may not be able to succeed. Therefore, you still do it according to your own ideas. In short, as long as we Communists have the spirit of fighting for the prosperity of the country for the well-being of the people, that's enough! As long as the goal is clear, no matter what road you take, you can finally get to the destination!"

Qiao Zhenliang said sincerely, "Listen to Secretary Gu's words, Qiao suddenly opened up!" Gu owed ▲ Zhi smiled and said, "Comrade Zhenliang, to be sincere, do you want me to leave, or do you want me to stay?"

Qiao Zhenliang looked at Gu Yunzhi in a little astonishment. After a while, he said, "When I leave in the future, I will make the same choice as Secretary Gu!" Both of them showed unspeakable smiles.

The little nurse in charge of accompanying Gu Jiatong on the second floor suddenly ran down in panic: "Secretary Gu, Miss Gu... Her body temperature suddenly rose!" Gu Gou ▲ Zhi's face changed and he shouted, "Prepave the car and go to the hospital immediately!"

Zhang Yang drank a lot of wine at noon. So many friends came over. Everyone gave face to make his student fund starter look beautiful. He wrote a colorful stroke in Fengze. Zhang Yang came to An Yuchen and Qiao Mengyuan with a wine glass and sat down. He smiled and said, "Little demon, Mengyuan, you We can't leave today. Stay in Fengze for a day. I'll take you to have fun!" Qiao Mengyuan said, "I understand your kindness. I have to leave after dinner!" An Yuchen also nodded. Zhang Yang said, "What do you add and L?" An Yuchen smiled and said, "Sister Mengyuan is going to Dongjiang. I said I would go to play with her!"

Zhang Yang was slightly stunned, and then thought that Qiao Mengyuan's father was going to Pinghai recently. "Qiao Mengyuan went to Dongjiang to visit her parents. Zhang Yang whispered, "Is Secretary Qiao here?" Qiao Mengyuan didn't hide it from him. She nodded and said, "I will officially take over the job tomorrow!"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Congratulations. Don't forget to help me congratulate him on his promotion when you meet Secretary Qiao..." After saying that, he turned to his mind again. It didn't seem to be a high promotion. It's almost the same as myself. It's a flat tone.

Qiao Mengyuan smiled indifferently and said, "Don't worry, I will definitely convey it to him!"

An Yuchen said, "I'm going to Dongjiang for two days, and I'll harass your mayor when I come back!" Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Be careful that I'll sue you for rudeness!" An Yuchen raised his eyebrows and said, "I'm not afraid!" Qiao Mengyuan looked aside and wondered, is this like a master and apprentice? No matter how you look at it, there is a sense of ambiguity.

Zhang Yang was drinking happily, and his mobile phone suddenly rang. He picked up the phone and shouted, "Who is it?" After all, after becoming a mayor, the momentum is not ordinary. But when he heard Gu Yunzhi's low voice, he immediately smiled and lowered his voice by eight degrees: "Secretary Gu, you have something to do with me!" Qiao Mengyuan and An Yuchen heard it. Both of them looked at him contemptuously, and the official's face became fast!

Zhang Yang smiled with some embarrassment and got up to go out to answer the phone. We can't let others see it when we are servile.

Gu Yunzhi's voice seemed a little nervous: "Zhang Yang, Jiatong's temperature is always out of control. I have sent her to the hospital, and the doctor doesn't have much good way!"

Zhang Yang was slightly stunned and couldn't help but feel a little nervous. He whispered, "Secretary Gu, don't worry. Tell me the situation first. I'm going to Dongjiang!"

Gu Gou ▲ Zhi briefly described Gu Jiatong's situation. Even if Dr. Zhang had the ability, he could not determine Gu Jiatong's disease from the situation described by Gu Yunzhi alone. He immediately decided to go to Dongjiang immediately.

Zhang Yang called the office director Zhang Denggao: "Director Zhang, I'm going to Dongjiang for a business trip!"

As soon as Zhang Denggao heard that he was on a business trip? He wanted to ask, but he was still a little scared. He had a solution to his temper. In case he provoked others, he must be unlucky.

Zhang Yang then gave a reason: "The secretary of the provincial party committee handed over the work, I have to go there!"

Zhang Denggao is puzzled. He said that your deputy mayor Zhang is awesome, but after all, you are a deputy mayor of a county-level city. What does the handover of the secretary of the provincial party committee have to do with you? He thought for a moment and whispered, "Mayor Zhang, how about you tell Mayor Sun!"

Zhang Yang became angry as soon as he heard it: "Do you think I asked you for leave? I'm telling you where I'm going. If you want to report to Mayor Sun, just say that I don't have to ask him for leave!" After saying that, Zhang hung up the phone.

Back to the hotel, the noon banquet was coming to an end. Qiao Mengjiao was ready to leave. She planned to return to Jiangcheng first, and then take the train back to Dongjiang from Jiangcheng.

Zhang Yang said, "Don't be busy. I'll go, too. When I leave them, let's drive to Dongjiang!"

Qiao Meng prostitute was slightly stunned. Why didn't he hear him talk about going to Dongjiang just now? He went out to answer the phone and had to go there together. Is it for Gu Yunzhi? She was thoughtful, and although she felt strange, "she didn't ask much. An Yuchen was naturally happy to hear that Zhang Yang was going to Dongjiang together.

Zhang Yang sent these entrepreneurs from Jiangcheng to the car, briefly explained the work to Chang Lingfeng, and then drove his Nissan pickup truck and left Fengze with Qiao Mengjiao and An Yuchen.

Because Zhang Yang drank a lot of wine at noon, Qiao Mengyuan insisted on not letting him drive. The part of leaving Fengze was driven by Qiao Meng prostitutes.

Zhang Yang was concerned about Gu Jiatong's condition and kept urging Qiao Mengyu to hurry up. Qiao Mengqi's temper was not to drive slowly, and the speed did not exceed 100 yuan per hour. In the end, An Yuchen was annoyed by him. He took over the steering wheel and drove up to the Dongjiang River. Qiao Mengqi whispered, "Is there anything important to go to Dongjiang in such a hurry?" Zhang Yang nodded and said, "Save people!" Qiao Mengyu vaguely guessed that this matter might have something to do with Gu Jiatong.

When the night was hazy, they finally arrived at Dongjiang. Zhang Yang put Qiao Meng prostitute and An f6 morning at the door of the provincial party committee's hostel. He didn't have time to explain more, so he drove to the provincial people's hospital. An Chenchen sighed and said, "My master is full of wind and fire everywhere!" Qiao Mengzhen smiled and said, "It seems that he really has something urgent!" Arsenic////●●■●●jiji arsenic●●jia●jishen●●●●●jijijijijiji~jir&qu;●●■●■ji●shen●&qu;+�

Gu Jiatong's temperature was still above 39 degrees, and she fell asleep temporarily, but she began to talk nonsense. Gu Yunzhi sat by the bed guarding his daughter and heard her keep saying, "Zhang Yang... Zhang Yang..." I couldn't help feeling sad. Her daughter's price on Zhang Yang was so deep. But the relationship between them could not be seen in the future. Gu Yunzhi sighed in his heart and secretly decided to find an opportunity to have a good talk with Zhang Yang.

While Gu Yunzhi was ups and downs, Zhang Yang pushed the door and rushed in. He ran all the way from the parking lot to the ward, and his breath was also a little short. He stabilized his mood and said hello to Gu Yunzhi.

Gu Yunzhi nodded and said, "The current body temperature is 3q5." At the highest point, it reaches 410. The doctor thought a lot about the legal, but the body temperature still couldn't drop.

Zhang Yang came to the bedside and didn't care that Gu Yunzhi was still around. He stretched out his palm and touched Gu Jiatong's forehead. He felt that Gu Jiatong's forehead was hot. He frowned, turned over Gu Jiatong's wrist, and put his finger on her pulse. Gu Jiatong's pulse was short but full The stress response of Tong's own internal force, Gu Jiatong's internal force has been small. After being damaged by the external force, she will naturally stimulate the internal force to fight against this damage, which is somewhat similar to the immune mechanism of the human body.

Zhang Yang held Gu Jiatong's slender hand, closed his eyes, and slowly injected an internal force into Gu Jiatong's meridians. He wanted to explore where Gu Jiatong's injury was. Zhang Yang's inner breath flowed in Gu Jiatong's meridians and ran for a week. With Gu Jiatong's internal force guidance, Zhang Yang opened his eyes, lifted the bedding, and took off Gu Jiatong's left foot socks, but saw another mottled red thin line on her white and jade-like ankle.

Gu Yunzhi also came over. When he saw the red line, he couldn't help but be stunned and whispered, "What's wrong?"

Zhang Yang gently magnetically magnetized the skin with his fingers and felt hot. He frowned and said, "Poisoned, it should have been bitten by a poisonous insect!"

He took out the needle box, pulled out a silver needle from it, and pierced Gu Jiatong's skin. The silver needle turned blue in an instant. Gu Yunzhi took a breath of cold air: "How could it be poisoned?" Zhang Yang said, "Secretary Gu, where has Sister Jiatong been in the past two days?"

Gu Yunzhi thought for a moment and said, "Xiqiao's hometown!" Speaking of this, he suddenly remembered something: "Yes, Jiatong got sick when she came back from Xiqiao. Was she really bitten by a poisonous insect in Xiqiao?

Zhang Yang nodded. It was seen that he wanted to heal Gu Jiatong, but it was always inconvenient for Gu Yunzhi to be around.

Gu Yun knew how old-fashioned it was, and he saw the embarrassment at a glance. He whispered, "If it's inconvenient here, we can take Jiatong home first!" Zhang Yang said, "Secretary Gu, let the family prepare the bathtub. I'm going to poison her!"

Gu Jiatong woke up quietly at this time. She burned unconsciously and faintly saw that it was Zhang Yang. She immediately rushed into Zhang Yang's arms and hugged Zhang Yang tightly and said, "Zhang Yang, I miss you so much..."

Mr. Zhang held Gu Jiatong in his arms and even the hair on his neck stood up for a moment, mommy! Secretary Gu stood beside him, and Zhang's official felt that Secretary Gu's eyes were like blades on his neck.

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