Medical official path

Chapter 377 Stand on the shoulders of the giant

After Zhang Yang returned to Fengze, he immediately got a bad news from Chang Lingfeng. The city decided that after those student aid funds arrived, they would be managed by the Municipal Finance Bureau. As soon as Zhang Daguan heard the news, he became angry: "Is the student aid fund in charge of the Finance Bureau? We brought people here, and other people's donations are also for our face. That's damn good. We have done the matter, but the Money and Finance Bureau has to intervene. Are you crazy?

Chang Lingfeng said, "It's in the account now! The $ gold has already been transferred to the exclusive account of the Financial Reform Bureau. I think it is easy to pay this money, but it is difficult to get it back.

Zhang Yang disdained and said, "They dare not. They donated a student aid fund, which should be used for education. I don't believe that Wu Jianxin dares to divert this ruthenium for other purposes?"

Chang Lingfeng said, "This is not a big deal. Don't be angry. Why don't you say hello first and let a few payments slow down for the time being?"

Zhang Yang nodded and said, "Of course it needs to slow down. It's paralyzed. Why should I give it to the Finance Bureau? I'll go to Wu Jianxin's theory later!"

Chang Lingfeng looked at the Nissan pickup truck outside through the headmaster's suffocating window. The official Zhang came all the way and didn't have time to eat. The deputy mayor was still very dedicated.

Chang Lingfeng said, "Wash your face, I'll invite you to dinner in the ancient school canteen, and report to you by the way."

Zhang Yang went to the pool and washed his face, and took the towel from Chang Lingfeng's hand: "I thought something big had happened. I hurried back from Dongjiang, but I didn't dare to rest on the way. Next time I don't take such a small thing, don't sell it to me!"

Chang Lingfeng smiled and said, "It's a small matter to you, but it's not a small matter to us. I finally raised more than 5 million yuan. In a blink of an eye, I was caught on someone else's account. I don't feel uncomfortable to slap anyone. I'm afraid that you will get angry, so

Zhang Yang said, "Don't hold it back. If you hold it back everything, you will become an old coriage!"

Chang Lingfeng heard the man scolding himself in a roundabout way. He had to smile bitterly. The two went out. When they passed the door of the finance department, Zhang Yang looked inside. Where was Zhang Ruirong instructing the three department personnel? Zhang Yang waved to her. Zhang Ruirong smiled unconsciously and got up and walked out: "Z The deputy mayor is here!"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "I'm coming, I'm coming, I'm off work, and I'm still busy with work?"

Zhang Ruirong turned around and said, "Let's go! Don't forget to lock the door!" ⠷////●■●ji ji shen●●●jiajijiji ji shen●●●jia ji ji ji ji di ji●●●●ji●ji●ji●ji

Zhang Yang asked her to go to the canteen for dinner together. Zhang Ruirong said, "These people in the finance department don't have any professional knowledge at all. If I were the principal, I would lay off them all!" Zhang Yang said, "It's not necessarily the principal. The principal's wife also has this power!

When Zhang Ruirong heard him teasing him, she blushed slightly. She just thought she didn't hear it. She still understood Zhang Yang's temperament. The more she cared about him, the more he would become worse.

Chang Lingfeng said, "It's not easy to do public affairs. Fengze No. 1 Middle School should focus on stability now. Try not to make any big changes. Xiao Zhang, the financial department is basically straightened out, right?"

Zhang Ruirong nodded and said, "It's going well. The account date is basically clear, and the statistics of fixed delivery are also in progress, and it will be almost done in another week."

Chang Lingfeng led Zhang Yang to the faculty canteen. Many young teachers who came to dinner saw that the principal was not finished. They hurried over to say hello. Ling Feng smiled and nodded to them. He was still very good. A few days after coming to Fengze No. 1 Middle School, he had convinced many teachers with his knowledge and ability.

Chang Lingfeng asked Zhang Yang to come to the only elegant room in the school canteen. It was already a little sultry in June. Zhang Ruirong found the remote control and turned on the air conditioner. Zhang Yang said, "Hasn't it rained in Fengze these two days?"

Chang Lingfeng said, "It's really strange this year. Two days ago, there was a general rainstorm in the whole province, and it rained all over Fengze, but there were only a few raindrops here in Fengze. It has been cloudy these two days, but there is no rain and the air pressure is low."

The waiter in the kitchen came to bring four cold dishes, and the two meats and two vegetables were also clean. He took a bottle of Qingjiang special supply from Lingfeng. This was brought by Liu Jincheng, the director of Jiangcheng Winery, when the student aid fund was launched that day. In addition to donations, Liu Jincheng also donated two carts of Of course, these wines can't be used on students, so Chang Lingfeng can only be used as a reception wine for the school.

Zhang Yang picked up a piece of white chicken and tasted it. It tasted good. He laughed and said, "After all, it's the staff canteen, which is much better than the students' food."

Chang Lingfeng said, "I have just rectified the canteen, and now the students' meals have improved a lot. If the contractor dares to continue to Hu Yu, he will let him leave next month. It seems to be very effective a few days ago!" Zhang Ruirong said, "The profit is already very high, and I still want to deduct students. This kind of black-hearted businessman should be driven away. Principal Chang is too kind!"

Chang Lingfeng smiled and said, "The school is a collective unit. If you see something unreasonable and immediately drive the person in charge away, then the school will soon have an empty shelf, and the two of us can't afford to support a school." Zhang Yang deeply agreed: "This is called waste utilization, and people do their best!" Both of them were amused by his metaphor. Zhang Ruirong said, "You let Xie Debiao go out of this purpose, right?

Zhang Yang said, "Xie Debiao's rest was originally my fault. At first, I meant to teach him, "I didn't intend to put him in prison." Zhang Ruirong said, "The heart of Vice Mayor Zhang is getting kinder and kinder. Zhang Yang said, "I have always been kind!" Zhang Ruirong said, "But something has been very popular in Fengze recently!" What's the matter?" Chang Lingfeng quietly winned Zhang Ruirong, clearly to prevent her from continuing to talk.

But the curiosity of Zhang's official has been completely aroused, and he has to ask everything clearly about this matter. He squeezed it. The wine said, "I promise I won't be angry!"

Zhang Ruirong laughed and said, "It's not a bad thing. It's just that some people say that the reason why you let Xie Debiao go is that Xie Debiao has a beautiful sister, Xie Junchao, and some people have also made up a biography of a martyred girl. Xie Junchuo sacrificed his life to save Zhang Daguan's eyes widened: "Damn it, who the hell is so immoral!" Zhang Ruirong said, "Didn't you say you were not angry?"

Zhang Yang said, "I'm fine. I'm not worth it for Xie Jun. The most important thing is the festival of a yellow-flowered daughter. How can she get married? #39;

Zhang Ruirong smiled and said, "Just make it true. Anyway, you also like beautiful women!"

Zhang Yang raised his face: "I said Comrade Zhang Ruirong, how do you talk?"

Chang Lingfeng quietly patted Zhang Ruirong's arm below, signaling her to give Vice Mayor Zhang face. He did not know the relationship between Zhang Yang and Zhang Ruirong's Guoan. He thought that the girl was a little too much. Although the relationship was good, she could not be so disrespectful to Vice Mayor Zhang.

Zhang Yang did not argue with Zhang Ruirong. He had already put this account on Zhao Guodong's head. Xie Junzuo begged that he was planned by Zhao Guodong. Not many people knew about this matter. Now the news has been broadcast, and it is probably his reason. Zhang's official secretly said, Zhao Guodong, Zhao Guodong, If you don't fight, you are unlucky. Even if your ancestors burn incense, how dare you find trouble and die in battle?

The rumors from the outside world did not bother Zhang Yang. After he went to work, he called Wu Jianxin, the finance director, over. He was also very clear and asked for money.

When Wu Jianxin heard Zhang Yang mention the student aid fund, he said with a smile on his face, "Mayor Zhang, this matter was decided by the Standing Committee. In fact, I don't want to bear this responsibility. This money is also put in our account. The city means that we should supervise the use of this money. Mayor Zhang, don't It will be used for other purposes.

Zhang Yang said, "We are busy with the student fund, and we invited the people. You have to supervise the money. That is to say, if the education system needs money in the future, we have to report to you first?"

Wu Jianxin smiled and said, "Mayor Zhang, don't get me wrong. This is public, and it's not mine. "Reporting is just a matter of facto. In our system, don't we have to go through procedures to do anything? The Finance Bureau is Fengze's wallet. Looking at the financial power, in fact, the money is all public.

Zhang Yang found that Wu Jianxin was very smooth and a little slippery, but his words could not find fault

Zhang Yang said, "Is it decided by the Standing Committee?" Wu Jianxin said, "It was decided by the Standing Committee!" Zhang Yang waved his hand and said, "Go ahead!"

After Wu Jianxin left, Zhang Yang thought about it. This matter can't be settled like this. The money is in the hands of the Finance Bureau, saying that it is supervision. If the education system wants to use it, it must go through the procedure. The final approval right is not with him. He and Fei Lingfeng are busy working in a circle. Isn Zhang Yang wanted to find Shen Qinghua, the secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, to talk about the theory, but he went out and changed his mind. Wu Jianxin is Shen Qinghua's brother-in-law. This must be Shen Qinghua's instruction, otherwise he would not do it, and he would not dare to do so. Zhang Yang thought about it at the door and decided to go to Mayor Sun Dongqiang to report it first.

Sun Dongqiang has just finished the drought relief work meeting and is staring at the map of Fengze in the office. Seeing Zhang Yang coming in, Sun Dongqiang said, "Xiao Zhang, you came just in time. I have something to do with you!" Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Good and bad?"

Sun Dongqiang motioned him to sit down and poured him a cup of tea with his own hands. Zhang was quite flattered. In his impression, Sun Dongqiang had never been so kind to him. Zhang Yang thought, is it possible that this guy had something to ask me? Zhang Yang said, "What's the matter with Mayor Sun looking for me?" Sun Dongqiang smiled and said, "If you take the initiative to come to the door, there must be something to do. You'd better say it first!"

Zhang Yang said, "Then I'll talk about it first. Two days ago, I set up a student aid fund with the education department to raise more than 5 million start-up funds!"

Sun Dongqiang nodded and said, "This matter has been reported in the news. Secretary Shen of the Standing Committee also specially put forward praise, publicity, f is very good!" But now the student aid funds are all transferred to the accounts of the Finance Bureau and supervised by the Finance Bureau. Isn't this a little wrong? Sun Dongqiang said, "It was decided by the Standing Committee!"

Zhang Yang said, "Mayor Sun, of course, the student aid fund should be used in education. There should be a special account, and it should be supervised by the education system. Why is it transferred to the Finance Bureau? Isn't it a little irresponsible?"

Sun Dongqiang said, "Secretary Shen thinks it is appropriate to be under the management of the Finance Bureau, and the members of the Standing Committee also think so.

" His words were very euphemistic, but the meaning was very clear. Fengze was in charge of Shen Qinghua, and what he decided was the decision of the Standing Committee. Zhang Yang said, "Do you think it's appropriate?"

Sun Dongqiang said, "It's not important to manage this money. The key is that every penny can be spent on education!" It's the same as what I didn't say.

Zhang Yang said, "We worked hard to raise such a small amount of money, and in a blink of an eye, we were taken away by the Finance Bureau. I'm not afraid that the Finance Bureau will be greedy for ink. They don't have the courage, but now it's difficult to get some funds from the finances. I'm afraid that " Sun Dongqiang smiled and said, "It's not so serious. Secretary Shen still attaches great importance to education!"

Zhang Yang said, "Mayor Sun, you are in charge of this financial bureau!" Zhang Yang's words were poisonous enough. One sentence almost didn't choking Sun Dongqiang. Sun Dongqiang coughed awkwardly: "Well, I think so too!"

Zhang Yang has seen it clearly. Since he came to Fengze, he has been a deaf man's ears. He is proficient in decoration and reports the situation to him. It's useless. If he really wants to get the money back, he has to communicate directly with Lao Shen.

Sun Dongqiang didn't want to continue to pester this topic. He drank it. Water, to cushion the embarrassment brought by Zhang Yang, paused for a moment and said, "Did you go to Dongjiang the other day? It seems that there are no formalities!"

Zhang Yang said, "It's done. I told Zhang Denggao that Secretary Gu retired and Secretary Qiao took office. Both of them invited me to dinner. Do you think such a big leader called me over, can I not give them face?"

Sun Dongqiang's eyes widened, looked at Zhang Yang, and scolded in his heart. You didn't pee to take a picture of your virtue. Secretary Gu and Secretary Qiao rushed to invite you to dinner? He is at the provincial and ministerial level. You are a small deputy. Do you deserve it?

[First update the chapter, the last day of 231, ask for a double monthly ticket!] F