Medical official path

Chapter 399 Fight Bulls Across the Mountain

After clarifying the clues of this matter, Zhang Yang first called Chen Shaobin. Now so many reporters have gathered in Fengze to publicize and have the momentum to publicize the college entrance examination fraud incident into a hot topic of news. This is not good. Once the public opinion is created, the matter will become more and more serious, and it will be difficult to Getting bigger and bigger is the conclusion drawn by Zhang Yang from many emergencies.

After the last resignation, Chen Shaobin invested in stock market futures. After the last incident, his friendship with Zhang Yang is deeper. As long as Zhang Yang opens his mouth, he will naturally agree without hesitation. He will use the influence of Chen Pinghu, the propaganda minister of the old provincial party committee, to let public opinion control the scale as much as possible.

Zhang Yang has no acquaintance in the Provincial Department of Education. After communicating with Chen Shaobin, Chen Shaobin reminded him that he can go to Song Huaiming. After all, Song Huaiming is his future father-in-law. Even if it is not convenient to come forward, he can still do what Zhang Yang should do.

After Zhang Yang talked to Chen Shaobin, it took a long time before he decided to call Song Huaiming. If the matter is limited to Jiangcheng, he doesn't have to alarm Song Huaiming, but the matter has been directly stabbed into the Pinghai Education Department, which is beyond the scope of Zhang Yang's personal ability. He must report Other forces, the future father-in-law Song Huaiming undoubtedly became his first choice.

Song Huaiming was in the office when he received the call. His secretary Zhong Peiyuan asked him to give instructions with important documents. When Song Huaiming heard Zhang Yang's voice, he waved his hand and signaled Zhong Pei not to go out of the office first. Zhang Yang politely called Uncle Song. Song Huaiming said, "Why do you have time to call me today?"

Zhang Yang is a little embarrassed. Although Song Huaiming is his future father-in-law, after all, he is in the future. It's not the case that he is annoyed when he meets the house. Song Huaiming said, "If you have anything to say, don't hesitate!

Only then did Zhang Yang briefly tell Song Huaiming what happened in Fengze. Song Huaiming did not know about it and felt quite different in his heart. He frowned and said, "College entrance examination fraud, this is not a trivial matter!"

Zhang Yang said, "I know it's not a small matter, but this matter is a little strange. The informant has long known that someone took the exam, but he has to wait until the incident happens before reporting it. Obviously, he can stop it in advance, but he just doesn't do it. He just wants to make trouble!"

Song Huaiming couldn't help saying, "Zhang Yang, what's your attitude? If something goes wrong, go find someone else's fault! You are the deputy mayor in charge of agriculture and education. When something happens, you should first consider your own responsibilities. If you earnestly do a good job in education and treat the college entrance examination as an important thing, will this happen?

Zhang Yang whispered, "This can't be prevented! There was no cheating in the college entrance examination!" From the bottom of his heart, he didn't take this matter so seriously. Song Huaiming sighed and said, "You!

Zhang Yang said, "Uncle Song, things have happened. What I can do now is to deal with it as well as possible and control the impact as much as possible, so that the order of Fengze's college entrance examination is stable. Cheaters and related personnel have been controlled. The specific case is under further investigation. As for the responsibility, I will never !"

Song Huaiming said, "Be sure to deal with good luck and determine the mood of teachers and students." He paused and suddenly said, "What if you are suddenly bitten by a poisonous snake in the wilderness?

Zhang Yang was slightly stunned, and immediately understood the purpose of Song Huaiming's words. If he was bitten by a highly poisonous snake, if he cut off the bitten place as soon as possible, the poison would not spread to other parts of the body, at least it could save his life. Song Huaiming is reminding himself to make a prompt decision and abandon his command to protect his commander. Zhang Yang squeezed his lips and said, "I never run away from my responsibility!"

Song Huaiming said indifferently, "Responsibility is one thing, struggle is another thing, and political struggle is also an art!" After saying that, he hung up the phone.

Although Song Huaiming didn't say anything, he agreed with Zhang Yang's conspiracy theory from the bottom of his heart. This fraud case was not that simple. It should be said that it was a planned act.

Although Song Huaiming saw this matter very thoroughly, he did not expect that it would alarm Qiao Zhenliang, the secretary of the provincial party committee. At the end of the meeting of the provincial standing committee on that day, Qiao Zhenliang mentioned the Fengze college entrance examination fraud incident. Qiao Zhen channel: "Everyone must know that today is the first day of the college entrance examination. Something happened in Pinghai that humiliated our entire Pinghai education community. Five substitutes were caught on the spot!"

Song Huaiming was stunned. The nature of this matter was indeed serious, but it was not serious enough for Qiao Zhenliang to discuss at the Standing Committee. Song Huaiming soon realized that Qiao Zhenliang's intention of putting forward the matter. Since Qiao Zhenliang came to Pinghai, the two still had nothing to do with each other on the surface. Qiao Zhen Now he is extremely kind and approachable, but Song Huaiming understands that when Qiao Zhenliang comes out of Pinghai, he must have an adaptation period. After understanding the situation, he will inevitably show his power. Qiao Zhenliang focused on the fraud of the Fengze college entrance examination, which is likely to be caused by this matter.

Qiao Zhenliang said, "This matter must be strictly investigated and handled, the personnel involved in the case must be dealt with strictly, and the relevant responsible personnel will not be tolerated!" Qiao Zhenliang's words fell into everyone's heart like a heavy hammer.

The members of the Standing Committee know that Fengze is in charge of educating Zhang Yang, and Zhang Yang is Song Huaiming's future son-in-law. Qiao Zhenliang beat Zhang Yang with this matter. That's Xiang Zhuangwu's sword intention is Pei Gong. He wants to use this matter to show Song Huaiming, so that everyone in the

Song Huaiming nodded and said, "My marriage to Secretary Shi Qiao said that the annual college entrance examination has a great impact on the whole country. Such a thing has happened in Fengze, which has humiliated the whole Pinghai. Now that it has happened, what we can do is to try our best to make up for it. The college entrance examination will Time, we need to learn from it to "ensure that the same kind of things happen!"

Qiao Zhenliang Jingjing looked at Song Huaiming. It is not easy to manage a province well. It is not enough to be a good leader. It is not enough to rely on approachable people. To convince people with virtue is to treat the people. For these political masters, the most effective way is to establish power. If you want to establish your own prestige, With determination, the only thing Pinghai can fight against himself is Song Huaiming. Sending Qiaoyeliang is not intended to make enemies. This is a necessary step. He wants to make Song Huaiming in his current position and let Song Huaiming honestly be his deputy. Qiao Zhenliang has no hostility to Zhang Yang, but in the matter of fraud, he still However, it is necessary to beat with great fanfare. The real goal of the beating is not Zhang Yang, but the governor Song Huaiming. Zhang Yang is just a prop. He beats cattle across the mountain. Although the goal is a cow, this punch should really fall on the mountain.

At the end of the meeting, Song Huaiming and Chen Pingchao left side by side. Song Huaiming said, "I heard that the Fengzebo college entrance examination fraud has become a news hot spot?"

Chen Pingchao sighed and said helplessly, "I can't suppress it!" Although Zhang Yang greeted him through his son, Chen Pingchao had already felt the signs of wind and rain from the standing committee just now. If his intervention was obvious, he might be angry with Qiao Liang. This matter made Chen Pingchao feel very difficult. Song Huaiming smiled indifferently: "Since you can't suppress it, how can you resist it? Let nature take its course!"

Chen Pingchao was a little strange. He stopped, but Song Huaiming did not slow down his pace and continued to move forward.

Back in the office, Song Huaiming said to Secretary Zhong Pei, "Xiao Zhong, have you found out what I asked you to find out?

Zhong Peiyuan nodded and said, "I found out that there have been fraud in the college entrance examination in Pinghai in the past five years, but the collective replacement was still seven years ago!"

Song Huaiming nodded and picked up the phone. He dialed the phone of Xue Guoyuan, the director of the Provincial Department of Education. Song Huaiming's meaning was very simple. He implemented Secretary Qiao's instructions, asked the Provincial Department of Education to strengthen the order monitoring of the college entrance examination room, vigorously strengthen the inspection of the examination room in The college entrance examination went smoothly.

Zhong Peiwu listened and knew in his heart that the governor was angry. His hand was not only for serious examination room discipline, but also seemed to have another layer of day. There are fraud incidents every year, which could not be eliminated at all. Governor Song specially emphasized the inspection of the examination room, and whether the cheaters would catch more and more. Zhong Peiyuan thought of this and suddenly understood that Governor Song just wanted to make a big deal out of this matter. Didn't you, Secretary Qiao, wanted to play a role in the Fengze fraud case? I'll give you a more serious one. As long as you are determined to investigate, I don't believe that other cheating incidents can't be found in Pinghai. You said that Fengze's affairs have humiliated the whole Pinghai education community, and I'll show you that there is more than this thing in the Pinghai education industry.

The news that Song Huaiming asked the Shu Education Department to strengthen the inspection of examination rooms in various places soon reached Qiao Zhenliang's ears. When Qiao Zhenliang heard the news, he immediately laughed. Qiao Zhenliang had a characteristic that when he was happy, he would be happy, and when he would smile when he was unhappy. The biggest difference between the two was Cold, without any smile. Song Huaiming is not simple. He saw through his intention. In this matter, he wanted to protect Zhang Yang, but it was not so obvious, so he came up with this method. The intention was to find out more incidents of college entrance examination fraud, distract the public's attention, and let Zhang Yang, who was at the forefront of the storm, breathe.

Under the quiet game of the two bigwigs in Pinghai, the most severe college entrance examination rectification operation in Pinghai's history began. ~∽shen

Any wind blowing in the high-rise, what is shown below may be a stormy wave. At the same time as Zhang Yang received the notice from the Provincial Department of Education, Chang Lingfeng also handed him the resignation letter. Zhang Yang read the resignation letter: "It's not working time now!"

Chang Lingfeng said, "What's the difference? Anyway, it's the result." He saw the whole thing clearly. If he didn't make a decisive choice, he would only be involved in publicity.

Zhang Yang said, "Ling Feng, the college entrance examination is held once a year. In which year is there a few cheating? How many principals have resigned because of cheating?

Chang Lingfeng said, "This time it's different. The five students took the exam, all of which took place in Fengze No. 1 Middle School. Now the reporters' articles have begun to find the roots in the education system."

Zhang Yang understood what Chang Lingfeng meant. He wanted to sacrifice himself to protect Zhang Yang. "To avoid the further expansion of the impact of this matter, so that more people are involved. In fact, he also meant the same when talking to Song Huaiming. Zhang Yang shook his head and pushed the resignation letter to Chang Lingfeng and said, "I don't accept it. Now your resignation is equivalent to admitting defeat. It is clear that someone is doing something behind his back. The whistleblower deliberately made this disturbance. The purpose is to make you step down and make me ugly."

Chang Lingfeng said, "Since you can see it so clearly, why do you still object? After I resigned, I solved the temple from the root. I will bear the responsibility for the fraud incident, and those villains who want to make trouble will no longer have a chance.

Zhang Yang said, "You think things are too simple! I insist that this is a conspiracy, and they are not rushing to you. Even if you resign, some conspirators will not give up until they reach the day. So many news media have come to Fengze in order to create influence and embarrass me. Everyone knows that the strong man breaks his wrist and abandons his command. But things didn't go to that point.

Chang Lingfeng said, "The Provincial Department of Education has just issued a notice to strengthen the supervision and inspection of college entrance examination rooms in various places, which proves that the matter has shocked the province. If we can't respond in a timely manner, the situation will become more and more passive."

Zhang Yang said, "I don't care whether I'm passive or not. You can take this resignation letter back to me. "There are a few cheating things in the college entrance examination in Pinghai. This year, it happened in Fengze. Let's talk about cheating. OK! I'd like to see how much noise these conspirators can make!"

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