Medical official path

Chapter 403 Family

Cha Jinbei called Zhang Yang when he was still 200 kilometers away from Jiangcheng. Zhang Yang had just left the Nanhu wooden house. He heard that Cha Jinbei could come to Jiangcheng at noon, so he couldn't help but be overjoyed. When Cha Jinbei came this time, most of the decoration had been carried out for the Star Diamond Jiangcheng branch Next, his business partner Qiu Fengxian also came with him this time.

Zhang Yang stayed to receive Cha Jinbei not only because he wanted to make friends with this jewelry crocodile, but also because he did not forget the task given to him by Guoan. He investigated the Star Diamond Group in Jinbei and found out the real identity of Qiu Fengxian. He was also responsible for investigating whether Liu Qingrong, the design director of the Star It's a spy from other countries.

Cha Jinbei came to meet with the developer of Nanlin Temple Commercial Square this time. Zhang Yang put down the phone and contacted An Yuchen. Coincidentally, An Yuchen and Qiao Mengyuan were playing tennis together. When she heard that Cha Jinbei was coming, An Yuchen was not very interested and gave the phone to Qiao Mengyuan. Qiao Mengyuan and "Zha Jinbei entered the jewelry and gold market in Jiangcheng. In the future, his star diamond franchise store will definitely become the leader of Jiangcheng jewelry industry. This person's strength is very strong, and his entry will take the development of Nanlin Temple Commercial Square to a higher level."

Zhang Yang said, "This time he came with Qiu Fengxian, the director of Star Diamond and the general manager of Jinwangfu. As a landlord, we have to do a good job of reception!"

Qiao Mengyuan said very boldly, "I'll receive it. Let the new emperor prepare it right away."

Zhang Yang was not polite to her: "Yes, let's meet the new emperor directly at noon."

Zhang Yang wanted to visit Du Tianye. After the phone call, he knew that Secretary Du went to Qingtai Mountain to find his own father. After all, the blood was thicker than water. Du Tianye was a person who paid great attention to family affection.

Cha Jinbei came to Sidihao on time at 12 noon. He didn't have time to move in. The dusty Toyota business stopped in the parking lot, and Zhang Yang greeted him with a smile. The eye was very poisonous. From the Beijing characters that were not completely glued in the mud, it was obvious that the car was from Cha Jinbei.

Cha Jinbei was the first to come out. He didn't see him for a while, and his skin color was tanned a lot. Seeing Zhang Yang, he walked up with a smile. Zhang Yang wanted to shake hands with him, but Cha Jinbei gave him a warm hug. Originally, it was nothing, but Zhang Guan remembered that Guoan had told him that there might be something wrong with Jinbei's sexual orientation, and he couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

Qiu Fengxian wears a light brown summer dress, with a golden belt tied to her slender waist, a platinum bracelet inlaid with ruby on her arms, and a ruby pendant of the same series on her neck. This is the Manjianghong series launched by their company. The pair of Manjianghong bought by Mr. Tianchi's posthumous work The rendering of the major media in the city has indeed become the best advertisement. As soon as Manjiang Red Jewelry was launched, it formed a strong response in the society.

Zhang Yang came to Qiu Fengxian with a smile. Qiu Fengxian took the initiative to stretch out his little hand and let Zhang Yang hold it. Zhang Yang said, "I found that this Manjianghong is still the best worn on Miss Qiu's body!"

Qiu Fengxian smiled and said, "Telling the truth, I don't like the style of the Manjianghong series, but I have to force me to wear it, saying that as a director of the company, I have the responsibility to promote the company's products!"

Cha Jinbei laughed.

Zhang Yang led the two of them to the door of the hotel, and Qiao Mengyuan appeared in front of the door and greeted each other with a smile.

Zha Jinbei smiled and said, "Mr. Qiao, Mr. Cha took the liberty to visit today. Excuse me!"

Qiao Mengyuan smiled and said, "Mr. Zha's arrival makes Si Dihao shine. You can't invite any guests!"

Several people were about to walk inside when they suddenly heard the sound of car horns outside. A green Beetle drove all the way to the gate, and the two security guards in the parking lot behind him panting to stop it.

The Beetle stopped, the door was pushed open, and a tall woman came out of it. It was not until he opened his mouth that Zhang Yang found that he had misread it wrong. It turned out to be a man. He said angrily, "Jinbei, Ruth, why do you want to come here to eat? The food here is not delicious!" When he spoke, his palm was still fanned in front of his nose, which looked very strange.

Zhang Yang not only wanted to have fun. His hair was very long and he had a ponytail behind his head. He was wearing a colorful flower T-shirt, and the white jeans were tightly tied to his two thin legs. His skin was very white. Because he was stuck in Fuha sunglasses, he couldn't see his face clearly. When he walked, he Zhang Yang will look at him as a woman on the spot at the beginning.

Two security guards followed: "Miss! You can't park your car here!" It seems that there are still many people who have the same opinion as Zhang Yang.

The man stamped his feet in anger: "Damn it, he's a gentleman!"

Qiao Mengyuan knew the person in front of her. He was Liu Qingrong, the chief designer of Star Diamond, and also the best friend of Cha Jinbei. Qiao Mengyuan waved her hand and motioned the two security guards to retreat.

Cha Jinbei smiled and said, "Qingrong, stop it. These are all my good friends. Let's go in and talk about it!"

Liu Qingrong raised his hand and said delicately, "Rose, I haven't seen you for so long. Do you miss me?"

Ruth is the English name of Qiu Fengxian. She smiled and said, "Sean, I've been thinking about you!" The two hugged and kissed each other on the cheek.

Zhang's official really can't stand Liu Qingrong's style. He attached it to Qiao Mengyuan's ear and said, "This thing that is not a man or a woman is Liu Qingrong?"

Qiao Mengyuan almost laughed and said with a smile, "Let's go in first!"

As Liu Qingrong walked, he chattered, "Qiao Zongkai, don't be angry. I'm straight-tempered. Your Si Dihao's food is really not delicious. Last time I asked for a lobster, I obviously wanted Australian lobster, but the waiter actually brought me a pot of spicy crayfish, oh! Oh, my God, I almost didn't die of spiciness. At the second point, I got three pimples on my face, and I was bored to death·····"

Liu Qingrong's mouth is too nagging. Since he appeared, others have had few opportunities to speak. After sitting down, Zhang Yang found that he still had earrings on his ears. He said that Cha Jinbei's taste was too heavy, and he actually liked such a thing that was neither male nor female.

Zha Jinbei Road: "Miss An didn't come?"

Qiao Mengyuan smiled and said, "He has an appointment with a client, and he can't get away!"

Cha Jinbei Road: "This time, the store of Nanlin Temple Commercial Square was able to sign the contract smoothly. Thanks to Mr. Qiao's help, I brought you some gifts!"

Qiu Fengxian took out two sets of jewelry and gave them to Qiao Mengyuan. He smiled and said, "This is our company's new Manjianghong series jewelry, a small gift, no respect!"

Qiu Fengxian took another set to Zhang Yang: "Mayor Zhang took it to his girlfriend!"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Thank you very much!"

Qiao Mengyuan picked up the wine glass and said, "On behalf of the developer of Nanlin Temple Commercial Square, I welcome Star Diamond Group to join!"

Everyone raised their glasses and drank all the wine in the glass.

Zhajin North Road: "This year, we will vigorously promote the expansion of Star Diamond Group in China. Jiangcheng stores are one of the two key stores in Pinghai. Because of the geographical location of Jiangcheng's books, it should not only drive the consumer market in the north of Pinghai, but also the market in Beiyuan. At present, we The store."

Qiu Fengxian added with a smile: "Taiwan's Diamond Dynasty has increased the capital injection of Star Diamond. Our Star Diamond will not only become the largest jewelry manufacturing and sales group in China, but also the largest in Asia!"

Qiao Mengyuan said, "As far as I know, Miss Qiu is the future head of Taiwan's Diamond Dynasty, right?"

Qiu Fengxian smiled and said, "My father is in his prime, and he is still early to retire, and I am not very interested in inheriting my ancestral business. In my opinion, what I enjoy most in life should be the process of starting a business, rather than lying on the achievements of my parents."

Zhang Yang praised: "Miss Qiu said it well!"

Liu Qingrong said, "Rouse is the most self-reliant girl I know. I respect you!"

As soon as this man spoke, Zhang's official was a little disgusting, but Zhang Yang still gave Jinbei a lot of face. If the two were really the kind of relationship rumored by the outside world, Zhang Yang's situation would have to be disgusted. If others were like this, Zhang's official's mouth would pass.

Liu Qingrong's eyes slipped around Qiao Mengyuan. After a while, he suddenly took out a sketchbook from his bag and drew it with a pen. After all, it was an art. The inspiration came. After a while, Qiao Mengyuan's image leaped on the paper, but the real focus was still a necklace around his neck.

When Zhang came over, he couldn't help exclaiming, "It's really good, a good man!"

Liu Qingrong said proudly, "The inspiration in life is everywhere!" He said to Qiao Mengyuan, "Miss Qiao, you have set out for my inspiration. Wait for me to design this necklace for you!"

Qiao Mengyuan smiled and said, "Your gifts are so precious that I can't stand it!"

After lunch, Qiao Mengyuan arranged for them to stay in the guest room department of Si Dihao. Qiu Fengxian found Zhang Yang. She whispered, "They are all friends. As long as I can help, just tell me!"

Qiu Fengxian said, "My grandfather is a senior general of the Party. After liberation, he went to Taiwan. The old man is 90 years old this year, and there are not many days in his life, but there is one thing he can't let go of. I have an aunt who has different political views from my grandfather. When she was young, she ran away from home to Yan'an to find her dream and true meaning. Over the years, only when she got married, she wrote a letter to her family, telling her grandfather that he had married her, married a party member, and a general who released the army since then. After that, Bian lost contact with his family. After the War of Liberation, Grandpa took his whole family to Taiwan. Every time he thought of my aunt, he would shed tears because of his aunt's affairs. Grandpa withdrew from the military community early and ordered our Qiu family to never allow anyone to enter the political arena.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "That's why there is a diamond dynasty!"

Qiu Fengxian nodded: "The Diamond Dynasty was first established by my grandfather, which was carried forward in my father's hands. Until now, my grandfather has reserved a room for my aunt. Grandpa said that whether he is alive or dead, as long as the Qiu family is there, there is a place for my aunt in this family!"

Zhang Yang said, "It has been more than 40 years since the founding of the People's Republic of China. I'm afraid it's really not easy to find it!"

Qiu Fengxian said, "Yes, I found no result through all kinds of ways. I only found out that my aunt once lived in Jiangcheng!"

"What's her name?"

Qiu Fengxian said, "Qiu Min!"

Zhang Daguan felt a little familiar when he heard the name, as if he had heard it somewhere.

Qiu Fengxian said, "The letter she left says that she married an officer named Chen Chongshan!"

When Zhang Yang heard the three words of Chen Chongshan, he could swallow a duck egg with his mouth open. How can things in the world be so coincidental! No wonder he is so familiar with the name Qiu Min. Isn't Qiu Min Chen Chongshan's wife? After a long time, this amorous Taiwanese beauty turned out to be Chen Chongshan's niece and Du Tianye's cousin.

Qiu Fengxian had noticed something when she saw Zhang Yang's expression and whispered, "Do you know him?"

Zhang Yang laughed and said, "It's not just about knowing!" He immediately took out the phone, dialed Du Tianye's mobile phone, and told Du Tianye loudly and excitedly, "Secretary Du, your cousin came to see you!"

Du Tianye has a cousin, but that's the old Du family. He scolded Zhang Yang, and it took a while to figure out what was going on.

Du Tianye returned to Jiangcheng that night, and Chen Chongshan also came with him. The relationship between Du Tianye and Chen Chongshan has become an open secret. Now almost everyone knows that Chen Chongshan is his biological father, and Du Tianye did not hide it, which fully shows Du Tianye's open mind

Qiu Fengxian did not disclose this matter to outsiders at Zhang Yang's request. That night, she followed Zhang Yang to Du Tianye's home.

After Zhang Yang introduced them, Qiu Fengxian took out the letter that Qiu Min wrote to his family many years ago. Chen Chongshan shivered and resulted in the letter. When he recognized that it was his wife's handwriting, tears suddenly blurred his eyes. At the end of the letter, there was his son-in-law Chongshan. The picture of that year appeared in front of him. He and his wife Qiu Min thought about it for a long time before writing this letter, telling the Qiu family that they were married.

Chen Chongshan sighed sadly, "Son, I'm ashamed of the Qiu family····." After saying that, he silently walked to the balcony on the second floor with the letter paper.

Du Tianye naturally understood the guilt and sadness in his father's heart. He thought to Qiu Fengxian and said, "I should call you cousin. How is your uncle and grandfather?"

When Qiu Fengxian saw her lost relatives, her eyes were also a little red. She nodded gently and said, "They are all in good health, but Grandpa is old and his energy is getting worse and worse. He has always said that he will come to the mainland to find my aunt."

Speaking of his mother who had passed away, Du Tianye was sad. He whispered, "I've never seen my mother either!" &Qu;

Qiu Fengxian said sadly, "In fact, things in the world really can't be forced. Grandpa has always looked forward to meeting his aunt one day. I don't know how he would feel if he knew about this."

Du Tianye said, "Come and have a look with your grandfather when you have time. My mother's grave has been repaired, and then Qingtai Mountain!"

Chen Chongshan heard the footsteps behind him. He turned around and saw Zhang Yang coming over. He whispered, "Tenno has a few more relatives in this world!"

Chen Chongshan nodded and looked at the far-reaching night sky: "Although I'm sad, I feel relieved. I finally found Qiu Min's family!"

Zhang Yang said, "How are you doing in Qingtai Mountain?"

Chen Chongshan smiled and said, "I moved to the back mountain. Zixiaguan has been renovated. The workers have set up four wooden houses in the back mountain, which are very spacious. The old Taoist priest has also moved in with me. When the Taoist temple is finished, he will move back. In the future, if you have time, you can go Hunting all day long, I opened a few mu of vegetable land in the mountains, raised a few more sheep, and wrote a few strokes in my spare time, which was also happy!"

Zhang Yang said, "I'm going to ask you for some ink treasures when I have time!"

Chen Chongshan said, "I heard that Mr. Tianchi has passed away?"

Zhang Yang nodded, thinking that Chen Xue had already had a summer vacation, and she told her grandfather about it.

Chen Chongshan sighed, "I heard Xue'er say that your husband left too early! &Qu;

Zhang Yang said, "Life and death have fate, and everyone will have this day!"

Chen Chongshan couldn't help laughing and said, "At a young age, he looked like he saw through the world. Since he saw through the world, why should he stay in the officialdom?"

Zhang Yang said, "My life is vulgar. I can't get used to the days when I am far away from the world and graze Nanshan!"

At this time, Zhang Yang's mobile phone rang. It turned out to be Jiang Liang and Du Yufeng. They all went to Hanjiang for a barbecue and asked Zhang Yang to have a few drinks together. Zhang Yang took the opportunity to say goodbye to Chen Chongshan's family. The family talked about the past, and it was superfluous to stay here

Things in life are really wonderful. Zhang Yang didn't expect that Qiu Fengxian and Du Tianye would be cousins. However, Qiu Fengxian is still on the list suspected by Guoan. It is difficult to say whether he is a Taiwanese spy. Zhang Yang left Du Tianye's house to think of this matter. If Qiu Fengxian is really a Taiwanese spy Isn't it more convenient for her to spy on this relative? If Guoan knows about this matter, he must find his own bad luck. Zhang Daguan has always been a person who dares to do it. Damn it. Anyway, he has done it. No one has stipulated that spies can't have relatives. If he lives again, Qiu Fengxian is just suspicious The evidence proves that she must be.

When they came to the Hanjiang barbecue, Jiang Liang and Du Yufeng had already drunk. They didn't see Qin Bai following. Zhang Yang was somewhat strange: "Where's Qin Bai?"

Du Yufeng said, "I accompanied Shen Wei to press the road. She just got the certificate. It's hot!"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Brother Du, why do you feel that you are a little budding!"

Jiang Liang said, "Yes, this guy has been hyper-hormoner recently, and his eyes like to hit the policewoman's buttocks when he goes to work!"

Du Yufeng blushed and said, "Fart, you, I'm cultivating my mind now. It's not like that at all. You think I'm publicity!"

Zhang Yang's eyes widened: "Damn, I'm looking for you to mess with you? Why did you pull me in?"

At this time, Li Chengqian, the owner of the barbecue restaurant, came over with a smile: "Director Zhang is here. You can eat whatever you want tonight. It's all in my account!"

Jiang Liang said, "Lao Li, you can have a relationship. Every time he comes, you treat him. Why didn't we see you treat you?"

Li Chengqian smiled and said, "Director Zhang comes once in a while, and you two come here several times a week!"

Du Yufeng smiled and said, "It's wrong that we often come to take care of your business!"

Li Chengqian also knew that they were joking. He smiled and said, "So you can eat it with enthusiasm. I'll give you a special test of sheep's head later, and then a grilled fish!"

Several people were saying this. There were two acquaintances outside, Guo Zhiqiang and Guo Zhihang brothers. Guo Zhiqiang had graduated from the military academy this year. A few days after returning home, when he saw Zhang Yang, he shouted, "Zhang Yang, why are you here? Do you know that I'm coming and wait here to invite me?"

Zhang Yang stood up with a smile. Guo Zhiqiang came to him. The two punched at the same time and hit each other. Of course, they didn't force each other. Otherwise, Guo Zhiqiang would be Zhang Yang's opponent. Zhang Yang said, "I've seen thick-skinned, but I've never seen you so thick. Come

Guo Zhihang is also very familiar with them. Naturally, he is not polite. Li Chengqian hurriedly adjusted a larger table for them.

Guo Zhiqiang took a few sips of beer and said, "You can't eat such an authentic barbecue anywhere!"

Jiang Liang smiled and said, "In fact, the Han River has changed its taste. It's not a Korean barbecue at all. It has been adjusted according to our taste. Koreans don't eat this thing!"

@@@@@ (a few words can't be seen clearly) The sheep whip was distributed to several people.

Guo Zhihang said, "The visceral cholesterol content of animals is high!"

Du Yufeng said, "But this thing is a big supplement!"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Brother Du, that's a misunderstanding. This thing is a sheep's whip. I don't believe that you can make up for it. Besides, if you really make up for it, will you count as a sheep when you do this?"

A group of people burst into laughter.

Du Yufeng blushed and scolded with a smile, "You guys, every good thing!"

Jiang Liang smiled and said, "Don't bully honest people, Zhang Yang. I forgot to tell you something. My sister's children are in the first year of high school. See if you can arrange to go to Fengze No. 1 Middle School!"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Of course I have to do your business for you. There are too many people looking for me to go to school these days, and I can't accept it. Well, there is a saying that I have to say in the front. The child's grades must be okay!"

Jiang Liang said, "Don't worry, I'm studying well!"

Du Yufeng said with deep feelings: "Fengze No. 1 Middle School used to be our famous school in Jiangcheng. This year, in addition to the two champions in literature and science, Pinghai has been shocked. It has become the first school in Pinghai. Who doesn't want to send the child to a good school? When my child grows up

Zhang Yang said, "Let's not talk about going to school. Fengze No. 1 Middle School is not run by our family. In fact, don't be superstitious about the school. If the child doesn't have that material, it won't be sent there.

The Guo Zhihang brothers nodded with the same feeling.

Guo Zhiqiang said, "I heard that you are going to win the top two college entrance examinations this time. Is it true or false?"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Each person is 10,000, what has been decided!"

Jiang Liang said, "Such a heavy prize is a precedent for Kaijiang City."

Guo Zhihang said, "Don't mention Jiangcheng, Pinghai is also the first time!"

Zhang Yang said, "This time I will vigorously publicize it so that our rich educational achievements will be widely known!"

Du Yufeng smiled and said, "It should be your political achievements widely known!"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Are you separated again?"

The award ceremony of the two top students in the college entrance examination was held in the auditorium of Fengze No. 1 Primary and Secondary School. Zhang Yang not only came by himself, but also invited Chen Jianian, the executive vice mayor. In fact, anyone is willing to come to this kind of thing. This is a good thing on his face!

Zhang Yang and Chen Jianian personally awarded 10,000 yuan to the two top students in the college entrance examination. On the same day, the reporting team of Fengze TV Station, Jiangcheng TV Station, and even Pinghai TV Station came to report on publicity. The reason why Zhang Yang is so high-profile is that he wants everyone in Pinghai Province to see what the results have been since he focused on Fengze's education? With this incident, he also wants to eliminate the negative impact of the last Fengze fraud incident.

Of course, although the two top students in the college entrance examination were rewarded this time, they did not forget the original intention of the establishment of the student aid fund, and also rewarded some students who had family difficulties and achieved good results in this college entrance examination.

When Feng Lu received the 10,000 yuan bonus from Zhang Yang, she was extremely excited. For her, this money can be said to be a gift in the snow. Her family conditions are not good, and the whole family depends on her father's salary alone to live. Before the college entrance examination, she had to help her family set up a stall to make money after school, People's perseverance and extraordinary intelligence have won the first place in the province's total science score.

Feng Lu and Li Dangyang, the top students in the college entrance examination, stood on the rostrum and took a photo with the leaders, standing in the middle of Zhang Yang and Chen Jianian.

The magnesium light flashed, and Feng Tianyu's family sat under the stage and looked at his daughter's brilliant scene. The whole family was excited and burst into tears. Feng Tianyu couldn't hide his gratitude to Zhang Yang and whispered, "Thank you, thank you····" Without Zhang Yang, he In the three-bedroom house, if it hadn't been for Zhang Yang, after his barbecue stall was smashed, no one would have asked for justice. If it hadn't been for Zhang Yang, his daughter would not have won this 10,000 yuan scholarship. In the heart of Feng Tianyu's family, Zhang Yang is undoubtedly their great benefactor.

The two top students of the college entrance examination were interviewed by reporters after taking a group photo. The speeches were written in advance. For the two talented students, reciting such a speech is a piece of cake. What makes Zhang Yang gratified is that both of them have good eloquence.

Originally, several TV stations wanted to give Zhang Yang an exclusive interview, but Zhang Yang politely declined their request and gave up the opportunity of this exclusive interview to Chen Jianian, the executive vice mayor. For Chen Jianian, this is a political achievement picked up out of thin air. Chen Jianian is happy and a little sorry. After all, in the Fengze fraud incident When it happened, he did not publicly support publicity.

Zhang Yang and Chang Lingfeng stood side by side. Chen Jianian, the executive vice mayor, was talking not far away from the king. Chang Lingfeng couldn't help laughing and said, "Have you found a political ally?"

Zhang Yang smiled indifferently: "I'm still observing and testing. I don't know why he is unqualified!"

Chang Lingfeng said, "This person is quite pragmatic!"

Zhang Yang said, "Is this principal doing something now? Do you still want to resign?

Chang Lingfeng said, "You worked so hard to keep my position. If I resign now, won't I be sorry for you? I won't give you this opportunity!"

Zhang Yang laughed loudly.

Chang Lingfeng said, "Miss An and I talked on the phone, and she promised to increase her investment in Fengze No. 1 Middle School. I took a fancy to a place in the northern suburbs of Fengze City, and now a branch campus of Fengze No. 1 Middle School has been built there!"


Chang Lingfeng said, "Xuri Vocational School has been closed because of poor management. Now the land has been taken back by the government. I went on an on-site inspection. The infrastructure is quite good. If the city can allocate the land to us, we can officially run the school after a little rest!"

Zhang Yang said, "Is it too late?"

Chang Lingfeng said, "It's too late!"

"Ap, it's up to me!" D