Medical official path

Chapter 432 Going back on your back

Although the funding gap is still very large, the publicity of the airport construction plan is still in full swing. The land acquisition work is handed over to the Fengze Municipal Government, which is personally pointed out by Mayor Sun Dongqiang. Executive Vice Mayor Chen Jianian is responsible for this matter, because the only place selected by the airport is Liang Jiaping, and this village is not Rich, so after giving many preferential conditions in the city, the villagers quickly agreed.

Zhang Yang's first job was to build the first building and a new airport on-site headquarters on the airport construction site. In accordance with the principle of economy, Zhang Yang decided to build a movable board house in the headquarters, and this project was handed over to Xie Juncho.

But when their headquarters had just been halfway through, a new problem appeared in front of them. The villagers of Liangjiaping, who had already reached an agreement, suddenly tore up the agreement, and the whole village mobilized together to surround the construction site of the on-site headquarters of the new airport.

When Zhang Yang received the news, he was discussing with Zhao Yanglin about the next work to be carried out. When he heard that the construction site was surrounded, he immediately interrupted the conversation and drove to the scene. Before leaving, Zhao Yanglin sent him out and told him that he must deal with the problem calmly and never have excessive conflicts with the local villagers.

At the construction site of the headquarters, the people of Liangjiaping surrounded the slab building that had just been built on three floors. The construction workers were also very nervous. After all, the villagers were full of people, and no one wanted to be innocently submerged in the vast sea of people's war. When it happened, Xie Junshao happened to be at the scene. Compared with these powerful migrant workers, she seemed much calmer. Some villagers wanted to rush up to demolish the board house. Xie Junzhuo stopped them and shouted, "I see who dares to? This is a government project. If you dare to destroy it, you will be legally responsible for destroying socialist construction and national property!" Her words really scared many villagers, but there were still people who were not afraid of anything. They shouted, "Don't listen to this woman scares us and demolish this shabby house. Why build a house on the boundary of our Yangjiaping?"

The first person to arrive at the scene was Chen Jianian, the executive deputy mayor of Fengze City. He also called Zhou Zhiguo, Secretary of the Party Committee of Donghe Lock. Zhou Zhiguo secretly complained when he saw the scene in front of him. He also vowed to the city that he would do a good job of demolition and mobilization to make the The relocation of the heart, but such a thing happened within a few days before the agreement was reached. How can I explain it to myself?

Zhou Zhiguo picked up the loudspeaker from the police who accompanied him and shouted, "Liang Baishan, Liang Baishan, come out!"

Liang Baishan is the party secretary of Liang Jiaping. Now that Liang Jiaping has a problem, Zhou Zhiguo is the only one to ask. Someone in the crowd shouted, "Liang Zhishu is sick and can't even get out of bed."

Zhou Zhiguo was so angry that he almost scolded his mother. Liang Jiaping is the hometown of Fengze martial arts. Liang Baishanwen is the first master of Liang Jiaping. He is as strong as a cow. He is sick. What a fucking joke! Zhou Zhiguo: "Who is responsible for you?"

When the villagers heard this, they shouted together, saying what era it is now, pay attention to democracy, what democracy is, that is, the people are the masters of the house, and they are all responsible.

When Chen Jianian saw that Zhou Zhiguo couldn't suppress his feet, he couldn't help frowning. He reached out to ask for the microphone. Zhou Zhiguo gave him the microphone. Chen Jianian said, "Guys, I'm Chen Jianian, the executive deputy mayor of Fengze City. I'm responsible The field is a good thing for the benefit of the people and the country. We have consulted with the representatives of your village before and reached a consensus that China is a country of etiquette. We Chinese pay attention to faith and righteousness. Now that we have agreed, we can't go back on our word.

Murayoshi shouted, "That can't make our ordinary people suffer!" In order to build the airport, our arable land houses are occupied by you. Where do we live? What do we eat?

Chen Jianian shouted: "It has been clearly listed in the demolition agreement that the government will build resettlement houses for you, and the arable land will be returned to you with the same area. During the demolition period, we will compensate you for your losses on a daily basis. The government has made the greatest concessions, and we have tried our best to start from

There is humanity: "Well said, we are used to living here. Our ancestors have never left this land for generations. Why do you let us go? Are we?"

For a moment, the crowd shouted in unison, "No, we are not, we vow to defend us to the death

's home!"

Chen Jianian didn't expect that the situation would suddenly become like this. When the scene was in a stalemate, a Nissan pickup truck came to the gate of the construction site at high speed.

The villagers around the construction site originally wanted to stop the car, but soon they found that something was wrong. The pickup truck had no intention of slowing down at all. The big foot accelerator coaxed, and the exhaust made a low metal roar.

Liangjiaping is the hometown of Fengze martial arts. There are many bold people in its villagers, but no one is bold enough to risk their lives. Before the arrival of the car, the crowd dispersed on both sides, and a road flashed in the middle. The pickup truck stopped in front of the gate of the construction site, and the angry villagers immediately gathered around

Zhang Daguan pushed the door and came out as if nothing had happened. He looked at the angry faces with disdain. He had encountered this kind of scene more than once. For Zhang Yang, these small winds and waves could not make him any touch at all. In terms of official position, he was big, and in terms of fists, he was also big As soon as the surname comes up, he is also sure of winning.

Although the villagers were angry, when they saw the momentum of Zhang's official appearance, no one really dared to take action against him. The official prestige was also a kind of temperament. After practicing for so long, Zhang's officialdom had already had a certain official prestige. Coupled with his own murderous spirit, he first shocked the momentum of these people.

Zhang Yang said, "Whoever dares to surround here again, I will let the police arrest him!" Although his voice was not loud, everyone present could hear it clearly.

The villagers in Liangjiaping are unmoved. They come with a lot of people. Everyone thinks that they don't blame the public. If you arrest people, you can't arrest all the people in our village. Someone shouted, "Now it's a society under the rule of law, the people

In the main society, your vice president can't bully others. Zhang Yang smiled. At this time, there was a sound of police cars in the distance. Qiu Jinzhu, deputy director of Fengze City Public Security Bureau, led a team of 30 people to the scene. Before they came here, they went to Liangjiaping and took Liang Baishan, the village secretary, out of the quilt. Liang Baishan was unspeakable, who was Qiu Jinzhu was still clear about Liang Jiaping's situation. The thief captured the king first, and then caught their leader first.

It turned out that Qiu Jinzhu's countermeasure was correct. The villagers saw that even the village secretary had been arrested. Although there were still people shouting, they had begun to be timid. Today's movement has made a lot of noise. Two mayors came, the Secretary of the Party Committee came, and the deputy director In addition, there are 30 policemen with live ammunition. Although the villagers of Liangjiaping are superior in number, most of the people dare not fight against the government, and many of them are bluffing. Most of them join in the fun. Seeing that the government is serious, many people begin to be afraid.

The deterrent effect of Liang Baishan's prayer after being caught is extremely significant. Liang Baishan is an extremely tough person. He is not only the party secretary, but also known as the first master of Liang Jiaping. Liang Jiaping is the hometown of Fengze martial arts. The first master of Liang Jiaping is the first master of Fengze. Today, the But Liang Baishan did not object. Pretend to be sick and hide at home, which is the best countermeasure he can think of. I am a village secretary and I am an old party member. I can't gather people to make trouble, but there is nothing wrong with these villagers to seek their own interests. I don't object and disapprove. Just turn But Liang Baishan didn't expect that he would be found by the police at home. "He couldn't help but handcuff him. To be honest, with Liang Baishan's ability, three or five policemen couldn't get close to him at all, but Liang Baishan knew that his fist was not as big as the party. He was a party member and I'm angry that I didn't break the law, but I didn't do evil. Why did you suff me?

Liang Baishan said to Zhou Zhiguo, Secretary of the Party Committee: "Secretary Zhou, what crime did I commit? Why did you suff me?"

Zhou Zhiguo said with a pale face, "Don't go back on your word and don't believe it. As a party member and cadre, this is a crime!"

Liang Baishan said, "I resigned and I won't do it. I'm no longer a party member or cadre, so I can't talk about crime."

Zhou Zhiguo Road: "You are shirking your responsibilities. If you can do your duty, these villagers in Liangjiaping will not come here to obstruct key government projects. You are an old party member. Why don't you have any consciousness at all?"

Liang Baishan said, "The reason why the people come to make trouble is that they feel aggrieved. Most of the people who come here are native villagers. We were born here and grew up here, and our ancestors have been buried here for generations. Now in your words, you are going to tear down our home, the ancestral graves have been dug Before the crops grow up, they will be flattened. Secretary Zhou, people's hearts are fleshy. Can't you put yourself in the place of the people of Liangjiaping and think about it?

Zhou Zhiguo Road: "Can people's dissatisfaction be reflected through your village secretary? Since you have such big opinions and so many dissatisfactions, why do you agree to relocate when you are in power? The construction of the city began with your consent, and now you are going back on your promise again, Liang Baishan, you are playing tricks with the party and the government!

Liang Baishan said, "We didn't think so much at the beginning. We just wanted to cooperate with the government's work, but calm down and think about it. Our village has paid a lot, and the losses are too big. The government's compensation can't be equated with our losses at all."

Executive Vice Mayor Chen Jianian has been listening to the dialogue between the two of them. Chen Jianian said, "If you have a opinion in your heart, you should say it. We are all Communist Party members. We are willing to accept opinions from all sides, but this expression is too much, isn't it?"

Zhou Zhiguo and Chen Jianian discussed a few words in a low voice and said to Liang Baishan, "Your village secretary doesn't want to do it if you don't want to do it. You don't have to do it. The superior leaders have the final say. Now you are still the secretary of the party branch of Liang Jiaping. You have If the commander-in-chief of the new airport Xiang Ri has any comments, let's sit down and talk about all our thoughts and grievances, and strive to solve this matter as soon as possible to satisfy the people.

Liang Baishan said, "I'm still in handcuffs. How can I talk about it?"

Zhou Zhiguo looked at Chen Jianian. Liang Baichuan was pulled by the municipal bureau, and Zhou Zhiguo was just a party secretary, and he could not command. Chen Jianian turned around to find Zhang Yang, but found that Zhang Yang had entered the construction site to see the loss. Chen Jianian said, "Xiao Qiu, open the handcuffs for him! Qu;

When Qiu Jinzhu heard the executive deputy mayor speak, he immediately came over and opened the back of Liang Baishan's hand


Chen Jianian said, "Go and talk to the villagers in Liangjiaping. If you choose five representatives, we will talk about it immediately. If there are any conditions, we will not be afraid to say. As long as it is reasonable, we will consider it.

Liang BaiJ nodded and turned to walk to the villagers.

Chen Jianian frowned and said to Zhou Zhiguo, "Your work is not done well!"

Zhou Zhiguo sincerely lowered his head in panic and said with shame, "Mayor Chen, our poor work has caused such a great difficulty in the construction of the new airport. I will write a self-criticism as soon as I go back.

Chen Jianian said, "Get ready. Let's participate in the dialogue with the villagers of Liangjiaping together


Zhou Zhiguo Road: "Actually, we talked about this matter well two days ago, and the villagers also voted. Liang Baishan signed the demolition consent form on behalf of the villagers. I really don't understand why he went back on his word."

Chen Jianian sighed and said, "Driven by interests, it must be driven by interests!"

[Adding a chapter in the early morning, it can be regarded as the second update of 8,000 words today. Continue to write immediately. There is another update before 12 o'clock, and today is 100,000! Please guarantee the monthly ticket!] Y