Medical official path

Chapter 439 Unfreezing Eight Thousand Words

Zhang Yang looked at Shen Qinghua's depressed look, and a wisp of sympathy could not help but rise in his heart. No matter how stubborn Lao Shen is politically, he is still a filial son. Zhang Yang came to Mrs. Liu's bedside. The doctor was ready to give up his efforts and did not stop him from visiting. Zhang Yang reached out to hold the old lady's wrist and frowned.

The doctor beside him said, "Mayor Zhang, I'm afraid the old lady can't do it. We tried our best!" Zhang Yang heard too much of this routine sto shirk responsibility. He said to the little nurse beside him, "Help me help her up!"

The little nurse was stunned for a moment and did not follow his instructions. Zhang Yang said, "Do you hear me? Hurry up!"

Several doctors and nurses didn't know what he wanted to do. Shen Qinghua came over and he reached out to pick up his mother's body. At this point, we can only give it a try.

Zhang Yang's palm rested on Mrs. Liu's back. Suddenly, he made a move to surprise everyone. He laid the old lady's upper body on his thigh, raised his hand and patted the old lady's back twice. Only Peng was heard! Peng! Two times, people can't help but worry about whether the old lady's thin body will be broken by this man.

Shen Qinghua blushed with anger. Although his mother was hopeless, he should not be so disrespectful. When he was about to get angry, he heard his mother cough heavily, and a bloody longan was coughed out by the old lady. The old lady breathed a sigh of relief and tears fell down.

As if nothing had happened, Zhang clapped his hands and said, "It's just stuck by Guiyuan. It's good to cough up!" The two palms he just patted seemed ordinary, but in fact they were extremely exquisite. The first palm shook the longan loose, and the second palm shook the longyuan out of the old lady's airway. Even if someone else saw the cause of the old lady, he did not have the ability to shake the longan out.

Only then did Shen Qinghua understand why Zhang Yang slapped his mother. Seeing that his mother had recovered his breathing, he was so happy that he didn't know what to say.

The hospital staff led by Li Yingming looked embarrassed one by one. They rescued for so long and had no effect. They had announced that the old lady had no hope and asked the municipal party secretary to prepare for the afterth. Vice Mayor Zhang slapped him twice. These two slapped the old lady, but they hit all their medical staff. On the faces of the personnel, their medical standards are also a little poor.

Li Yingming stared at the director of the emergency room fiercely.

Shen Qinghua and Meng Zonggui sent the old lady to the ward.

Zhang Yang quietly left while no one was paying attention. Today, he sent a gift to Shen Qinghua.

Convinced that his mother had overcome the danger, Shen Qinghua just let go of the heavy burden in his heart and came out of the ward. Meng Zonggui followed him out. Seeing Shen Qinghua looking around, he guessed that he was looking for Zhang Yang and whispered, "Zhang Yang is gone!"

Shen Qinghua nodded and whispered, "Thanks to him!" Only then did he realize that he owed a big favor.

Meng Zonggui said, "I really didn't expect that he could save the godmother by mistake, right?"

Shen Qinghua shook his head and said, "When I met him in the afternoon, he said that the wind and cold in the old man's body had not been cleared, and the disease would be repeated."

Meng Zonggui didn't have any good impression on Zhang Yang and sneered, "It happened to make him bump into him."

Shen Qinghua said, "He still has some skills!" Shen Qinghua understands that there will not be so many coincidences in the world, and Zhang Yang does not only rely on luck.

At the next day's standing committee meeting, Shen Qinghua announced a new division of labor for the mayor. Zhang Yang's resignation did not get the approval of the superior. However, considering that Zhang Yang's main energy in the future is devoted to the construction of the new airport, he adjusted his work and let Zhang Yang be responsible for investment promotion work, culture, Acting Deputy Mayor Chen Jianian. In addition, Shen Qinghua criticized Wang Huazhao on the spot and blamed Wang Huazhao for the kidney replacement incident.

All the members of the Standing Committee felt very strange. Today, Shen Qinghua seemed to have changed his mind and accepted this matter so calmly. Did the superior put pressure on him again?

Shen Qinghua said, "Next, our main task is to do a good job in the autumn harvest, and another task is to cooperate with the city to prepare for the new airport." He looked at Chen Jianian and said, "Comrade Jia Nian, how is the land acquisition work at the new airport going?"

This is the first time that Shen Qinghua took the initiative to ask about the work of the new airport. Everyone feels that something has changed in the secretary, but no one can tell where it has changed.

Chen Jianian said, "Secretary Shen, the land acquisition work at the airport has almost been carried out. All the villagers involved in the land acquisition have signed the demolition agreement. Our next work is to assist them in relocation and do a good job in resettlement."

Shen Qinghua nodded and said, "We must hurry up. We must cooperate with the work of the city and must not delay the construction of the airport." Shen Qinghua has never shown such initiative in the past.

Sun Dongqiang looked at Shen Qinghua quietly. I don't know why the old fox suddenly changed his sex today.

Zhang Yang received a thank-you call from Shen Qinghua that morning. No matter how different their positions were politically, it was an indisputable fact that Zhang Yang saved Shen Qinghua's mother. Although it was impossible for Shen Qinghua to be grateful to Zhang Yang from now on because of this matter, his attitude towards Zhang Yang still improved.

Shen Qinghua said, "Xiao Zhang, thank you very much for what happened yesterday."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "It's just luck. I don't know anything about medical reason."

Shen Qinghua was very satisfied with Zhang Yang's modesty. He whispered, "My mother still wants to thank you face to face."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "No, I'll see her when I have time."

Shen Qinghua said, "Let's have dinner together when we have time and have a good chat."

Zhang Yang agreed, and he said, "The wind and cold in Aunt Liu's body has not been cleared up. I told my uncle who is a traditional Chinese medicine doctor about her situation. My uncle opened a prescription according to her symptoms, and I will ask someone to send it to you later."

Shen Qinghua thanked him repeatedly, and now he has no doubt about Zhang Yang's medical skills.

Zhang Yang said, "Secretary Shen, one more thing, the on-site office building of the new airport construction headquarters has been completed. I would like to invite you to come and have a look!"

Shen Qinghua hesitated for a moment. As the secretary of the Fengze Municipal Party Committee, he should indeed show his concern for the new airport project, but until now he has been excluded from the construction of the new airport. According to his past ideas, you can do whatever you want. I'm not upset, but now it's different, Zhang Yang. He became his lifesaver. The kindness he owed to others was so great that he naturally couldn't say the word of refusal. He nodded and said, "Okay, I'll take time to go there this week."

It was said to take time. The next day, Shen Qinghua came to the new airport with several municipal members of the Standing Committee. This is the first time that Shen Qinghua came to the scene since the new airport project was confirmed in Fengze. Shen Qinghua did this more or less to show off his feelings, but there is a more Because he has realized that the city is very dissatisfied with his recent performance and is trying to make a change. It is no longer his age to ride the wind and waves against the current. For his few remaining political life, he will pay much less than the former.

The on-site headquarters of the new airport is currently two movable slab buildings. In this kind of house, air conditioning is indispensable for office work. Zhang Daguanren is sitting in the air-conditioned room drinking tea, and his mobile phone keeps ringing. No wonder that the telephone line can only be finished tomorrow, and the only way to contact is through the mobile Zhang Yang's office is in a good location. You can see the gate from the window. Seeing Shen Qinghua and several members of the Standing Committee coming over, Zhang Yang got up and went out to meet him.

Shen Qinghua, Chen Jianian and Qi Guoyuan, members of the Standing Committee of Fengze City, came together, which also shows the importance attached to the new airport project, and the TV station's report is indispensable. The reporter followed the members of the Standing Committee with long guns and short cannons.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Welcome, warmly welcome, welcome several leaders to come to the scene and guide the work in person."

Qi Guoyuan smiled and said, "You should get two children to come and present flowers!"

Zhang Daguan said to others: "The funds are tight. The superiors let me open up and save money. If I can save it, I will save it. I will do the children's work concurrently."

Shen Qinghua is a person who advocates thrift. He is satisfied with the headquarters's use of mobile slabs to work. However, when he saw that many rooms upstairs were equipped with air conditioners, he couldn't help frowning. He said to Zhang Yang, "It's already autumn. Why do you install so many air conditioners?"

Zhang Yang said, "Autumn tigers are very poisonous. When the sun shines directly, the indoor temperature can reach more than 40 degrees. If you don't install an air conditioner, it will be scorched."

Shen Qinghua said, "Then come out and stay in the shade of the tree!"

Official Zhang knew that this guy was a money-sting man, and he didn't have the same experience as him. If there was an office, he didn't stay. They all ran under the tree to enjoy the cool. Do you think my headquarters is a Caotai team?

Shen Qinghua asked about the progress of some airport preparations, and Zhang Yang answered one by one.

At noon, Shen Qinghua and a group of people were invited to have lunch in the small canteen of the headquarters. As long as Shen Qinghua was present, the food must be thrifty, otherwise Secretary Shen would definitely feel sorry for the food.

Shen Qinghua was quite satisfied with the four dishes and one soup at noon. He thought that the working meal should be like this. The more the national cadres are, the more they should take the lead. However, he also pointed out the shortcomings. There are too many eggs in the tomato and egg soup, and there is a little too much oil in the vegetables. This is

People around Shen Qinghua's style of doing things are not surprised. Zhang Yang only takes his words as a deaf ear. If you say yours, I will be mine. In the future, this new airport will be a special zone of Fengze. You can't take care of it.

Shen Qinghua really can't control this place, but several things that have happened recently also made him understand. He doesn't want to care about it. It's a good thing for Zhang Yang to preside over the construction of the new airport. It's also a scourge to stay in Fengze. Here, he can toss around as

After lunch, Zhang Yangzhong sent a letter of appointment to Shen Qinghua, the general consultant of the new airport construction headquarters.

Shen Qinghua took the red letter of appointment, and now he is much more comfortable, general counsel! It sounds good. In fact, he can't ask anything, but what Shen Qinghua wants is a face. So many members of the Standing Committee have made a name of a consultant. If he doesn't, he seems to be a little excluded. Politically, what he is most afraid of is to be isolated, and others want to laugh at him. Strange to say, the older a person is, the stronger his vanity is and the more face-loving he is.

The news production team of the TV station hurriedly gathered around Shen Qinghua's camera interview, and Shen Qinghua's face was obviously stained with a lot of joy.

Qi Guoyuan and Chen Jianian looked at it from afar. Qi Guoyuan whispered, "It's strange. There are signs of melting in the ice."

Chen Jianian laughed and said, "It has long been said that there are no eternal enemies and eternal friends in politics. The momentum of Zhang Yang's going out is unstoppable. The stage of their activities in the future will be much bigger, and the small temple of Fengze can't accommodate this great Bodhisattva."

Qi Guoyuan smiled and said, "Secretary Shen seems to be suddenly enlightened!"

Chen Jianian said, "There is no need to do the right thing in the first place. Zhang Yang's coming to us is just a transition. Everyone can see it, but Secretary Shen can't see it."

Qi Guoyuan said, "It's not that he can't see it, but he can't tolerate others violating his authority."

Shen Qinghua and Zhang Yang stood together on the land planned by the new airport and looked at the endless wilderness in front of them. Shen Qinghua sighed, "How many farmland is gone!"

Zhang Yang said, "Secretary Shen, any cause must be given up. If Jiangcheng wants to seek great development, it must take this road. The construction of a new airport is a great thing for Fengze. Fengze's economy must have an essential leap because of the completion of the new airport."

Shen Qinghua also agreed with Zhang Yang's words. Such a big project as the new airport will definitely drive the development of the surrounding economy, but it is precisely because the project is too huge that it is difficult to say whether it can be completed within the deadline. Shen Qinghua thought to himself that he could not see the new airport being built during his reign. Thinking of this, Shen Qinghua couldn't help but feel a trace of sadness in his heart.

Zhang Yang said, "How is Aunt Liu's health?"

Shen Qinghua said, "I'm sober. I've read the dangerous period. I also went to grab the medicine for the prescription you sent by Xiaofu. I should have drunk it now."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "It's okay."

Shen Qinghua whispered, "Thank you!"

Zhang Yang laughed and said, "There's nothing to thank. The prescription is also made by my uncle. I'm just helping with the consultation."

Shen Qinghua said, "If there is a chance in the future, I must thank your uncle in person."

After sending away Shen Qinghua and his party, Zhang Yang returned to the office. Fu Changzheng handed over the latest project progress and the next preparation schedule to Zhang Yang. Zhang Yang looked at the schedule, and the airport construction bidding meeting would be held in ten days. He said to Fu Changzheng, "Contact the major media across the country about the bidding for airport construction. This matter should be publicized. The more people know, the better. Strive to attract all domestic powerful investors and builders."

Fu Changzheng said, "This matter has been arranged. Yes, Mayor Zhang, our headquarters has been built. Will the project payment be paid?"

Zhang Yangmeifeng moved: "Of course, pay according to it. We must pay attention to integrity in everything we do. If we build such a small building, we will repudiate the debt. Who else dares to invest in the future?"

Fu Changzheng nodded repeatedly.

Zhang Yang said, "We are not afraid to spend a little money. We save a lot of money, and we have to rely on the big head to repudiate the debt!"

Fu Changzheng looked helpless and followed Zhang Yang to work. He couldn't do it even if he didn't want to learn to be slippery. He was about to report something else when Zhang Yang's phone had already rang.

Zhang Yang picked up the phone, but the phone was from Wang Guangzheng, the deputy mayor of Jinghai City. Wang Guangzheng specifically informed Zhang Yang that the closing ceremony of the spiritual civilization construction training course will be held this Saturday. By the way, a certificate of completion will be issued, so that Zhang Yang must be present.

Zhang Yang nodded and agreed. As soon as the phone was hung up, Du Tianye called in again and asked him to go to Dongjiang to report the preparations for the airport construction to the provincial leaders. This matter is extremely important when it involves future funding. Du Tianye asked him to pay attention to it and leave immediately.

Zhang Yang looked at the battery of the mobile phone and couldn't help shaking his head. His mobile phone was about to be blown up. While changing the battery, he said to Fu Changzheng, "Tomorrow I'm going to Dongjiang on a business trip. I won't be back until next Monday. If there is anything wrong here, you can ask ."

Fu Changzheng took out a small notebook and wrote it down seriously.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "I said, can you stop doing formalism? Can't you remember such a little thing?"

Fu Changzheng said, "I'm busy from morning to night. There are too many things. It's not good for me to miss it. It's better to write it down."

Zhang Yang said, "You keep in mind that the phone call must be implemented immediately. You say hello to Fengze Telecommunications Bureau and ask them to pull a special line. If I come back next week, if this matter has not been completed, you can directly tell the Director of Telecommunications Bureau and let him get out of here."

Fu Changzheng said, "They said they would install it tomorrow!"

"You have to say that. Their efficiency is not honest if you don't show some color."

Fu Changzheng has been following Zhang Yang for a long time and is used to his work style. He smiled and said, "I will follow closely."

Zhang Yang said, "You're welcome. Just tell them what I told you."

Fu Changzheng said, "The bidding meeting is scheduled to be held in a move by the Jiangcheng Municipal Government, and the preliminary preparations will be carried out now."

Zhang Yang said, "I will discuss this matter with Director Zhao. Jiangcheng will be responsible for him. After all, he is the deputy commander-in-chief, and he can't take money or work."

When Fu Changzheng saw that Zhang Yang had begun to pack up, he quickly said, "Mayor Zhang, I'll help you clean up. Go ahead quickly."

Zhang Yang said, "Since I became the on-site conductor, I have been busy all day long. On a hot day, I can't stay in the air-conditioned room for a while. The leader moved his mouth, and the subordinates broke his legs. With a word from Secretary Du, I have to go to the Dongjiang River."

Fu Changzheng smiled and said, "Mayor Zhang can do more work!"

Zhang Yang nodded and remembered another thing: "Xiao Fu, go and give me 10,000 yuan in cash. I have no money in my hand."

Fu Changzheng hurried away.

Zhang Yang took the money and rushed to Jiangcheng immediately. Du Tianye asked him to come here for face-to-face teaching. This time, he went to Dongjiang to report to Qiao Zhenliang, Song Huaiming and other provincial leaders that the preparation of the new airport was very important, involving future allocations.

Zhang Yang came to Du Tianye's office and asked the first sentence: "Since this matter is so important, why don't you go in person?"

Du Tianye said, "Since you are in charge of the new airport project, I will let you do it. I have to do everything, and you feel uncomfortable. Besides, Governor Song is your future father-in-law. Secretary Qiao has a good relationship with you, and it is more convenient for you to meet and talk to them."

Zhang Yang said, "My face is worthless, and they may not buy me."

Du Tianye said, "Take out your time to ask me for money. You must make the provincial leaders realize the difficulties we are facing. The difficulties of Jiangcheng are also the difficulties of Pinghai. It is impossible for the province to see our difficulties without reaching out."

Zhang Yang nodded and said, "Well, you are the leader. I'll hit wherever you point!"

Du Tianye said, "This year, there is a deep-water port in Nancy. Our Jiangcheng is going to build a new airport. Jiangcheng and Nanxi are all children of Pinghai. Wherever the provincial policy goes, you can get more financial assistance. Do you understand?"

Only then did Zhang Yang know Du Tianye's intention to let himself go to Dongjiang at this time. He whispered, "Is Nancy also going to the province to ask for money?"

Du Tianye said, "Do you still need to ask? Who doesn't want to invest more? Mayor Zuo went to the province before, but it didn't work, so I wanted to send you to go again. If we don't fight, most of the money will be taken away by Nancy.

Zhang Yang sighed and said, "Didn't you tell me about this? If I had known that the provincial capital would have allocated funds, I would have won the money.

Du Tianye smiled and said, "It's not too late for you to go quickly. If you can get more financial allocation this time, I'll make a big contribution for you."

Zhang Yang said, "What's the great achievement? How to reward me?"

Du Tianye said, "Greedy is not enough to swallow elephants. If it hadn't been for my firm opposition, your current Vice Mayor Fengze could not be preserved. You are content!"

Zhang Yang shook his head helplessly. It seemed that it took some effort to get it done.

Du Tianye said, "Get ready and leave tomorrow!"

Zhang Yang said, "Do you want to rush your life? Since the work at the new airport, I haven't had a good rest.

Du Tianye stood up with a smile and patted him on the shoulder affectionately and said, "Brother, I know you have worked hard, but in this Jiangcheng system, the person I trust most is you. I leave the work to others. I'm really worried. Who will help me if you don't help me?"

Zhang Guanren sighed, "Lao Du, you are getting more and more slippery. We were not like this in the past."

Du Tianye said, "Reform should start with ourselves. I must adapt myself to this era."

Leaving Du Tianye's office, he met Xiao Lin, deputy director of the Enterprise Reform Office. Xiao Lin is the nephew of Deputy Mayor Xiao Ming and Zhang Yang's old subordinate. Although he is now at the deputy department level, it can be seen that Zhang Yang still shows considerable respect. He said respectfully, "Mayor Zhang, come and do something!" In the depths of Xiao Lin's heart, he always felt a little sorry for Zhang Yang. After all, as soon as Zhang Yang's deputy director of the Enterprise Reform Office was taken down, he replaced him. This kind of thing is always a little embarrassing for the parties concerned.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Xiao Lin! What are you doing here instead of the Enterprise Reform Office?

Xiao Lin said, "Come and report to Mayor Yan!"

Zhang Yang said, "Recently, the Enterprise Reform Office has done a lot!"

Xiao Lin said modestly, "It's all a good foundation laid by Mayor Zhang. I'm enjoying it now."

Zhang Yang is still very satisfied with his performance. He has never had any opinion on Xiao Lin, but he is a little unhappy with his uncle Xiao Ming. The two got off the elevator together and saw Qiao Mengyuan waiting there in the hall. Qiao Mengyuan came with Xiao Ming. The development speed of Huitong was amazing. The past land could no longer meet their needs, so Qiao Mengyuan applied for 100 mu of land as the second phase of Huitong. Xiao Ming was pulled by her to solve it together. For this problem, Xiao Ming was responsible for the work of Yan Xinjian. Qiao Mengyuan just went to Zuo Yuanchao. Things went well. Zuo Yuanchao almost settled this matter without much thought.

Qiao Mengyuan hasn't seen Zhang Yang for a few days. She found that he was darker and thinner than before. Thinking that it was because of her hard work, she couldn't help but feel a little indescribable. Qiao Mengyuan suddenly realized that she actually cared about him. This discovery made Qiao Mengyuan feel a little scared. How could she

Zhang Yang looked at Qiao Mengyuan with a smile, and his eyes contained a hot smell.

Qiao Mengyuan was not used to him looking at herself like this. She smiled at him and said, "What a coincidence?"

Zhang Yang said, "It's not a coincidence. The largest pilgrimage site in Jiangcheng is here. We are all believers. We look down and don't look up."

Qiao Mengyuan and Xiao Lin were both amused by this guy's metaphor.

Qiao Mengyuan said, "Is the preparatory project for the new airport going well?"

Zhang Yang nodded and said, "It's okay."

Qiao Mengyuan smiled and said, "As long as it goes well!" She looked at the time and said, "I have to go first. I have to go back to Dongjiang today."

Zhang Yang was slightly stunned, and then he smiled and said, "Did you drive?"

Qiao Mengyuan said, "I came with Director Xiao's car."

Zhang Yang took the initiative to say, "I'll see you off!"

Qiao Mengyuan hesitated for a moment, but it was not easy to refuse in front of Xiao Lin. She nodded and said, "Then please Mayor Zhang."

followed Zhang Yang to his pickup truck and said, "Where are you going now?"

Qiao Mengyuan said, "Send me back to the company first, I'll get something, and then send me to the railway station!"

Zhang Yang nodded and didn't mention that he was going to Dongjiang. He sent Qiao Mengyuan back to the company. Not long after Qiao Mengyuan entered, she came back with a small suitcase and said with a smile, "I'm sorry to let you be a full-time driver today."

Zhang Yang said, "It doesn't matter. It's my honor to be your driver."

Qiao Mengyuan joked, "I don't have a salary for you."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Then..." He wanted to say something to marry him, but he felt a little inappropriate on his lips. It seemed that it was not suitable for him to make such a joke between him and Qiao Mengyuan. Qiao Mengyuan was very rational. In case he accidentally provoked her off, his friends would not have to do it.

Qiao Mengyuan had guessed something from the two words beginning with Zhang Yang. Her beautiful face turned to the window, and her beautiful eyes showed a little shyness. She whispered, "The train will leave in 40 minutes. Send me there quickly."

Zhang Yang said, "Don't worry, you can't miss your way to Dongjiang." There is a reason why he said this, because he also wanted to go to Dongjiang. He originally planned to leave early tomorrow morning, but when he learned that Qiao Mengyuan was going to Dongjiang today, he immediately decided to go with Yiren, so that someone could accompany him on the long road.

Qiao Mengyuan found something wrong when the pickup truck drove past the railway station. She said in a shocked voice, "Hey, you've driven it. Stop the car!"

With a smile on his face.

Qiao Mengyuan said with a stern face, "Don't joke, I'm too late." She knew that Zhang Yang liked to joke, that's why she said so.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "I'm not kidding. I said I would send you to Dongjiang, and I will definitely send you there."

Qiao Mengyuan said, "You don't have to send it. You can't get away with so many things. How can I waste your precious time!"

Only then did Zhang Yang talk about Du Tianye's sending himself to Dongjiang to report on his work.

Qiao Mengyuan said annoy, "You are really, if you had said you wanted to go to Dongjiang, and you deliberately lied to me!"

Zhang Yang laughed and said, "I didn't lie to you."

Qiao Mengyuan said, "It's a pity that my train ticket!"

Zhang Yang said, "Will you, Miss Qiao's billionaires, care about a train ticket worth dozens of yuan?"

Qiao Mengyuan said, "Do you know that waste is shameful?"

Zhang Daguan suddenly stepped on the brake, and Qiao Mengyuan hurriedly pulled the armrest. She didn't know what this man wanted to do.

Zhang Yang stretched out his hand and said, "Where's the ticket?"

Qiao Mengyuan handed him the train ticket.

Zhang Yang picked up the train ticket, fell down the window, and waved to a beggar who was begging on the roadside. The beggar limped over to him.

Zhang Yang threw the train ticket into his job and smiled, "The economy here is not good. If you want to make a lot of money, you have to go to the provincial capital!" After saying that, he stepped on the accelerator and drove into the distance.

The beggar stared at the ticket for a while, chewed Zhang Yang's words over and over again, and then looked at the ticket. He was sure that the ticket was true. He said excitedly, "The Bodhisattva has appeared, the Bodhisattva has appeared!"

[Octopus saw some book friends' complaints about a single chapter. Octopus explained that the current trend is like this. It has the ability to compete for the monthly ticket list without opening a single chapter, and the results will certainly not be as good as expected. If you don't argue with others, you won't think you are brilliant, but think The top ten and the top six of the classification are 1,000 yuan, and there is no difference in money. The reason why Octopus cares about the monthly ticket ranking is to let more readers know their works and recognize their works. If some readers are off the shelves because of the octopus's single chapter, the octopus can only say sorry, and thank you Support. Some friends who have been kicked out by the medical group should not complain. The reader group is an exchange occasion. If it doesn't match, it will go. Octopus rarely speaks in the group, but I hope everyone is happy and harmonious in the group. As for conflicts and being kicked, please don't suffer from the book of medical Taoism. Octopus is grateful Heart, I hope you can get happiness in reading. Reading is not forced. It's good for everyone to be happy. Don't extend it to others because of some small things. With a tolerant heart, you will definitely get more happiness! Octopus hopes that all my readers will be happy!] V