Medical official path

Chapter 447 Don't owe each other

Only then did Zhang Yang know what had just happened, and he was also a little afraid, and his back was full of cold sweat. If he hadn't saved himself, I'm afraid that his hard-won second life would have been completely over. Zhang Yang said, "You just gave me artificial respiration?"

Shi Wei blushed and denied, "No! I just punched you a few times in the chest.

Zhang Daguan said to humanity: "Do you relieve hatred?"

Shi Wei nodded and Zhang Yang stood up around the bath towel. Some areas were still a little bumpy. Strangely, the male hormone level of Zhang Daguanren has risen rapidly at this time. Maybe this is a stress response.

Zhang Yang is still rational. He knows that many times it needs to be controlled. The biggest difference between humans and animals is that people know how to control.

Zhang Yang went back to the bedroom and changed his clothes.

Shi Wei also adjusted her mood very well at this time. She also understood that it was better to think that nothing had happened just now, but her eyes couldn't help slipping between her legs, and she saw what she shouldn't have seen just now.

Zhang Yang said with a smile, "We are even this time. I saved your life. You saved my life. I have seen you, and you have seen me."

Shi Wei blushed and said, "Get out of here!" This man really recovered from his scar and forgot the pain. He just came back from the ghost door, and now he has exposed his hooligan nature. It was still a little embarrassing for the lonely man and woman to get along with each other in the middle of the night. When Shi Wei saw that Zhang Yang was fine, he got up and said goodbye.

Zhang Yang said, "I'll see you off!"

Shi Wei shook his head and said, "No, I'll just drive your car back..." Speaking of this, she suddenly remembered that she had just got up in a hurry, and the key had not been pulled out of the car.

The two of them went downstairs to have a look, and Zhang Yang's super pickup truck really disappeared.

Shi Wei felt a little guilty and said, "I'm sorry, it's all my fault!"

Zhang Yang said with a smile, "What is a car? Compared with my life, it is as light as a feather."

Shi Wei said, "Call the police!"

Zhang Yang nodded and lost his mobile phone in the car. Shi Wei called 110 with his mobile phone. Hearing that Zhang Yang's car was stolen, Jiang Liang led the team over, took a few photos at the scene, and asked them a few questions.

Zhang Yang called Jiang Liang and said, "Nothing. This car is not far away. There is a positioning system in the car. I'll find someone to call out the information later."

Jiang Liang said, "Then don't do it quickly. As long as you locate the location, I can find the car for you tonight."

Zhang Yang said, "I just contacted you. The car is moving, and you have to wait for the car to stop before you can do it." Zhang Yangxin said that the car thief didn't have eyes and actually stole it on his head. You know, the car passed through the country. It's specially modified. This kind of car is too difficult to take action.

Shi Wei's phone rang. Zhang Yang just contacted Xing Chaohui by phone. This phone number was made by Xing Chaohui. Xing Chaohui said, "I found it. The car is parked in the yard of your precision manufacturing factory in the eastern suburbs of Pinghai."

Zhang Yang told Jiang Liang the news, and Jiang Liang immediately led ** to the precision manufacturing factory to find the car.

Zhang Yang and Shi Wei followed. On the way, Qiao Mengyuan called. She was a little worried when she saw that Shi Wei had been out for so long and had not come back. Shi Wei was very excited to tell what had happened. In her opinion, she was playing the game of catching thieves.

The precision manufacturing factory has closed down and the factory has been abandoned. When more than a dozen police cars surrounded the precision manufacturing factory and dozens of ** magic soldiers rushed into the factory like a sky, five bad elements who were disassembling and decomposing around the pickup truck were scared to flee around like headless flies. , they couldn't figure out that they came to the door so quickly.

When Zhang Yang saw that his tire had been removed by them, he was so angry that he kicked one of the car thieves and said angrily, "Pull it back quickly!"

The car thief honestly loaded Zhang Yang's car tires back. At this time, Jiang Liang had asked the result and came to Zhang Yang and said, "Ask clearly. They haven't stared at your car for a day or two, and someone behind them has instructed you."

Zhang Yang said, "Who is so immoral?"

Jiang Liang looked around and whispered, "Yuan Libo!"

Zhang Yang thought for a moment, touched his bald head and said, "Isn't that the son of Vice Mayor Yuan?"

Jiang Liang nodded and said, "That's him. His brother Yuan Ligang is in our bureau."

Zhang Yang had a relationship with these two brothers. In the past, because of Yuan Libo's affairs, he forced Yuan Chengxi to bow his head to himself and admit his mistake. Unexpectedly, Yuan Libo's memory was not good, and he actually provoked him again. Zhang Yang sneered and said, "** What the hell, catch him!"

Jiang Liang said, "Would you like to communicate in private?"

Zhang Yang shook his head and said, "Communication and steal my car. Isn't this bullying me? Catch it! Let Yuan Chengxi come to me to solve this matter.

Jiang Liang looked at Zhang Yang's face strangely.

Zhang Yang said, "What are you looking at? Haven't seen it?"

Jiang Liang couldn't help laughing and saying, "Your eyes are blue!"

Zhang Guanren hurriedly looked at the rearview mirror. Sure enough, he was stunned into a panda's eye by Shi Wei's punch.

Yuan Libo was taken away by ** as soon as he went out the next day. His brother Yuan Ligang was from the Public Security Bureau. It was easy to inquire about this matter. Soon he found out that his brother was taken away because he found someone to steal Zhang Yang's car. Yuan Ligang secretly blamed his brother for causing trouble. They had already suffered from That's good. Let's poke out the leak.

Although Yuan Ligang is **, he can't solve this matter. He is very clear about Zhang Yang. His younger brother Yuan Libo and Zhang Yang have had conflicts for a long time. Yuan Li just finally met his younger brother.

Yuan Libo was just interrogated in the police station. He said with an aggrieved face, "Brother, I really didn't let anyone steal his car!"

Yuan Ligang said, "A few car thieves all insisted on your instructions."

Yuan Libo said, "I don't know them at all. How can I let them steal cars? Besides, it's not that I don't know what kind of person he is. I usually hide from him when I see him. How can I provoke him?

Yuan Ligang felt a little strange when he heard his brother's words. Both of his brothers fell under Zhang Yang's hands, and they both knew that Zhang Yang was powerful. There was no reason for his brother to do such a stupid thing. Did anyone really design to frame him?

Yuan Libo said, "Brother, check the where these car thieves came from. Why do they think it's me? Give them a little bitterness when necessary, and let them tell the truth.

Yuan Ligang smiled bitterly at himself. Now it's Jiang Liang's secret. What kind of character is Jiang Liang? He is a celebrity in front of Rong Pengfei, and he will not give himself face at all. If he goes beyond his authority to deal with this matter, he may be caught by others. Not only can't save his brother, but he is also in trouble. Although Yuan Ligang thinks so in his heart, he said, " Libo, don't be afraid of this Just a moment, if you really haven't done it, no one can frame you.

Good things have always been spread thousands of miles without going out. Vice Mayor Yuan Chengxi was so angry when he learned about this. The first thing he scolded was that his son was not competitive. He had nothing to do. Why did he have to provoke the plague god? You can't care about your son. Yuan Chengxi first asked his eldest son Yuan Ligang for clarification of the situation, and then went directly to Rong Pengfei, the director of the Public Security Bureau.

When Rong Pengfei saw Yuan Chengxi coming in person, he got up and greeted him with a smile: "Mayor Yuan, what wind blew you here?"

Yuan Chengxi sighed and said, "It's not for the disobedient bastard in our family!"

Rong Pengfei smiled and asked Yuan Chengxi to sit on the sofa first. He asked people to make a pot of tea. He said calmly, "Don't be nervous, Mayor Yuan. The matter is under investigation. Up to now, it is not certain that your son instructed someone to steal the car and ordered several car thieves to tell him."

Yuan Chengxi said, "Although my son has a bad temper, he can't do anything. Peng Fei, you can't listen to the words of those car thieves!"

Rong Pengfei said, "We will deal with this matter!"

Yuan Chengxi said, "Can I guarantee our second brother?"

Yuan Chengxi is a deputy mayor or a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee. He came forward to guarantee his son. Rong Pengfei had to give him face, and so far, only the five car thieves insisted on being instructed by Yuan Libo, but Yuan Libo did not admit it. Rong Pengfei thought for a moment and whispered, "Actually, this matter is not a big deal. Mayor Yuan might as well communicate with Zhang Yang."

Yuan Chengxi couldn't hear it. Rong Pengfei suggested that he and Zhang Yang had an affair. Yuan Chengxi had the experience of bowing to Zhang Yang in the past. He regarded that as a great shame, but he didn't expect to encounter this situation again. It was still for his son. Yuan Chengxi said, "What's good to communicate You have to pay attention to the evidence. If there is no evidence, you can't just testify that my son instigated others to commit crimes!"

Rong Pengfei nodded and said, "Mayor Yuan can do whatever he wants!" He kindly reminded Yuan Chengxi that Zhang Yang was not easy to offend. Yuan Libo obviously angered his scales this time. This boy has been depressed about the new airport recently, and he is likely to continue to vent on this matter.

Yuan Libo was finally released with his father's efforts. As soon as he walked out of the door of the public security bureau, Zhang Daguanren appeared driving his pickup truck.

Yuan Libo was afraid of Zhang Yang in his heart, but on the surface, he didn't want to admit his cowardice. He stood there and looked at Zhang Yang without fear. Zhang Daguan walked over with a smile. Without saying a word, he punched Yuan Libo's stomach.

Yuan Libo is Liang Baichuan's personal disciple. Xingyi boxing is also quite hot. Unfortunately, he met Zhang Yang. He didn't even have a chance to fight back. He was punched by Zhang Yang. He covered his stomach in pain and squatted down. Zhang Yang kicked him in the chest again and kicked Yuan Libo to sit Zhang Yang pointed to Yuan Libo's nose and scolded, "B blind your dog's eyes, you dare to move my car!"

In the past, Yuan Libo bullied others. When was he bullied like this? Zhang officials should not only bully him, but also in public and at the gate of Jiangcheng Public Security Bureau.

The public security who passed by the door saw that Zhang Yang was beating people. They didn't see it one by one. There were still good people who told Yuan Ligang about this. Yuan Ligang ran down from the office building in a panic and shouted, "Zhang Yang, do you still have any legal concept? In broad daylight I'm at the gate of the Public Security Bureau!"

The official Zhang looked at him contemptuously and said, "You play with me. If you get angry, I'll beat you together."

Yuan Libo was quite tough at this time. He struggled to stand up and put on a posture of both attack and defense: "I'll fight with you!"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "You are not qualified at all!"

Yuan Ligang stood in front of his brother: "Zhang Yang, you bully people too much. What evidence do you have to prove that my brother instructed others to steal your car?"

Zhang Yang said, "Do you need proof? Do you two have a good one?

The Yuan Ligang brothers were embarrassed and angry by him in front of so many people, and their faces turned red.

Du Yufeng and Jiang Liang rushed over when they heard the news. They hurriedly persuaded Zhang Yang and separated them. Zhang Yang still pointed to Yuan Libo and said, "I'll see you again and again in the future!"

Jiang Liang and Du Yufeng finally persuaded Zhang Yang to the office. Du Yufeng smiled bitterly and said, "I said Zhang Yang, we don't play like this. You ran to the gate of our public security bureau to beat people, and didn't pay attention to us at all. Where do you put our ** majesty?" It's not good for your own reputation.

Zhang Yang said, "Who asked you to let him go? Did you steal my car for nothing? In the future, if others know, they will dare to hit my car.

Jiang Liang said, "Mayor Yuan came in the afternoon. He personally insured him, and the director said to let him go. Can we not let him go? Besides, the five car thieves insisted that they were instigated by Yuan Libo, but Yuan Libo didn't admit it. We can't make a move, can we?"

Zhang Yang said, "Of course he won't admit that the bastard hasn't done much good!"

Du Yufeng was responsible for recording a confession to Yuan Libo in the afternoon. He was clear about the actual situation. Du Yufeng said, "I don't think Yuan Libo is lying. Maybe he was really wronged this time."

Zhang Daguan Ren stared at him and said, "You mean I wronged him?" E