Medical official path

Chapter 458 Late Festival is not guaranteed

After the procuratorate intervened in the investigation, Cao Zhengyang's matter was soon found out. Xu Zhentang's reaction was completely true. Cao Zhengyang did have corruption during his tenure as the director of the engineering factory. According to the preliminary information, the amount of Cao Zhengyang's corruption was about one million. This news made the highest leadership of Shocked, they have always thought that Cao Zhengyang is a clean and honest cadre.

When the procuratorate went to find out to Yang Yun, Cao Zhengyang's widow, to understand the situation, Yang Yun said firmly that the city was persecuting them and wanted to smear Cao Zhengyang. However, when the procuratorate showed factual evidence, Yang Yun began to be afraid, and she still knew what happened to her husband Her eldest daughter and son-in-law opened an accessories factory outside to produce spare parts for the construction machinery factory. The second daughter and son-in-law opened a paint factory, which is also the business of the construction machinery factory.

At the Standing Committee of Jiangcheng, Du Tianye, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, informed the Standing Committee of the situation learned by the procuratorate and said sadly, "In the past, people said that what we national cadres are most afraid of is to investigate. As long as it is checked, few are clean. I don't want to mention any Each of you knows that everyone can say high-sounding words in front of people, but what did you do behind them? Can words and deeds be consistent? He threw the material about the investigation of Cao Zhengyang on the table: "The matter of Comrade Cao Zhengyang shocked me a lot. The reason why we decided to let him retreat at the beginning was that considering that his leadership style was no longer suitable for the development of the times, we did not expect that he would be corrupt in the long-term leadership process. For us, and even the majority of engineering factory workers, think that he is a good party member and a good cadre, but the reality is that he uses his own power and the resources at hand to make benefits for his family, one million. This is a number of ordinary workers who get up early and can't earn after working hard all his life. I don't know What do you think when you look at this country's wealth? I'm very sad."

Zuo Yuanchao's face was extremely ugly. He thought that making an article about Cao Zhengyang's accidental death would make Du Tianye lose face, but he did not expect that Cao Zhengyang would be a embezzlement criminal. The current situation has shown that Du Tianye's treatment of Cao Zhengyang is correct. If Cao Zhengyang did not die of drunkenness, then he will undoubtedly face severe punishment by law after these things happen. Zuo Yuanchao suddenly thought of these four Yu in the late festival. If Cao Zhengyang's family did not make trouble after his death, maybe this matter would not be exposed. This incident was quite like throwing stones and hitting his feet.

At the Standing Committee on that day, everyone was very low-key, and the members of the Standing Committee were unwilling to take the initiative to speak.

After the meeting, Zuo Yuanchao returned to the office silently. Not long after he sat down, Cao Zhengyang's wife Yang Yun came to him.

Zuo Yuanchao didn't want to see her, but after thinking about it, after all, he had always had a good relationship with Cao Zhengyang's family in the past, and he should meet her.

After a few days, Yang Yun's spirit was obviously much worse, and his eyes were full of blood. Since Cao Zhengyang's corruption case, Yang Yun has been in a huge mental torment. She was afraid and regretted. If she hadn't gone to the groundbreaking ceremony of the new airport to make trouble, the province would not pay attention to In the investigation, not only did he not ask for justice for his husband, but also investigated the embezzlement of public funds and the damage to public and private interests.

Yang Yun timidly called Mayor Zuo. Her current psychological pressure is undoubtedly huge, and the procuratorate has basically ruled out that she is related to Cao Zhengyang's corruption case.

Zuo Yuanchao sighed and said, "Sister-in-law, what can I do for you?"

Yang Yun said, "Mayor Zuo, you know Lao Cao. He is wholehearted for the factory..." Yang Yun's words were somewhat pale and powerless.

Zuo Yuanchao said, "Sister-in-law, the procuratorate has the evidence, and there is no need to talk about some things." He gently told Yang Yun that Cao Zhengyang's corruption case was well documented, and there was no need to argue on this issue.

Yang Yun sighed and said, "Our old Cao Qingren has been honest all his life. I really didn't know that he took a million from the public. I believe he is not corrupt. He is just embezzled. He wants to help the children before retirement. You know, who in the world doesn't think about his children?"

Zuo Yuanchao said, "If everyone thinks like him, the things of the country will become personal things."

Yang Yun's eyes turned red: "Mayor Zuo, our Lao Cao didn't move the money. When the procuratorate came, it was already taken. How much did Lao Cao take? Even if we smash the pot and sell the iron, we will lose the money. You see... Do you think you can help me talk about this Please go innocently and walk at ease?"

Zuo Yuanchao couldn't help sighing secretly. If he had known this, why did he have to do it at the beginning? He said to Yang Yun, "The law is the law. Anyone who violates the law will be sanctioned. I will relay your request to the city. The mistakes made by Comrade Cao Zhengyang cannot be erased by his death. You should cooperate with the investigation of the procuratorate."

Yang Yun nodded with tears. From Zuo Yuanchao's words, she heard that her husband was probably going to be late this time.

Zuo Yuanchao said, "Burial as soon as possible!"

Yang Yun covered his lips and tears couldn't stop flowing down. If he was buried before the incident two days ago, Cao Zhengyang could still be buried, but in this case, I'm afraid few people are willing to attend his funeral.

Song Huaiming left Jiangcheng with a depressed mood. Yang Yun complained and made him furious. After going back, he informed the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection to investigate whether he had been unfairly treated by Jiangcheng's leaders about Cao Zhengyang's death, but he did not expect that things would develop like this.

Liu Yanhong, Deputy Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, reported the already clear situation to Song Huaiming.

After listening to it, Song Huaiming twisted his two thick eyebrows together. He said angrily, "I really don't understand why corruption is emerging one after another? What's wrong with our cadres?

Liu Yanhong said, "According to what we have learned, Cao Zhengyang's embezzlement of one million yuan has happened in the past year. In the past, there should be no financial problems for him. His family has taken the initiative to return the money."

Song Huaiming said, "So what if you retreat? Doing something wrong means doing something wrong. This is a stain that he can't erase all his life!"

Liu Yanhong said, "I have been working on the Commission for Discipline Inspection for so many years. Recently, I found that many cadres have been honest all their lives, but when they retire, they can't be in the evening, or they reach out to the country for themselves or for their children. This phenomenon is endless, which is really sad."

Song Huaiming said, "This has something to do with their relaxation of self-discipline."

Liu Yanhong said, "People have a psychology of suffering from gains and losses before losing power. They lack a sense of security. If they want to fill their inner emptiness and loss in some way, they often have wrong ideas and do wrong things."

Song Huaiming said, "Go back and have a look with Secretary Zeng. Be sure to sound the alarm bell for these cadres who are facing retirement and do good things for a lifetime, but doing a bad thing will smear your life. Is such an act worth it?"

Liu Yanhong nodded. She said to Song Huaiming, "Old classmate, I feel that you are not in a good mood recently."

Song Huaiming sighed and said, "The foundation stone laying ceremony of Jiangcheng New Airport was so noisy, and the media scribbled about it. I was really angry at that time and criticized Du Tianye. Now think about it, I also had a fire."

Liu Yanhong said, "Young cadres always have a process of gradual maturity. You are so tolerant of Zhang Yang, and you should do the same to others."

Song Huaiming said, "Don't mention him to me!"

Liu Yanhong sensed that Song Huaiming's mood was something wrong and whispered, "What happened? Can you tell me?"

Song Huaiming thought for a moment, opened the drawer, took out the envelope and gave it to Liu Yanhong: "Someone sent it to me!"

Liu Yanhong looked at the photo in the envelope.

Song Huaiming said, "The girl in the photo is Secretary Qiao's nephew Shi Wei!"

Liu Yanhong finally understood why Song Huaiming was unhappy with Zhang Yang. She had heard of Zhang Yang's romance for a long time, but there had been no practical evidence. Liu Yanhong couldn't help frown when she saw these photos. She whispered, "I don't know what these photos can prove, but the person who sent you these photos Bad heart."

Song Huaiming said, "Flies don't bite seamless eggs. If this boy is clean, he will not be caught by others."

Liu Yanhong said, "Old classmate, to say something unpleasant, Zhang Yang and Yanran are not married yet, and both of them have the freedom to make a new choice."

Song Huaiming said angrily, "I don't care about his choice, but if he dares to deceive my daughter, I will never let him go!"

Liu Yanhong couldn't help laughing.

Song Huaiming said angrily, "What are you laughing at? Sagloating?"

Liu Yanhong said, "Look at what you look like now. You don't look like the governor of a province. He is a father who wants to avenge himself."

Song Huaiming said, "Can I use public revenge for him?"

Liu Yanhong said, "According to my understanding of Zhang Yang, this young man is still good, and his feelings may be a little uncertain, but I can see that he is very serious about Yanran."

Song Huaiming said, "Don't say good things for him, seriously? Seriously, can he fall in love with my daughter here, and hug my daughter behind my back?

Liu Yanhong said, "Now I don't understand the feelings of young people, so I'm not qualified to evaluate, but just a few photos can't prove anything. Leave this matter to me. Anyway, I'm going to Jiangcheng to deal with Cao Zhengyang's affairs recently, and knock on this boy by the way."

Song Huaiming said depressedly, "Yanran and I can't speak again."

Liu Yanhong said, "Don't bother, maybe it's just a misunderstanding."

Song Huaiming nodded. He took the photo handed back by Liu Yanhong and whispered, "Secretary Zeng is going to retreat. You have to be more active."

Liu Yanhong said, "Don't worry, I know what to do!"

The corruption case of Cao Zhengyang made Zhang Yang let go of a worry. This matter was very shocking in the engineering factory. The workers heard some news that they thought that their kindness had been deceived. Cao Zhengyang thought for them on the surface, but he was doing things that harmed public fertilizer and private interests behind his back. Workers were most disgusted with corruption. Because of this, their transformation is also huge. From sympathizing with Cao Zhengyang and asking for justice for Cao Zhengyang, to spitting him and contempt for him. At Cao Zhengyang's funeral, there were only a few factory leaders in Jiangcheng Engineering Machinery Factory, which was very deserted.

In contrast, Xu Zhentang, the just-appointed factory director, conquered the workers in the factory with his blood because of his heroic performance in front of the city government. After Xu Zhentang's efforts, he finally reached an agreement with Lanshan Engineering Machinery Factory to jointly enter the Jiangcheng New Airport project. This incident greatly encouraged the workers and proved that Xu With Zhentang's ability, the workers began to have more and more expectations for the new factory director, and Xu Zhentang's work became smooth as a result.

When the first batch of equipment of Jiangcheng Construction Machinery Factory entered the new airport construction site, the factory director Xu Zhentang came with him in person.

Zhang Yang is standing on the empty construction site, watching the workers set up a huge triangular billboard. This is Chang Lingfeng's suggestion. The construction of the new airport cannot be completed in the short term, so they should make the most of their resources. Next to the national highway, on the construction site of the new airport, a total of twelve huge triangular billboards have been set up. This kind of three-dimensional billboard is open to attract investment, according to These billboards alone can bring them an annual income of 1.8 million.

Xu Zhentang shouted behind Zhang Yang, "Mayor Zhang!"

Zhang Yang turned around and looked at it, then turned his eyes to the yellow excavators on the road, and smiled and said, "Delivery in person!" E