Medical official path

Chapter 494 Family Ugly

Cheng Zhiwei said, "We asked Qin Zhendong's mother. She said that she asked Qin Zhendong to come and observe Qin Mengmeng and Chunhuan. According to her, Qin Mengmeng often abused her children. She couldn't bear to see her grandson suffer, so she wanted Qin Zhendong to find an opportunity to persuade their mother and son to I also want to take the child back so that the child will not be wronged. I think this is the reason for the conflict between their brother and sister..."

Zhang Yang smiled disdainfully. He had a bad impression of Chang Yujie. In his opinion, even if Qin Mengmeng was not her biological daughter, she should not be so ruthless. What she said to the police was clearly hiding the truth of the matter. What is Chang Yujie afraid of? Zhang Yang's eyes turned to the window. From here, you can clearly see the situation of Qin Mengmeng's home. Even if Qin Zhendong wants to persuade Qin Mengmeng to go back, why did it take so much effort? Is it just to collect evidence of Qin Mengmeng's abuse of children?

The two returned to the living room. Zhang Yang squatted in front of Qin Zhendong's blood stains on the beach and looked at it. While Cheng Zhiwei was not paying attention, he took some blood clots that had already coagulated.

Cheng Zhiwei said, "At that time, Cai Qin's "Forgotten Time" was played repeatedly in the room. It seems that Qin Mengmeng likes to listen to this song very much. The murderer is very calm, and every step is very thoughtful.

Zhang Yang said, "The Qin Mengmeng I know is a kind woman."

Cheng Zhiwei said meaningfully, "Everyone has two sides. Even the heinous murderer has a weak side in his heart..."


After Zhang Yang left the scene of the murder, he found Xing Chaohui. He got the blood sample of Chun Zhendong. What he wanted to identify was the relationship between Qin Huan and Qin Zhendong. Qin Zhendong rented Qin Mengmeng's room in the building. During this period, he had been peeping at Qin Mengmeng's mother and son The movement is also a little intriguing. If Qin Zhendong really died at the hands of Qin Mengmeng, why did Qin Mengmeng kill him? What kind of hatred forced Chun Mengmeng to step out of this step? Zhang Yang began to doubt Qin Zhendong's motives and the relationship between them.

The results of DNA identification shocked Zhang Yang. Qin Zhendong turned out to be Qin Huan's biological father. As early as he walked into Qin Zhendong's room, he had this premonition, but he never wanted to believe that the final result of the matter would be so cruel.

Zhang Yang could already speculate on the whole truth of the matter. Qin Mengmeng was only 16 years old when she was pregnant. Qin Zhendong must have known that she was not his own sister, so he shamelessly raped her. The Qin family concealed the truth after knowing the well. Chun Mengmeng ran away from home. A 16-year-old girl After dealing with this matter and finally giving birth to this child, Zhang Yang finally understood why Qin Mengmeng killed Qin Zhendong.

When Zhang Yang told He Chang'an the final result, He Chang'an clenched his fists in pain. He couldn't imagine that his daughter had suffered so much humiliation and pain over the years, all of which was caused by the Qin family. When he first learned that Chun Mengmeng was his own daughter, he gave birth to the Chun He feels guilty, but now all he has left is hatred.

He Chang'an whispered, "The moral family, they destroyed my daughter and killed my daughter's life. I will never let go of these beasts."

After learning the truth, Zhang Yang also thought that Qin Zhendong died at the hands of Qin Mengmeng. He sighed and said, "No matter what the cause is, it is a fact that Mengmeng killed Qin Zhendong..."

He Chang'an said excitedly, "It must be the beast who forced her, otherwise she won't kill him. Kill well. This kind of beast-like thing deserves to go to hell..."

Zhang Yang said, "The Qin family obviously knew the truth for a long time, but they dare not tell this matter, because as long as this matter is made public, their Qin family will definitely lose face..."

He Chang'an said, "I don't care about the face, I just want my daughter to be safe..."

Zhang Yang said, "She hasn't contacted me until now. I don't know where she is..."

Qin Mengmeng sat in the Blue Rain Cafe and stared out of the window. The autumn rain floated again, and the scenery outside became crisp and blurred, which made Qin Mengmeng suddenly feel that the world around her had become illusory and not real. Qin Zhendong's lifeless face shook in front of her eyes, and Cai Qin's deep and soothing singing still echoed in her ears. Did I kill him? Qin Mengmeng thought hard, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't remember that she had shot Qin Zhendong.

Qin Zhendong died, but the humiliation and pain he brought to himself still existed, and Qin Mengmeng squeezed. Coffee, let the strong fragrance of coffee slowly soak in her mouth, and her nervous nerves seemed to relax a little. After running out of Qin Zhendong's room, Chun Mengmeng's mind was muddle-headed. She didn't know what she was doing and what she was thinking. Last night, she spent the night under the bridge hole not far from the community Walking aimlessly along the street to this cafe, she needs to calm down, and she needs to think about what she should do.

Up to now, Qin Mengmeng has not thought about why she has come to this point. After realizing the fact of Qin Zhendong's death, she only thought of her son, which is the reason why she did not call the police. She was afraid that she would never see her son again. Um, Qin Mengmeng has an impulse to cry. I don't know if Zhang Yang is with his son and whether his son has eaten? Do you miss your mother? Qin Mengmeng bit his lip and looked out of the window with red eyes.

A police car passed slowly, and Qin Mengmeng subconsciously lowered her head. She finally made up her mind that she could not hide like this for the rest of her life. She wanted to go to the police station to make this matter clear. However, before that, she had to see her son, even if she listened to his voice.

When Zhang Yang received Qin Mengmeng's phone call, he was accompanying Qin Huan to watch animation. Chun Huan was obviously a little depressed. From time to time, he asked about his mother. Zhang Yang hurriedly handed over his mobile phone to Qin Huan.

Hearing her son's voice calling her mother, Qin Mengmeng suddenly burst into tears. She covered her mouth and was afraid that her son would hear her crying. After a while, she controlled her emotions and whispered, "Xiaohuan, if you want to listen to your godfather, you can't be naughty..."

"Mom! Mom, where are you?"

Chun Mengmeng said, "Mom is on a business trip and can't go back in two days..."

Qin Huan said, "Mom, I miss you so much..."

Qin Mengmeng couldn't help crying again. She endured her sourness and said, "Xiaohuan, mom misses you too, good boy... Call your godfather..."

Qin Huan handed the phone to Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang took the phone, walked aside and whispered, "Meng Meng, where are you? I'll pick you up..."

Qin Mengmeng cried and said, "No, I'm relieved to hear Xiaohuan's voice. I'll turn myself in later. I'll go to the police station to make things clear! I've had enough of this kind of hiding in Tibet!"

Zhang Yang looked at Qin Huan behind him, took a few steps into the distance, and said in a low voice, "Did you kill Chun Zhendong..."

Qin Mengmeng shook his head vigorously and whispered, "I don't remember. I really don't remember what I did?"

Zhang Yang said, "The Qin family is looking for you everywhere, and the police are also looking for you everywhere. They think you killed Qin Zhendong..."

Qin Mengmeng said, "Maybe I really did it."

Zhang Yang said, "Tell me where you are, and I can help you..."

Qin Mengmeng said with tears, "No, I know what I should do..."

"Mengmeng, the current situation is very bad for you!"

Qin Mengmeng said, "Since everyone wants me to die, why should I let them down..."

Zhang Yang advised, "Don't forget, you still have Xiaohuan. If you want to get out of the matter, what will he do..."

"Brother, take good care of Xiaohuan!" After saying this, Qin Mengmeng hung up the phone.

He Chang'an came out with his own shrimps. He put Chaos in front of Chunhuan. Through this period of contact, Qin Huan was familiar with him a lot and said to him happily, "Grandpa He, my mother just called..."

He Chang'an was shocked, and there was a little surprise in his eyes.

Zhang Yang asked Qin Huan to eat by himself. He wink at He Chang'an, and the two walked out of the door.

He Chang'an couldn't wait to ask, "How about Mengmeng?"

Zhang Yang sighed and said, "It's okay now, but she seems to be ready to turn herself in..."

He Chang'an said nervously, "Why is she so stupid? You can't turn yourself in. The Qin family can't let her go. Contact her quickly. I can find a way to arrange for her to go abroad. As long as she leaves here, she can live again. By the way, what was her phone number just now? If we find the number, we can find her location..."

Zhang Yang said, "She called from a public phone. Even if we find out her location, she would have left when we got to the place..."

He Chang'an said, "She must not have an accident. She is going to get out of trouble. What about Xiaohuan? What should I do..."

Zhang Yang looked at the gloomy sky and sighed from the bottom of his heart. Listening to Qin Mengmeng's tone just now, he should have made up his mind, because he did not know her specific location, and it should be difficult to stop her.

[The first update will be sent, and it will continue to be updated in the evening!]