Medical official path

Chapter 494 Family Ugly 4

Qin Mengmeng shook her head and said, "This matter has nothing to do with you. I had already walked to the door of the police station. If I hadn't heard the news of Xiaohuan's disappearance, I would have walked into the police station and turned myself in. However, it is because of you that I have added another crime of assaulting the police..."

Hearing Qin Mengmeng say this, Zhang Yang couldn't help laughing.

Qin Mengmeng said, "I didn't kill him. Although I was in a coma in the middle, I clearly remember what happened that day. I didn't kill anyone!"

Zhang Yang said, "I believe in you!"

Qin Mengmeng looked at Zhang Yang in surprise and said, "Why do you believe me so much..."

Zhang Yang said, "Because I know that you are ready to face life again. You have to take care of Xiaohuan and watch him thrive. You have to bear so many responsibilities. How can you choose this road of no return..."

Qin Mengmeng's eyes are wet. For her now, there is nothing more precious than trust. She sighed with emotion, "It's a pity that only you believe me. Almost everyone thinks that I killed him, and all the evidence shows that I killed him..."

Zhang Yang shook his head and said, "I believe that you are not only me, but also Xiaohuan, but also him..." He pointed to He Chang'an.

Although Qin Mengmeng knew the rich man in the capital, he had no contact with him. He whispered, "It doesn't matter whether others believe me or not..."

Zhang Yang pointed to the photo and said, "Have you found that the two of them laughed very similarly?"

Qin Mengmeng was slightly stunned, and she heard that Zhang Yang seemed to imply something.

Zhang Yang whispered, "I found something!"

Qin Mengmeng bit his cherry lips and looked at him full of inquiry.

Zhang Yang said, "Everything should start with the Ping'an Buddha worn by Xiaohuan. The Ping'an Buddha was given to his daughter by Chang'an in those years! When the Ningyuan earthquake occurred, he thought that his wife and daughter were killed in the earthquake, but when he helped Xiaohuan take a bath, he saw the Ping'an Buddha..."

Qin Mengmeng's beautiful eyes were wide open because of surprise. She didn't know the origin of the Ping An Buddha, but she knew that she had carried it since she was a child.

Zhang Yang said, "In those years, Commander Qin just led the troops to Ningyuan for disaster relief. His daughter and He Chang'an's daughter were both in the same kindergarten..."

Qin Mengmeng has understood what Zhang Yang is talking about. She can't believe that things in the world are so coincidental. When she walked into the cage, she unexpectedly heard the news of her father. In her 22 years of life, she never knew that she had a father. She seemed to be unable to accept this reality and shook it. The head said, "Maybe it's just a coincidence. There are too many things in the world..."

Zhang Yang said, "Do you know that there is a kind of intergeneration paternity test? According to BUa, the intergenerational blood relationship can be identified..."

Qin Mengmeng's face changed.

Zhang Yang said, "I'm sorry, I didn't ask for your consent. Out of caution about this matter, I took Xiaohuan to identify his blood samples, and the results proved that they did have a close blood relationship..." Zhang Yang said in a low voice: "He Chang'an is your father, your biological father..." < /P>

Qin Mengmeng didn't know whether to be happy or sad for a moment. Her beautiful eyes were full of tears. She muttered, "Is this true? It's true..."

Zhang Yang nodded, took out a tissue from his pocket and handed it to Qin Mengmeng.

Qin Mengmeng wiped away her tears and suddenly remembered a question. Since Zhang Yang found out the relationship between He Chang'an and himself, he obviously knew that he was not the daughter of the Qin family." She whispered, "Brother, you can't say anything about this..."

Zhang Yang looked at Qin Mengmeng with pity and said, "I know that you have suffered a lot over the years. Don't worry, I will definitely save you..."

Qin Mengmeng said sadly, "Brother, thank you. I know I have no hope to go out. They have a lot of so-called evidence and think that I killed Qin Zhendong, but I can't prove anything..."

Zhang Yang said, "I believe you didn't kill him..."

Qin Mengmeng smiled with tears and said, "What the police believe is only evidence! My fingerprints are stained on the gun. I can't tell..."

Zhang Yang said, "Mr. He really wants to see you. I didn't let him come over. I'm afraid that your relationship will be known by others." The situation will be even more unfavorable to you. Don't worry, "he has hired a first-class lawyer in China to defend you..."

Qin Mengmeng understood Zhang Yang's meaning. If she was not the secret of the Qin family's own daughter, the police would have guessed the relationship between her and Qin Zhendong. If it was found that Qin Zhendong had raped her in those years, it would be even more natural for her to kill Qin Zhendong.

Qin Mengmeng bit his lip and finally made up his mind. He whispered, "Brother, Qin Zhendong is Xiaohuan's biological father..." It is extremely difficult for Qin Mengmeng to say the secret that was in his heart.

Zhang Yang nodded and whispered, "Don't worry, I will always help you keep this secret..."

Zhang Yang met Wen Haonan in the courtyard of the branch office. Wen Haonan also came to visit Qin Mengmeng, but Qin Mengmeng did not want to see him. Seeing Zhang Yang, Wen Haonan hurried over and said with concern, "Zhang Yang, how about Mengmeng..."

Zhang Yang sighed: "What else can I do..."

Wen Haonan said, "I mean, how does she feel?"

Zhang Yang knew that Wen Haonan had been in love with Qin Mengmeng, so he patted him on the shoulder and said, "It's always troublesome. Mengmeng said that she didn't kill Qin Zhendong, but the police had enough evidence, and the Qin family refused to give up."

Wen Haonan said, "Cute and kind-hearted, how can he kill his own brother!" When he said this, he couldn't help feeling a burst of guilt in his heart. If it hadn't been forced, he would not have sacrificed Qin Mengmeng. But when he thought of the scene that day, he couldn't help but have hatred again. He felt that he had been insulted by the Qin family.

Zhang Yang thought that Wen Haonan was reading Qin Mengmeng and whispered, "Why don't you help me think of a way?"

Wen Haonan smiled bitterly and said, "I have mentioned it with my parents, but they don't want to get involved in this matter. They just say it's the Qin family's own business."

Zhang Yang sighed from the bottom of his heart. This matter is indeed complicated, and outsiders are not suitable to intervene.

Wen Haonan pretended to be in pain and said, "I'm so sad to see Mengmeng's current situation!"

...............The sailing update group provides text, the first release of the medical official road bar................

If there was nothing he could do, Zhang Yang would not go to Xing Chaohui again. He specially invited Xing Chaohui to dinner in a tavern near the national security base. When Xing Chaohui heard that it was Qin Mengmeng's matter, he immediately got up and wanted to leave.

Zhang Yang stopped him and dragged him down again. Chaohui smiled bitterly and said, "If I had known that you were not so kind to invite me to dinner, I shouldn't have come today!"

Zhang Yang said, "It's one thing for me to invite you to dinner, and it's another thing for me to do something else. Even if you don't do it for me, I still need to eat."

Xing Chaohui said, "Yes, even if it's a sugar-coated shell, I'll admit it!"

Zhang Yang poured him a glass of wine and served him respectfully.

Xing Chaohui was quite flattered: "Why is this? If you have something to say, don't do this!"

Zhang Yang said, "This glass of wine is a toast to your kindness to me!"

Hearing what he said, Xing Chaohui nodded and said, "It's a little interesting. I can barely count your Bole!" The two of them drank the wine.

Zhang Yang gave him a full drink and toasted him. The sailing update group provides text, and the medical official road bar will be launched for the first time.

Xing Chaohui said, "Why is this?"

Zhang Yang said, "Qin Mengmeng is my god sister. I must not watch her be sent to a dead end. I must save her. You are afraid that I will implicate you. After drinking this glass of wine, I will completely draw a clear line with your organization. We will break up. Even if something happens to me in the future, it has nothing to do with your national security.

Xing Chaohui put down his glass and said, "Zhang Yang, can you look at Qin Mengmeng's problem calmly and put aside your personal feelings. According to the evidence now held by the police, Qin Mengmeng is the biggest suspect who killed Qin Zhendong."

Zhang Yang said, "She said she didn't kill Qin Zhendong!"

Xing Chaohui said, "Few murderers will take the initiative to admit murder. Does she have any evidence to prove her innocence?"

Zhang Yang said, "Can the police believe that she was killing just by the fingerprints on the gun?"

Xing Chaohui sighed and said, "This is a matter for the police. Can you have more confidence in the police and let them investigate?"

Zhang Yang shook his head and said, "I have no confidence in them. Head, tell the truth, from the perspective of a bystander." How likely do you think it is that Qin Mengmeng will be released without charge this time?"

Xing Chaohui thought for a moment and whispered, "Almost zero!"

Xing Chaohui said, "The sailing update group provides text, and the medical official road bar is the first release. Don't you think there are too many doubts in this matter? Why did Qin Mengmeng kill her own brother? Growing up under the same roof, what made them so hostile? Obviously, the Qin family has a lot of things to say, and the police have no right to interfere in their family affairs. All the police need to do is to respect the evidence and use the evidence to find the murderer. As for the motive for the murder, it is not something that the police need to solve.

Zhang Yang is quite clear about the inside story of this matter. In fact, he thinks that Qin Zhendong is more than enough to die. Qin Mengmeng has a thousand reasons to kill him. However, since Qin Mengmeng insists that he did not kill Qin Zhendong, Zhang Yang still tends to believe Qin Mengmeng. He believes that if Qin Mengm She has to wait until now, and she has decided to completely get rid of her past life and let Qin Huan change her environment. Now she is handling work, and there is no reason to choose this desperate path. Xing Chaohui was not wrong. The police respected the evidence. Even if he went to court in the future, the judge would still value the evidence. The fingerprints on the pistol and the testimony of the witness made Qin Mengmeng the biggest suspect, and it was difficult to prove her innocence.


[It will be dark and bright soon!]