Medical official path

Chapter 495 at all costs 3

Xing Chaohui said, "Whether he is a beast or a scum, only the law can punish him. Qin Mengmeng has no right to decide his life and death..."

Zhang Yang said, "Head, Chun Mengmeng can't tell lies. She is a rational woman. She knows the law. What will Qin Huan do if something happens to her? She had decided to leave the capital, say goodbye to the past, and start her life again. How could such a person choose to kill..."

Xie Chaohui said, "There are indeed many doubts in this case. According to Chun Mengmeng's confession and some situations at the scene, I suspect that there may be a third party at the scene of the murder. Unfortunately, we can't find any strong evidence at present..."

Zhang Yang said, "The police have filed a formal public prosecution against Qin Mengmeng. Judging from the current situation, there is little possibility of exonerated..."

Xie Chaohui said, "Are you going to give up?"

Zhang Yang shook his head.

Xie Chaohui said, "Zhang Yang, I not only regard you as a subordinate, but also as a friend. As a friend, I must advise you that everything must follow the rules of the game..."

Zhang Yang retorted, "The rules are set by people. Why should I follow the rules set by others?"

Xie Chaohui said, "Because you have no choice..."

Zhang Yang said, "I may be an alien in the eyes of many people, but at least I know what is right and what is wrong. I know what justice is and what justice is. When your so-called rules and laws conflict with justice, I will choose the latter..."

Xie Chaohui whispered, "Choosing the latter means touching the law..."

Zhang Yang smiled indifferently and said, "Don't forget that the legal system in China is still not perfect at this stage. To maintain justice is to safeguard the law..."

Xie Chaohui said, "If you cross the border, no one can save you!"

Zhang Yang said, "If I don't care about Qin Mengmeng, I will be uneasy in my conscience in my life..." His phone suddenly rang, and Zhang Yang picked up the phone. He Chang'an called He Chang'an. He Chang'an whispered, "Meng Meng will be transferred to Beisongshan Detention Center tonight..." Zhang Yang said, "Go back and say..." Then he hung up the phone.

Xie Chaohui took a sip of black tea, and then calmly looked at Zhang Yang and said, "Whose phone number?"

Zhang Yang pretended to be indifferent: "An ordinary friend..."

The evil Chaohui said, "Is it He Chang'an..."

Zhang Yang's heart was shocked. He looked at the evil Chaohui with vigilance and said, "You are following me..."

Xie Chaohui said, "If people don't know what they can do, there is no impenetrable wall in the world, and your mobile phone has been monitored by us..."

Zhang Yang looked at Xie Chaohui angrily: "Why did you do this..."

Xie Chaohui said, "The organization should ensure the safety of every important member. The reason why I want to see you today is to tell you that the police have found that someone has planned and robbed the prison. I hope this matter has nothing to do with you..."

Zhang Yang said, "What if it has something to do with me..."

Xie Chaohui said, "Then give up the plan and don't joke about your future and fate..."

Zhang Yang said, "I must do it! Head, can you help me once?

Evil Chaohui looked at Zhang Yang: "Why..."

Zhang Yang said, "Because Qin Zhendong deserves to die, because Qin Mengmeng is wronged, because we have a sense of justice in our hearts..."

Xie Chaohui said, "What does He Chang'an have to do with this matter..."

Zhang Yang replied truthfully, "Chun Mengmeng is his biological daughter..."

Xie Chaohui said, "I did some things on Cheng Zhiwei's mobile phone. Through listening to his call, I learned that someone tried to open a gap from the police, bribed the police, and tried to help Qin Mengmeng escape from prison on her way to Beisongshan Detention Center. The police inspector they found pretended to agree to their conditions The matter was reported to the superiors, and now the police are ready to fight, just waiting to kill you all..."

Zhang Yang took a breath of cold air. "If it hadn't been for Xie Chaohui's reminder, I'm afraid it would really be picked up by the police tonight.

Xie Chaohui said, "Never underestimate the ability of the police, let alone think that money can buy everything..." He sighed and said, "Zhang Yang, I really don't want you to destroy it..."

Zhang Yang said, "Then help me once!" As long as you help me save Qin Mengmeng, I will go to the mountain of fire for your national security in the future!"

A smile appeared on Xie Chaohui's face and said, "Isn't it too late to be loyal now..."

Zhang Yang said, "What else do you have..."

Xie Chaohui said, "Our technical department and training department of Guoan are seriously short of funds!"

Zhang Yang laughed. Xing Chaohui's words finally made him see a glimmer of hope. As long as he was willing to put forward the conditions, it proved that he was willing to help.

Zhang Yang said, "I think Mr. He will be happy to pay a lot of money..."


Qin Mengmeng was escorted into the police car and looked at the night sky through the window with an iron fence. The bright moon hung like thin ice in the black velvet-like night sky. Qin Mengmeng remembered the scene of hugging her son and pointing to the moon to tell him a story. Her beautiful eyes couldn't help but be a little hot. It will not reappear.

The police car started slowly, and Qin Mengmeng's heart kept sinking with the spinning wheels. She closed her eyes and fell into the endless darkness. Two tears like morning stars slowly slid down her beautiful face.

On the road to the North Songshan Detention Center, three police cars were moving slowly. When entering the mountain corner, the speed slowed down to less than 40. A truck was coming. Just as the vehicle was about to meet, the truck seemed to suddenly lose control. The body tilted and suddenly stopped in the center of the road. .

The police car had to stop because it was impassable. Inside the police car, Liang United, the deputy director of the sub-bureau, looked at the big truck coldly and said, "Ready for action..."

In the police car behind him, he reported to him: "Report to the director, there is a truck behind us blocking our road..." Liang Union whispered, "Calm down, be on guard, and be ready to take action..."

Two people came down from the truck. They had just arrived in front of the police car. The side door of the police car was opened, and more than a dozen police soldiers hiding in it rushed up from the sky, and people would be pressed on the ground in the future.

The two screamed, "What are you doing? Our car is broken! Our car is broken..."

At the same time, the police inspectors in the two police cars behind also took action to capture the driver who blocked the road behind them.

Liang Union ordered to check their vehicles. To his disappointment, there were no other people lurking in the two trucks, and some ordinary goods were loaded in the car. Liang Union picked up the phone with some disappointment. He called Cheng Zhiwei, the director who was personally responsible for escorting Qin Mengmeng, and informed Cheng Zhiwei of what had happened. .

Cheng Zhiwei was also a little strange when he heard Liang United's return. He whispered, "The news should not be wrong. Has anyone exposed the news?"

Liang Lian said, "There are very few people who know about this. We are tightly sealed and locked the news, and it is impossible to leak it..."

Cheng Zhiwei said, "Take those drivers back for good interrogation..." After saying this, Cheng Zhiwei hung up the phone. He saw that it was already 8:50 p.m., more than ten kilometers away from Sanhe Detention Center.

The driver said, "Cheng Juo, why don't we leave the road alone? We have to take this happy road..."

Cheng Zhiwei smiled and said, "Just in case! Prevent someone from robbing the prison..."

The driver laughed and said, "Cheng Bureau, it's a peaceful era. Who dares to do that? Don't die..." As he spoke, a car was coming towards the highway.

Cheng Zhiwei said in shock, "Be careful..." The driver hurriedly changed direction to the side, but the car still squeezed over their bodies, and both cars changed direction because of the sudden friction.

The body of the car was in the center of the road behind them, separating the police car behind them from the front.

Cheng Zhiwei's heart sank, and what should have come finally came. He quickly took out his pistol and was about to push the door of the car when he suddenly heard it! "From the hillside, tear gas shot down one after another, and the whole section of the road was suddenly filled with smoke. Cheng Zhiwei covered his mouth with his sleeves, but the irritating smell of tear gas made him so excited that he couldn't open his eyes.

Xie Chaohui stood on the hillside, observed the scene below with a night vision telescope, picked up the walkie-talkie and whispered, "Action, don't hurt anyone..."

Zhang Daguan, wearing a gas mask and a black field uniform, rushed out of the lurking forest like a vigorous cheetah. His target went straight to Qin Mengmeng's prison car, and two agents from Guoan acted with him.

Cheng Zhiwei stumbled and groped to the door. Before he opened the door, he was hit in the back of his head and fell to the ground with a splash. Zhang Yang took out his mobile phone from his body, put it in his pocket, and then smashed the door with the butt of the gun. The two police inspector Zhang Yang found Qin Mengmeng without much effort. Qin Mengmeng couldn't cover his mouth and nose because his hands were handcuffed. He inhaled more gas than others. He had already coughed and was about to close his breath.

Zhang Yang picked her up, put the prepared gas mask on her face, and then quickly evacuated from the scene. It took only five minutes from taking action to their full evacuation.

After the gas dissipated, several policemen got up with snot and tears. After they figured out what had happened, they immediately called the headquarters to report the matter. After the director Cheng Zhiwei woke up, he coughed for a long time before he recovered. He was still a little confused after touching it. After a while, he understood. Knowing that Qin Mengmeng had been robbed, he hurried to touch his phone, and even the phone was gone. Cheng Zhiwei staggered to stand up and roared angrily, "Chase me, even if you go through the whole capital, you have to find Chun Mengmeng!"

When Qin Mengmeng woke up, she found herself lying in a pure white room, with white walls, white floors and white furniture, which made Chun Mengmeng feel very untrue. She sat up slowly and felt a headache. Only then did she realize that she was still alive. Yes.

She walked out of bed barefoot and felt that the ground under her feet was not so solid. She stretched out her hand and pushed open the oval hatch. The dazzling sunlight forced her to close her eyes. She smelled the slightly idle sea breeze and heard the song of the gull.

Qin Mengmeng finally got used to the light outside. She carefully walked on the deck and saw the blue sky, the dark blue sea, and the silver seagulls soar between the sea and the sky, drawing one silver arc after another.

Qin Mengmeng could hardly believe her eyes. She raised her hand and found that the handcuffs in her hand had long disappeared. The sea breeze blew up her long silky hair. Everything was so vibrant. She heard the footsteps behind her and turned around, but saw a beautiful young girl looking at her with a smile.

Qin Mengmeng bit his lips and said carefully, "Hello, I... Where am I?"

The girl smiled and said, "On the ship to South Korea!" But..."

The girl smiled and stretched out her hand to her: "My name is Liv, Zhang Yang's friend. He robbed you from prison. From today on, you are free. When you get to South Korea, you will have a new name and a new nationality. If you want, you can also have a new look.

" Lifu smiled and reminded Qin Mengmeng, "The level of cosmetic surgery in South Korea is world-class!"

Qin Mengmeng doesn't care about everything she said. The only thing she really cares about is: "When can I see my son?"

Liv smiled and said, "Now they should be waiting in Busan!"


After Zhang Yang rescued Qin Mengmeng, he handed her over to Xie Chaohui. Arranged human evaporation is the strength of Guoan. There is another important reason why Zhang Yang did this. The relationship between him and Chun Mengmeng is well known to everyone. Qin Mengmeng was rescued, and he must be the first to be the object of . Not only did Zhang Yang think so, but Xing Chaohui also thought so, so that he was prepared to deal with the police investigation.

Sure enough, early the next morning, Zhang Yang was called to the police station to assist in the investigation. He was already fully prepared for this, so he was not afraid of the police investigation. He provided a credible alibi, and the police did not find any flaw." He could only watch Zhang Yang leave.

As soon as Zhang Yang walked out of the gate of the police station, a military jeep stopped beside him. Qin Zhenyuan and Qin Zhen's cousins came down from the car.

Looking at the menacing appearance of the two men, Zhang Yang couldn't help laughing. At this moment, Qin Mengmeng has now been out of trouble, and Zhang Yang's mentality is naturally much calmer. He smiled and said, "What's wrong with you two?"

Qin Zhenyuan nodded and said, "Where is Qin Huan?"

Zhang Yang asked, "Does it have anything to do with you?"

Qin Zhentang roared, "You'd better hand over Qin Huan immediately, or we will sue you for abducting children!"

Zhang Yang said, "If you want to sue, just sue. Is there anything else that your Chun family can't do?"

Qin Zhenyuan angrily looked at Zhang Yang and said, "Qin Huan is the flesh and blood of our Chun family. You have no right to take him away!" He has no right to decide his life!"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "I have no right to take Sen Huan away, but Qin Mengmeng has the right to take him away!"

Qin Zhentang pointed to Zhang Yang and said, "I have known for a long time that Qin Mengmeng's escape from prison has something to do with you?"

Zhang Yang said, "Do you have any evidence? If there is no evidence, be careful, I will sue you for slander!"

Qin Zhentang said, "Remember, we won't give up on this matter!"

Zhang Yang nodded with a smile. Suddenly, he raised his foot without warning and kicked Qin Zhentang to the ground with one foot. Qin Zhentang didn't expect that he dared to openly shoot his brother and subconsciously touched the pistol around his waist.

Zhang said coldly, "Try it. If you dare to take out the gun again, I will break your wrist!" He shook his head disdainfully to the Qin Zhenyuan brothers: "I hate others shooting behind my back. The account is not over yet!"

Zhang Yang made a special trip to visit Wen Guoquan and his wife on the same day. The reason was that Luo Huining called him and asked him to go there.

From the deep expression of his godfather Wen Guoquan, Zhang Yang has realized that his recent behavior in the capital has brought him some trouble. He honestly sat down opposite Wen Guoquan.

Wen Haonan was also at home. He looked at him sympathetically, poured a cup of tea for Zhang Yang, and put it on the coffee table.

Luo Huining sighed secretly and took the lead in asking, "Zhang Yang, where did you get Qin Huan?"

Zhang Yang said, "Gunma, it's not convenient for me to answer this question."

Luo Huining said anxiously, "You child, can you think more about what you do? Qin Huan is the grandson of Commander Qin. You broke into the courtyard of the military region and forcibly took him away. Now you have hidden Qin Huan again. The Qin family is going to sue you! They are for our face and have not made a big deal for the time being. If you take this matter to court, you will bear legal responsibility!"

Zhang Yang said, "If they want to sue, just sue. I'm afraid they won't?"

Wen Guoquan said coldly, "Who gave you the confidence? If you take away other people's grandchildren, which point can you stand on the basis of jure and human feelings?

Zhang Yang said, "The Qin family has never regarded Qin Mengmeng as a daughter. They want Qin Huan's purpose to find Qin Mengmeng by mastering Qin Huan!"

Wen Guoquan said, "You are becoming more and more promising, and you have to take care of other people's family affairs?"

Zhang Yang said, "Qin Mengmeng entrusted Qin Huan to me. Since I promised her, I will take care of it to the end!"

Wen Guoquan nodded and said, "The Qin family is going to take you to court. If you don't give Gu Huan to them, they will sue you for abducting children. Do you really want to go to the lawsuit?"


A new month, a new turning point, a new story, a new beginning, I hope everything will be fine! Ask for a monthly ticket with a minimum guarantee in May!