Medical official path

Chapter 497 Behind the Stealing

Zhang Yang stretched out his hand with a smile: "Welcome Mr. Qiao to come to guide the work in person!"

In front of so many people, Qiao Mengyu was also embarrassed to refuse him. She stretched out her slender hand and shook it with him. The palm of Zhang Yang's hand was very hot. She pinched Qiao Mengyuan's hand without leaving a trace. Qiao Meng's face was slightly hot. She pulled her hand out of Zhang Yang's big hand and

Zhang Yang said, "The communication cables and lighting cables have been stolen and cut more than 1,000 meters. It should be repaired this afternoon, but some of the equipment provided by Huitong has been artificially damaged, and the specific losses are not clear."

Qiao Mengyu nodded, and the two engineers who came with her had begun to check the situation.

Zhang Yang asked Fu Changzheng to bring a few bottles of mineral water, and he personally took a bottle and gave it to Qiao Mengsu.

Qiao Mengyu took the mineral water handed over by Zhang Yang and took a sip. She took a few steps forward. Because it had just rained, the ground at the scene was very muddy. Qiao Mengyu's high heels accidentally sank inside. Her body was crooked and she almost fell down. Fortunately, Zhang Yang caught up in time and The foot was pulled out, but the high heels got stuck in the mud.

Zhang Yang couldn't help laughing. He bowed down and pulled out his high heels and helped Qiao Mengyu wear them on his feet. In front of so many people, Qiao Meng's face couldn't help but turn red. This kind of behavior was also a little too intimate, so that outsiders didn't know what to think. Qiao Mengyu broke free for a moment and said with a pretish face, "Let go of me!"

Zhang Yang listened to her words and let her go. He not only let her go, but also turned to the side.

Qiao Mengyu took a step forward. This foot was pulled out, but the other foot sank in again. She complained secretly. If she had known this, she should not have worn high heels.

Zhang Daguan looked at Qiao Mengyu happily with his arms in his arms, as if he stood by and watched.

Qiao Mengyu stared at him and walked out with a deep foot. Although she was very careful, her high heels were still covered with mud. What's more, when she was about to get out of the mud, she stepped into the mud with one foot. Half of her calves sank into it.

Zhang Yang ran over. This time, Qiao Mengyu did not refuse his help. After his feet were pulled out of the mud, half of his trouser legs were covered with mud. Zhang Yang said, "I have no experience. I know that I still wear high heels when I come to the construction site!" Qiao Mengyu held him with one hand, his right foot covered with mud was hanging in the air, and his shoes fell into the mud.

Zhang Yang bowed down again. He put his hand into the mud and took out Qiao Mengyu's high heels and said with a smile, "I'll carry you on my back!" These shoes can't be worn!"

Qiao Mengyu shook her head. She was so embarrassed in front of so many people that she was a little embarrassed. Unexpectedly, she bowed down and took off her left-footed shoes and walked to her jeep only in socks.

When Zhang Yang saw Qiao Mengyu's behavior, he hurriedly reminded, "No, be careful not to prick your feet!" As soon as he finished his words, he heard Qiao Mengyu's cry in pain, and his delicate body bent down.

Zhang Yang hurried over and let him get it right. Qiao Mengyu's left foot stepped on a piece of glass.

Zhang Yang squatted down in front of Qiao Mengyu: "Come up! I'll carry you on my back!"

Qiao Meng slowly stopped being stubborn. His left foot was extremely painful, and blood came out. She lay on Zhang Yang's back. Zhang Yang carried her to her jeep, opened the trunk, and let Qiao Mengwei sit down in the trunk. Seeing that Qiao Mengyu's left foot was still dripping blood, and the glass was still stuck in the soles of his feet, Zhang Yang asked Fu Changzheng to bring the medicine box in his pickup truck, took out the scissors from it, carefully cut Qiao Mengyu's socks, and then washed Qiao Mengyu's mud on the soles of his Not small, the skin on the soles of the feet is soft, the whole jade feet are plump but not fat, beautiful but not thin, five jade-like delicate toes are long and short, crystal clear, extremely attractive.

Qiao Mengyu couldn't help blushing and his heart beating because his jade feet were held in the palm of his hand. He even forgot the pain and coughed gently.

Zhang Yang's eyes stared at Qiao Meng's gentle jade feet. He was a little out of shape. He was reminded by Qiao Mengyu's cough. He smiled unconsciously, took out the ladder from the first aid box, and carefully took out the glass fragments that pierced Qiao Mengyu's soles feet. The wound was very deep Zhang Yang applied homemade Jinchuang medicine on her wound and asked with concern, "Does it hurt?"

Qiao Mengyu bit the cherry lips and nodded gently.

Zhang Yang said, "So, women can't be too strong. Isn't it okay if you asked me to carry you out just now?"

Qiao Mengyu whispered, "There are so many people, how dare I let you carry me?"

Zhang Yang couldn't help laughing. The implication of Qi Mengyu was that if there were not so many people, there would not be so many scruples. He knew that Qiao Mengyu's temperament had always been reserved, so he didn't dare to say anything too much. He took out the gauze and slowly wrapped the soles of his feet for Qiao Meng.

After Qiao Mengyu applied Jinchuang medicine, the wound was numb and no longer painful. She was a little curious and said, "Why do you still have a first aid kit in your car at any time?"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "You know, I'm in a hurry to deal with others from time to time. It's inevitable to suffer some skin injuries, so I can deal with it in time with a first aid kit."

Qiao Meng couldn't help laughing and said, "You are self-akoned."

After Zhang Yang helped her wrap it up, he also sat side by side with Qiao Mengyu on the trunk. The staff in the distance did their own favor, and no one paid attention to them.

Qiao Mengyu said, "Brother Fei went to Xiyu Tibet to join the army." Zhong Changsheng was dismissed by my grandfather. Are these two things related to you?"

Zhang Yang said, "It has nothing to do with me. I swear I didn't say anything bad about them in front of Joe."

Qiao Mengyu sighed and said, "Brother Fei has never suffered like this since he was a child."

Zhang Yang said, "He is spoiled. It's not a good thing to be sent to Xibozang to suffer a little."

Qiao Meng said slowly, "I heard that you have caused a lot of trouble in the capital!"

Zhang Yang said, "The rumors from the outside world are not credible. In fact, they are all provoked by others!"

Qiao Meng smiled slowly. Naturally, she would not believe Zhang Yang's words.

The two engineers of Huitong quickly identified the loss and came to report to Qiao Meng. After saying a few words to them at the scene, Qiao Mengyu turned to Zhang Yang and said, "We will ship the new equipment as soon as possible and solve the problem in the shortest time."

Zhang Yang is quite grateful to Qiao Mengyu. After all, this communication equipment is sponsored by her free of charge. Zhang Yang said, "Thank you, Mr. Qiao, for your support for the construction of our new airport."

Qiao Mengyu looked into the distance and whispered, "I have decided to quit Huitong." Although her voice was not loud, it sounded like a bolt from the blue. He was stunned and said, "Why? Isn't the prospect of Huitong good?

Qiao Mengyu said, "You know, Huitong is not alone with me!"

Zhang Yang was silent. Of course, he knew that Huitong was co-founded by Qiao Mengyu and Xu Jiayong, of which Xu Jiayong owned half of the shares.

Qiao Mengyu said, "Since he left, I have supported Huitong alone. Fortunately, Huitong's business has been booming. Now everything is on track. Singapore Xingyue Group has proposed to buy the equity of Huitong in my hand. After the equity transaction is completed, I will completely withdraw from the company. I'm tired of it. I'm tired!"

Zhang Yang looked at Qiao Meng and said slowly, "Star Moon Group? Isn't it the group where Xu Jiayong is located?

Qiao Mengyu crossed his hands and stretched forward and whispered, "It doesn't matter which one it is." The main reason is that I'm tired of it and want to end it!"

Zhang Yang understood that the real reason why Qiao Mengyu wanted to end Huitong was that he wanted to completely draw a line with Xu Jiayong. Thinking of what Xu Jiayong had done, Zhang Yang couldn't help but be angry. He used Jin Sha to repeatedly provoke his patience bottom line, and then exposed Shen Wei's privacy, making Qin Bai ashamed at the wedding Zhang Yang can't stand Xu Jiayong. He clearly knows that Xu Jiayong regards himself as an enemy of killing his father. If he let him go, Xu Jiayong's revenge on himself will become worse in the future. If it is a clear revenge, Zhang Yang is not afraid, but it turns out that Xu Jiayong is just an unscrupulous little. People, dirty means are emerging one after another. Zhang Yang will never allow this dangerous person to continue to exist, endangering his relatives and friends.

Zhang Yang sighed and said, "You have worked hard to transfer Huitong to its current scale to Xingyue. Isn't it equivalent to Xu Jiayong in vain?"

Qiao Mengyu looked at Zhang Yang with a smile and said, "I will make my own decisions about my business, and my emotional affairs have nothing to do with you. Your worries seem to be a little superfluous!"

Zhang Yang said, "Even if it's a friend, it's right to care about each other."

Qiao Mengyu said, "Sometimes I still pay more attention to Chu Yanran, which may make her change her mind.

" Qiao Mengyu also heard about the dissolution of the marriage contract between Zhang Yang and Chu Yanran.

Zhang Yang smiled bitterly and said, "When you say that, we are really a little like fallen people in the world. Why do we have to know each other when we meet?"

Qiao Mengyu said, "Don't get close to me." I'm not so miserable."

.........The sailing update group provides text, and the first release of the medical official road bar....

At this time, Zhang Yang's mobile phone rang. The phone was from Cheng Yandong. The stolen cables had been found at a waste acquisition station. Two criminals who stole and cut the cable were caught at the scene. After preliminary interrogation, they have confessed their accomplices. The police are taking action to try to catch the thieves Hit it all. According to the current situation, there are not many behind-the-scenes factors in this cable theft incident, but the criminal behavior of these thieves for profit is not deliberate destruction.

Qin Bai was very persistent in this incident. He still thought that it was not an ordinary theft incident. The gang of criminals could explain it clearly, but it was difficult for them to break the communication equipment.

The cable theft and cutting incident has attracted enough attention from the Jiangcheng City Government. The city emphasized the need to strengthen the public security of the new airport, ensure the safe and stable progress of the new airport project, and prevent similar incidents. After the conversation between Rong Pengfei, the director of the Public Security Bureau, and Zhang Yang, it was decided to send additional Qin Bai took the initiative to come to the airport construction site to be responsible for the on-site public security work.

Zhang Yang told Qin Qing about Qin Bai's transfer to the new airport construction site as soon as possible.

After Qin Qing returned to Lanshan from Jiangcheng, he has been worried about his brother's affairs. Now he is relieved to hear that he was sent to work on the construction site of the new airport. After all, Shen Wei's matter has dealt a great blow to Qin Bai. If he continues to stay in the Jiangcheng Public Security Bureau, the psychological pressure will I have to face all kinds of rumors. This is the reason why Chunqing wanted to transfer him to Lanshan or Nancy. Unfortunately, her proposal was rejected by Qin Bai, and Qin Bai insisted on staying in Jiangcheng to continue working. Now Qin Bai has gone to the new airport construction site. Although he is still in Jiangcheng, after all, leaving his previous working environment and changing to a new environment is of great benefit to his psychological recovery. Qin Qing told Zhang Yang, "Qin Bai went to your place. You should enlighten him more in the future and help him get out of the trough as soon as possible."

Zhang Yang said, "Don't worry, I am the best at ideological work. When you see Qin Bai again, you will definitely let him regain his hope and courage for life."

Qin Qing smiled and said, "I know you have this ability!"

Zhang Yang said, "Then... If I help you persuade him, how can you repay me?"

Qin Qing spat and said, "Do you still want to make a condition with me? You are so shameless!"

Zhang Yang said, "I recently found that shameless people can live better!"

Qin Qing whispered, "The next time I see you, I will do whatever you ask me to do!" Mayor Qin will only show such tenderness in front of Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang was happy in his heart. He whispered, "You said, you must keep your word!"

Although through the phone, Qin Qing could still hear the ambiguity in his words. His beautiful face couldn't help but be hot. He whispered, "In broad daylight, don't say this. Well, the Standing Committee will be held soon. It's time to hang up."

Zhang Yang suddenly remembered one thing: "Has Zhou Shuji of your municipal party committee left?"

Qin Qing said, "No, there is only an explanation in the province. Up to now, there is no follow-up to the Organization Department."

Zhang Yang said, "Wu Ming has been very happy recently. Help me remind Mayor Chang to be careful and don't overturn the boat in the gutter!"

Qin Qing couldn't help laughing: "You, you really should go to the Multi-mand Management Bureau to be the leader. Do you have to take care of Lanshan's affairs?"

Zhang Daguan said, "Alanshan, I can only control the mayor of Chunpao. She will do whatever I ask her to do!"