Medical official path

Chapter 502 Intensification

When Qiao Mengyuan woke up, she found herself leaning on Zhang Yang's lap. She should have been so sleepy last night that she fell asleep unconsciously. The old monk Zhang Yang sat there cross-legged, still sleeping with her eyes closed. Qiao Mengyuan carefully moved away from him and rubbed her sore neck. She slept so confusedly all night without considering the dangerous factors faced by a lonely woman. She suddenly found that she still trusted Zhang Yang.

Qiao Mengyuan did not disturb Zhang Yang. She opened the tent and crept out. She thought she could see the sunrise, but the morning fog in the mountains was full, and she could not see the scenery in the distance at all. Qiao Mengyuan took a few steps forward. The mountain wind blew, and the morning gathered and sometimes drifted away, showing a strong and The scenery she saw became more and more illusory. She even suspected that she was still in a dream. The cooling in the morning was extremely real." Qiao Mengyuan wrapped her up the flamboyant jacket. The jacket was a little big for her, covering her buttocks, like a small coat. Qiao Mengyuan took a deep breath and recalled every one last night. The details unconsciously showed a heartfelt smile, at least at this moment she is no longer worried.

Qiao Mengyuan walked forward. The rock wet with morning dew was very wet and slippery. She almost fell under her feet. A powerful arm wrapped her slender waist before she was about to lose her balance, but Zhang Yang appeared beside her side in time.

Qiao Mengyuan smiled, as bright as the sun, but her brightness did not dilute the morning fog on the top of the mountain, and the fog became thicker and thicker. Zhang Yang said, "The sea stone is a good place to watch the sunrise and the sea of clouds, but you are not familiar with the terrain here." Be careful not to make a mistake and become a long-lasting hatred, and there are thousands of abyss below..."

Qiao Mengyuan smiled and said, "Only when you see danger can you feel scared."

Zhang Yang nodded. Qiao Mengyuan saw that it was already 6:30 in the morning. She remembered that she had to return to the company to sign the equity transfer agreement in the morning and suggested softly, "Let's clean up and go down the mountain immediately. I have to get to the company at ten o'clock..."

Zhang Yang said, "Is it so urgent?"

Qiao Mengyuan's long black eyelashes fell down and whispered, "I promised them to sign the equity transfer agreement today..."

Zhang Yang said, "Or are you going to leave Jiangcheng?"

Qiao Mengyuan didn't say anything, but she recalled Zhang Yang's words to keep her.

Zhang Yang said, "It's foggy now. I'll go back when the fog dissipates..."

Qiao Mengyuan whispered, "I can see the road..."

Zhang Yang saw that her departure was so resolute that he could only pack up the tent. After washing in the mountain spring, the two went down the mountain road. When passing through Zixiaguan, Zhang Yang looked back. The mountain gate was still closed. It seemed that the old Taoist priest Li Xinyi was sleeping lazily.

Qiao Mengyuan said, "You seem to be a little reluctant. How about it, I'll go alone and say I'll stay..."

Zhang Yang said, "I want to advance and retreat with you. It's boring for me to stay if you leave..."

Qiao Mengyuan's heart rippled, and Zhang Yang's words sounded as if something." She whispered, "No matter how important a person is, it's just a passer-by in other people's world..."

Zhang Yang said, "How can your words be full of a kind of Zen..."

Qiao Mengyuan smiled and said, "Maybe it was influenced by my mother. Recently, she has given me a lot of Buddhist scriptures!" I'm trying to make sure that all four things are empty..."

Zhang Yang said, "Empty is color, and color is empty. I can't do all four are empty..."

Qiao Mengyuan said, "You have achieved all four things..." With Zhang Yang, Qiao Mengyuan is obviously much more cheerful and playful.

Zhang Daguan said happily, "You and I, the four discolored dangerous elements, spend a long night with lonely men and women. The courage is really not ordinary..."

Qiao Mengyuan smiled and said, "You didn't want me to treat you as a symbol, so I just do what you want, treat you as an ellipsis and omit..."

Zhang Yang smiled bitterly and said, "No way, I have no status..."

It was already 11 a.m. when Zhang Yang sent Qiao Mengyuan back to Huitong. As soon as he arrived in Jiangcheng, it started to rain. Zhang Yang's speed was always in a hurry. Qiao Mengnuan knew that he was intentional. On the way, the company made a few phone calls, but Qiao Mengyuan did not answer. She calculated .

Zhang Yang's pickup truck drove into the parking lot in front of Huitong's office building. Qiao Mengyuan pushed the door and jumped down. Zhang Yang hurriedly followed out and unfolded his jacket to help Qiao Mengyuan cover the rain in the sky.

Qiao Mengyuan believes that this person's heart-related element is in it, but there must also be an element of acting. He probably wants to use this way to stimulate Xu Jiayong.

Xu Jiayong was standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window of the conference room and looking out. When he saw Zhang Yang running in with Qiao Mengyuan, his face was already blue and blue. Fan Siqi looked at him coldly. Although she applied a thick foundation today, she could still see the cyan scars on her face. Her heart was true I have hated it to the extreme.

Qiao Mengyuan was still wearing the moving clothes when she went out last night, wearing the same shoes as Zhang Yang. When they walked into the conference room, they looked very good.

What made Xu Jiayong angry was that the corners of Qiao Mengyuan's lips still had a heartfelt smile.

Qiao Mengyuan smiled and nodded to Fan Siqi and said, "I'm sorry, I was late because I had something on the way. Miss Fan waited for a long time..."

Fan Siqi smiled and said, "It doesn't matter! It's good to arrive!"

Qiao Mengyuan didn't even look at Xu Jiayong. She said to Fan Siqi, "Miss Fan, wait a minute. I'll go to the office. Some documents are there..."

Van Siqi nodded.

After Qiao Mengyuan left, Zhang Yang actually sat down next to Xu Jiayong. Xu Jiayong looked at him with resentment: "This is not the place you should come!"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "I'm Mengyuan's assistant..."

Xu Jiayong said angrily, "Why don't I know..."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Do you need to explain the matter between us..." He approached Xu Jiayong a little and whispered in his ear, "I seemed to see you outside Mengyuan's community last night..."

Xu Jiayong's eyes were covered with a layer of blood. He wished to tear up Zhang Yang and swallowed his flesh and blood. He reminded himself that he should keep calm and said coldly, "You are wrong..."

Zhang Yang whispered, "It's you. I won't get it wrong. Aren't you curious at all? What happened to the two of us last night..."

Xu Jiayong said, "I'm not interested..."

Fortunately, Qiao Mengyuan came in at this time. Xu Jiayong's anger on the verge of the outbreak point was pressed back. He realized that taking Huitong back was the most important thing. Qiao Mengyuan no longer belonged to him. What happened to her, her affairs had nothing to do with him. Xu Jiayong sadly realized that there was only one left The word revenge could not accommodate the existence of feelings at all. After returning to Jiangcheng this time, Xu Jiayong felt more and more strongly that he had an unprecedented desire for Qiao Mengyuan. He found that he was really in love with Qiao Mengyuan, but in the past, he never clearly realized that the deep hatred covered his eyes. He actually However, I ignored the feelings that have always been around me.

Qiao Mengyuan's eyes were calm. She put the document on the table and smiled and said, "We can start..."

Xu Jiayong said, "People who have nothing to do with the company's internal business should leave..." He looked directly at Zhang Yang.

Fan Siqi also nodded and echoed, "It should be!"

Zhang Yang did not insist on staying. He stood up with a smile and said to Qiao Mengyuan, "Mengyuan, I'll go out and wait for you. After you finish the agreement, I'll send you back to rest..."

Qiao Mengyuan didn't say anything and smiled at Zhang Yang. She knew that Zhang Yang was deliberately stimulating Xu Jiayong. Qiao Mengyuan still complained about Zhang Yang's behavior. She didn't like to be used by others, let alone the fight between the two involved her, so Qiao Mengyuan decided to hand over Huitong and hand it over completely. From then on, after clearing up the relationship with Jiangcheng, Xu Jiayong and Zhang Yang can fight no matter how they want, and from today on, they will have nothing to do with themselves.

Zhang Yang turned around and left, but quietly said to Xu Jiayong with the secret power of passing the voice: "Don't think about Mengyuan again in the future. Since last night, she has been my woman..." Zhang has noticed that Xu Jiayong can't stand it at this time and will continue to provoke him.

Qiao Mengyuan said, "Okay, let's get ready to sign!" But she suddenly found that Xu Jiayong's eyes burst out with crazy and ferocious eyes. He roared, grabbed the huā bottle on the table, and hit Zhang Yang's head heavily: "Beast..."

Zhang Daguanren, who has always been excellent in martial arts, did not notice Xu Jiayong's raid. The huā bottle hit the back of Zhang Guanren's head and was torn apart, and Zhang Yang fell down without saying a word.

No one expected that the situation at the scene would suddenly change. Qiao Mengyuan exclaimed, rushed to Zhang Yang at the first time, and pushed Xu Jiayong away. She didn't know where she came from. Unexpectedly, she pushed Xu Jiayong to stagger and almost sat on the ground.

Qiao Mengyuan looked at the open eyes with her eyes closed, and the crystal tears came out of her eyes eagerly.

Xu Jiayong was also stunned. In the past two days, he was forced to go crazy by Zhang Yang. His whole body was on the verge of collapse. The purpose of Zhang Yang's words just now was to provoke him. Xu Jiayong thought that others had heard it, but Zhang's official made a secret move and used the skill of passing the voice into He couldn't hear it at all. In the eyes of outsiders, Zhang Yang walked out well, and Xu Jiayong rushed up and smashed him with a huā bottle inexplicably.

Xu Jiayong bit his lip and took a step forward. He was a little clear-headed now. After all, he was still angered by Zhang Yang and lost his mind just now.

Qiao Mengyuan thought he was going to be unfavorable to Zhang Yang and said in a shrill voice, "Get out of here! Get out of here..."

When Xu Jiayong heard Qiao Mengyuan scolded him so much, he was heartbroken to the extreme and hated it to the extreme. If he had a gun in his hand, he would definitely kill Zhang Yang with one shot.

Fan Siqi pulled him forward and apologized, "I'm sorry, Jiayong is too impulsive!"

Qiao Mengyuan looked at Fan Siqi and then at Xu Jiayong, and said word by word, "Listen to me, I won't transfer the equity of Huitong..."

Xu Jiayong said angrily, "But you have agreed before."

Qiao Mengyuan said, "Xu Jiayong, Huitong is not alone. I wanted to give Huitong to you, but look at your current behavior, what's the difference between you and a madman? For the sake of hatred, you can do whatever it takes. All you have left in your heart is hatred. I'm sorry, I can't take the risk of the fate of thousands of employees of Huitong. I have made it clear that I will refund your funds to you, and the dividends you deserve will also be given, but remember that Huitong will not be given "

Xu Jiayong's eyes darkened. He felt a suffocating pain and whispered, "Why are you doing this... Huitong is not yours..." He heard Zhang Yang whisper, "You are just a fool, get out of here..."

Xu Jiayong shouted, "Zhang Yang, can you act like a man and solve this matter with me with dignity, to use such despicable means to deceive Mengyuan whether you are human..." It's no one's turn to say it.

After receiving the news, the six security guards rushed to the conference room. Qiao Mengyuan said rudely, "Please take them out. Huitong does not welcome them, and they will never be allowed to step into Huitong in the future.

Zhang Guan's heart is so happy that he is eager to prevent Qiao Mengyuan from transferring Huitong's shares to Xu Jiayong. After thinking about it, he finally came up with this insidious trick. Zhang Yang still felt a little guilty. He felt that he took advantage of Qiao Mengyuan's kindness and took advantage of her care for himself, but Handing over Huitong to Xu Jiayong, he can't watch Qiao Mengyuan's hard-earned foundation being taken away by Xu Jiayong. Zhang's explanation to himself is good faith deception.

Xu Jiayong was extremely angry. He shouted at Qiao Mengyuan, "Mengyuan, open your eyes. He is an asshole. He is cheating on you. He pretended to be..."

Qiao Mengyuan said coldly, "Send off guests!"

Fan Siqi sighed and left the conference room first. Xu Jiayong was also pushed out by the security guard.

Xu Jiayong lost his past self-restraint. He cursed Zhang Yang viciously, but his bad luck today did not end completely. As soon as he walked out of the gate of Huitong Company, three police cars stopped him. Du Yufeng, who was dressed in police uniform, walked majestically to Xu Jiayong. Justice said awe-inspiringly Hurt, now we are going to arrest you. This is your arrest warrant. Please come back with us to assist in the investigation..."

Xu Jiayong looked at Du Yufeng fiercely and said, "What evidence do you have? Why did you arrest me..."

Du Yufeng smiled sarcastically and said, "As a police inspector of the People's Republic of China, it is natural for me to arrest you on Chinese land..."

Xu Jiayong said angrily, "I'm going to sue you. What kind of police inspector are you? You and Zhang Yang snakes and rats frame me..."

Du Yufeng smiled and said, "I framed you? Do you deserve it? Beating the staff of the government, you are really bold. Let's talk about it when you go back..."

Zhang Yang slowly opened his eyes with a blank expression. Seeing the concerned expression on Qiao Mengyuan's face, he deliberately pretended to be surprised: "What happened just now..."

Qiao Mengyuan looked at Zhang Yang with clear eyes like autumn water. She immediately noticed the performance component in it. If it was someone else, she would believe it, but she knew Zhang Yang's martial arts skills. How could a figure who could single-handedly challenge many masters of the gossip gate and a figure who dared to break into the military district compound alone . Qiao Mengyuan whispered, "As long as you're fine, go back and have a rest..." After that, she got up and walked to the office.

Qiao Mengyuan's concern for Zhang Yang just now was the most affectionate, but then she thought that Zhang Yang had been knocked down this time with too many disguises. Qiao Mengyuan did not break it, but she felt a loss that was difficult to describe in her heart.

Back to the office" closed the door. Qiao Mengyuan sat on the big class chair and turned to the floor-to-ceiling window. She happened to see Xu Jiayong being taken into the police car. She began to realize that Zhang Yang had been consciously angry with Xu Jiayong from the beginning of today. Qiao Mengyuan had no reason to feel an indescri When I pulled out a tissue to wipe my tears silently, I suddenly heard the eager voice of the female secretary outside: "Mayor Zhang, you can't go in..."

Zhang Yang has pushed the door and broke in.

Qiao Mengyuan's eyebrows are upside down, and the tears in her beautiful eyes can still be hidden in the future, and the anger on her beautiful face has not disappeared. He said to the secretary who followed Zhang Yang to stop him, "It's okay, you go out first..."

The female secretary nodded and looked at Zhang Yang with dissatisfaction. " Then she retreated and closed the door casually.

Zhang Yang said, "You cried..."

Qiao Mengyuan said coldly, "I didn't cry, I was just fascinated by the dust."

Zhang Yang said, "I'm sorry..."

"You have no place to be sorry for me!"

Zhang Yang also saw the flashing police light downstairs. He whispered, "I'm sorry, I could have avoided Xu Jiayong's attack just now, but I didn't dodge. I deliberately hit him. I wanted you to recognize his face. I want to prevent you from transferring Huitong's equity to him..."

Qiao Mengyuan's nose twitched, and she obviously felt wronged. Qiao Mengyuan said, "If your purpose is that, congratulations, you have achieved your goal..."

Zhang Yang said, "I didn't mean to lie to you..."

"Swindlers often pretend to be honest, but they don't tell the truth!"

Zhang Yang said, "I don't know how to stop you. Huitong is your painstaking effort. I don't want to see your hard-earned foundation taken away by this insidious guy in vain..."

Qiao Mengyuan looked at Zhang Yang, and she suddenly became angry and excited: "Zhang Yang! Do you know why I gave up Huitong? Because I don't want to be used by you in the middle of you and Xu Jiayong. You hate each other. You bite each other like two dogs. It has nothing to do with me if you fight by yourself! Why do you have to get involved with me? Why do you have to use me..."

Zhang Yang is speechless.

Qiao Mengyuan's eyes turned a little red again: "In fact, on the way back to Jiangcheng today, I have made up my mind. I decided to stay in Huitong and stay in Jiangcheng. I know that Xu Jiayong's purpose of mastering Huitong is not just that he doesn't want to develop and grow Huitong at all, I don't want Huitong to be his weapon. I don't want these thousands of employees to be his cannon fodder. I don't want Jiangcheng to become a battlefield between you and him..."

Zhang Yang said, "As long as you understand..."

Qiao Mengyuan said angrily, "I don't understand. I don't understand why you men are so good at cheating. What else are you good at besides lies and deception? You keep saying that you are my friend, and you want to advance and retreat with me, but what did you do? Xu Jiayong is despicable. You are no better than him. Do you realize that you are doing the same thing as him..."

Zhang Yang said, "His deception is for use, for revenge, and I'm to protect you! I'm kind..."

"I don't need..."

Zhang Yang looked at Qiao Mengyuan with pity: "I'm sorry, I know what I've done is not aboveboard enough, but I really care about you. Xu Jiayong is a madman. I'm afraid that he will be against you. I'm afraid that he will be unfavorable to my family and friends. No matter what means Get him away from here!"

Qiao Mengyuan said coldly, "The affairs between you have nothing to do with me, and I don't feel any interest. Now, before I call the security guard, you can go by yourself..."

Zhang Yang nodded" stepped back step by step. When he came to the door, he whispered, "I was very happy last night..."

Qiao Mengyuan looked at the door of the office and closed slowly. For a moment, she lay on the desk and sobbed in a low voice.

Xu Jiayong was taken to the interrogation room. Du Yufeng went in alone and closed the door. Du Yufeng pulled a bench and sat down opposite Xu Jiayong, squinting and looking at him.

Xu Jiayong's hands were held back. He glared at Du Yufeng and said, "You'd better let me go now. My wife is the president of Singapore Star Moon Group. My nationality application will be approved soon. If you arrest me, you will cause international influence.

Du Yufeng smiled and said, "Who cares?"

Xu Jiayong said, "I want to hire a lawyer..."

Du Yufeng reminded him, "This is China. Don't show off what you learned from the outside in front of me..." He stood up and went to get the police stick hanging on the wall.

Xu Jiayong's eyes showed a trace of fear: "What do you want to do? If you dare to break the law, I will complain to you..."

Du Yufeng smiled and hit the heart of his hand with a police stick and walked around Xu Jiayong's back. Suddenly, he raised the police stick and hit Xu Jiayong's back fiercely, making Xu Jiayong fall to the ground with a pop. Du Yufeng disdainful and said, "Complain me? You rubbish, Qin Bai is my brother. What's your intention to do this to him? You hate Zhang Yang, so you want to revenge on everyone around him by any means..." Du Yufeng said something hateful and kicked Xu Jiayong's lower abdomen again. Xu Jiayong bowed up like a shrimp in pain.

Xu Jiayong screamed, "I'm going to sue you..."

Du Yufeng said, "You can sue me, but you are in my hands now. Before you sue me, I will give you some reasons to sue me..." He poked Xu Jiayong's body after the electric police stick, and Xu Jiayong twitched all over in pain.

When Van Siqi's Lincoln car stopped in front of the Public Security Bureau, Zhang Yang's pickup truck was just parked next to her car. Zhang Yang got out of the car and smiled at Fan Siqi. He came to the police station to provide evidence, and Fan Siqi came here to bail Xu Jiayong.

The expression on Fan Siqi's face was calm, and she did not respond to the public smile.

Zhang Yang said, "Miss Fan came to bail Xu Jiayong?"

Fan Siqi said, "What does this have to do with you?"

Zhang Yang said, "If I were you, I wouldn't bail him out..."

Fan Siqi glared at Zhang Yang and said, "You really go too much. Do you have to kill Jia Yong before you are willing to..."

Zhang Yang looked at the bruise on Fan Siqi's face and said, "If he dies, will you be sad or happy..."

Fan Siqi said angrily, "What do you mean?"

Zhang Yang said, "Maybe you will feel that I am very rude, but I never hit women, Miss Fan, who is so cruel to fight against you..."

Fan Siqi subconsciously covered half of her face, looked at Zhang Yang timidly and said, "Get out of the way, or I will sue you for harassment..."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "I'm just curious. I don't mean anything else..." He stepped back and said, "According to the hotel waiter, the relationship between you two is not good. Miss Fan, you really tolerate him..."

Fan Siqi said, "Don't think I don't know what you want to do! The relationship between our husband and wife is not something you can slander and split. Get out of the way..."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "There are many kinds of husband and wife, named couple or de facto couple? Miss Fan, I sympathize with you..."

Fan Siqi's heart seemed to have been whipped. She looked at Zhang Yang in a da aston. At this time, she realized that this man was really not simple. Xu Jiayong's privacy did not know many people, but Zhang Yang's words simply implied that he already knew this. Fan Siqi has always regarded Xu Jiayong as a demon, but now the demon has little power to fight back in front of Zhang Yang. Fan Siqi begins to believe that Zhang Yang has enough confidence to defeat him.