Medical official path

Chapter 521 Star of Tomorrow Next

Zhang Defang led the topic to Zhang Yang: ... Long-term peace also depends on everyone. I hope that Director Zhang's arrival can improve the physical quality of the whole people, so that we can fight against criminals more effectively..."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Zhang is shirking his responsibility! The most important thing in today's society is order. Only a good order can ensure that the general public can live at ease. With your guarantee, "Only athletes can better devote themselves to training and achieve better results." Zhang De smiled and Zhang Yang touched the wine glass, and the two had another drink. Liang Chenglong also and Zhang Yang drank two cups.

Duan Jinlong looked at it and felt a little uncomfortable. The new director of the sports committee almost refused to come. "Whoever drinks with him, he drinks the wine dry, but when he comes to himself, he just touches his lips. Isn't it obvious that he looks down on him? Duan Jinlong is still very powerful in Nancy. He can get along with Zhang Defang. It proves that he has a certain social ability. Tonight, Zhang Defang's banquet must be Duan Jinlong pays the bill. The reason why he came to the dinner party is to show Zhang De's face, not that he really wants to welcome the new director of the sports committee Duan Jinlong, the former future son-in-law of Governor Song Province, has some displeasure with today's young people. However, he would not attack easily in front of Zhang Defang. Duan Jinlong picked up the wine glass again and found Zhang Yang. He wanted to get his face back just now. As long as Zhang Yang drank it up this time, he would return the face.

Duan Jinlong said, "Director Zhang, let's have another drink." He raised his neck and drank the wine dry." After drinking, he showed Zhang Yang with an empty glass: "Do it first!" Zhang Yang smiled. Originally, he wanted to give Duan Jinlong a step down, but Duan Jinlong should not have said this more. What does it I didn't give myself a chance to say no." Zhang Yang greatly reduced his impression of Duan Jinlong. He also saw that this meal should be arranged by Duan Jinlong. "But I didn't want to eat your meal. You save face to Zhang De. If I don't show face to Zhang De, I can't come here at all. The chairman Do you want to play first? In front of so many people who want to earn back the face just now, "You have to let me finish it, right?

Zhang Yang said, "Mr. Duan is good at drinking! You eat vegetables first. It's not good to drink with an empty stomach..." He said it well, but he didn't mean to bring a cup.

The whole table can see that it's not right." Zhang Defang was a little bad today. He quietly pushed his knees under the table and reminded him to drink this glass of wine. Don't let Duan Jinlong look too ugly. Zhang Daguan seemed not to realize it." He looked at Zhang De with a smile and said, "Zhang, it's too grand today. It's a cannon fish and an Australian dragon. It's done. Don't put on the dishes." There are not many people. I really can't bear to eat all your salary and bonuses this year..."

Zhang De laughed and said, "Brother Zhang, I'm glad you're here." Come on! This time I will accompany him..." Zhang Defang knew Zhang Yang's temper very well. At first, he felt that Zhang Yang had changed a little, but now he found that the arrogance in Zhang Yang's bones had not changed at all. Duan Jinlong wanted to flattize himself, but his words obviously offended others. Zhang Defang now came forward to give When he spoke, he touched Zhang Yang with his legs again.


Zhang Yang picked up the wine glass, but Zhang Chenglong suddenly said, "Zhang Ju, don't be busy getting mixed up. Director Zhang and Mr. Duan haven't finished that glass of wine..."

Zhang De can rest assured that he is angry, sorghum becomes a dragon and sorghum becomes a dragon. "You are really not a thing. I come forward to make peace with the old things. Your dog is afraid that the world will not be chaotic." Isn't this bad?

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Mr. Liang is right. Mr. Duan and I haven't finished the glass of wine just now." Duan Jinlong's face is a little embarrassed now." He realized that the new director of the sports committee was a little intentional, and he didn't see himself. But he didn't pay attention to publicity at the beginning. If it hadn't been for Zhang De's presence, he wouldn't have given Zhang Yang this face at all, just a director of the sports committee! Are I afraid of you?

Duan Jinlong said, "Yes, Director Zhang, I just finished my glass of wine. It's your turn..."

Zhang Yang doesn't know what's going on today." He didn't listen to what Jin Long said. He said in his heart that this man is really a bitch. Did he come here tonight to make an ugly look for suspicion? Zhang Yang picked up his glass and said, "Mr. Duan! Although it's our first time to meet, I have something to say about you..."

Duan Jinlong looked at Zhang Yang with a stiff smile and said, "Tell me, I'm listening!" The fire in my heart is just about to burst out.

Zhang De put this depressed and said to himself what's going on today? Zhang Yang really has a struggle wherever he goes. Even if Duan Jinlong doesn't speak well, he is the host here after all. "If you don't look at the monk's face and the Buddha's face, do you have to give me some face? It's a little evil today. Zhang Yang seems to break up with Duan Jinlong.

Liang Chenglong is secretly happy. There is a reason why he doesn't come to Haitian. Duan Jinlong is very bad at doing things. "He thinks he has something to do with Nancy, and his vision is very high." Liang Chenglong has had contacted him several times and had a bad impression of him. Of course, Liang Chenglong knows that today is Zhang The words were really unpleasant, which made everyone present a little upset.

Meng Yunsheng and Wang Tai and others watched quietly. They also thought that Duan Jinlong's words were very unpleasant. It was really right for Zhang Yang not to give him face, but they didn't know what Zhang Yang could say.

Mr. Zhang said with a smile, "Mr. Duan, you run such a big hotel. You should know the rules of the winery. It's okay to do it first." But if we drink, you can't do it first." In terms of level, we are about the same. In terms of age, you are much older than me. You What a mistake..."

Duan Jinlong said, "You are a guest, I am the Lord, and it is right to respect the guests..."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "No, it's Zhang's treat." We are all guests!" Duan Jinlong said, "You're from Jiangcheng. I'm from Nancy..."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "It's not right. Since I came to work in Nancy, I'm from Nancy. Mr. Duan doesn't regard me as a person from Nancy. Don't you welcome me!" Duan Jinlong's face turned red. He didn't expect this man to be so crooked and twisted. Can he

Zhang Yang motioned the beautiful waiter to give the wine bottle to himself. He personally filled Duan Jinlong with a glass of wine." He smiled and said, "Everything must follow the rules. Naturally, there are rules of the winery in the winery. Mr. Duan messed up the rules. You should be punished. You have to drink this

Duan Jinlong is so angry. It's too fucking bullying. Do you want to play me like a monkey? I drank the glass of wine for nothing just now. I admitted it, but you poured me another glass and said that you would punish me in front of so many people. "You don't give me face at all! At this time, Duan Jinlong's face turned purple, but in front of Zhang Defang, he was not easy to attack.

Zhang Yang looked at Zhang Defang with a smile and said, "Zhang Ju, do you think this is reasonable?" Zhang Defang hasn't spoken yet." Li Chenglong said, "I think it's this reasonable, and there must be rules for everything!" He followed up and hit him in the face in a timely manner. Zhang Yang saw that there should be some unknown contradictions between Sorghum Chenglong and Zhang Defang. Today, Sorghum Chenglong has always stood on the opposite side of Zhang Defang.

Zhang Defang laughed and kicked Zhang Yang under the table. He looked at Duan Jinlong and said, "Mr. Duan" today. "I can't talk to you anymore." Director Zhang was right. "How can you be the eldest brother and respect your little brother first! If you break the rules, you will be punished! You must be punished..."

Duan Jinlong has now understood that the relationship between Zhang Defang and Zhang Yang is really unusual. Today, he did something wrong, that is, he flattered randomly. "I didn't take into account other people's feelings. Zhang Defang has said something. Drink this glass of wine! He picked up the glass and drank it.

Sorghum Chenglong secretly praised in his heart. Zhang Yang is Zhang Yang, and he does not hesitate to take action when he should hit his face." Duan Jinlong, a snobbish villain, should teach him a lesson.

Seeing Duan Jinlong drinking this cup of fine wine, Zhang Yang said with a smile, "Mr. Duan has a lot of wine." I'll give you a joke to you just now. "I hope you can forgive the place where I offended you." "Be a brother's first to do it..." He dried the wine in the glass.

Duan Jinlong looked at Zhang Yang" My heart was really depressed to the extreme, paralyzed, what kind of world? You can do it first, but I can't? Only state officials are allowed to set fire and the people are not allowed to light lamps?

Zhang De was afraid that they would be deadlocked again. He happily picked up his glass and said, "Come on," I'll accompany this glass of wine!"

Duan Jinlong picked up his glass, and he had to give Zhang Defang's face. "Let's end quickly with Zhang Yang's words!" After drinking this glass of wine, he drank three glasses in a row. Duan Jinlong usually drank a lot, but today these three glasses of wine were really cowardly. He staggered up and smiled at everyone and said, "I'm sorry" I'm going to the bathroom..."

Duan Jinlong went out of the door and was so angry that he pounded the wall. He happened to see Zhong Haiyan coming this way, and he walked over.

Zhong Haiyan saw that Duan Jinlong's footsteps were frivolous, hurriedly stepped forward to hold him, and said with concern, "Mr. Duan, why are you drinking too much now?" Duan Jinlong said, "I have to go out to get some air, Haiyan, go..., that boy is really not a thing..." The boy


Zhong Haiyan walked into the private room with a wisp of fragrance. When she came to Zhang Yang and Zhang Defang, she pressed their shoulders with both hands and said in a delicate voice, "Director Zhang" Director Zhang, I'm late..."

Zhang De laughed and said, "If you come late, you won't be strong. Hurry up! Sit next to Director Zhang and have a few drinks with my little brother..."

Zhong Haiyan smiled charmingly and sat next to Zhang Yang. The waiter added a set of cutlery for her.

Zhang Daguan said in his heart: "Duan Jinlong's front foot just left" You followed up, and the master was bullied. "The slave came to give anger..." Zhang Yang just guessed from the words of Zang Chenglong that there might be some ambiguity between Zhong Haiyan and Zhang Defang, so A little more, Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Manager Zhong, I often don't get drunk." When you come, I'm already very drunk!" Everyone laughed. There are beautiful women on the wine table. The atmosphere is easy to become relaxed. It's not tiring for men and women to work together. In fact, it's the same at the wine table The increase in hormone levels needs to be properly adjusted.

Zhong Haiyan pouted her cherry lips and said, "Director Zhang, don't you want to drink with me!" Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Yes! But I'm afraid of getting drunk!" Zhong Haiyan said, "I've heard that Director Zhang has a lot of people for a long time." Don't be modest..."

Zhang Defang followed and said, "Are you still drinking if you are not drunk?" If you come today, you won't get drunk..."

Zhang Yang said, "Zhang, I can see that you have been planning for a long time today and are trying to put me down. I want to remind you that the wine can be messy. If I drink too much and make a mistake, you have to take responsibility..."

Zhang De said happily, "I also like to see your disorder..."

Sorghum Chenglong said, "I also want to see it!" Zhong Haiyan said, "Why is Director Zhang messy?" These words were full of provocation. Although there were several public security departments present, Zhong Haiyan did not have any restrictions at all.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "I won't give you a chance!" Zhang De said with a smile, "Manager Zhong, if you want to see Director Zhang's disorder, drink too much quickly." Then you will have a chance to feel it in person." The whole table laughed, and the laughter was full of ambiguous.

Zhang Daguan Ren Ren Ren said, "There are not many good things here today." When it came to these topics, they all became interested.

Zhong Haiyan stretched out her hand and quietly twisted the back of Zhang Defang's hand and said animly, "Zhang, you have gone too much..."

Zhang Defang laughed and said, "My brother Zhang is the fifth diamond king in our Pinghai system. There are countless beautiful women who want to capture my little brother..."

Zhong Haiyan's beautiful eyes glanced charmingly on Zhang Yang's face, picked up the glass and said, "Director Zhang, I have admired you for a long time. Let's express our mood with wine today..."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Okay! Let's drink whatever you say!",......................................................................................