Medical official path

Chapter 522 New Beginnings Next

Zhang Yang stopped and smiled at her: "Manager Zhong!" Zhong Haiyan said, "Director Zhang, why are you leaving now? Are you dissatisfied with our service? I can help you change another technician..." She whispered, "Director Zhang, don't get me wrong. We are very formal here, and there is no special service..."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "No, I've received Manager Zhong's intention, but I really have something to do. When I'm free another day, I will definitely visit again..."

Zhong Haiyan listened to what he said so resolutely, and it was not easy to continue to force it.

Zhang Yang walked out of the Haitian Hotel, waved and stopped a taxi. He turned around and looked back at the five big red characters in front of the hotel. He couldn't help shaking his head. Haitian gave him a bad feeling. Although Zhong Haiyan said that there was no special service here, Zhang Yang still felt a lot of self-evident ambiguous He sat in a taxi and walked through the streets of the city. The flashing brilliance gave Zhang Yang an illusion. He even thought that he was still in Jiangcheng and did not leave. He fell off the window. The late autumn wind blew away his little wine. The words of Nancy on the neon sign reminded him that he had come to Nancy. A brand-new place, his career path will start again here.

...................................."................................................................................ The next morning, Zhang Yang came to the office building of the Sports Committee through the small door of the hostel before eight o'clock. For Zhang Daguan, today is a brand-new beginning." From today on, he will start in Nancy. The work.

Zhang Yang came to the office building and saw Xiao Yumin riding a red Mount Everest. Tian's scooter drove over. He was wearing a brown leather windbreaker and sunglasses, and his long wavy hair fluttered in the morning light. He looked good.

Xiao Yumin came to Zhang Yang and stopped the car. She got out of the car and said to Zhang Yang, "Director Zhang, you came so early! There are still 20 minutes to go to work..."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Sister Xiao is also quite early" on the first day of work, so I want to come here to familiarize myself with the environment..."

Xiao Yumin nodded and said, "Director Zhang, your office is on the third floor. Wait for me. I'll put the car in the carport and take you there immediately..."

Not long after Xiao Yumin went there, she trotted all the way. Because she was in a hurry, she gasped a little violently. Her face blushed and her chest kept fluctuating.

Zhang Yang was still standing there, looking around the environment of the office building of the sports committee, and looking at the employees of the sports committee passing by him. These employees had cyclists, some on motorcycles and some on foot. None of them realized the arrival of the new director. Although Zhang Yang met several members of the party group yesterday, they didn't come so early.

Xiao Yumin came specially early today. Unexpectedly, she fell behind the new director 20 minutes earlier. In fact, Zhang's official has never been an activist. "He doesn't want to leave the impression of active efforts in front of people. He came so early today." First, he is idle and bored, and second, he wants to familiarize himself with the situation of the Sports Committee as soon as possible.

Xiao Weimin accompanied Zhang Yang upstairs. Most of the offices of the party members are on the third floor, the first floor is the basic office department, and the second floor is the main departments, such as the competition department, the youth department, the personnel department, the finance department, the outreach department, the science and education department, and the publicity department.

There are several deputy directors' offices on the third floor. The first office in Dongshou used to be Zhou Danian's office. Although he was sick, many of his things were not moved. Xiao Yumin originally wanted to vacate this office for the new director, but later thought about it. After all, Zhou Danian With lung cancer, I was afraid that Zhang Yang would have any taboos, so I tidied up a house that used to be idle in the west. It was just yesterday afternoon, office furniture, curtains, telephones, and all the office necessities in the room were ready.

Xiao Yanmin opened the door, handed the key to Zhang Yang, and said with a smile, "Director Zhang, are you satisfied with it?" Zhang Yang looked into the room and found that the office furniture was all new, and the computer and fax phone on the desk were all equipped. There is also a door on the right side of the office. After pushing it open, there is a small lounge. Although it is not big, it is well decorated. A small bed of one meter is specially placed, and there is a TV set at the head of the bed. This room can also lead to the small balcony to the south. Standing on the small balcony, you can see Zhang Yang nodded with satisfaction. The office conditions were really good. He smiled and said, "Sister Xiao has bothered me.

Xiao Yumin said, "Director Zhang, according to the past rules of our Sports Committee, there will be a regular meeting every Tuesday afternoon, you see..." Zhang Yang nodded and said, "Okay," you look at the arrangement. "I took this opportunity to meet the comrades of the Sports Committee..."

Xiao Yanmin turned around to arrange the meeting. Zhang Yang came to his desk and sat down and turned on the computer. He couldn't do anything else, so he still played cards.

At eight o'clock, the deputy director Zang Jintang and Li Hongyang came to see him together.

Zhang Yang suspended the card game and invited them to sit down on the sofa with a smile. Zang Jintang looked at the environment of the office and asked with a smile, "Is Director Zhang satisfied with the layout of the office? If there is anything inappropriate, I will have someone change it immediately..."

Zhang Yang said, "It's good. The phone, fax and computer are all equipped, which can be regarded as office automation." It's much better than my office in Jiangcheng in the past..."

Zang Jintang said, "Director Zhang, there is a mobilization meeting at ten o'clock this morning, which will be held in the small auditorium of the stadium. Let's go there together..."

Zhang Yang said, "What mobilization meeting..." He came here for the first time and still knew nothing about the situation of the Sports Commission.

Zang Jintang said, "You see, it's November now, and it's less than a year before the Provincial Games will be held next year." For the Sports Commission, the most important task in the past two years is to run the Provincial Games well and show an excellent result to the city leaders that our Nanxi's sports have never been strong in Ping Preparation" Today is to call the coaches and excellent transportation mobilization meetings of each training team to do pre-match mobilization and encourage them to achieve good results in the game." Zhang Yang smiled and said, "It will not be held until October next year. Isn't it too early to mobilize now?" Li Hongyang said, "It's not too early! Other cities have been preparing for the war for a long time. This time, the city has given us the task of requiring us to enter the top three gold medals and medals in this provincial sports meeting. The task is arduous! PS

Zhang Yang said, "What's wrong with the first three? Nancy is the host, occupying all the right time, place and people. This time, the Provincial Games was held in Nancy. "We all have to take the first place!" One sentence stunned the two deputy directors. He said in his heart that this guy is simply a layman. Although Nancy's economic level can be ranked in the flat sea, the sports level has always been the count The city gave them tasks and asked them to get the top three. The pressure on the sports committee is already very high. "I'm thinking of mobilizing all the excellent transportation mobilization of the national team. Only in this way can we hope to complete the tasks assigned to them by the city. As soon as the new director arrived, he proposed to take the first place. The gold medal is real, and you can't get it if you blow a few words.

Zang Jintang said, "Director Zhang" Our comprehensive sports level in Nancy is there. We can't catch up in a day or two. You just came here, and you don't know the specific situation here..." This has been said very politely. According to his heart, Zhang Yang is at all He is a layman.

Not only him, Li Hongyang also thinks so. "As long as people who know little about Nancy's sports level will not say that they want to win the first place in the Provincial Games. Everyone knows that "Pinghai Sports is the strongest is Jiangcheng" and then Dongjiang." The top two of the gold medal list of the Provincial Games have always been them The third place is not fixed, but the gap between the third place and the second place is huge.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Well, let's wait until I understand!",............................................................................................................

The mobilization meeting was decided a long time ago. Before ten o'clock, coaches and excellent transport mobilizations from various training teams in Nancy came to the small auditorium of the old stadium in Nancy one after another.

The venue was very noisy. When Zhang Yang, Zang Jintang and Li Hongyang came to the small auditorium, the small auditorium was already full of people. The three of them walked to the main * table. Zang Jintang and Li Hongyang handed over their eyes. Li Hongyang knocked on the microphone, cleared his throat and said, "Everyone be quiet

The conversation under the venue was a little lower, but there were still people whispering. Li Hongyang could only repeat, "Everyone, be quiet! The Sports Committee called everyone here today to hold a mobilization meeting to take this opportunity to mobilize for the upcoming provincial sports meeting in advance. It also takes this opportunity to listen to everyone's opinions. Everyone makes more suggestions and ideas to see how we can achieve excellent results in this provincial sports meeting. Li Hong Although Yang used to be an excellent transportation mobilization, his eloquence was not very good, and his speech lacked strength. After a while, his voice tended to become louder. These sports workers in Nancy were somewhat loose, and they did not take the sports committee too seriously, only as routine procedures in this meeting.

Zang Jintang knocked on the table and said, "Everyone be quiet, be quiet. First of all, let me introduce a leader to you..." He turned to Zhang Yang and said, "This is the new director of the sports committee in Nancy, Comrade Zhang Yang..." His voice was not loud, and only attracted the attention of a few people. More people were still chatting hard below and didn't pay attention to the movement on the main table at all.

Zhang Yang's face kept a smile from beginning to end, but he complained about Zang Jintang and Li Hongyang. At least these two are deputy directors of the Sports Committee, but they can't suppress their feet at all. Zhang Daguan personally doesn't like to hold meetings. "But the meeting looks boring on the surface, but in fact, it is Tang and Li Hongyang obviously have a small aura, and the result is that they can't suppress the scene. People who can't even drive in such a small meeting can't expect them to have any leadership skills.

Zhang Yang picked up the microphone and moved with his hand. The microphone was in the direction of the stereo, and there was a squeaky audio sound. Everyone in the venue was interrupted by the noise. They stopped talking and looked at the main table.

Zhang Guanren unhurriedly sorted out the microphone, cleared his throat and said, "Coaches, everyone, everyone, hello, I'm Zhang Yang, the new director of the Sports Committee! From today on, we will meet often, so you'd better take a closer look at me and remember me..." He was full of anger. When he spoke, everyone's attention was unconsciously attracted by him. Most people didn't expect that today's young man would be the new director of the sports committee. The venue was obviously much quieter, and everyone was looking at Zhang Yang. "Zhang Daguan has a right sentence." In the future, they will definitely not be able to deal with each other. It is necessary to remember the appearance of the director of the sports committee.

Zhang Yang was about to speak when he heard the ringing of the mobile phone bell below. A middle-aged man in a moving suit picked up his mobile phone and said loudly, "Hey! What's the matter..."

Zhang Yang doesn't recognize him, but Zang Jintang and Li Hongyang both know him. The person who called is a well-known figure in the sports world of Nancy City, gymnastics coach Yang Guangzhi. He has brought out many world champions, and there are countless Asian champions and national championships. Therefore, he has a transcendent position in the sports

Zhang Yang said, "Comrade..."

Yang Guangzhi continued to call.

Zhang Yang said, "Say you, the one who called!" Yang Guangzhi raised his head and nodded to Zhang Yang with a smile, meaning that it would be over soon. He has always had a lot of face in Nancy, and several directors of the Sports Committee in the past have also given him face.

But Zhang Yang doesn't know who he is, even if he knows who he is." Zhang Yang can't tolerate this kind of contempt for the venue. Since he came to the venue, Zhang has wanted to find an opportunity to stand up. Now that the opportunity has come, Zhang Yang said coldly, "You go out..."

Everyone was stunned and looked at Yang Guangzhi. Yang Guangzhi was still on the phone. He found that he had suddenly become the focus of attention before he realized what had happened. He hung up the phone and said with a smile, "Don't do it again, don't do it again!" Zhang said, "You go out..."

Yang Guangzhi heard clearly this time that the young director of the sports committee drove himself out in front of everyone. Yang Guangzhi's face changed. "In the sports system, he has always been a figure at the top of honor. When has he been so insulted?" He said angrily, "What do you mean..."

Zhang Yang said, "I don't know who you are? Depending on your age, you should be a coach. As a coach, you should know how to be a teacher, speak well, and do your job right. When it comes to busyness, which one of our leaders is not more busy than you? Who do you think answered the phone in public here? You should have a minimum of respect. "You don't understand this rule. How can you mobilize with good luck..."