Medical official path

Chapter 526 Special Gifts Next

Cui Guozhu was really ill, but no one could find out what the disease was. The second hospital specially invited experts from the province. After the expert consulted, the conclusion was that he was not sick at all, and the psychological disorder was very polite without saying that he pretended to be ill.

On the third day of Cui Guozhu's hospitalization, Zhou Danian, the former director of the Sports Committee, died. Zhang Yang took a group of members of the Party Committee to Zhou Danian's home to express his condolences. After his condolences, at his initiative, the group went to the second hospital and visited Cui Guozhu again.

Cui Guozhu was lying in **, and his condition was much worse than when he was first hospitalized. His wife Xu Min sat aside and worried. She had just asked the expert. Now everyone was helpless about Cui Guozhu's problems. They thought that Cui Guozhu was not sick, but he was psychologically shadowed. He thought he was sick, and the A psychologist should take a good look at Cui Guozhu.

Xu Min knew from her husband that the culprit who made her husband angry like this was Zhang Yang. Naturally, she would not have a good face when she saw Zhang Yang coming over.

Zhang Yang smiled and called his sister-in-law Xu Min to look at him coldly. He ignored him at all and turned around and took the water bottle to splash water. She was also a qualified person. She couldn't do the scolding of the street, but she vented her dissatisfaction in this way.

Cui Guozhu lay there and looked at Zhang Yang with a depressed face. He didn't know what was wrong with him? At first, I just pretended to be sick, but when I got to the hospital, my physical condition was getting worse day by day, and now I don't have any strength all over my body. Cui Guozhu began to worry that if this situation continued, he would not be able to go out.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Secretary Cui, how are you feeling today?"

Cui Guozhu's voice was hoarse and weak: "It's okay, I'm not pissed off"

Several party members were a little sympathetic when they saw Cui Guozhu's appearance. No one expected that Cui Guozhu's situation would become worse and worse after he entered the hospital.

Zhang Yang said, "Secretary Cui, you have to get better quickly. Have you heard about Director Zhou?"

Cui Guozhu was stunned for a moment. He had been lying in the ward. The news was very closed and he didn't know the news that Zhou Danian had passed away.

Zhang Yang said, "Early this morning, Comrade Zhou Danian passed away due to illness. He is in the same hospital as you. You are on the seventh floor and he is on the seventeenth floor. What a pity."

Everyone around me heard that Director Xiao Zhang is bad enough. Now telling Cui Guozhu the news of Zhou Danian's death is simply aggravating Cui Guozhu's psychological pressure.

Cui Guozhu's face changed. Although he had long known that Zhou Danian had a terminal illness, he didn't feel anything in good health in the past. At most, he was a little sympathetic. Now he is also lying in the hospital. The doctor has not diagnosed what disease he has so far. His wife said that he is not sick, but he doesn With a little strength, how can you not be sick? Is it... Do you have any terminal illness? Is everyone hiding it from themselves? Thinking of this, Cui Guozhu shuddered, and the blood on his face was gone.

Zhang Yang sighed and said, "Secretary Cui, you have to get better as soon as possible. The work of the Sports Committee is still waiting for you to do. Without you, we will lack the backbone. Now there are rumors everywhere outside, saying that the feng shui of our Sports Committee is not good. It is said that the position of party secretary Secretary Cui, don't take it to heart. We are all Communists and materialists. We can't believe those things."

After Zhang Yang's words, not only Cui Guozhu shivered, but also Zang Jintang's face changed. He clenched his hands tightly, and his hands were cold and wet, all of which were cold sweat. Although he knew that Zhang Yang's words were deliberately stimulating Cui Guozhu, think about it carefully Zhou Danian used to be the party secretary and had lung cancer. Now he has passed away. Cui Guozhu became the party secretary and was sent to the hospital in just one day. The party secretary of the sports committee looks really unlucky.

Zhang Yang pretended to pat Cui Guozhu on the back of his hand and said, "Secretary Cui, get better as soon as possible, eat what to eat, drink and take care of your health. We all look forward to your early recovery and return to work as soon as possible."

Cui Guozhu bit his lip, and his mind was blank at this time. Zhang Yang and the members of the party group couldn't listen to a word of condolences to him, and he didn't even know when these people left.

Xu Min returned to the ward and saw her husband's loss of mind. She couldn't help asking, "What's wrong with you?"

Cui Guozhu said, "What's wrong with me?"

Xu Min said, "Didn't I tell you all about it? Experts have said that you have a psychological disorder and are not sick"

Cui Guozhu said, "You lied to me. All of you are lying to me. Am I terminally ill? You are afraid that I will collapse, so you don't tell me? Do you think I have a terminal illness? Do I have cancer?" When he said this, his eyes were red, and Cui Guozhu's psychological quality was not hard.

Xu Min was really annoyed. She said angrily, "Cui Guozhu, are you endless? In the past two days, I can't even take care of the school for you. You have done all the examinations, and the doctor has diagnosed you. All the indicators of your body are normal. Look at yourself. You are red and fat. What's wrong with you?

Cui Guozhu said, "Don't lie to me. I can see that you want to hide it from me, Xu Min. I'm not afraid of death. I can bear it. Tell me the truth. I have the right to know my condition."

Xu Min said, "You are sick, you are insane"

Cui Guozhu said, "Don't lie to me. If I have a terminal illness, don't spend money for me. No matter how much money I spend, it's useless and it can't be cured. In the end, the money was was wasted. Leave more money for the child. He is abroad... needed money..." At this, Cui

Xu Min was angry and pitiful when she saw her husband's appearance. She knew better than Cui Guozhu that the reason why her husband became like this was that the party secretary made trouble. Xu Min was patient and said softly, "Lao Cui, you are really not sick"

Cui Guozhu took his wife's hand and said, "Xu Min, you haven't lived a good life with me for so many years. Your son also relies on you to work alone when he goes to school. I'm sorry for you."

Xu Min said, "Don't talk nonsense"

Cui Guozhu said and his tears were about to fall: "Min, you're still young. I'm leaving. You can't stay for me all your life. When you meet a good family... just... just marry..." At this point, Cui Guozhu was sad and covered his nose and cried.

Xu Min's eyes turned red when she heard it, but her husband's series of words were simply a bastard at all. She was so angry that she stretched out her finger and poked Cui Guozhu's forehead fiercely: "You are sick and crazy. You want to be an official all day long, but look at what you look like now. Don't If they are angry with you, you will be sick. Lao Cui, you are not sick. You are really not sick. You just can't overcome this hurdle in your heart. We are not official, and we are not a secretary. How old are you? What are you fighting with others? What can't be seen through? Are we short of food or clothing? Am I not good to you, or is my son not filial enough with you? Why can't you get through this hurdle?" Xu Min said as he beat Cui Guozhu's shoulder.

Cui Guozhu said gloomy, "Min, you are all good. It's my fault. I don't want anything now. If I can overcome this hurdle, I won't argue for nothing, nothing, but... but it's too late now..."

Xu Min said, "Why is it too late? You're not sick. You pretended to be sick from the beginning"

Cui Guozhu said, "But pretending... it's true... I'm really sick. I don't even have the strength to walk now..." At this point, he suddenly paused, and the expression on his face was extremely strange.

Xu Min said, "What's wrong?"

Cui Guozhu said awkwardly, "I... I wet the bed..."

Xu Guangsheng, director of urology, was invited to consult Cui Guozhu. After Xu Guangsheng examined Cui Guozhu, he also thought that Cui Guozhu was not sick.

Xu Min followed the office, and she said worriedly, "Director Xu, our Lao Cui has done all the tests. He said that he was not sick, but now he is sick at all."

Xu Guangsheng smiled and said, "He is really not sick. There is no reason for so many doctors and experts to lie to you. In my opinion, Secretary Cui has a psychological disorder. In fact, he has seen such a case in our Lin**. A healthy person has been stimulated because of something. He constantly gives himself psychological hints that he has some kind Imm cure, this kind of repeated hint will make him have symptoms of similar diseases, but it's the first time I've seen him as serious as Secretary Cui.

Xu Min said, "Director Xu, what do you think I should do? If Cui goes on like this, his physical condition will only get worse and worse. I'm afraid that he will become a psychopath sooner or later.

Xu Guangsheng said, "If you want to cure him, it is also very simple. You have to find out the root cause of his psychological problems and figure out what caused him to have such a situation."

Xu Min bit her lip. The reason for her husband's situation was Zhang Yang. It was Zhang Yang who made her husband dizzy, and then made it like this. Xu Min realized that her husband was not suitable to be an official. Without this party secretary, everything would be fine. What really hurt him was this position.

When Xu Guangran, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, and He Yingpei, the Secretary of the Organizational Minister, talked about work, he accidentally remembered the matter of the Sports Commission. He asked, "Is Cui Guozhu at work?"

He Yingpei, Minister of Organization, shook his head with a wry smile and said, "I was just about to tell you about this matter. Cui Guozhu has submitted his resignation. Due to physical reasons, he is not qualified for the work of the Secretary of the Party Group of the Sports Committee and let the leader choose another virtuous." After saying that, He Yingpei added, "The resignation letter was sent by his wife."

Xu Guangran frowned. Cui Guozhu was nominated by him, but he had been admitted to the hospital before he sat in the position of secretary of the party group of the sports committee for a day. Xu Guangran said, "Look at it, who is suitable to be the party secretary of this party group?"

He Yingpei said, "Secretary Xu, I heard a saying recently that the position of secretary of the party group of the Sports Committee is unlucky. Zhou Danian used to be the secretary of the party group of the sports committee and had a terminal illness. Cui Guozhu was admitted to the hospital just one day. Now everyone feels that this position is unluck

Xu Guangran smiled and said, "Bullshit, these rumors outside will be misrehipped. We Communists, who will believe in these idealistic things?"

He Yingpei said, "Secretary Xu, these things are really not credible, but the fundamental reason for Cui Guozhu's illness this time is that he has a work conflict with Zhang Yang. Personally, I think the work that the Sports Committee is about to face is very important, and the leadership should not have too many differences. " He Yingpei said it very tactfully, and he did not understand Xu Guangran's insistence on the separation of the party and government of the Sports Committee.

Xu Guangran gently tapped on the table, leaned back on the chair, thought for a moment, and said, "It's a little unreliable for this young man to do things. Give him the body commission. I'm afraid something will happen."

He Yingpei smiled and said, "If you don't give him power, there will be a lot of things to happen. Since he is willing to toss and has the ability to toss around, just give him a little space. Nowadays, young people are rebellious. It may not be a good thing to strangle too tightly."

He Yingpei's suggestion moved Xu Guangran's heart. From the beginning, he had a kind of resistance to the arrival of Zhang Yang. This was not because of personal relations. When it comes to personal relations, he and Zhang Yang were not bad. At the beginning, his gout was cured by Zhang Yang, but Zhang Yang, a young man, was He invited him to Nancy and said it was the idea of Yan Guotao, Secretary-General of the Provincial Party Committee, but Xu Guangran didn't believe it. No one is willing to live under others for a long time, and Xia Boda will not be an exception. Since he came to Nancy, Xu Guangran has controlled his power very much. Although Xia Boda is nominally the mayor, it is the actual power's turn, which is not as good as the executive vice mayor Chang Lingkong. Xu Guangran excluded him from the key No opinion, he is still kind to him, but only he knows what he thinks in his heart.

The deep-water port project was blocked due to financial problems, and at this critical moment, the province took Xu Guangran's most effective assistant Chang Ling air conditioner to Lanshan. Xu Guangran had smelled a hint of wind and rain coming from it, and it was at this time that Xia Boda brought Zhang Yang, the most famous troublemaker in Pinghai, It will never be so simple. Xiang Zhuangwu's sword was intended by Pei Gong Xu Guangran to make a conclusion in the bottom of his heart. Xia Boda brought Zhang Yang in order to target himself. He was dissatisfied with Nancy's current distribution of power, and he Xia Boda wanted to seize more right to speak.

Xu Guangran held Cui Guozhu up. The purpose of which was to divide the power. This was not a personal complaint, but for his overall view. However, Xu Guangran never thought that Cui Guozhu was just a fight that he could not afford. After being a party secretary for half a day, he was admitted to the hospital, and now he submitted it through his Resignation. It seems that he underestimated Zhang Yang's combat effectiveness, but overestimated Cui Guozhu's leadership ability. Cui Guozhu's ability in this regard is far less than his level of playing chess.

He Yingpei thinks that Xu Guangran made some big fuss about the matter of the sports committee. It was originally a clear water government. Even if the party secretary is handed over to Zhang Yang, he can't afford to toss the sports committee. Why provoke this boy to sneeze? It may be that the matter of Shenshui Port has made Xu Guangran at a loss, so doing things is far less generous than in the past. It is not a good thing for a city leader to be too confined to small places.

Xu Guangran finally said, "I agree that he will resign as the party secretary, and the party secretary will be Comrade Zhang Yang"

A stone in He Yingpei's heart finally fell to the ground. It should have been like this a long time ago. A thing that was originally taken for granted had to go around in a circle, and in the end, it was not back to the original point.

The Sports Committee soon received a notice. Cui Guozhu resigned from the position of secretary of the party group due to illness, and Zhang Yang, the director of the sports committee, also served as the secretary of the party group of the sports committee. When all the members of the party group heard the news, no one objected. Everyone saw the end of Cui Guozhu. The It has become synonymous with bad luck.

Zhang Daguan presided over the party group meeting that should have been presided over by him. He said hypocritically, "Comrades, I don't want to be the secretary of this party group. The organization has to impose this position on me. I'm going to talk to the leader. I'm still in charge of administration. I lack experience in party I'm going to recommend Deputy Director Zang as the party secretary.

Zang Jintang was originally going to pretend to be mute, but when he heard this, he couldn't help but wave his hand and said, "I can't. It's okay for me to be a deputy for you. I'm self-ason." Of course, there is a reason why Zang Jintang suddenly became so modest. After Jin Tang really felt the super desire for power in this guy. He speaks well now, but he doesn't know how happy he is. Humility is shown, and he is ** fake. The reason why he said this is to remind Zang Jintang not to hit the party secretary.

Several party members didn't say anything. Their attitude towards Zhang Yang has changed a lot. From the beginning of disdain, they have paid a lot of attention to it. Everyone found that this young man's ability to get to the right level at this age is not just by luck. He has the skill. Cui Guozhu lived in after being the party secretary for In the hospital, I heard that there are still some mental problems, and I always suspect that I have a terminal illness.

Zhang Yang sighed reluctantly and said, "Catch the duck on the shelves. It is said that the position of secretary of the party group of our sports committee is unlucky. Since no one wants to come, I am the only one to come. Who let me be the director of the sports committee. As the first leader of the sports committee, if I don This word is full of naked pretending. Zhang sent two messages to everyone here through this sentence. First, I don't want to do it. You don't want to do it. I'm blocking the disaster for you. Second, I'm the first leader of the sports committee, the leader of the party and government. My leadership position is unshakable.

Although Zhang Daguanren successfully won the position of the party and government leader of the Sports Committee, and other party members have no objection, this does not mean that these people will be convinced from now on. Zang Jintang admitted that this boy had some means, and now he is too lazy to fight with him. He has been in the system for so many years and knows how to avoid his sharpness. Zhang Yang just arrived at the sports committee and wanted to burn a few fires. Doesn't anyone take the initiative to meet him look ugly? Cui Guozhu has proved this. Zang Jintang looked at Zhang Yang coldly and said to himself, just take care of it. The Sports Committee is not a place for you to make waves. In a long time, you will know what Chu Ge is.

What we talked about at the party group meeting is not just party affairs work. Liu Gang, deputy director, mentioned the matter of Zhou Danian. The body of Zhou Danian will be cremated the day after tomorrow. According to the usual practice, a farewell ceremony and a memorial service should be held before the body is cremated. In fact, Zhou Danian The misappropriation of public funds has also become difficult to deal with. Liu Gang said, "The city has not dealt with Comrade Zhou Danian's affairs. What should our sports committee do at the memorial service? It's not easy to write his life."

Zhang Yang said, "Everyone is dead, what else should we do?"

Duan Jianzhong, the head of the discipline inspection team, said, "Although the person has passed away, the problem is still there. You can't eliminate his fault just because he died."

Zhang Yang said, "In this matter, I think we should try our best to take care of the feelings of the family of the deceased. Even if Comrade Zhou Danian made some mistakes in his lifetime, he also made up for it. It is not a heinous crime. It is said that the human relationship in the officialdom is weak. If we do it too ruthless I think that our sports committee should pay and contribute. No matter what you think about Director Zhou's memorial service the day after tomorrow, I will definitely attend it. Zhang Yang's words immediately aroused the approval of some people.

Li Hongyang is one of them. Li Hongyang said, "Director Zhang is right. Everyone is dead. What else should we do? Comrade Zhou Danian's problem is the misappropriation of public funds. The money has been made up. Naturally, his mistakes will be investigated by his superiors. Our participation in the memorial service is for our comradeship. Who has not made mistakes and can't deny everything because they have made mistakes. Who dares to say that Comrade Zhou Danian has not contributed to our