Medical official path

Chapter 528 Marketing Rights

Sure enough, Xu Guangran didn't expect it. Zhang Yang said, "It's difficult for a skillful woman to cook without rice. Our sports committee has no money. If we don't have money, we can't hire high-level coaches. If we don't have money, we can't be equipped with modern training equipment. Now the Shouting two slogans can't improve sports performance. It must be scientifically trained...

Xu Guangran laughed and said, "Don't you want money if you say so much?"

Zhang Daguan nodded with a smile and said, "Xu Shu * remember the wisdom!"

Xu Guangran said, "I remember you served as the director of Jiangcheng Investment Office in the past!"

Zhang Daguan corrected, "Deputy Director, I'm at the level of a department, and I can't be a full-time job!" He also took this opportunity to remind Xu Guangran that he had been in Nancy for a few days, and what he was doing seemed to have been forgotten by the organization.

Xu Guangran was so old-fashioned. As soon as he heard it, he knew that Zhang Yang was reminding himself of the problem he was in. He smiled secretly in his heart. After all, this boy is young and can't calm down. He will not be difficult for him in the problem of the right place. Since it has become a foregone conclusion It will be solved in the near future.

Zhang Yang took a reassuring pill and smiled, "Thank you Xu Shu* for your attention. The scholar will die for his confidant. In the future, I will definitely do my best for Nancy's sports career."

Xu Guangran laughed and said, "It's not that exaggerated, Xiao Zhang. Nancy's recent financial situation is not optimistic. You should have heard some news, right?"

Zhang Yang suddenly became alert. Xu Guangran said so. Shouldn't he have any idea? Do you want him to help Nancy solve the problem of deep-water port funds? He said in a hurry, "I just came to Nancy. I haven't figured it out yet. I can't care about anything else!"

Zhang Yang is a little too **. Even if he has some ability to attract investment, Xu Guangran will not easily use such a large project as Shenshui Port. As a letter from the Municipal Party Committee, Xu Guangran should naturally be cautious.

Xu Guangran said, "Xiao Zhang, at present, the government's funds are mainly flowing to Sham Shui Port and the New Sports Center. Even so, there is still a little overstretched in terms of funds. To tell you the truth, "At present, we city leaders are trying to find ways to win the financial support of the province."

Zhang Yang said, "The palms and backs of hands are full of meat. Our sports committee is also Nancy's child. At least the city's finance has to give us a mouthful of soup, right?"

Xu Guangran said, "I promise that as long as there is financial relaxation, we will fully support the work of your sports committee, but before that, you cadres of the sports committee should give full play to your subjective initiative" to solve the problems for the city. You are so smart that you will definitely come up with a way."

Zhang Yang's attitude towards Xu Guangran has long been psychologically prepared. He smiled and said, "Xu Shu * Ji, what can I do? If there is a way, I won't bother you."

Xu Guangran said, "Well, next year's Provincial Games is very important to our city. It is related to the image and honor of the city. How about giving you 200,000 yuan first? After all, the city's finances have been tight recently. "You should also understand the difficulties in the city."

Although Xu Guangran didn't give much, he had made Zhang Yang overjoyed. He didn't expect Xu Guangran to pay. His real purpose was to want some policies. Now when Xu Guangran gave the money, it was not easy for Zhang to say anything next.


Xu Guangran saw that he still had something to say and smiled and said, "Xiao Zhang, what else?"

Zhang Yang said, "Xu Shu * Ji" 200,000 yuan is just a glass of water. What I want is the sea. You only gave me a glass of water."

Xu Guangran smiled and said, "The sea water is salty. The cup I gave you is fresh water. For hungry and thirsty people, do you think he will choose the sea or this glass of water?" Xu Guangran's insipid words are shimmering with high political wisdom.

Zhang Yang said, "I don't want this glass of water to drink by myself, but to quench the thirst of the sports industry in Nancy City!"

Xu Guangran couldn't help laughing again, and it was very interesting to talk to Zhang Yang. He shook his head and said, "The river has no water and the river is dry. I can't irrigate all the water into your sports system."

Zhang Yang said, "In this case," can I ask for rain by myself?" This is the main purpose of his coming today. He already has a preliminary plan." But to do these things, he must be approved by the municipal party committee. Sponsorship has always been the strength of Zhang Daguan, but the Sports Committee is a special unit. The political significance of this provincial sports meeting in Nancy is far greater than the commercial significance. In fact, in China Most sports activities are basically the same. If Zhang officials put too much commercial color on the Provincial Games, will it be self-defeating and will it cause these leaders to sneeze? Since Zhang Yang passed the setback of Jiangcheng New Airport, he has become much more cautious. Although his style of doing things is still bold and brave, he has also begun to plan ahead.

Xu Guangran said with interest, "How are you going to ask for rain?"

Zhang Yang said, "Put your eyes on the local enterprises in Nancy. In terms of sponsorship, you can pull as much as you can. If you can't pull locally, you can look at the whole province and the whole country."

Xu Guangran smiled and said, "It's still fate!"

Zhang Yang said, "It's not just about fate. Now we pay attention to a mutual benefit in everything. We only ask for and don't give. No one is so stupid, and no one will pay in vain. I want to find Xu Shu* to remember the key policies.

Xu Guangran said, "What policy?"

Zhang Yang said, "I want the right to sell the Provincial Games!"

Xu Guangran has heard the term marketing right more than once, but how meaningful can the marketing right of the Provincial Games be? He knows the Olympic Games, he knows the Asian Games, but how many merchants are interested in the marketing power of the Provincial Games? Even if there is some influence, its scope of influence is limited to the province. To put it well, it is the attention of the whole province. How many people can really squat in front of the TV to watch the Provincial Games? The Provincial Games have never paid attention to the Provincial Games. Since the reform, the Pinghai Provincial Games have also been held many sessions, but Xu Guangran has never heard of any city that has made money because of the Provincial Games, and even the TV station is unwilling to broadcast the provincial Games. Even if the venue advertisements and TV advertisements can be sold, they can't be sold at a good price, even as good as an ordinary economic and trade meeting.

Despite this, Xu Guangran still didn't accept it." He laughed and said, "What do you want in the marketing rights? Tell me more specifically."

Zhang Yang has no experience in hosting large-scale sports events, but he has held the Economic and Trade Conference many times, and he can also find a lot of information about the long-distance meeting from newspapers and magazines. An obvious example is the 1984 Los Angeles Olympic Games. Uboros, a business wizard, creatively combined the Olympic Games and business closely. It was the first money-making Olympic Games in history. Since then, there has also been a saying about the Olympic economy. With the help of the Olympic Games as a carrier to promote the marketing activities of enterprises' products and brands, combine products with sports, and integrate sports culture with brand culture to form a unique corporate culture. In addition to investing sponsorship fees around the Olympic Games, enterprises adopt a series of related marketing activities, and use advertising, promotions, activities and other means from various perspectives such as public welfare, culture and hot spots, and strive to form a brand communication** in a certain time and space to create a sensational effect.

Zhang Daguanren still worked hard. When he consulted this information, he suddenly felt enlightened. In fact, he had a vague concept in his mind for a long time, but there was no clear direction. When he saw the information of the 84 Olympic Games, the direction in his heart was clear. When he got up, he had to follow the model of the Los Angeles Olympic Games. "He wants to make money through this provincial sports meeting. Through this movement, the name of the Nancy Sports Committee will be widely known and his name will be widely known.

Zhang Daguan said: "I plan to learn from international advanced experience. The preliminary marketing plan is mainly divided into four aspects: franchise sponsor plan, television broadcasting rights, franchise authorization and ticket marketing.

Xu Guangran happened to have also read the books on the marketing of the Olympic Games. Zhang Yang's words are simply based on the doctrine. Xu Guangran said, "We are running the Provincial Games. We can't compare the world's events with the Provincial Games. If they make money by doing this, our Provincial Games may not be able to make money. You can't have a hard condom."

Zhang Daguan said to others: "It's a good cat, a black cat or a white cat, as long as you can catch a mouse, it's a good cat!"

Xu Guangran's heart moved. "Zhang Yang's words are on the point. The Provincial Games must be a loss-making business." The so-called marketing right he wants does not have much practical significance at all. Since he wants to to tosss around, it is up to him. It's better for him to focus on this than There is no loss in the city. If he succeeds, he can also help the city reduce the burden. After thinking about it completely, Xu Guangran realized that this matter is not harmful to the city, so he nodded and said, "Okay, I will give you the marketing rights!"

Zhang Yang said, "I have another request. If our Sports Committee makes money through this Provincial Games, the city can't reach out to us. We will keep it as a sports fund to develop the sports cause in Nancy*..."

Xu Guangran smiled in his heart and made money? That's weird! He nodded happily: "There is a premise that if you make money, you must first bear part of the expenses of the Provincial Games to help the city reduce the burden. Under this premise, all the surplus belongs to your sports committee to develop Nancy's sports career."

Zhang Yang said, "Xu Shu*, my marketing rights also include the site advertisement of the new sports center*..."

Xu Guangran said, "The new sports center has not been built yet!"

Zhang Yang laughed and said, "Xu Shu*, Jiangcheng New Airport has not been built well, but millions of advertisements have been auctioned out. You just need to give me the right, and I'll do the specific things!"

Xu Guangran found that this boy was a little bit of an inch, but all he wants now is the right to advertise, and he doesn't want the right to build. There is no reason not to give it to him! Xu Guangran said, "There is a premise that any marketing activities of your sports committee shall not affect the normal construction of the new sports center."


Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Don't worry, I can think about the outer wall at most. We will never ask about the construction..."

Xu Guangran said earnestly, "Xiao Zhang! Less than a year before the opening of the Provincial Games, you, the director of the Sports Commission, have a burden on your shoulders*..."

Zhang Yang said: "Xu Shu * Don't worry, I will do my best to lead all the cadres and masses of the Sports Commission together, and lead all the transportation in Nancy City to strive for the upstream at the provincial sports meeting..."

Xu Guangran said, "The cowhide is bragged by yourself. If you want to get the first place in the double list, what should you do if you can't get it*..." Xu Guangran smiled when he said this, but in fact he was making a set. This set is buried very deep. Your mouth is unobstructed, and

Zhang Yang said, "It's impossible not to get it!" This guy is not a fool. He heard it. Xu Guangran led him into the circle. If he can't reach this goal on impulse, he will automatically resign. He must be in the middle of Xu Guangran's mind. But the more you think of me, the more I don't say it, the more I can't get it. Even if I can I just won't resign. What can I do? Zhang Daguan is not a casual bragging person. If he speaks, he has to work hard to achieve it. In case he can't achieve it, there is nothing to be afraid of. This man's mentality and face are constantly maturing.

Xu Guangran smiled and said, "If you can't get it, I will deal with you!"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Xu Shu * Don't worry, I won't give you this opportunity. If I achieve this goal, then what... Xu Shu * Ji wants to mention my current deputy hall or something?"

Xu Guangran really convinced this guy. He laughed and said, "Let's wait until you get it!" I secretly said in my heart that before I came down, I began to think about the deputy hall. I had seen an official fan, and I had never seen it like this. He also reminded Zhang Yang, "Xiao Zhang, you are still young. You have just come to Nancy. You should pay attention to the way you get along with your comrades and know how to respect old comrades." This sentence is a secret matter of Cui Guozhu.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "I have always respected the old comrade. Take Comrade Cui Guozhu as an example. After he was hospitalized, I went to see him every day. Now I don't know how grateful he is to me."

Xu Guangran laughed hoarsely. This boy's face is really thick.