Medical official path

Chapter 530 Close your eyes and bear it

Most of the time, you have the mentality of having no choice but to bear it, but what you can get is great enjoyment. Hu Yinru grabbed the bedding with both hands and bit the cherry lips tightly to prevent her from making any sound, but the man's offensive seemed to be endless. Although her will still had a string to fight, her body had completely succumbed, her limbs were wrapped around the flam, and a crystal tears slid silently down the corners of her eyes. Only the authorities know whether it is pain or joy.

Zhang Yang liked to see Hu Yinru's expression at this time, which could satisfy his woman. Zhang's official was very proud. Compared with the confused Hu Yinru, although Zhang Yang couldn't help it, he did not forget the existence of Hailan. He heard the subtle footsteps outside the door, getting closer and closer, and then paused, and then Go back quickly.

The door was not closed. Hailan, who had just taken a bath, came to find them and happened to see this bloody ** scene. Although Hailan had long known that Zhang Yang was a sentimental seed and knew that the relationship between him and Hu Yinru was extraordinary, the two actually staged this ** scene in front of their eyes, with Hailan's She still felt a little too embarrassed. She was about to retreat quietly, but before she could go down the stairs, she felt her body tightened and was hugged by Zhang Yang who came out of the room.

Hailan blushed and said, "Let go of me..."

Zhang Daguanren seemed to be reincarnated as a demon at this time, and he couldn't help holding Hailan up.

Hailan beat him on the chest and begged, "Let go of me..." But her little strength could not fight against the lustful publicity at all. What's more, she was not determined to refuse publicity.

At this time, Hu Yinru's hair was scattered and her whole body was soft. She watched Zhang Yang hold Hailan to ** again. Looking at Hailan's clothes faded little by him, Hu Yinru was so ashamed that she covered her eyes with her hands. "But she couldn't help but want to see it and secretly looked at their movements from

Hailan's gasp and moan made Hu Yinru blush and heartbeat. Although both of them knew the relationship between the other party and Zhang Yang, it was the first time that the bastard got a **.

After pouring all the ** into Hailan's body, Zhang Daguan kissed Hailan's lips hard: "I love you!" Then the hue gave a heavy kiss on Hu Yinru's lips: "I love you too!" He jumped out of bed with his body and laughed, "I love you*..."

Hailan and Hu Yinru's beautiful faces were full of shame. The two looked at each other unconsciously and bit their lips at the same time. Hailan looked at the lip marks on Hu Yinru's chest and whispered, "He is an asshole!"

Hu Yinru looked at the red tide that had not faded on Hailan's face: "Lovely bastard!"

Nothing can be avoided forever. There will always be a moment to face, such as the relationship between them. Zhang Guanren has been thinking about how to make them accept each other. "How to make them understand their feelings. In the end, they can only think of a simple and direct way to make them After getting a **, Zhangguan didn't feel that he was despicable and shameless at all. He thought it was normal. Wasn't it normal in the Sui Dynasty? He also knew that it was easy to convince himself, and it was difficult to convince others, so he simply came to a bully this time, killing two birds with one stone, and the work was done." Whether Hailan and Hu Yinru scolded him for being shameless or a hooligan, after all, the layer of window paper between them was finally broken.

The embarrassment of Hailan and Hu Yinru is only temporary." In fact, they have already admitted the existence of each other in the bottom of their hearts. They all love publicity, and they know that no one can dominate Zhang Yang's feelings. In this case, they can only try to share with each other, but no When they came to Nancy, they would be held to a ** by Zhang Yang. It was strange to say, "The secret that used to belong to their respective hearts, but now it has suddenly become a common secret." They did not have hatred, but felt much closer.

Hu Yinru sighed, put on a bathrobe, and whispered, "He is the magic star in our lives. I can't escape."

"He must have had a plan!" Hailan wrapped her delicate body in a quilt, but felt a hot current gushing out between her legs. She fled to the bathroom with a red face and bowed to her delicate body. Since she fell in love with Zhang Yang, she didn't expect to escape and never go back.

Zhang Yang was the originator of this incident, but at this time, he sat in the living room like no one else, made a pot of tea, tasted the fragrance of tea, and thought about the image of his heroic martial arts just now, and unconsciously showed a proud smile on the corners of his lips.

The well-dressed Hailan and Hu Yinru appeared behind him, and each of them twisted one of his ears. Zhang Daguan repeatedly begged for mercy. He knew that no one was really twisting him.

Hu Yinru scolded: "Holiganism!"

Hailan scolded, "Spicable and dirty!"

After both of them scolded, they both let go of his ears and came to him to sit down. Zhang Daguan raised his arms and wrapped his slender waist. Hailan and Hu Yinru naturally snuggled up to his arms. Most of the time, it was like this. When they poked through this layer of window paper, some unnecessary embarrass

Hu Yinru now had the opportunity to take out the gift for Zhang Yang. It was a red scarf with Arab characteristics. She helped Zhang Yang put it on. Hailan and Hu Yinru couldn't help laughing when they saw Zhang Yang's nondescript appearance.

Hailan smiled and said, "Don't mention it, it's really like an Arab."

Hu Yinru said, "If you add two musts, it will be more like *..."

Zhang Yang said, "I heard that polygamy is allowed in Arabia, or I can simply find a relationship to enter the Arab nationality!"

Hailan said, "If you enter the Arab nationality, I don't know how many Middle Eastern girls will be unlucky, and there may be a Gulf War again."

Hu Yinru said, "Go ahead. After going there, our land of China will be a scourge!"

Zhang Yang said, "I'd better not go. If I can do less harm, I will do less!"

Hailan said, "Why don't I see that you have such a state of thought?"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "My ideological realm is not as good as the two of you. You will all be strange women who can enter the biography of martyrs in the future. In order to protect the vast number of Middle Eastern women and maintain world peace, you two hold the spirit of fearlessness and the idea of who will go to hell if I don't go Learn from all women*..."

Hu Yinru couldn't help laughing. She clenched her pink fist and pounded Zhang Yang's shoulder twice: "I said why are you such a scoundrel? You are aboveboard when you say anything. In fact, you are the most shameless and the most cheeky*..."

Hailan said, "I thought you asked us to come back to discuss important things. After a long time, you did it for..." Thinking of the scene just now, Hailan blushed and heartbeated again, and also raised her shoulders and beat twice: "Shameless, indely!"

Zhang Daguan said with a smile, "Our feelings belong to feelings. I asked you to come. It's really serious."

Hu Yinru said, "What's the serious matter?"

Zhang Yang talked about the Provincial Games.

Hu Yinru and Hailan listened very carefully." After Zhang Yang finished speaking, Hailan said, "Nanxi is a provincial sports tournament. As far as I know, before the Los Angeles Olympic Games in the year of the year, no country held this kind of movement to make money. The provincial sports tournament is not as international events in terms of scale and influence. In addition, such a conference in any situation in China will be given a strong political color. It can be said that the leaders really pay attention to political interests, and the economic benefits are only placed in the second place.

Hu Yinru said, "Sister Lan is right. It is very difficult to make money at the provincial sports meeting. There have been many precedents of large-scale transportation events in China in the past. The so-called profit is also the product of special calculation methods. I have heard a lot about Nancy. There are problems with the investment in Deepwater Port, which has caused a series of financial problems in Nancy. It must be for this reason that the leaders of Nancy City so happily handed over the management rights of the Provincial Games to you.

Zhang Yang nodded and said, "Yes, the Provincial Games has become a chicken rib in the eyes of the city leaders. The food is tasteless, and it's a pity to abandon it. It should be said that they can't throw it away even if they want to. It's hard to ride a tiger, otherwise they won't give me the marketing

Hailan said: "The marketing rights of the Provincial Games itself are not of much value. For example, a T-shirt printed with pandas at the Asian Games can be sold at more than twice the price of the same T-shirt. If you print the mascot of the Provincial Games on a T-shirt of the same texture, it is impossible to sell it No one is interested in the same. The same truth exists in every part of the marketing process of the Provincial Games. The influence is there. It is unrealistic for you to apply the successful method of the Olympic Games to hold the Provincial Games.

Zhang Yang said, "What you said is very reasonable, but don't forget that the investment of the Provincial Games is far lower than that of those international conferences. My goal is to set up sports and economic singing *..."

Hailan said, "Unless you can attract a large number of corporate sponsorships, your chances of success in the Provincial Games are very small*..."

Zhang Yang said, "Enterprise sponsorship is not in vain. No one is a fool in this year. Enterprises are willing to pay for it. They value the economic benefits that may be brought by this matter. The economic benefits are driven by the advertising effect. Advertising is not my strength, so I have to ask you two smen for help me. !" Zhang Daguan put his hands around their shoulders and kissed everyone's face.

Hu Yinru said, "It is a good idea to set up a stage for sports and economic singing, but in this way, it will weaken the impact of the Provincial Games itself. Domestic politics is extremely complex. No matter what you do, the first thing to consider is the principle of party spirit. If you deliberately weaken the political color, will it be difficult in the end To please*..."

Zhang Yang said, "If you want to do something, you can't look ahead. Nancy's affairs are very complicated. After I came to the Sports Committee, I found that this Sports Committee is just an empty shelf and has no power at all. I finally got a little power from Xu Shu of the Municipal Party Committee. My temper is, either don't do Just do your best."

Hailan smiled and said, "What you are best at is to infinitely enlarge the little power in your hand to the extreme *..."

Zhang Guanren said with a bad smile, "I can't enlarge my power infinitely, but I'm very good at amplifying a part of my body *..."

Hailan was red and pinched his arm.

Hu Yinru spat, "Speaking about the business, you took me to the ditch again."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "It's not mine, Yinru. According to you, is it feasible for my idea?"

Hu Yinru frowned slightly and thought for a while before saying, "Advertising is not a problem. We now have a lot of big customers on hand who can give them the name of sponsors, but they may not be willing to pay more for the naming right."

Zhang Yang said, "What we want is the impact. What is the reason why the Olympic Games attract attention?"

Hailan said, "Of course, international events have attracted worldwide attention."

Zhang Yang shook his head and said, "Star! Why is the World Cup more fanatical than the Olympic Games? Star! Why does NPa attract the attention of so many people? It's still stars. Don't underestimate the star effect. There are a lot of people who look for stars every year.

Hu Yinru said, "Even if you invite all the sports stars from China to Nancy, it will not trigger a craze for the whole people to watch the Provincial Games."

Zhang Yang said, "There is no need for sports stars. There is no separation of culture and style. All I need is the star effect. Sports stars, entertainment stars, corporate stars, political stars, as long as they are stars, as long as they can have a positive impact on me *..."

Hu Yinru and Hailan looked at each other, and they began to understand Zhang Yang's ideas.

Hu Yinru said, "As long as there is momentum and influence, the Provincial Games will naturally become a hot spot, and if it becomes a hot spot, it will have advertising value."

Zhang Yang said, "With the advertising value, the financial resources will roll in!"

Hailan said, "After talking for so long, where do you plan to start your first step? Do you also want to learn from others to do a torch relay?

Zhang Daguan smiled and said, "Why not?"