Medical official path

Chapter 534 Intensification on

Hu Yinru said, "Is this fire relay? Will there be such a learning to walk in Handan, and painting a tiger can't become an anti-like dog?

Zhang Yang said, "What I want is influence. As long as the torch relay is started, who do you think will be the first in every city?"

Hailan replied without thinking about it, "Municipal Committee's letter * remember!"

Zhang Daguan nodded with a smile and said, "Yes!"

Hu Yinru said in surprise, "You won't be crazy to auction the torch, will you?"

Zhang Yang said, "That's not true. I'm going to let the torch be passed on in all cities in Pinghai, provided that the city must have sponsors, and someone is willing to bear the cost of passing the torch."

Hailan said, "Aren't you afraid that no one will answer?"

Zhang Daguan said confidently, "This is the first best, I'm going to give it to Qiao Shu* for free! Think about it, Qiao Shu* is the first to light the sacred flame. This is not only the fire of sports, but also the fire of power in Pinghai. Will the provincial TV station report it? Will the city and county TV stations report it? Will the leaders of those cities want to take over the sacred flame in the hands of Qiao Shu*? This is really a real rumor. Who doesn't want this face?

Hu Yinru said, "Just now, I was worried that you would attach too much importance to business, weaken political color, and lay hidden dangers for you. But I'm relieved to hear what you said. After all, you are party cadres. You put political interests first in everything, and your mind is really smart."

Zhang Yang said, "This matter is not difficult. It's like burning incense. Recently, I read a press release saying that Beiyuan has just arrested a corrupt official. It is said that this person believes in Buddhism and likes to burn incense. The following enterprise cadres knew his hobby and voted for it one after another. For this reason, they secretly gave the temple incense money You can always burn the head pillar incense.

Hailan said, "You treat the torch relay as incense, lead the torch relay, and let local enterprises pay the bill?"

Hu Yinru said, "Will there be so many people?"

Zhang Yang said, "Qiao Shu* will take over, and the municipal leaders in Pinghai will take over." They will take over the local entrepreneurs. Once everyone regards the torch relay as an honor, they will compete, and there will be competition. With competition, the status of our provincial sports meeting will be invisibly improved.

Hailan sighed: "I find that you are becoming more and more proficient in official affairs."

Hu Yinru said, "I'm beginning to have some confidence in your provincial sports meeting. Let us do the advertising. At least in the initial stage, we can attract some big customers, earn some reputation and enhance some influence."

Zhang Yang said, "I have always been fat and do not flow to outsiders' fields. Since I had this idea, I plan to leave all the advertisements of the Provincial Games to you."

Hu Yinru smiled and said, "Would you like to be the image ambassador of the Provincial Games this time? For your face, there will definitely be no hard work fee. *......”

Zhang Yang shook his head and said, "She is not suitable. I want to find an image ambassador of the Provincial Games who can represent both Nancy and Pinghai, the most influential transportation mobilization at home and abroad."

Hailan said, "I know one of them!"

Zhang Yang and Hu Yinru both looked at Hailan.

Hailan said, "Guan Zhiqing, known as the Ice Princess!"

Hu Yinru said, "Isn't she the world champion of huā skating?"

Hailan said, "I have interviewed her in front of my eyes. I know her information. Her ancestral home is Pinghai Nanxi. Her parents divorced when she was a child and went to the United States with her mother." At the age of five, she began to receive training in hu-style skating. At the age of 15, she won the national hu- He has won four world championships and five American championships, "one Olympic champion!"

Zhang Yang had heard of Guan Zhiqing's name for a long time, but he didn't know that Guan Zhiqing was from Nancy. If it comes to fame, Guan Zhiqing is definitely the leader in the mobilization of Nanxi's transportation. If she can promise to be the image ambassador of this provincial sports meeting, it's best. Guan Zhi Do you see the game in your eyes? Zhang Yang said, "I'm afraid I can't invite others."

Hailan said, "Her father passed away and was buried in Nancy. Every year on the anniversary of his death, Guan Zhiqing will come to worship." Hailan paused for a moment and said, "The end of this month is the anniversary of his death. If nothing unexpected happens," Guan Zhiqing will definitely come."


While Zhang Yang was planning for the small torch relay, the on-site office of his organizing committee was in trouble. "A large truck full of slag on the construction site of the new sports center was out of control." The whole carriage was dumped into the movable slab building. Fortunately, no one was there in the slab building at that time, so

When Zhang Yang arrived at the scene, the slag truck had not had time to drive away. Most of the body was embedded in the slab building. The movable slab building was seriously damaged. The car belonged to the construction site of the new sports center. Li Changfeng, the manager of the engineering office of the new sports center, also came to the scene when The water flooded the family of the Dragon King Temple and didn't know the family. Unexpectedly, our slag truck hit your slab building. It's really not intention. The vehicle is out of control, and the vehicle is out of control.

Zhang Yang narrowed his eyes and looked at the slab building that had been hit miserably: "The vehicle is out of control!"

Li Changfeng nodded and said, "I just trained the driver and deducted his bonus for this month."

Zhang Guanren smiled indifferently and said, "How do you deal with your people? It's your own business. What I'm worried about now is, what should I do about the loss of this slab building?"

Li Changfeng smiled and said, "Director Zhang, there is something I have to tell you. You build the slab floor here. Our construction site is full of heavy goods, and it is very inconvenient to come out. Why don't you move the place and we will be responsible for the loss. What do you think?"

Zhang Yang glanced at Li Changfeng: "Who are you?" He asked knowingly that before he came here to build a slab building, Zhang Yang had figured out the situation of the construction site of the new sports center.

Li Changfeng is not a good person. In the past, he often fought fiercely when he was in school. Later, he finally took the right way. Now he follows his brother-in-law Xu Guangli to engage in construction, because his eldest uncle Xu Guangran is the secretary of the Nanjing Municipal Party Committee. On weekdays, Li Changfeng also pretends himself as He deliberately arranged the crash of the slab building. Although his uncle Xu Guangli repeatedly told that Zhang Yang was not easy to mess with, Li Changfeng was young and angry after all, and he couldn't swallow it." Zhang Yang built the slab floor directly opposite the door of the construction site, which was deliberately provoking. The most taboo thing for business people is that others make things at their own gates. Although Li Changfeng is not old, he is very superstitious. He believes that this slab building blocks their feng shui and their way of wealth, so he must find a way to demolish this illegal building.

...................................."................................................................................. When Li Changfeng saw that Zhang Yang was so arrogant, he was not angry at all." But he knew that Zhang Yang was a department-level cadre after all. Although he had some background, he After all, it is social personnel, the people do not fight with officials, or is it necessary to be humble and patient. Li Changfeng said, "Director Zhang, you just came here. You may not be familiar with me. I'm Li Changfeng, the manager of the engineering department of the New Sports Center."

Zhang Yang said, "Manager of the Engineering Department! That's good." I won't investigate this matter. You take the slag truck away and call the workers. As long as the board house is restored to its original state within a day, I won't investigate it again..."

Li Changfeng said: "Director Zhang" You may not understand what I mean. You have built the slab floor here, which has affected the passage of our vehicles. "Even if it is repaired, I can't guarantee that the same incident will not happen in the future*..." Li Changfeng's sentence is full of threats. He is showdown to Zhang Yang, As long as you dare to cover the door of the construction site, this kind of thing may happen in the future.

Zhang Yang laughed and said, "You mean it's not appropriate for me to build the slab floor here?"

Li Changfeng nodded.

"Then where do you think I should cover it?"

Li Changfeng smiled and said, "Director Zhang should ask the Planning Bureau!"

Zhang Yang said, "The planning bureau said that I should set up the organizing committee in the new sports center. You didn't build it well, so I can't move in."

Li Changfeng was a little impatient and said, "You can build it wherever you like, as long as it doesn't affect the progress of our project..."

Zhang Yang pointed to the door and said, "The slab building is more than 50 meters away from the gate of your construction site." What's wrong with you? I'm telling you clearly that I will restore the slab building to its original state immediately. "I'll give you an hour. If the problem is not solved at this time tomorrow, you can bear the consequences!"

Li Changfeng heard that Zhang Yang's tone was so tough that he couldn't help but get angry. Few people in Nancy dared to talk to him like this. Li Changfeng said, "Director Zhang, I'll tell you all my good words. I promise to compensate for the loss, but why do you have to build the slab building opposite us!"

Zhang Yang sneered and said, "It's in your eyes, so you let the slag truck come and hit it?"

"Didn't I explain it to you? Today's event was an accident!"

Zhang Yang said, "I believe it's an accident. I don't blame you. Is it too much to ask you to restore me to the original state?"

Li Changfeng said, "Director Zhang, you are new to Nancy and you are not familiar with the situation here. I don't blame you, but you don't do this. It doesn't give me face to build a slab building on the gate of the construction site at all." The more Li Changfeng said, the more excited he became. Finally, he couldn't hold back his fire.

Zhang Yang said, "Don't you want to give you face? Who are you? Can I give you face?"

Li Changfeng's eyes widened. If it hadn't been for his uncle Xu Guangli's patience, he would have dealt with Zhang Yang according to his temper, and he would not have endured it at all. This was his first head-on confrontation with Zhang Yang, but he didn't expect Zhang Yang to be so aggressive. Li Changfeng said There is room. You have been in the officialdom for a while. You don't understand such a simple truth *..."

Zhang Yang sneered: "Teach me a lesson? Do you deserve it? Get out of here immediately. Leave this slag truck for me. You don't want to give you a chance just now. It's too late now. I've changed my mind!"

Li Changfeng's temper also came up: "How dare you! This is an illegal building, and you deserve it!"

Zhang Daguan nodded and said, "Kid, give the goose your words!"

Li Changfeng waved his hand and there were more than 20 people coming with him. He shouted, "I don't believe it when I drive the car back. Who the fuck dares to stop the car on our construction site!"

The driver of the slag truck was waiting for Li Changfeng's words. He opened the door and sat in the cab.

Only Zhang Yang arrived alone in the Sports Committee. The contrast of strength was seriously unbalanced. Zhang's strength was single-handed, but he did not pay attention to the other party's twenty-numbered people at all. Zhang Yang picked up an iron pipe from the ground.

When Li Changfeng saw his movements, his heart couldn't help sinking. He had long heard that this guy was a figure and immediately fought against him. Did he want to take action against himself? Li Changfeng looked left and right. All the people standing around him were his own side. There was no need to be afraid of him. At present, he was much

Zhang Yang walked to the slag truck and pulled the door open. The driver had just hit the engine and didn't have time to put on the gear. Zhang Daguan grinned, and the iron pipe was inserted through the steering wheel. His arm was hard, and he only heard a click, and he abruptly said the whole steering wheel.

Li Changfeng was so angry that he almost vomited blood. This one actually left the car here in such a barbaric and simple way. Li Changfeng rushed up and pointed to Zhang Yang's nose and said, "You are destroying the country's property!"

Zhang Yang said, "I tell you, Li Changfeng, get out of here now. I promise not to hold you responsible for the follow-up. If you talk nonsense to me again, I will immediately ask someone to move the slab building to the construction site."

Li Changfeng roared, "Others are afraid of you, but I'm not afraid of you. Here in Nancy, it's not your turn to withdraw!"

Zhang Daguan laughed and said, "I forgot to sue you. I hate it when others point to me!"

Li Changfeng stretched out his hand and poked hard on Zhang Yang's shoulder: "I'm fucking pointing at you. What's so great about you?" He poked and wanted to poke for the second time. Unfortunately, Zhang Yang didn't give him this opportunity. He held his two fingers like lightning and dislocated Li Changfeng's two fingers with a click. Li Changfeng screamed in pain, and Zhang Daguan raised his right palm and was ready to give him another big mouth on his face.

A nervous voice came from behind him: "Director Zhang... show mercy!"