Medical official path

Chapter 556 Risks and Opportunities

Municipal Party Committee [Book] Xu Guangran said: "While adhering to the principle of normality, we should also learn to be ergruent. Adhering to the principle does not mean that we will not give in and give in appropriately in order to seek better development.

Xu Guangran's words have actually shown his attitude. He is on Chen Hao's side.

The Commission for Discipline Inspection [Book] Li Peiyuan said, "Xu [Book], but if we make concessions, will other investors follow suit, and will they all offer us terms? The consequences are quite serious.

Xu Guangran said, "Comrade Peiyuan, now our finances are very tight. Everyone should be very clear about this matter. The deep-water port project is related to the future development of our Nancy, which is the top priority in our urban construction. The provincial financial support for us is insufficient, so we are more important in the whole construction process. Rely on yourself. The current low-key concession is to raise the eyebrows in the future. Xingyue Group has taken a fancy to the stadium plot. We can't give it to them for nothing. We want them to increase the investment of the second phase. On the surface, we have made concessions, but from a long-term point of view, this is a win-win result.

A sneer appeared on Li Peiyuan's face, a win-win situation? That's weird! Xingyue doesn't even pay a penny. What's the difference between this land and the white land? Increase the capital investment in the second phase, and the total amount of investment remains unchanged. This is not only a concession, but also a big concession.

Xu Guangran smiled and said, "Let's raise your hand to vote!"

Chen Hao was the first to raise his hand, and Wang Haibo also raised his hand. Most of the members of the Standing Committee have raised their hands, and even Mayor Roberta raised his hand.

The only one who didn't raise his hand was Li Peiyuan from the Commission for Discipline Inspection.

After the meeting, Li Peiyuan hummed to his office. He Yingpei, the head of the organization, followed his footsteps and said with a smile, "What's wrong? Are you angry?"

Li Peiyuan said angrily, "What the hell? A Singaporean businessman threatened us like this. When did everyone become so weak? Does our government still want shame, and does our party still need dignity?

He Yingpei said, "Dignity or eating? There is almost no rice in Shenshui Port. It is only when they are sure that they dare to make such a request.

Li Peiyuan said, "The more so, the more we can't give in." Today we have made concessions. Tomorrow, they don't know how to make excessive demands. These investors must not get used to it."

He Yingpei smiled and said, "How can they not be on the land of Nancy? I think Secretary Xu wants to coax the money first and find his face later."

Li Peiyuan said, "I lost my face" Can I get it back? This matter will have a very bad impact. If you follow my words, it won't be long before these investors will come up to make conditions.

The two walked into Li Peiyuan's office while talking.

Li Peiyuan closed the door, and he couldn't help saying, "I really don't know what's going on with this Xia Boda? At first, he also objected, but when he raised his hand, he actually voted for it. What the hell? What is he doing?"

He Yingpei said, "Only he knows what's going on. If there is a problem with the deep-water port project, he will not be better as a mayor. When the province is held accountable, they will all be unlucky. I think it is for this reason that he voted for it."

Li Peiyuan sighed and said, "Such a good piece of land has been given to others inexplicably. Where do they put the national interests?"

He Yingpei's old face is a little hot." He also voted for it just now.

Li Peiyuan said, "Chen Hao is much worse than Chang Lingkong!"

Xia Boda is not a wall grass, and he also has his own ideas. He believes that it is extremely rude for Xingyue to use investment to blackmail the city. Because of this, Xia Boda has to vote for it. He thinks that this concession is a huge political mistake of Xu Guangran. In this case, he doesn't mind sending Xu Guangran

Not long after Xia Boda returned to the office, Deputy Mayor Gong Qiwei came. He smiled at Xia Boda and said, "Mayor Xia, haven't you left so late yet?"

Xia Boda said, "The Standing Committee has been open until now. I'm about to take a break and leave. Why didn't you leave?"

Gong Qiwei smiled and said, "I'll come back to get something. When I pass by your office and see that the light is still on, come and have a look."

Xia Boda didn't believe his excuse." He whispered, "What's the matter?"

Gong Qiwei nodded and said, "Mayor Xia, what is the final discussion of the Standing Committee today? What are you going to do with the land in the stadium?

Xia Boda said, "Xu [Shu] decided to hand over the land to the development of Xingyue Group." The members of the Standing Committee have passed.

The expression on Gong Qiwei's face was a little disappointed: "The price..."

Xia Boda sighed and said, "From the future, the benefits obtained by Xingyue in Shenshui Port will be deducted, and the price will be 50 million yuan."

"Fifty million?" Gong Qiwei's eyes widened. He thought it was quite incredible.

Xia Boda said: "If the funds are not in place, the deep-water port will face the dilemma of shutdown. At that time, the province will definitely investigate it. There is nothing we can do in the city.

Gong Qiwei said, "But the price is too low."

Shaberda said, "Let's do something special!"

Gong Qiwei wanted to say something, but he stopped talking.

Xia Boda said, "Do you have anything else to do?"

Gong Qiwei said, "There is a stadium and a sports committee on this land. You need to ask for the consent of the sports committee to transfer the land."

Xia Boda said, "The land is the state, and the Sports Commission can't control this matter. You should tell Zhang Yang to cooperate with the work of the city and don't create obstacles in this matter." Xia Boda still knows a lot about Zhang Yang. He knows that this boy's head is not easy to shave, but he can't wait for someone to shave Zhang Yang's head. This time there is a scene to see.

Gong Qiwei said, "Today, Vice Mayor Chen talked to me and thought that Zhang Yang and Xingyue were too close, and some things may have something to do with him."

Xia Boda frowned: "Does he suspect that Zhang Yang has something to do with this land transfer?"

Gong Qiwei didn't say yes or say no. He continued, "I just went to Zhang Yang. He was very annoyed. His appearance should have nothing to do with this matter."

Xia Boda said, "He is your soldier. If anything happens, it's all your responsibility."

Gong Qiwei sighed in his heart. Xia Boda's response made him feel cold." The stadium plot was given to Xingyue Group for nothing. I really don't know what these members of the Standing Committee thought.

Zhang Yang got the news the next day, and the city decided to transfer the land including the sports committee and the stadium to Xingyue Group. In addition, a piece of land was allocated on the east side of the new sports center to build the office building of the sports committee as the office area of the sports committee in the future.

As soon as the news came, the whole sports committee was blown up, and several party members came to Zhang Yang's office to ask if the matter was true. Zhang Yang only used to prevaricate before receiving the official notice from the city.

The most nervous thing is Xu Hongyan in the hostel. He finally got through the relationship with Zhang Yang and was ready to continue to include the waiting place. After working here for a few years, he didn't expect that it would change so soon.

Xu Hongyan came to Zhang Yang's office uneasily. In fact, he had been standing at the door for a while. "But now there was an endless stream of people coming to Zhang Yang's office. He could only wait patiently until everyone left before he walked in.

When Zhang Yang saw Xu Hongyan's sad face, he couldn't help laughing: "Why is this? What's the bad luck?"

Xu Hongyan said, "Director Zhang, I heard that the city has ceded this land to Xingyue Group. Is this matter true or false?"

Zhang Yang said, "I just heard the news, and I didn't have time to confirm it."

Xu Hongyan said, "If this land is really transferred, our sports committee will have to be demolished?"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "When did you become a staff member of our sports committee?"

Xu Hongyan said, "After working for so long, I have long regarded myself as a member of the sports committee."

Zhang Yang said, "What's your hurry? It must be a matter of time to develop this land. Even if our sports committee is not here, we will change to a new office location. You can continue to expand the office.

Xu Hongyan said, "This is a feng shui treasure" and I can't bear to leave."

Zhang Yang said, "It's not a matter of your reluctance. The superiors have made a decision, and we must obey."

Xu Hongyan coughed and left with a sigh.

After Zhang Yang waited for Xu Hongyan to leave, he called Vice Mayor Gong Qiwei. Although he knew that the news should be true, he still wanted to confirm it from Gong Qiwei.

Gong Qiwei said, "That's right, the Standing Committee passed this matter yesterday. The city decided to cede the stadium plot to Singapore Xingyue Group for a price of 50 million yuan, which will be deducted from the vested interests of Xingyue Group in Sham Shui Port in the future."

Zhang Yang said, "That is to say, I won't give a penny" to send this land out?"

Gong Qiwei was silent for a while and said, "I have reported this matter to my superiors and conveyed your opinions." But the leaders have their considerations."

Zhang Yang said, "Mayor Gong, this land belongs to the Sports Committee, and I belong to you. Are you watching the land of the Sports Committee be rowed away?"

Gong Qiwei said, "Land is a state-owned asset, not a collective or someone else's private property."

Zhang Yang said, "The state allows me to take care of this area, that is, let me look at the state property. Anyone who wants to draw this land out must first ask me if I agree or not."

Gong Qiwei was also a little excited: "I don't want this to happen, but Xu [Shu] agreed, and most of the members of the Standing Committee nodded. What can I do? There are policies in the city, which we can't control.

Zhang Yang said, "I'm going to find Xu [Shu]!"

What else does Gong Qiwei want to say? Zhang Yang has hung up the phone.

Zhang Yang came to the office building of the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government. Only then did he know that Xu Guangran went to the construction site of Sham Shui Port to inspect. In fact, even Xu Guangran was there, and he may not be willing to see him. Zhang Yang took a detour to find Mayor Xia Boda.

Shabeda is very happy to meet him. In the action of rectifying illegal buildings, Zhang Yang helped him earn a lot of face. After Shaboda came to Nancy, he had political highlights for the first time. He was seizing the opportunity to expand this highlight and decided to start a game in the whole city. Remediation of illegal buildings in the enclosure. He made great contributions to this matter, but he did not mean to share his achievements. Now he is focusing all his energy on the new sports center.

Xia Boda has guessed that Zhang Yang's visit this time must have something to do with the concession of the stadium plot. He smiled and said, "Zhang Yang, what's the matter?"

Zhang Yang said, "What's the matter? I'm here to ask about the same stadium plot this time."

Shaboda deliberately said, "Do this have anything to do with you? Your main task now is to do a good job in the 12th Provincial Games, and you don't need to worry about other things.

Zhang Yang said, "I'm the director of the Sports Committee. Now the Sports Committee has been given up, and no one has asked me for my opinion. Mayor Xia, do you think this has nothing to do with me?"

Xia Boda said, "Although you are the director of the Sports Commission, the land is not under your management."

Zhang Yang said, "Well, you have the right to treat me as a tenant. Even the tenant must have the right to know. I rent it well. Do you want to drive me away? At least you have to say something."

Xia Boda looked at Zhang Yang with great interest and said, "Now that you know, you are satisfied with your right to know. I will officially inform you that the city has decided to cede the stadium plot to Xingyue Group at a price of 50 million yuan. Do you hear me clearly?"

Zhang Yang nodded and said, "I hear you clearly."

Xia Boda said, "What else do you have to say?"

Zhang Yang said, "The random shooting of that land is more than 50 million. Is it thought-out of the city to do this?"

Shaboda said, "This matter has been passed by the Standing Committee."

"It may not be right to pass. Xingyue Group uses the deep-water port problem to make an article and uses investment as a threat to force the city to give up this land to them. Such behavior is simply not about credibility. Mayor Xia, if we agree to Xingyue's unreasonable demands, it is equivalent to setting up a place for merchants in Nancy. It's a very bad example. Everyone dares to make conditions with the city in the future. What is the dignity of our Nancy government?

Xia Boda said, "It's not your turn to worry about this matter. Xu [Book] Remember that the matter of making a final case has become a fixed eye, and it is impossible to change it!"

Zhang Yang said, "Have Mayor Xia ever heard of nail households?"

Xia Boda smiled and said, "Do you want to be a nail household?"

Zhang Yang said, "If this land is sold, it must be carried out by public auction. If Xingyue wants this land, she can participate in the bidding. If she wants to get the stadium plot with this unclear means, dream!"