Medical official path

Chapter 579 Force the dog into a poor alley

Zhang De closed his mobile phone and frowned together. Zhong Haiyan came to him, put her arms around his arm and put her head on his shoulder. She whispered, "Duan Jinlong is threatening you?"

Zhang Defang smiled disdainfully and said, "Does he deserve it?" Zhong Haiyan said, "Hai Tianzhen is irreparable?" She still has feelings for Haitian. Seeing that Haitian has fallen into the current situation, it is not good. Yao Zhang Defang said, "This time the trouble is too big. If you have committed public anger, no one can save Haitian."

Zhong Haiyan said, "Aren't you afraid that he will jump over the wall and shake out some things?" Zhang Defang asked, "What's the matter? What can he shake?" Zhong Haiyan saw that his face suddenly changed. She was shocked by him. She hugged Zhang Defang's arm and shook her coquettishly, "They just said, don't be angry."

Zhang Defang said, "People like Duan Jinyulong are cheap. He doesn't weigh his own weight and make trouble for Zhang Yang. Well, he has caused so many things, and now it's too late to regret it."

Zhong Haiyan understood in her heart that the reason why Duan Jinyulong fell to the current situation had nothing to do with Zhang Defang. Zhang Defang's original intention was to take advantage of the scum, but he did not expect that the stone would triumph over the food poisoning. Now not only did Duan Jinyulong fall suddenly, but also involved The idea of being completely controlled by the sky was completely in the end. With this kind of man, Zhong Haiyan always has a sense of crisis, a feeling of accompanying the king like a tiger. Zhang Defang is a self-centered person. Although he is smiling on the surface, in fact, his heart is extremely cold and will not take responsibility for anyone. Duan Jinyulong in front of him is a living example.


When people are desperate, they often think of two kinds of people, one is his best friend and the other is his most hated enemy. Duan Jinlong has no real friends in this world, so he can only think about his enemies. He thought that what he hated most was Zhang Yang, but after hanging up the phone call, he knew The person I hate most is Zhang Defang. Duan Jinlong was still looking at the sea and the sky. He suddenly had a feeling that he wanted to shed tears. The career he had created was so unclear. He began to reflect on why he had fallen to such a point. He should not have provoked publicity from the beginning, but even without publicity, "his sea and the sky could not be preserved" Zhang Defang' It's getting bigger and bigger, and it's already become an unspeakable burden of Duan Jinlong's suffering. In fact, Duan Jinlong has been tired for a long time. He works so hard. In the end, he just made wedding clothes for others and paid so much for Zhang Defang. When he really had something to do, he patted I don't want to contribute to myself.

Shi Shengli's tedious boy used to eat and drink for free in the past, but he served him like this. In the end, he didn't get any good, food poisoning! Why didn't you poison your dog? Duan Jinyulong thought angrily.

A harsh brake sound woke Duan Jinlong up. He looked up and saw a gray van parked at the gate of Haitian. Several strong men jumped out of the car. They threw bricks and stones at Haitian's doors and windows, and the sound of broken glass was shocking.

Duan Jinlong took out a bat from the trunk of the car and rushed up like crazy: "Fuck your mother, dare to smash my store!" Before his bat was raised, he was kicked to the ground by a man, and then several people gathered around him with fists and feet, so that Duan Jinlong curled up there.

After beating for three minutes, these people just left. Duan Jinlong staggered from the ground and stood up at the tattered doors and windows. For a moment, he was invincible and cried. He had never felt so miserable in his life.

Zhang Yang saw Duan Jinlong with a blue nose and a swollen face on the morning of work the next day. Looking at the embarrassed appearance of this person, Zhang Daguan felt a little funny, but Zhang Yang did not show his gloating. He said coldly, "Mr. Duan has something to do with me early in the morning?" Duan Jinyu In the car, he didn't sleep all night and was in poor spirits. He sat down in the chair opposite Zhang Yang and whispered, "Did you make Shi Shengli?"

Zhang Yang looked at him coldly: "Duan Jinyulong, aren't you afraid that I will sue you for slander?"

Duan Jinlong sighed and said, "What else should I be afraid of? I have nothing left now. What else am I afraid of?"

Zhang Yang said, "You came to me to tell me this?"

Duan Jinlong shook his head and said, "I know you hate me. You want to drive me out of the sea, and now you are satisfied."

Zhang Yang smiled indifferently and said, "Mr. Duan, you have overestimated yourself. You are not worthy of my attention."

Duan Jinlong said, "I admit that Shi Shengli was instigated by me to flirt with Guan Zhiqing at the beginning, because I hate you. When you first came to Nancy, I kindly picked you up for you. What's your attitude towards me? In front of so many people, you made me not get off the stage. You didn'

Zhang Yang nodded and encouraged Duan Jinlong to continue talking. He liked to listen to others tell the truth.

Duan Jinlong said, "But I didn't expect Shi Shengli to kneel down and admit my mistake to you. At that time, I had some regretted provoking you, so you asked me to take out 300,000 yuan to sponsor the football match through Zhang Defang. I agreed without hesitation. I didn't deliberately arrange those star prostitutes. I don't have any benefits. If you don't arrange those stars in Haitian, you can't do it.

Zhang Yang whispered, "You're talking nonsense."

Duan Jinyulong said, "Give me some time and let me finish."

Zhang Yang put his hands on his jaw and looked at him quietly.

Duan Jinyulong said, "I didn't arrange Liang Yueling's matter, and I don't know her. It was Zhang Defang who told me that she was the niece of the Propaganda Minister Liang Song, and he also asked me to report Liang Yueling to sell **. His purpose was to provoke the conflict between you and Liang Song and

Zhang Yang asked, "You are instigating me and Zhang Defang now. Do you want me to deal with Zhang Defang?"

Duan Jinlong smiled miserably and said, "I do hate him, but I don't have to tell lies. If I shake out the matter of Haitian's collective buying of spring," everyone will pour out the fog."

Zhang Yang didn't say anything. Duan Jinyulong was right. If he broke the jar and broke it, he would inevitably become a shock to Pinghai. Wen, if you don't ask for it, Duan Jinlong is very likely to go to prison, and Zhang Yang will also take responsibility for it.

Duan Jinlong said, "I thought about it all night last night, and I still gave up the idea of fighting with you officials. I still have a home, and I also have a good daughter. I have to think about them in the future." I admit that I have been running the porn industry, but such as Without Zhang De's support, I dare not do so. A considerable part of the money I earned flowed into his pocket.

Zhang Yang said, "Why don't you report him?"

Duan Jinlong shook his head: "I don't want to go to prison. I only say these words to you. He wants Haitian." Zhong Haiyan is a pawn that he ambushed in Haitian." The two of them were in collusion and wanted to take away the family property I worked hard to create." After Duan Jinyulong said this, Yes, I can't beat you. I admit defeat. I came to you, not to beg for mercy. To this point, I can't keep it, but I can't swallow this breath. He Zhang De let go. If it weren't for him, I wouldn't have been so embarrassed." Zhang Yang said, "You didn't figure out one thing. It's not Zhang Defang who hurt you, It's not Shi Shengli. Haitian is in your own hands. It's right for you to make money by doing business, but you have to make money decently. Haitian Hotel is one of the benchmarks in the Nancy hotel industry, but you can see how you operate? If you keep going the right way and do business with conscience, who can pick out your faults?" Duan Jinlong sighed, "You think I don't want to go the right way. You think I don't want to do business with my conscience, but in today's society, you run honestly, and you don't take the road of relationship. What are you doing? It means that you will lose all your money. I don't know the tourism bureau. How to evaluate the five stars of my hotel? I don't know the health bureau. How can I pass the hygiene of my hotel? If I don't know the public security bureau, they will come to check the house every three days. I don't know the fire brigade. They often let me lose a few months of hard work. In this society, either you rely on the relationship and the background. If you don't have a relationship background, you can only rely on money. I admit that I was wrong Money can satisfy them, but I underestimated their greed. There are two mouths of officials, from top to bottom, and there is never time to feed them. Duan Jinlong's mood became excited.

Zhang Yang looked at Duan Jinyulong in front of him and sympathized with him for the first time. Duan Jinyulong did have a last resort, but this is not a reason for him to get rid of his mistakes. Zhang Yang said, "Don't push all your mistakes to others. It's really wrong yourself."

Duan Jinlong nodded: "I'm wrong. I'm already paying for my mistakes. Director Zhang, my current situation is already under siege on all sides. I came to you, not to pray for pity on me. I just want to say all these words in my heart.

Zhang Yang said, "In that case, why don't you give Haitian to someone else?"

Duan Jinyulong misunderstood his meaning: "I won't give it to Zhong Haiyan. Zhang Defang has always wanted to swallow Haitian. Even if I lose all my money, I won't let him do as he wants."

Zhang Yang said, "With your current situation, it is impossible for Haitian to continue to operate. In this way, I will give you a way out, transfer Haitian and make a price!" Duan Jinlong looked at Zhang Yang, and his eyes were full of helplessness, but he also understood that what Zhang Yang said was indeed the truth. In his situation, Haitian was It was impossible for him to continue, and Duan Jinlong swallowed. Spit: "Ten million!" Zhang Yang shook his head and didn't say anything. Since he told Yuan Bo about Haitian, Yuan Bo specially found someone to evaluate Haitian. As long as the price is not more than 12 million, Yuan Bo can take it down. Duan Jinbo's bid is not high, but Zhang Yang is well aware of taking advantage of the fire. The way, now Duan Jinyulong's psychology is close to despair. If Zhang Yang can't pull him out of his predicament, he is afraid that Haitian will depreciate day by day. What's more, Duan Jinyulong has not done much good things in Haitian over the years, and he must pay for his actions.

When Duan Jinlong saw that Zhang Yang did not say anything, his heart had begun to loosen. He whispered, "Eight million, this is my bottom line!"

Zhang Yang said, "Six million! This is the highest price that others can pay!"

Duan Jinlong bit his lip and said after a while, "I have invested three million in the decoration!"

Zhang Yang said, "Even if I give you eight million, Shi Shengli still has to pay money to solve it!" He has gently told Duan Jinyulong that as long as he promises a transfer fee of six million yuan, he will be responsible for solving Shi Shengli's troubles.

Duan Jinlong closed his eyes in pain. Zhang Yang's words hit his key point. He doesn't have much room to bargain now. The seven people of Shi Shengli are still lying in the hospital. This matter can be big or small. It can be heard from Zhang Yang's words that he can solve the matter of Shi Shengli, that is to The matter of poisoning is most likely to be related to Zhang Yang. Duan Jinyulong just guessed that he had no practical evidence. In fact, even if he had the so-called evidence, it would not play any role. He was just a businessman. Fighting with these officials was simply beyond his ability. He remembered that the group of unidentified people ran to smash the store last night, and he couldn't help but be afraid and continued to stay in Nancy, not knowing what was going to happen.

Before coming to Zhang Yang, Duan Jinlong had made a painful decision. He wanted to give up Haitian and leave Nancy. If he continued to persist, he would give up everything in failure. He could lose his dignity, but he could not lose all his wealth. Although six million is not much, it was not a big deal. The wealth means that he still has a chance to make a comeback. At this point, Zhang Yang obviously showed mercy to him and did not kill him all.

Duan Jinyulong whispered, "Six million, I'm leaving with six million!"