Medical official path

Chapter 583 Entering the World and the World


Zhang Yang did not expect that Gu Mingjian would really be interested in Chang Haixin, which was reluctant in the depths of his heart, but his relationship with Chang Haixin was limited to the ambiguous level. There was a layer of paper between them, and no one wanted to take the initiative to poke it. He also knew that he was not qualified to ask He said, "You are the director of the information center. It's up to you to decide which one to choose."

Chang Haixin said, "I remember you have a friend who also drives a computer company."

Zhang Yang said, "You mean Ding Zhaoyong?"

Chang Haixin nodded. When she studied at the provincial party school with Zhang Yang, Ding Zhaoyong and Chen Shaobin often went to find Zhang Yang, so she was also familiar with Ding Zhaoyong. She whispered, "I'm going to his company for another inspection."

Zhang Yang laughed.

Chang Haixin said angrily, "What are you laughing at?"

Zhang Yang said, "What if Ding Zhaoyong also has a fancy to you?"

Chang Haixin stepped on him again, this time on purpose.

Zhang Yang frowned and said with a wry smile, "Beauty is a disaster!"

The signing ceremony that night was successfully concluded. It was past ten o'clock in the evening after Zhang Yang sent away many guests. He wanted to sneak out to meet Gu Jiatong, but he was called by Chen Hao again. That night, Chen Hao was very interested. He was very satisfied with today's activity and specially invited several cadres and staff who came this time to Night snack.

Zhang Yang didn't want to go, but Chen Hao came to inform him in person. It was not easy for Zhang Yang to take the face of the immediate boss. Chen Hao's words were also quite pertinent: "Xiao Zhang" This activity is going so smoothly. We have to celebrate. Just now, everyone only focused on organizing hospitality and did not take good After everything is over, I'll treat you to a midnight snack. Just as I'm celebrating everyone. No one is allowed to be absent.

The leaders have said so to this point that no one can refuse. All the leading cadres and staff from Nancy attended the banquet organized by Chen Hao.

The wine party is also an imported product, mainly cold meals. [Zhong] Although the Chinese people have gradually accepted this in business activities, their intestines and stomachs are still not used to it. The things that are cushioned at night have almost been consumed after the dance, and now they have a good appetite.

Chen Hao's appetite is also very good." As good as his appetite is his mood. Chen Hao took the initiative to attack with a wine glass. Chen Hao's drinking capacity has always been good, but he hasn't drunk so much for a long time. His happiness today is not disguised. From commanding the work in the deep water port to being in He was really depressed for a while, but he has now adjusted. When he was in charge of the work in Sham Shui Port, he was under an indescribable pressure all day long. Although Xu Guangran gave him a lot of power, he did not get any pleasure from the power. His state at that time could be described as walking on thin ice. Unlike most people who regard Sham Shui Port as a rare political opportunity, Chen Hao has regarded Sham Shui Port as a huge burden since the beginning of his tenure. The Municipal Party Committee [Book] Xu Guangran called for the work he and Gong Qiwei in charge of. Chen Hao's thoughts fluctuated for a period of time. That's because he can't As he accepted this reality, he found that leaving the deep-water port was a good thing for him.

Just like what Xu Guangran said when he comforted him, the Provincial Games is about to be held, and Nancy's sports work has become more important than ever. Let him be in charge of sports work at this time, which is equivalent to sending political achievements to him. Chen Hao has finally realized it now. Taste, from the successful holding of the star football match to the signing of the image ambassador of the Provincial Games, the next step is the auction of the old stadium plot. Everything can be said to be the focus of attention. Although the direct implementer of all this is Zhang Yang, he is the direct leader of Zhang Yang, and he naturally wants to share all the honors.

Seeing Zhang Yang's excellent working ability, Chen Hao's perception of this boy has changed a lot. In the past, he always felt that Zhang Yang was against him, but now, every score of Zhang Yang's work is sticking gold on his face. He is in different positions and feels completely different.

Chen Hao and Zhang Yang drank two glasses of wine in a row. He said from the bottom of his heart, "Xiao Zhang, you have worked hard during this period. I will bury your work achievements on behalf of all of these two glasses of wine."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Mayor Chen, I'd like to be practical when you commend me!"

People around me laughed.

Chen Hao also smiled and said, "Okay, on the day of the successful conclusion of the Provincial Games, I will apply to the city for a heavy prize for you!"

Several cadres of the Sports Committee are now convinced of the young director of the Sports Committee. At the beginning, no one in the Sports Committee was convinced of this foreigner, but Zhang Yang's work achievements after coming to the Nanxi Sports Committee can be said to be obvious to all, and the Nancy Sports Committee has changed from a unit without real power to now Nancy's sports industry always plays a pivotal role. From the construction of the venue of the new sports center to the organization of the provincial sports meeting, they all have control, which can't be done by others.

Zang Jintang and the two deputy directors of Cui Guozhu also came to toast to Zhang Yang. Zhang Yang saw that it was not so easy to get rid of tonight, and he couldn't help but feel a little anxious. He was afraid that Gu Jiatong would be anxious.

Chen Hao drank two drinks with almost everyone. When it was Lin Fangfei's turn to be the hostess of the TV station, Chen Hao laughed and said, "Xiao Lin, you must publicize our signing party when you go back. This is a major event in our Nancy sports industry and also a major event in Nancy."

Lin Fangfei smiled and said, "Mayor Chen's business is my business. Don't worry, not only will it be broadcast on the news, but I will also make an album to present the grand event of the reception and my exclusive interview with the two image ambassadors."

Chen Hao said repeatedly, "Okay! OK! OK!"

Zhang Yang saw that it was already more than eleven o'clock" and was about to sneak away.

But Chen Hao raised his glass again and said, "I suggest that we all have the last drink together. We have work tomorrow. Let's go back and have an early rest."

Zhang Yangxin said that Lao Chen finally said something human. You can't let so many people accompany you when you are happy, and you can't be a leader.

Chen Hao picked up the glass. He still has more than half a glass of liquor in his glass, which shows that Chen Hao is quite happy today. As soon as he raised his neck, he drank all the glass of white wine, and everyone cheered in unison.

Chen Hao's face was full of red light, showing people with an empty glass. He also supervised everyone here to drink all the wine in the glass. When Zhang Yang saw that Chang Haixin also drank the white wine in the small wine cup, he smiled at her and drank the glass himself.

Chen Hao clapped his hands and said, "Let's go back to rest early. Tomorrow we have our own work. Don't... Don't..." When he said this, he suddenly felt a sudden pain in his stomach. When the leader's patience was very strong, Chen Hao frowned and took a deep breath. , ready to relieve the pain and continue to finish his words: "Don't... delay the work... There is only one word left, but he can't say it. Chen Hao felt the pain in his stomach. He covered his mouth and ran to the bathroom, and he didn't care about the mayor's manners. But before he went to the bathroom, he Come on.

Mr. Zhang doesn't mean to gloat much. Chen Hao drank so much today, and it's normal to drink, which proves that the executive vice mayor is a temperamental person. It may not be like this to others.

Zang Jintang was the closest. He limped over, held Chen Hao's arm, and said with concern, "Mayor Chen, are you all right?"

But Chen Hao pointed to his stomach and was so painful that he couldn't speak. In an instant, his face turned like white paper. His forehead was covered with sweat beads the size of soybeans, and his lips lost their blood color.

Although Zang Jintang is not a doctor, he also felt that Chen Hao's appearance was not right. He panicked and said, "Mayor Chen" What's wrong with you?" Everyone surrounded it.

Zhang Yang came forward to hold Chen Hao's pulse, and suddenly found that Chen Hao's pulse was wrong, and the pulse was small and weak. From the pulse image, it should be spleen and stomach injury, uncomfortable mood, liver and gallbladder depression, transverse spleen and stomach; or six ** external evil invasion, resulting in

Zang Jintang said, "Let's send him to the hospital quickly."

Zhang Yang nodded: "I'm going to drive!" This is not that Zhang Yang is unwilling to treat Chen Hao, but that there are many diseases. Even he can't get rid of the disease in a short time. Chen Hao's disease should be caused by overeating. According to modern medical theory, it is likely to be pancreatitis. Even if Zhang Yang can treat it, it will take some time. The most realistic Send to the hospital.

Cui Guozhu called the driver, and Zhang Yang took Chen Hao to the car. In fact, no one else except him had the strength, and a good celebration feast ended in disappointment.

Zhang Yang, Cui Guozhu, Zang Jintang, Fu Changzheng and Chen Hao's secretary got on the van together and rushed Chen Hao to the nearby Provincial People's Hospital.

Chen Hao vomited again on the way, and the pain was so much that he was unconscious. Zhang Yang quietly clicked his sleeping hole and let him fall asleep for a while, at least this could help him relieve the pain.

In the emergency room of the Provincial People's Hospital, I heard that the executive deputy mayor of Nancy City was sent for rescue, and he also attached great importance to it. The deputy director of the emergency department immediately informed the administrative duty of the hospital, and the administrative duty personnel called the two directors of the gastroenterology department and surgery from home for consultation.

In fact, it also proves that Zhang Yang's speculation is correct. Chen Hao's blood starch acid test results show that the index has increased. He is acute pancreatitis.

After emergency treatment for Chen Hao, the hospital put him in the Fengbu ward. After Chen Hao's condition is stable, a comprehensive physical examination will be conducted for him to find out the cause of pancreatitis. This kind of acute abdomen is often accompanied by biliary diseases.

After tossing Chen Hao's matter, it was already one o'clock in the morning. Several people looked tired. Of course, Chen Hao's secretary had to stay at the vigil. Fu Changzheng said, "Several leaders, you all go back to rest. I'll stay. In case of anything happens, I'll take care of

Zang Jintang shook his head. He didn't want to leave. It was not because of his good relationship with Chen Hao. He felt that this was a rare opportunity to show off. The leader had a sudden illness and stayed up all night for him. This feeling was countless times stronger than usual. This is called sending help in the snow

Cui Guozhu didn't want to leave either. He and Zang Jintang had ordinary thoughts.

Zhang Yang said, "Then I'll go back first. It's not good to leave too many people here. I'll take over tomorrow during the day."

Zang Jintang nodded and said, "Go back first. I just heard from the doctor that Mayor Chen's life is not in danger, so we plan not to inform his family for the time being. It's so late that it's not enough to worry his family."

Cui Guozhu said, "Let's talk about it tomorrow morning. Do you think it's okay?"

Zhang Yang said, "Don't talk about drinking to the city. Just say that Mayor Chen is busy tonight and doesn't care about eating from afternoon to night."

Several people nodded at the same time.

Zhang Yang said to Fu Changzheng, "Long March, my mobile phone has been on at night. Call me if there is anything urgent."

Fu Changzheng smiled and said, "Director Zhang, you've been tired all day. Go back and have a rest. Don't worry if you have me here."

After Zhang Yang left the hospital, he thought about it. Don't disturb Gu Jiatong's good dream so late. When he was about to return to Nanguo Villa, Ren Wenbin called. Ren Wenbin had just heard that Chen Hao was ill and was rushing to the Provincial People's Hospital with Li Guangnan.

Zhang Yang said, "No, it's stable now, and you can't help. He is sleeping now, and there is someone to take care of him. Come back tomorrow."

Ren Wenbin said, "How can that work? We have to go there. Mayor Chen is the VIP of our Nanguo Villa. If something happens, of course we have to go and have a look. You are waiting for us there!"

Zhang Yang said, "I have something else to do. You can come if you want. Anyway, Director Zang and the others are here.


Zhang Yang hung up the phone and couldn't help smiling bitterly. Chen Hao suddenly fell ill this time. I don't know how many people will be quietly moved.

It didn't take long to hang up, and Chang Haixin also called. She was entrusted by everyone to call Chen Hao's current situation. Zhang Yang told her not to worry. Chen Hao's situation was stable and her life was not in danger, and asked her to tell others.

After talking with Chang Haixin, Zhang Yang stood at the gate of the Provincial People's Hospital. The night wind rolled a piece of white paper and blew it under his feet. He breathed a sigh of relief and highlighted a white fog. Suddenly, he saw the flashing neon diagonally opposite. When he saw the 1860 bar in Munich, he suddenly remembered that he and When I know it, I am tolerated by an indescribable warmth.