Medical official path

Chapter 584 Initial Diagnosis

What Shi Shengli couldn't accept was Chen Hao's wife Ma Hongjuan. Ma Hongjuan was already sitting on the ground paralyzed at this time. Feng Wei hurried to help her. Her eldest aunt Chen Fenglan also went to help her up. Chen Fenglan also heard it clearly and wiped her tears and said, "Hongjuan, you If you lose your temper, don't be seen by him... "... Chen Fenglan has only one brother, and she cried as she spoke.

Ma Hongjuan cried and said, "He is desperate at work. He knows that he has liver disease, and he has to go to a party. He knows that drinking hurts his body, and he still works hard to drink..." "He only has Nancy in his heart. Where did he put our mother? You really know that he is not in good health, so you let him drink it?

Zhangguan people think that this matter has little to do with work, and it is not that they persuade Chen Hao to drink. Chen Hao's drinking is his own choice. As the highest leader among them, if Chen Hao does not take the initiative to drink, it is difficult for others to persuade him. But Chen Hao has been so miserable that Zhang Yang can't say anything. He said to Shi Shengli, "Tuading your aunt, don't let Mayor Chen see anything."

Shi Shengli nodded and finally persuaded his aunt to stop crying. The family went into the ward to visit Chen Hao.

The group of people outside were also relieved. Zang Jintang yawned and said, "I'm so tired that I have to go back and rest for a while."

Zhang Yang looked at Zang Jintang and then looked at Cui Guozhu. They stayed up all night in the hospital and were very tired. Zhang Yang nodded and said, "Go back to rest quickly and let other comrades not come to the hospital, so as not to affect Mayor Chen's rest."

Cui Guozhu nodded and said, "Is this matter kept secret first?"

Zhang Yang said, "Of course, it should be kept secret. The official diagnosis of the hospital has not come out yet. Try not to say too much about Mayor Chen's illness."

Zang Jintang said, "We were originally scheduled to return to Nancy in the afternoon, but will we leave?"

Zhang Yang said, "Director Zang, you lead the other comrades to go back first." Secretary Feng stayed, and I will also stay for one more day. In case anything happens, I will go back tomorrow."

Zang Jintang nodded repeatedly. He and Cui Guozhu left happily this time. "They left so simply not only because they were too tired, but also for another reason. Chen Hao was terminally ill. No matter how well they behaved in front of Chen Hao, they should not expect anything in return in the future. In their opinion, Chen Hao has been a long There is not much, and a person's life is almost gone. What else can we talk about political life? For such a leader, why bother to flatter him? Most people in the system are realistic.

Zhang Yang asked Fu Changzheng to leave. Feng Wei said, "Director Zhang, do you want to report this matter to the city?"

Zhang Yang nodded. Chen Hao is the executive vice mayor. If there is something wrong with his health, he must report it to the city. Zhang Yang's consideration is very comprehensive. He told Feng Wei, "Now it's only a preliminary diagnosis, so don't say too much when you report to the city. First tell the city that Mayor Chen has an acute "Yan" is currently hospitalized. As for the specific situation, let's wait for the formal diagnosis.

Feng Wei understood what Zhang Yang meant, and he went aside to make a phone call.

Zhang Yang was thinking about helping Chen Hao see a doctor later, but now Chen Hao's family was accompanying him in the ward, which was not very convenient. Zhang Daguan came to the window of the corridor and looked out of the window boredly. Suddenly, he heard the rhythmic sound of high heels in the corridor. Zhang Yang turned his face and saw Heather, Mrs. Wang Junyao came this way.

Zhang Yang was a little surprised. I didn't expect to meet Mrs. Heather here unexpectedly.

Wang Junyao's eyes were also wide open, and she looked quite surprised, but immediately her eyes were bent into a crescent shape, and the corners of her lips showed a smile. She was wearing a gray leather coat, which looked noble, and there was a noble demeanor between her hands and feet. She smiled and walked to Zhang Yang and said,

Although Zhang Yang has never had a good impression on Mrs. Heather, he has always been very polite to him. He doesn't want to lose the etiquette. Zhang Yang said happily, "Accompany your friends to see a doctor. Mrs. Heather has something to do here?"

Wang Junyao nodded and said, "My sister-in-law is here, so I came to visit!"

Zhang Yang heard that Wang Boxing's wife, the director of the Public Security Department, was hospitalized for surgery. He said in his heart that it was really a coincidence. There must be many leaders coming here. I'm afraid that Chen Hao's mountain can't hide it.

Wang Junyao looked at Zhang Yang and hated it to the extreme, but her expression did not show anything. She whispered, "I heard that you have done a good job in Nancy!"

Zhang Yang said, "I'm just a screw. I'll nail it wherever the leader screws me. I dare not be excellent, but I'm still competent!"

Wang Junyao nodded. At this time, all the shaking in her heart was the shadow of Xu Jiayong. Her eyes also turned to the window and whispered, "I heard that the land of your Nancy Sports Committee is going to be auctioned publicly."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Mrs. Heather's information is very well-informed. This matter is only a preliminary intention in the city and has not been officially announced to the public."

Wang Junyao smiled and said, "For us businessmen, business opportunities mean wealth."

Zhang Yang said, "I heard that my wife invested in an international film and television city in Qingtai Mountain. Is it going well?"

Wang Junyao said, "Unately, the Jiangcheng government is very supportive of my investment in this project, which has given me a lot of convenience."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "It's a pity that I left Jiangcheng and couldn't help my wife."

Wang Junyao said, "I've helped a lot!"

Zhang Yang smiled, but he didn't dare to take credit: "Madam seems to shift the focus of business to China?"

Wang Junyao nodded un concealedly and whispered, "Ye Luo is back to the root. I have been floating abroad for so many years. Now that I am old, I miss everything in China more and more. I miss my friends and my relatives." When it comes to the word relatives, Wang Junyao's heart hurts as if she was bitten by a poisonous snake. She once found the meaning of her struggle for survival, but now everything is gone. Wang Junyao did not dare to stay. She was afraid to stay here. She would not be able to suppress her hatred for Zhang Yang. However, Wang Junyao's performance was still elegant and calm. She smiled and said goodbye to Zhang Yang.

Since he knows that Wang Boxing's wife is also hospitalized here, Zhang Yang should also greet him in etiquette. Although he doesn't like Wang Boxing, in officialdom, the first thing a person learns is to collect his likes and dislikes. Even in the face of his enemies, he should show warmth. As warm as spring, this is the state of politics.

Zhang Yang bought a bunch of fresh huā in the huā shop at the gate of the hospital. When he bought huā, he met an acquaintance." Gao Zhonghe, the director of the Provincial Public Security Department, and his son Gao Lianming also bought huā there. Zhang Yang and Gao Zhong were not familiar with each other, but he and Gao Yang Duo looked at him twice before he recognized him.

Gao Lianming rushed up and said happily, "Zhang Yang, why are you here?"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "I thought Nancy was small, but I didn't expect that Dongjiang was not big, and there were acquaintances everywhere." Hello, Director Gao!" First of all, he greeted Gao Zhonghe. He was the deputy director of the Public Security Department and was about to take over Wang Boxing's class, which was also the most promising to join the provincial standing committee.

Gao Zhonghe nodded to Zhang Yang with a smile.

Zhang Yang said again, "High Hall, you are here to visit Director Wang's wife!"

Gao Zhonghe smiled and said, "It seems that you are too!"

Zhang Yang said, "I just met his sister before I knew that Mrs. Wang was ill!"

Gao Lianming said, "The gallbladder stone removal operation is the second day after the operation.


Zhang Yang said, "You go first, I'll go back."

Gao Zhonghe smiled and said, "Let's go together!"

Since he said, "Zhang Yang did not refuse, but went to the ward where Wang Boxing's wife was with his father and son.

When they arrived, Wang Junyao had not left yet. She was peeling apples for her sister-in-law by the bedside. Wang Junyao was very good at being a good person. She got along well with her sister-in-law. Zhang Yang's arrival was what she expected. It seems that this boy is already familiar with the rules in the officialdom, and his eyelids are enough.

Seeing Gao Zhong and his father and son coming." Wang Boxing's wife supported and wanted to sit up. Gao Lianming stepped forward and held her arm. The boy was very good at talking: "Aunt Liu, lie down and rest quickly. You just need to have a good rest after the operation. Don't touch the wound."

Wang Boxing's wife smiled, and her voice was weak: "It's okay" It's just a small operation. Now it's all laparoscopy." After a few eyes, the gallbladder was removed without hurting vitality.

Zhang Yang hasn't said much." Put the huā basket on the ground. Wang Boxing's wife didn't know him, and Gao Zhong didn't notice the existence of Zhang Yang until she greeted his father and son: "You are...

Wang Junyao introduced, "Sister-in-law, this is Zhang Yang, director of the Nancy Sports Committee!"

Wang Boxing's wife still has no impression. As Wang Boxing, his wife was hospitalized. I don't know how many people rushed to come to give gifts. Wang Boxing also foresaw this, so he dealt with this matter quite low-key, and only a few people knew about it. That's why the arrival of Zhang Yang makes people feel strange. His relationship with Wang Boxing is not very good.

Wang Junyao saw her sister-in-law's confused face and knew that she had not remembered who Zhang Yang was, and added: "The one who fell in love with Governor Song's daughter in the past." Wang Junyao's explanation made Zhang's official quite embarrassed, but it was very effective. Her sister-in-law finally remembered who Zhang Yang was and said with a smile, "So it's Xiao Zhang. Thank you!"

Zhang Yang said, "I also happened to know from Mrs. Heather that you are sick. I wish you a speedy recovery."

Wang Boxing's wife praised, "Thank you very much. The young man is really good at talking!"

Zhang Yang didn't want to stay any longer. He smiled at Gao Zhong and his father and son and said, "You talk first. I have something else to do and won't delay your chat." He turned around and left the ward.

When he came to Chen Hao's ward, he saw that only Shi Shengli was staying in the ward, and the others disappeared.

Chen Hao's face was very bad-looking. Seeing Zhang Yang coming, he waved to Zhang Yang and said, "Zhang Yang, come here, I have something to ask you!"

Shi Shengli secretly made an eye look at Zhang Yang behind Chen Hao's back.

Zhang Yang immediately realized that something must have happened. He walked over with a smile: "Mayor Chen, what's going on? Are you making it so serious?"

Chen Hao said, "Zhang Yang, what's wrong with me? Is it pancreatitis?"

Zhang Yang nodded and said, "It says on the bedside card, acute pancreatitis. It is said that this disease is very dangerous. If you don't get timely treatment, your life may be in danger.

Chen Hao said, "I always feel that I am very sick. I have checked so many projects today. Do I have other diseases? Did you hide something?"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Mayor Chen, you think too much. If there is a serious illness, we dare not hide it from you. If your treatment is delayed, who can afford it?" He was a little strange. I don't know if there was anything exposed in their conversation just now, which made Chen Hao suspicious.

Chen Hao was a little relieved when he heard what he said. He closed his eyes tired and said, "Xiao Zhang, I'm afraid I'm going to rest for a while this time. In the city, please ask for a leave for me. You have to catch up the sports work..." He said that he was a little tired here. He took a breath and At the most critical time, I fell ill again. I'm really unwilling! You have to work so hard in the future that you must do a good job in the preparations for this Provincial Games.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Mayor Chen, I can't work without your guidance. You just need to recover from your illness, try to recover as soon as possible, and resume work as soon as possible. We are all waiting for you to come back to the leader."

Chen Hao smiled and whispered, "Actually, you have done a good job in sports, Xiao Zhang. You are very capable. If you work hard, your future will be unlimited."

The door was pushed open, and a nurse came in and put a stack of inspection lists at the head of the bed.

Shi Shengli was stunned and said, "Didn't you have an inspection? Why are there so many checklists?

The nurse held the medical record and said, "Only a comprehensive examination can make the correct diagnosis. I hope your family will cooperate more with our work."

Shi Shengli said angrily, "Now the doctors in the hospital can't see a doctor. They can only issue bills. In the past, it was people to see a doctor, but now it's all machines to see a doctor. If it were me, I could be a doctor."

Chen Hao scolded, "Victory, your boy will be full of cannons. This is a hospital. You should respect the medical staff and don't talk nonsense."