Medical official path

Chapter 590 Under the collapse of the defense line

Zhang Yang was moved. Hui Jingmin was the director of the Pinghai Provincial Sports Commission before the accident. Because of his work, there must be a lot of involvement between him and the Nancy Sports Commission.

Liu Yanhong's next words really confirmed this point. She whispered, "The deputy director of the Nancy Municipal Sports Commission, has also bribed him. Next, we will contact the Nancy Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection to investigate these matters."

Zhang Yang frowned. From the bottom of his heart, he did not want too many people involved in this matter in the Nancy Sports Commission. After all, the leadership of the Sports Commission had finally stabilized, and he did not want to make any changes. Zhang Yang whispered, "Is there anyone else involved in this matter in our Nancy Sports Committee? Liu Yanhong said, "Only Sheng Jintang, but he also provided a person, Xu Guangli, the general manager of New Century Construction Company. In the process of the approval of the construction plan of the new sports center, Xu Guangli once sent him 150,000 yuan, New Sports At the groundbreaking ceremony of the center, Xu Guangli went to the hotel to give him 50,000 yuan of hard work. Some of the building materials of the new sports center were supplied by his son Hui Qiang. Zhang Yang was shocked to hear this. He did not expect that there were so many insider transactions in it. After he took over the engineering command of the new sports center, The project in the hands of Xu Guangli, but he has not paid much attention to the main stadium, because Xu Guangran, the secretary of the Nancy Municipal Party Committee, is Xu Guangli's own brother. If he blindly grasps the main stadium project, it is equivalent to clearly opposing Xu Guangran. The purpose of dealing with Xu Guangli at the beginning was to make Greater power, rather than just blindly against him, so after he reached the command of the new sports center and the management of the Provincial Games, he and Xu Guangli have been at peace.

Zhang Yang said, "Pull out the radish and bring out the mud, and the corrupt officials will always bring out a large number of personnel. Liu Yanhong said, "I tell you this matter is to let you be more careful. Since there is a hidden operation in the engineering part of the new sports center, you must strengthen the inspection of construction quality after you What's the reason? If there is a problem, the incumbent will be held responsible. I don't want you to take the blame for others in vain.

Zhang Yang nodded gratefully and said, "Sister Liu, don't worry, I will carry out a construction quality inspection as soon as I go back. If I encounter an unqualified place, I will definitely push it back again. Liu Yanhong said, "Try not to leak what I told you. We will not take action for the time being."

Zhang Yang said, "Don't worry, I will deal with it carefully."

Liu Yanhong nodded and whispered, "How is President Liu's health? Since Liu Yuying was treated coldly that day, Liu Yanhong has never been there again. She doesn't want to be embarrassed. She also knows that there are a lot of rumors about her relationship with Song Huaiming. Although the rumors stop at the wise, they There are too many people with intentions. She doesn't want others to misunderstand the relationship between her and Song Huaiming, let alone bring any trouble to Song Huaiming.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "It's okay. I can be discharged from the hospital soon."

Liu Yanhong said with relief, "Great, I didn't expect that Huiqiang was so despicable to attack a pregnant woman. She was in charge of Hui Jingmin's case and already knew that Hui Qiang had found someone to attack Liu Yuying.

Zhang Yang said, "So the work of life is also risky. Sister Liu, you work in the Commission for Discipline Inspection. There must be a lot of people who have offended you, and you should be more careful in the future." Liu Yanhong smiled and said, "It's okay, I have learned women's self-def "

When he was talking, the phone rang. Liu Yanhong answered the phone. The call was Wu Ming, deputy secretary of the Lanshan Municipal Party Committee. He has been in Dongjiang for the past two days and invited Liu Yanhong to have lunch together. Liu Yanhong said, "Noon, I don't have time. Wu Ming reluctantly said, " I'm going to make a reservation now.

"Wu Ming," Liu Yanhong wanted to say something else. Wu Ming had hung up the phone, and she shook her head helplessly.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Wu Ming will treat you to dinner!"

Liu Yanhong said, "It's him!"

Zhang Yang originally wanted to say that Wu Ming's character was not good, but he changed his mind. Liu Yanhong is not an ordinary person. She can achieve her current position by no means because of accidental luck. She has her own principles, and even her mind is much calmer than most people.

But Zhang Yang had to remind her. He said jokingly, "Does this Secretary Wu want to chase you?"

Liu Yanhong smiled and said, "What are you talking about? It's just an ordinary friend."

Zhang Yang said, "If he wants to chase you, it's a lot worse. You are all deputy departments, and he is a hall! Liu Yanhong said, "The more you talk about it, the more energetic you are. It's said that you are an ordinary friend. I understand that rumors are created by people like you."

Zhang Yang laughed and said, "Sister Liu, you are the dream lover of countless men in the system. If anyone catches up with you, the future will be prosperous and the future will be boundless. Liu Yanhong said, "If you talk nonsense again, I will drive you out of the car!" Zhang Yang smiled and said, "I'm not talking Mind, don't be fooled by sweet words.

Liu Yanhong said, "Don't talk about me, boy. What's wrong with you and Yanran?"

Mr. Zhang's head became big as soon as he heard it: "Well... Sister Liu, I'm here. Just put me down by the roadside."

"I want to leave now, it's not that easy! To be honest, have you contacted Yanran recently?

"Sister Liu, I'm afraid of you. Please forgive me."

Wen Guoquan and his entourage arrived in Dongjiang at three o'clock in the afternoon on the same day. Governor Song Huaiming personally went to the airport to greet him. After getting on the bus, Wen Guoquan smiled and said, "I didn't expect the snow in Dongjiang to be heavy."

Song Huaiming smiled and said, "It rarely snows so heavily in Dongjiang. According to the weather forecast, the snow in the capital is very heavy. I was worried that Mr. Wen's plane would be delayed."

Wen Guoquan said, "The snow stopped last night. When I came this morning, the airport runway had been cleaned up, and there was not much impact.

Song Huaiming said, "The auspicious snow promises a bumper harvest. This snow is very important for alleviating the drought in Pinghai. Wen Guoquan nodded.

Song Huaiming said, "Secretary Qiao is waiting for the provincial party committee. Do you want to go to meet him?" Wen Guoquan smiled and said, "I came to Pinghai for inspection, not to catch up with old friends. Song Huaiming said, "Why don't you go to the provincial government's government's guest house first

Wen Guoquan shook his head and said, "Go to Dongjiang Development Zone. I want to have a look!"

Song Huaiming was stunned for a moment. He did not inspect the Dongjiang Development Zone in the itinerary set by Wen Guoquan. Wen Guoquan raised this matter at the beginning of the opportunity. It seems that he came to Pinghai this time with the idea of killing them unprepared. Since Wen Guoquan made a request, of course, Song Huaiming could not refuse. He smiled and said, "Okay, let's go to the development zone to have a look."

Wen Guoquan was obviously prepared, and he had done his homework before. The first place he went to was the Korean Industrial Park under construction. The project of the Korean Industrial Park in Dongjiang Development Zone had always been in charge of Lei Guotao, director of the China Merchants Office, but Lei Guotao's real identity was a spy who betrayed state secrets. The National Revolutionary Committee planned the terrorist incident of Jinghai Korea Trade City, which almost created a tragedy that shocked the world. It was precisely because of that that the plan of the Korean industrial park was also shelved halfway, but the industrial park began construction as early as last year, and the construction is still in progress. At present, the biggest problem encountered is investment attraction.

Wen Guoquan, accompanied by everyone, walked around the industrial park and pointed to the words of the Korean Industrial Park on the wall of the construction site: "Korean Industrial Park! How many Korean enterprises are currently stationed?

Song Huaiming couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. He coughed and said, "At present, it is only under construction, and the Korean industrial park is only a preliminary plan. The positioning of this area is an industrial park, not only for foreign investment, but also for local enterprises. The project under construction you see is only a small part of all the With the increase of settled enterprises, we will continue to expand the area of the industrial park.

Wen Guoquan laughed and said, "That is to set up the stage first and then sing!"

Song Huaiming said, "If you don't set up a good stage, how can you invite a famous actor?"

People around him laughed.

Wen Guoquan said, "Unfortunately, there are only a few famous actors. All over the country are busy setting up the stage. There are more and more stages, and soon there will be no one on the stage. Since the reform and opening up, the wave of building development zones in China can be said to be higher than one wave, but there Take it as a warning!"

Everyone nodded one after another.

Song Huaiming looked at Wen Guoquan with a smile. He knew that Wen Guoquan was not sentimental, but prepared. He took this opportunity to pour cold water on the construction of the overheated development zone in China. Indeed, now the construction of the domestic development zone has fallen into a relatively blind stage. Take Pinghai as an example, every city has Every county also has a development zone, but many local leaders do not understand the purpose of the development zone. Their original intention of establishing a development zone is not to revitalize the local economy, but an act of following the current. The beautiful name is in line with the development of the times, but to a large extent, they are seeking political achievements. At this point, Song Hua He has a similar idea to Wen Guoquan. He believes that the construction of the development zone in full swing should be slowed down.

Qiao Zhenliang, Secretary of the Pinghai Provincial Party Committee, sat in the office. Although he did not go out, he still paid attention to Wen Guoquan's every move. The first thing Wen Guoquan did when he came to Pinghai was not to rest or visit him, but went directly to the Dongjiang Development Zone. There was no such link in Wen Guo Liang was lost in meditation. Wen Guoquan came to Pinghai to inspect this time, under the banner of inspecting the development of industry and agriculture in East China. What is the real purpose? What is the point of his inspection?

Going to Dongjiang Development Zone means that he is not dissatisfied with the construction of Pinghai Development Zone? Or...

At this time, the door was knocked. After receiving Qiao Zhenliang's consent, Yan Guotao, Secretary-General of the Provincial Party Committee, came in. He reported to Qiao Zhenliang, "Secretary Qiao, Vice President Wen has left the development zone and went to the provincial government's guest house to stay. It is expected to arrive in 20 minutes."

Qiao Zhenliang nodded and said, "Get ready, I'll visit him"

Yan Guotao said, "Tonight's reception banquet has been prepared."

Qiao Zhenliang said, "According to normal standards, don't waste extravagance."

Yan Guotao understood what Qiao Zhenliang meant. He whispered, "Vice President Wen went to Dongjiang South Korea Industrial Park and made some views on the project under construction"

Qiao Zhenliang smiled and said, "It seems that Vice President Wen came here this time mainly to inspect the development zone."

Yan Guotao said, "The best construction of our Pinghai Development Zone is Lanshan. Isn't it arranged in the itinerary?"

Qiao Zhenliang said, "The leaders don't like to listen to other people's arrangements. I think there will definitely be a lot of changes in the schedule this time. Please inform the leaders of each city and let them be ready to receive the leaders."

Yan Guotao said, "Secretary Qiao, don't worry, I have done the notice work, and there will be no mistakes in the reception."

Qiao Zhenliang smiled and said, "I'm not afraid of any mistakes. The leaders come to inspect. We don't have to do superficial work. What Pinghai looks like, we will show the leaders what it looks like, so that they can see a real Pinghai. I don't want our achievements to be denied, and I don't want our If the leaders can find our shortcomings, it is not a bad thing, but a good thing. We can correct our shortcomings, and Pinghai can also get a rare development. Bi Nobi has some shortcomings that we can't see by ourselves, don't you think so?

Yan Guotao smiled and said, "Secretary Qiao makes sense."

Qiao Zhenliang said, "I'm not used to hearing your words. No matter what I say, you think it makes sense and has no opinion at all."

Yan Guotao smiled and said, "I do feel that your words are reasonable. This is not a deliberate flattery. In fact, there are not many leaders with your mentality. When superiors come to check, everyone thinks that they will show their best side to the leader and hide their shortcomings.

Qiao Zhenli said, "It has become a common problem in the system to whitewash the peace and muddle through the test. No matter what you do, you like to behave, which is contrary to my party's truth-seeking spirit. I don't like it. It is irresponsible to do so, irresponsible to the