Medical official path

Chapter 593 How to grasp it

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "If I'm not smart, how can we make Vice Mayor Qin, who is both beautiful and intelligent, give up to me?"

Qin Qing looked around, quickly walked to the end of the corridor, and whispered, "You stinky!"

Zhang Yang said, "It's still in a meeting so late. I've told you that you don't work so hard and don't listen to me. Be careful that I'll spank you next time we meet."

Qin Qing whispered, "Come on!" Her heart was warm and her public concern made her enjoy it very much.

Zhang Yang said, "I just saw Wu Ming."

Only then did Qin Qing realize that Zhang Yang was also in Dongjiang. She whispered, "Have you also gone to Dongjiang?"

Zhang Yang said, "I've been here for a few days. Vice President Wen [General] They are here. My godmother asked me to chat with her, so I can't go back immediately."

Qin Qing said, "Have you decided on the specific itinerary of the article?"

Zhang Yang shook his head and said, "No, but he should focus on the development zone project this time. I also told Wu Ming, but I'm worried about this boy. It's better to tell you directly."

Qin Qing knew that he was worried about something. He was worried that Wu Ming would make trouble from it, but Qin Qing thought that Wu Ming would not do such a thing. After all, it was related to the collective honor of Lanshan's leadership, and he was also a member of the collective. Qin Qing smiled and said, "Don't worry, in order to welcome Wen [Mr.]'s inspection, we Lanshan are fully prepared."

Zhang Yang said, "But I listen to him. This time I came to Pinghai to pick faults. He wants to see the most [true] side of Pinghai. If the traces of preparation are too obvious, it may not be too much, and he may not be happy." Zhang Yang still has some understanding of Wen Guoquan.

Qin Qing was silent for a while and whispered, "I see!"

Zhang Yang said again, "My godmother is here. She likes you very much. As long as you are happy with her this time, I'm embarrassed to find fault with you.


Qin Qing sneered. "Zhang Yang is Zhang Yang. His way of thinking is different. Obviously, it is a business. He can find a way to make it a private matter, but he said that gain is also a good way. Qin Qing said, "Are you accompanied all the way?"

Zhang Yang said, "I don't know. Let's see what the godmother says. If she wants me to follow, I will let go of the work for the time being."

Qin Qing said, "It's not easy to have a chance to meet. You should spend more time with her."


After Zhang Yang and Qin Qing talked, the ringtone immediately rang, but Gao Lianming called. He ate hot pot in the old Sichuan downstairs of Ding Zhaoyong's computer company with Ding Zhaoyong, Chang Haixin, Zhao Jing and Ding Bin. He waited until nine o'clock to see that Zhang Yang had not come, so he called him.

Zhang Yang rushed over as soon as he received the phone call. He came to the private room on the second floor. As soon as he opened the door, he felt shit! With a sound, an episode of cake flew towards his face. Zhang's skills and his body was so short that he hidged. But the waiter behind him was not so lucky. The cream cake was hitting his face, and the tray in his hand also fell to the ground. Several plates of vegetables fell all over the ground, and the waiter was stunned. Yes.

All the people in the room were stunned." Gao Lianming, the originator of the matter, spit out his tongue, picked up the glass and pretended to be nothing. He said, "Everyone drink!"

Zhang Yang said, "I still have the heart to drink. I'm not timid to sneak up on me." He smiled at the waiter and said, "It's okay, I'm kidding!"

Ding Zhaoyong quickly came over and said to the waiter, "I'm sorry, I'll tell your boss later that all the losses will be recorded in my account."

Zhang Yang walked over and came behind Gao Lianming. He raised his hand and slapped him gently on the head. Of course, he didn't really hit him. If Zhang Daguanren really hit him, he would slap Gao Lianming into a fool.

Gao Lianming laughed and said, "It's so unreasonable for you to beat someone when you come late!"

Zhang Daguan laughed and said, "Aren't you a lawyer? If you are not convinced, go to the court and sue me!" He sat down beside Gao Lianming, looked at the cake on the table and said, "Whose birthday is it today?"

Zhao Jing's aggrieved flat mouth" only tears did not fall out. On his sister's birthday, his brother actually forgot it. In the afternoon, she deliberately did not remind him to see if he could remember it, but he had no impression at all. When Zhang Yang saw his sister's expression, he suddenly realized that he had been busy with work recently and really didn't pay attention to his sister's birthday. He apologized and said, "Look at my memory. I actually forgot Xiaojing's birthday. It should be punished, should be punished!"

Gao Lianming gave Zhang Yang a glass full of white wine: "This is what you said, then let's punish!"

Chang Haixin said, "I didn't say that I was punished for drinking. When it's my sister's birthday, you have to show it as a brother."

Zhang Yang nodded. He really didn't prepare any gift. He took out 500 yuan from his wallet and handed it to Zhao Jing and said, "Xiaojing, take it to buy a gift by yourself. I've been busy with work recently and forgot your birthday. I promise I won't forget it again."

Zhao Jing pushed his money back with a smile: "Brother, it's okay to have your words. I don't want money, as long as you remember me in my heart."

Zhang Yang said with a smile, "Remember, remember, how could I forget that you are the only sister? You also need to take the money and buy a beautiful dress. It's almost winter vacation and go home dressed beautifully."

Zhao Jing then took the money and nodded with a smile.

Zhang Yang picked up the glass of wine and said, "I'm late today and forgot my sister's birthday again. I should be punished. I drank this glass of wine. Let's wish Xiaojing a happy birthday together!"

Everyone responded together, and Zhang Yang drank the glass of white wine clean.

Zhao Jing cut a piece of cake and handed it to Zhang Yang: "Brother, eat the cake!"

Although Zhang Yang usually doesn't eat much sweets, he still ate some for his sister's birthday. Zhao Jing said, "Brother, the internship location has been set. I worked as an intern in the Affiliated Middle School of Dongjiang Normal University, and Ding Bin went to the Pinghai Provincial Sports Committee for an internship."

Zhang Yang nodded and looked at Ding Bin. Ding Bin smiled at him. "Ding Bin has always been afraid of Zhang Yang and behaved well in front of Zhang Yang: "Brother Zhang, I want you to give me more advice in the future."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "I'm the Nancy Sports Committee. You are the Provincial Sports Committee. Maybe you can be my superior leader in the future."

Ding Bin hurriedly said, "I dare not. How dare I lead you? I'm just an intern and have no power."

Zhang Yang is still very satisfied with Ding Bin's current performance. This boy should have learned some lessons from the past. He is much more low-key and more obedient. Zhang Yang said, "Take your time. You are from a professional background." The future development prospects are very good."

Zhao Jing said, "Brother, I just called my mother. She said she would spend the holiday in her hometown this year.

Zhang Yang nodded. He wanted his mother's family to come to Nancy for the holiday, but she politely refused. He was probably getting older. The more he went to the Spring Festival, the more he didn't want to go away. Zhang Yang said, "I told her before" She didn't want to come. In this case, let's go

Zhao Jing wanted to say something, but she stopped talking. She looked at Ding Zhaoyong and said, "Zhao Jing, you are about to have winter vacation. Don't be busy going home during the winter vacation." Come to our company to help and go back before the Spring Festival." In fact, this was discussed with Zhao Jing before. Zhao Jing didn't dare to say it to Zhang Yang, so let him say it.

Zhao Jing's subtle movements did not hide from Zhang Yang's eyes. He couldn't help sighing to himself that the female university did not stay, and the girl was old. After all, she was someone else's person. Zhao Jing didn't stay at home much during the summer vacation. Now that it's winter vacation, it is estimated that Mr. Ding appreciates her so much. It's good to stay in social practice and make more money by the way.

Zhao Jing got her brother's permission to stay, and she couldn't help but be happy.

Zhang Yang reminded her, "Go back early before the Spring Festival to save our mother from thinking about it."


That night, Zhang Yang and Chang Haixin went to Nanguo Villa to live together. The two took a taxi to the bottom of Nanguo Villa. Chang Haixin suddenly became interested. She asked the driver to stop and walk up the mountain with Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang looked at the hotel halfway up the mountain and couldn't help smiling bitterly and said, "Haixin, it's still far away. Do you really want to walk back?"

Chang Haixin said, "Don't you think it's a very romantic thing to walk in the snow?"

Zhang Yang said, "That's in the north. This is the south. The snow has almost melted. How can there be any romance!"

Chang Haixin was a little dissatisfied and said, "You are always a big disaster. In the past two days, I have been running around for the information center of the Sports Committee, and my feet are swollen. There is no credit and hard work. You don't want to let you take a walk with me!"

Zhang Yang said, "No, I feel that the road is slippery in the dark, and I'm afraid that you will accidentally twist your foot..." Before he finished speaking, Chang Haixin stepped on the ice and twisted his foot. If Zhang Yang hadn't held her in time, he would have fallen down at this time.

Zhang Yang said, "Look, look, let me get it!"

Chang Haixin frowned in pain: "Crow's mouth!"

Zhang Yang saw that her expression was so painful. I guess she twisted her feet very lightly. She turned around and looked at it. The taxi had already gone away. Zhang Yang shook his head helplessly. Romantic. It's really life-threatening for a woman to be romantic. He bowed down and said, "I'll carry you!"

"No!" Chang Haixin shook his head and insisted on taking a step, but the heel was broken again, and his foot was twisted again. Chang Hai was so sad that he grabbed Zhang Yang's arm: "What bad luck!"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Give you a choice, either I'll carry you or I'll hug you up."

Chang Hai said with a feverish face, "You'd better carry me!"

Zhang Yang bowed down, and Chang Haixin lay on him. Zhang Yang took her jade buttocks and gently sent it up. He carried her back and got up from the ground. Chang Haixin put his arms around his neck, and his cheeks were red. Fortunately, at night, no one saw her expression at this time.

Zhang Yang slowly walked to the villa with Chang Haixin on his back. He said with concern, "Does your feet still hurt?"

Chang Haixin shook his head, remembered that Zhang Yang couldn't see it, and said, "It doesn't hurt!" A gust of night wind blew in front of him. Chang Haixin couldn't help sneezing and said, "If you feel cold, hold on tight. I don't mind being taken advantage of by you."

Chang Haixin secretly said that she didn't know who took advantage of whom. She didn't say anything, but her arms tightened the publicity.

The snow in southern China came and went quickly. The melted snow decorated the hillside in the night. Chang Haixin said, "I like snow. In the past, when I went to college in the capital, I was very happy every snowy day, but when I returned to my hometown after graduation, I rarely saw snow.

Zhang Yang said, "If you really want to see the snow, I will give you a few days off. You can go to the Northeast for a few days and watch the snow for a few days."

Chang Haixin smiled and said, "I'm afraid of the cold."

Zhang Yang said, "So there is nothing perfect in the world."

Chang Haixin said, "I'll go back to Nancy tomorrow. The matter of the information center has been confirmed. I'll go back and prepare for it and try to set up the information center within a month."

Zhang Yang said, "The Sports Committee will move soon. The city has decided to auction the old stadium and the land of the Sports Committee together. Our future office will be in the new sports center. I have negotiated with Nanyang International. They temporarily leased us a first-floor office building as the temporary office of our Sports Committee. The place, wait for me to go back and make specific arrangements."

Chang Haixin said, "I think the current office environment of our sports committee is very good. Do you really want to shoot it?"

Zhang Yang nodded and said, "There is nothing we can do. It takes money to hold the Provincial Games, and the municipal finance can't give us too much support. Now many people have come up with the idea of this land. If we can get a better price, the municipal finance can breathe a sigh of relief, and we can also get a lot of money to The Games will be much easier.

Chang Haixin whispered, "You have a lot of ways. I believe this provincial sports meeting will be held successfully!"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Do you have so much confidence in me?"

Chang Haixin whispered.

Zhang Yang said, "Are you still used to working in Nancy?"

Chang Haixin whispered, "There is no burden to work around you. It's very easy..." She then smiled and said, "Maybe because I'm in Lanshan, my work and life are full of my father's shadow. Leaving Lanshan makes me feel a lot."