Medical official path

Chapter 602 Let's talk about the wine at night

The first thing Li Changyu did after he came to Nancy was the auction of the stadium plot. He thought he would be subject to some resistance, but he didn't expect that things would go very smoothly. Xu Guangran was quite supportive of his work performance. Xu Guangran was bright in his heart. Li Changyu came this time. He came to Nancy. In order to do something, the province has placed such high expectations on him. He must confirm himself as soon as possible. Li Changyu is full of energy. If Xu Guangran defeats his spirit at the beginning, he will definitely lead the contradiction to himself. Therefore, Xu Guangran is very rational. He chooses to avoid and chooses to push the boat along the water. Since I will never object to it. I will also help you and let you consume your little energy first. When your momentum passes, I will see what you want to do.

Xu Guangran only emphasized two things to Li Changyu. The first is to take into account the emotions of investors in all aspects. We must ensure that the auction is fair and just, and do not allow investors to have any unpleasant emotions because of this auction. Second, the proceeds from the auction must be uniformly managed by the financial department and cannot be arbitrarily made.

Li Changyu agreed, and the next thing he did surprised everyone. Li Changyu gave Zhang Yang full power to the auction of the stadium plot. He thought that within his own control, he could give the auction to trustworthy people to deal with.

Since Xu Guangran has nodded, of course, it is not easy to say anything about this matter, but he still feels that Li Changyu is a little rash. As a member of the municipal party committee [book], he must remind Li Changyu. For this reason, Xu Guangran specially called Li Changyu and said bluntly: "Comrade Changyu Have all the auctions been handed over to Zhang Yang?

Li Changyu's tone is full of respect. His political style has always been like this, which makes people feel very modest and low-key, especially in the face of leaders: "Xu [Book] Remember, don't worry, I remember what you told me, and I have also specifically emphasized it to Zhang Yang."

Xu Guangran heard that Li Changyu was pretending to be confused. He sighed and said, "Changyu, I'm not talking about this matter itself, but I feel that it is not appropriate to leave such an important thing to a young cadre today."

Li Changyu smiled and said, "Xu [Shu], I just arrived in Nancy, and I am not familiar with the situation here. Zhang Yang, the director of the Sports Committee, has been in charge of the work of the Sports Committee for a long time. From the decision to the land auction to now, he has basically participated in the whole process. He I will be responsible for this matter, but it's better to leave the specific things to Zhang Yang. I will help him control the general direction and there will never be any problems.

Xu Guangran knew that Li Changyu had decided on this matter. Besides, he had said everything to that point that he could not firmly oppose it. Xu Guangran said, "Well, since you have so confidence in him, I will wait for your good news!"

Recently, there have been many major events to be dealt with in Nancy. The auction of the stadium plot is only one of the deep-water port, which is a huge problem faced by Xu Guangran. Deputy [General] Li Wen Guoquan has made a statement during this inspection, suggesting that Nancy and Lanshan cooperate in the development of the deep-water port. The provincial Xu Guangran was unable to return to the situation. Lanshan Municipal Party Committee [Book] Chang Song will come to Nancy in person to discuss this matter with him recently. Xu Guangran has accepted this reality, and it is inevitable that political interests will be divided. It is really waiting for this matter to be determined. Xu Guangran has calmed down a lot. What he should do now At this time, he had a premonition that a crisis was coming. At this time, he had no energy to think about things related to political achievements. If people have no foresight, they must have immediate worries. If they want to go on the journey without wind and waves, they must plan ahead.


At the mayor's office meeting that day, Xia Boda first solemnly introduced Li Changyu to the deputy mayors, and then smiled and said, "Comrade Changyu officially took office on the first day today. We welcome him to say a few words!"

All the deputy mayors applauded together. Li Changyu smiled. He stood up and said, "Thank you! From your applause, I feel everyone's welcome to me and everyone's trust in me. Of course, what I get the most from it is expectations. To use an old saying, when I first come to your place, please take care of me!"

Li Changyu's words full of Jianghu taste made everyone laugh, and everyone applauded again. Most people still welcomed Li Changyu's arrival. Of course, there were exceptions. Xia Boda was very welcome on the surface, but he was quite wary of Li Changyu in his heart. He realized that Li Changyu's arrival had begun to endanger Status, at yesterday's reception banquet, the Municipal Party Committee [book] Xu Guangran obviously praised him. The purpose was to use Li Changyu to suppress himself, which was even worse for Xia Boda, who was originally embarrassed in Nancy's political status. He knew that if he did not come up with some countermeasures, I'm afraid the first person to be kicked out of Myself.

Vice Mayor Wang Haibo was not happy. After Chen Hao fell ill, he once thought that it was a certainty for him to be the executive deputy mayor. After all, he had Xu Guangran's strong support behind him, and Xu Guangran did recommend him, but Li Changyu's halfway out made Wang Haibo's dream come to nothing. He should be Yu was the first victim to come to Nancy this time. Li Changyu's words sounded particularly unpleasant to Wang Haibo. He secretly said in the bottom of his heart, "It's grandstanding!"

Li Changyu smiled and said, "Comrades, from today on, we will fight together on the land of Nancy. From today on, I will also become a part of the Nancy people. This is my honor and my pride. I will show my sincerity and efforts to prove my own ability in practical work. I know, big My family doesn't know me yet. From today on, I will use facts to prove that I, Li Changyu, am a competent person. I came to Nancy not to be an official, but to do things, but to do something steadily. No matter how big or small, what I do will definitely be beneficial to Nancy and the people!"

The applause sounded again. This time, Vice Mayor Gong Qiwei took the lead in applauding Li Changyu's words, which is very sensational, but it sounds very real. If every official can have such awareness and put things in front of being an official, then our leadership will be more efficient and our team will become more Add purity.

Xia Boda was also applauding, but his applause was as reserved as his smile. Li Changyu's words were like a declaration, more like a challenge to him. Xia Boda said, "That's good! Comrade Changyu said it so well!" On the surface, I agree with it, but there is a sentence hidden behind it. It's better to say it well than to do it well.

After Li Changyu sat down, Xia Boda smiled and said, "Do you have any questions?"

Deputy Mayor Gong Qiwei said, "Mayor Xia, I have something to report."

Xia Boda nodded. Once upon a time, he also began to be wary of Gong Qiwei. Manure Qiwei became the deputy mayor, which also played a role in the province. According to the newly obtained inside information, Gong Qiwei went to the province and talked about the specific difficulties in the deep-water port of Nanxi in front of Qiao Zhenzong. It is difficult to explain, and then it is proposed that local leaders should have an overall view. Lanshan and Nancy jointly develop a deep-water port to safeguard national interests to the greatest extent. It is his view that has won the appreciation of Qiao Zhensang, thus moving Qiao Zhensang. Qiao Zhensang specially interfered in the internal division of labor of the mayor of Nancy From being in charge of unimportant sports work, Gong Qiwei became the person in charge of the deep-water port project, and even squeezed out the executive vice mayor Chen Hao.


Dung Qiwei said: "The construction of the deep-water port project has stabilized. We have summarized the shortcomings of the previous stage of work and made a number of improvements. Next week, the Lanshan Municipal Party Committee will come to Nancy in person to discuss the cooperative development of the deep-water port. Lanshan has also sent representatives to discuss the details with "According to our preliminary discussion, the prospect of the development of the deep-water port is good." We share the same belief that as long as the cooperation between the two sides, the financial problems that have plagued the deep-water port for a long time will be completely solved. In other words, we no longer need so many foreign investment.

Xia Boda didn't understand what Gong Qiwei meant, but Li Changyu understood a little. He whispered, "What does Mayor Gong mean is that these foreign investments will increase our construction costs?"

Gong Qiwei nodded and said, "Yes! According to our initial investment plan, foreign investment will account for 60% of the construction of the deep-water port. At present, the funds in place are only 10% of the expected investment amount, accounting for 6% of the total investment amount. The first phase of investment is very smooth, but when the second phase of investment expires, Xingyue Group has not recorded the funds in accordance with the He Chang'an also delayed the investment. The default of these two major investors caused us to suffer certain losses in our deep-water port project, and Xingyue Group even took the opportunity to put forward harsh conditions.

Shaberta said, "Isn't this matter solved? He Chang'an's second-phase investment is in place, and Xingyue said that all the second-phase funds will be received before the end of the year.

Gong Qiwei stood up and distributed a copy of the investment contract of Sham Shui Port in his hand to each participant. Manure Qiwei said, "Please see clearly. When Sham Shui Port signed the investment contract at the beginning, there were additional conditions. If the investment payment is delayed due to the reasons of the investor and affects the project, we have the right to Our responsibilities and specific details are clearly written in front of us that Xingyue's investment funds have not been received so far, and they have delayed for a total of two months! Gong Qijing showed the contract in his hand, opened it and pointed to the line outlined with a red pen: "The contract originally stipulated that if it exceeds two months, we have the right to unilaterally terminate the contract, that is to say, we can unilaterally tear up the investment contract with Xingyue today, and we don't need their investment!"

Everyone was stunned. Xia Boda obviously couldn't digest Gong Qiwei's words for a moment. He whispered, "Qiwei... You make it clear that you want to tear up the contract?" Xia Boda really doesn't understand. Now that all parts of the country are extremely eager for investment, and when local governments are offering investors as masters, Gong Qiwei actually wants to unilaterally tear up the investment contract and kick the investors out of Nancy. I really don't know what this brain is thinking.

Dung Qiwei said, "Yes, I just propose to tear up this investment contract. According to the investment contract, if all the funds of Xingyue Group are in place, they will invest a total of 1 billion yuan in Shenshui Port. Now they have only taken out 150 million yuan, and there is still 800 yuan without investment. According to our calculation, if All the 100 million yuan of funds have been successfully invested in the deep-water port. In the next 30 years, they can not only recover all the costs, but also take at least five times the profit from it. That is to say, they can invest 1 billion yuan to take away 5 billion yuan, maybe more. At the speed of today's reform and development, I think this Well, Xingyue Group has brought a very bad head to all the investors in Nancy. They have made a lot of money to blackmail the Nancy Municipal Government and challenge our dignity. Although they now say that they will receive the funds as soon as possible, it is because the current investment situation has changed. They blackmailed our government to fail, and I didn't want to give up the rich profits of Shenshui Port, so I changed my mind, but one thing they forgot was that their behavior caused a breach of contract, and it was a serious breach of contract. I have been waiting for a long time. Today, the deadline stipulated in the contract has been exceeded, and their funds are still not in place. It's themselves Take the initiative to give up, instead of us rejecting their investment.

Li Changyu looked at Gong Qiwei. He was not familiar with Gong Qiwei, but Gong Qiwei's words stunned Li Changyu. Gong Qiwei is a person with courage, and people like him who adhere to principles are not common in the officialdom.

Xia Boda said, "This is not a trivial matter. If we tear up the contract, it will inevitably cause panic among the contractor, and the subsequent impact may be incalculable."

Gong Qiwei said: "I suggest unilaterally suspending the contract with Xingyue Group, hire a lawyer, sue and recover the losses caused by Xingyue Group to Shenshui Port due to breach of contract. Investors, we just want to make these unruly investors afraid, to achieve the purpose of knocking on the mountain and shock the tiger through this matter, and let I know that the Nancy Municipal Government has dignity. If you want to invest and do business in Nancy, you should be honest and abide by the rules!"