Medical official path

Chapter 618 On

Zhang Yang said with a bad smile, "You still have to do this in person!"

Du Tianye said, "Good son, you figured it out before you came to Jiangcheng. You want me to check this matter for you, don't you?"

Zhang Yang said, "I can see that Su Yuanyuan must be better to you than me. If I ask her, she will never help me. If you open your mouth and I think about it, she should be willing to do something for you. **The fastest update**"

Du Tianye frowned: "But is it a little presumptuous for me to find her all of a sudden?"

Zhang Yang said, "The ordinary greeting between friends is right."

Du Tianye whispered, "Well, I'll contact her."

Zhang Yang said, "Big boss, this matter can't be delayed. You must contact me as soon as possible. I can't stay in Jiangcheng for a long time. I'll go back to ūnyang tomorrow. When you come back the day after tomorrow, you must give me a letter."

Du Tianye stared at him and said, "Is it your life? How can it be as easy as you think?

Zhang Yang said, "Whether it's difficult or not, I'll ask you for this matter."

Since Zhang Yang opened his mouth, Du Tianye was really not easy to refuse, and he went to Su Yuanyuan to ask about the situation, which was not a violation of principle and discipline. He finally nodded and agreed.

Su Yuanyuan didn't expect that Du Tianye would take the initiative to call her. When she saw Du Tianye's mobile phone number on the pager, she hesitated for a while and went to the public phone booth across the road to return a call.

"Secretary Du, what can I do?" Su Yuanyuan's tone was full of courtesy and respect. She has always deeply apologized to Du Tianye. Although her lies failed to cause bad results, she failed Du Tianye's trust in her and betrayed him when he needed help the most, which made Su Yuanyuan feel unable to raise her head. She was embarrassed to face Du Tianye. She thought Du Tianye would hate her because of this, but what happened later proved that Du Tianye was a broad-minded person. He did not blame himself for that. Not only that, he also asked the doctor to see her mother.

My mother's condition has stabilized recently, and her physical condition has improved a lot. Su Yuanyuan thought it was because of Yu Ziliang's help, but she didn't know. The one who was really responsible for the prescription was Zhang Yang, and Yu Ziliang was just a cover for his invitation.

Du Tianye said, "What's the matter? Do you have time? I want to talk to you in person!"

Su Yuanyuan bit her mouth and thought about it for a long time before she said, "Secretary Du, tell me the time and place!"

Du Tianye said, "One move to Feilu Tea House."

Su Yuanyuan didn't say anything. Feilu Tea Club was one of the departments of the move. At the beginning, Su Yuanyuan worked in the municipal government, where she had a lot of acquaintances.

Du Tianye understood something from Su Yuanyuan's reaction and whispered, "Why don't you set a place?"

Su Yuanyuan said, "Two Lake Tea House, it's not far from your office, and it's relatively quiet."

Du Tianye said, "Okay! After one o'clock, I'll wait for you there."

Su Yuanyuan couldn't let Du Tianye wait for him. After putting down the phone, she immediately set out and came to the agreed teahouse and specially asked for an elegant room. Considering the status of the secretary of the Du Tianye Municipal Party Committee, if others saw him with her, they would cause unnecessary trouble. Su Yuanyuan sat at the table. Looking out through the falling glass window, she felt her heartbeat violently. Looking at the clock on the wall, her hands subconsciously pressed the mouth together. She was a little nervous. She knew very well that her nervousness was not because Du Tianye was the secretary of the municipal party committee, but because of his latest chapter. Degree search

Du Tianye was very punctual and came to the agreed place. Su Yuanyuan saw him walk into the teahouse and welcomed him out. Du Tianye, wearing black rimless glasses, smiled at her and followed her into the elegant room without saying a word.

Su Yuanyuan called a pot of Tieguanyin, and now it was brewed. She asked the waiter to leave and personally undertook the work of making tea. In the past, she specialized in tea ceremony. At the beginning, when she was in one move, she ranked first in the comprehensive quality evaluation. She was a star waiter. Because of this Taking on the responsibility of taking care of Du Tianye, Su Yuanyuan thought that if nothing had happened to Qingtai Mountain at the beginning, if she hadn't betrayed Du Tianye, maybe she would still be working in one move, but everything has changed. Time cannot be turned back, and the relationship between her and Du Tianye would never return to what it used to be.

Du Tianye silently looked at Su Yuanyuan's skillful tea art and whispered, "Is your aunt's health better?"

Su Yuanyuan nodded and said, "It's much better. Thanks to the doctor's prescription, her physical condition is gradually improving."

Du Tianye smiled and said, "That's good!" Du Tianye has always been very troubled by Su Yuanyuan's betray of him. He really can't figure out why Su Yuanyuan betrayed him. Although it has been so long, it is still inconvenient for Du Tianye to mention it. He doesn't want Su Yuanyuan to be embarrassed. Du Tianye said, "What have you been up to lately?"

Su Yuanyuan said, "My brother released it. He opened a motorcycle store, and I helped him in his store."

Du Tianye said, "Is the business not bad?"

Su Yuanyuan said, "It's okay. There are a lot of people buying cars recently." She took a sip of tea and said, "What's wrong with Secretary Du?"

Du Tianye smiled and said, "It's not a big deal. I just want to ask you how you are doing."

Su Yuanyuan felt extremely guilty. After that happened, Du Tianye still cared about her. The more so, the more upset she felt. She raised her head and wanted to speak, but she saw that Du Tianye also wanted to speak. The two stopped talking at the same time. Su Yuanyuan said, "Secretary Du said first."

Du Tianye smiled and said, "You'd better say it first!"

Su Yuanyuan said, "I've always wanted to say sorry to you--" She summoned up the courage to say this.

Du Tianye shook his head and said, "Let's not mention the past and unhappy things. I believe that an adult has his own good reason to do everything. IǎSu, forget the past. I believe you must have your own difficulties."

Su Yuanyuan almost burst into tears when she heard Du Tianye's words. She suppressed her tears and whispered, "I--I shouldn't have lie--"

Du Tianye laughed and said, "I've said it. I won't mention the past. Come by the way, I really have something to do with you." He saw that Su Yuanyuan was obviously a little moved. Du Tianye couldn't see the tears of nv people, so he quickly changed the topic.

Su Yuanyuan also used this opportunity to adjust her mood. She looked out of the window unhausingly and said in an iǎ voice, "Secretary Du, say it!"

Du Tianye said, "Did your mother go to the countryside with Xu Changde, the former governor of Pinghai?"

Su Yuanyuan was stunned for a moment. She bit her mouth and Secretary Du. Why did she suddenly ask about this?

Du Tianye smiled and said, "Well, I have an uncle who recently came to Jiangcheng. He used to work with Governor Xu and mentioned some people and things. ## Look at iǎ and say you must go ##"

Su Yuanyuan was full of surprise and said, "Did he mention my mother?"

Of course, Du Tianye can't tell the truth about this matter. He nodded and said, "Is your mother Shen Jingxian? By the way, he also mentioned a person named Wang Junyao. They were all in the same team at that time. He wanted to gather the educated youths in the team at that time, so he asked me to help find out.

Su Yuanyuan said, "My mother seldom mentions about her past. I don't know anything about this. Secretary Du, why don't you give me the gentleman's name and contact information, and I'll go home and tell my mother."

Du Tianye said, "His name is Qiu Decan. Go back and tell your aunt. If your aunt wants to meet him, you can call me directly."

Su Yuanyuan nodded, and she did not have any suspicion.

Du Tianye still had a lot of things to do. After talking to Su Yuanyuan about this, he got up and said goodbye. Before leaving, he paid the bill first.

Su Yuanyuan valued the matter entrusted to her by Du Tianye. After leaving the teahouse, she returned home directly. Her mother Shen Jingxian was sitting in the yard basking in the sun. She spent most of her day like this. Seeing nv coming back, Shen Jingxian was a little curious: "Yuanyuan, why did you come back so early

Su Yuanyuan said, "Mom, my eldest brother is in the store. The business has been slow recently, so there is no need to stay there." She walked over and pushed the wheelchair and said, "The weather has changed. Go back to the house and sit down."

Shen Jingxian nodded with a smile. This nv is really filial.

Back in the room, Su Yuanyuan poured a cup of hot tea for her mother first, and then said, "Mom, I met someone today."

Shen Jingxian smiled and said, "Silly girl, when won't you meet anyone?"

Su Yuanyuan said, "It's different this time. The person I met mentioned you."

Shen Jingxian was slightly stunned and whispered, "How can it be? I haven't been with the outside world for more than ten years. I only know some neighbors. How can anyone remember me?"

Su Yuanyuan said, "He not only mentioned you, but also mentioned Xu Changde, our former governor of Pinghai. What's his name? What--" Su Yuanyuan pretended to be thinking hard, but the afterglow in the corners of her eyes was quietly observing the change of her mother's expression. She saw that her mother's face changed in an instant, and the smile on her face completely disappeared.

Shen Jingxian said, "What else did he say?"

Su Yuanyuan said, "He also said a name, which seems to be called - Uh-huh, by the way, it's called Wang Junyao!"

Shen Jingxian felt a tingling pain in his heart and whispered, "Who is he? I don't know anyone he said. How can he remember me?

Su Yuanyuan said, "His name is Qiu Decan!"

"Qiu Decan?" Shen Jingxian repeated the name in a low voice, and her eyes were full of mí confusion. She was quite strange to the name. She could guarantee that she was not old enough to be confused. Everyone in those years, every name was firmly engraved in her heart.

Su Yuanyuan said, "Yes, his name is Qiu Decan. He said he had been in the team with you and become an educated youth."

Shen Jingxian shook his head and said, "No, never. I don't know Qiu Decan at all, and I don't know Wang Junyao. I know Xu Changde, but I saw it on TV. He was the governor when he was alive. How could I know him? Dead - maybe there is a chance to meet, but it will have to wait until I die. Shen Jingxian looked at the nv with a suspicious face: "Yuanyuan, is there really such a person coming to you?"

Su Yuanyuan nodded. She tried her best to control her expression so that her mother could not see that she was lying.

Shen Jingxian said, "You're lying to me!"

"I didn't!"

Shen Jingxian said, "Don't forget, you are my nv. Your every move can't be hidden from my eyes. Who on earth is looking for you?" Shen Jingxian's voice suddenly became stern.

Su Yuanyuan was a little panicked and said, "Mom, I really didn't. I didn't lie to you."

Shen Jingxian's eyes fell on the blank wall, with a square mark on the wall. She remembered the photo and whispered, "Yuanyuan, have you burned that photo?"

Su Yuanyuan nodded hard and said, "It's burned, it's really burned!"

Shen Jingxian sighed and said, "Yuanyuan, we are just an ordinary family. I'm just a family that hasn't even gone out of Jiangcheng. How can I know those big people?"

Su Yuanyuan was speechless. After a long time, she finally summoned up the courage and said, "Mom, there is something I've always wanted to ask you. Why, why did you want me to say that at the beginning?"

Shen Jingxian looked at nv coldly: "Do you want me to die? Do you think I'm a cold-blooded poison in your heart? Do you want me to die?

"No--" Su Yuanyuan burst into tears.

Shen Jingxian closed his eyes and said, "I'm tired. I'm really tired. I just want to live a few more years in peace and watch you marry with my own eyes!" Marry a good family."

Xu Lihua didn't expect his son to come back suddenly. Zhang Yang said before that he would not come back until the New Year until the eve of the ūn festival. When Xu Lihua saw his son, he couldn't even speak. He took Zhang Yang's hand and burst into tears.

When Zhang Yang saw his mother like this, he couldn't help feeling a little guilty. He only focused on his work and ignored his concern for his mother. He smiled and said, "Mom, why are you crying? Am I not back?"

Xu Lihua said, "Mom is happy. I don't cry until I'm happy!"

Zhang Yang said, "If you are happy, you should laugh. Smile for less than ten years. You laugh twice. Don't laugh more."

Xu Lihua was a little puzzled and said, "Why can't you laugh too much?"

Zhang Yang grinned and said, "You will be twenty years younger if you laugh twice. You look like my sister. If you laugh again, you will become my sister."

Xu Lihua's mouth is full of nonsense, I'm your mother!"

Zhang Yang's stepfather Zhao Tiesheng heard the noise and came out of the room. As Zhang Yang did well in his official career, Zhao Tiesheng's attitude towards Zhang Yang became more and more kind. Now he behaved like a kind father. He smiled and said, "San'er is back. I'll go out to buy some good food."

Xu Lihua said, "Lao Zhao, I'd better go. You two talk."

Zhao Tiesheng is still a little self-aponent. He knows that Zhang Yang and himself don't have much common language. Before Zhang Yang developed, he was not very good to Zhang Yang's mother and son. Now he still shows more with practical actions. Zhao Tiesheng insisted, "I'll go, I'm familiar with selling vegetables, and

Zhang Yangle said, "Everything depends on relationships these days!"

Zhao Tiesheng smiled and said, "No, you can't do anything without acquaintances!" Xu Lihua told him again, "You call iǎjun and iǎwu and let them come back for dinner in the evening."

Zhao Tiesheng agreed repeatedly.

Seeing that it was still early, Xu Lihua was not busy cooking. He took her son's hand back to the living room and sat down. Now the conditions of their house have improved a lot. The electric lights and telephones upstairs and downstairs are all ready. Xu Lihua poured a glass of boiling water for her son and poured some honey. She handed the teacup I'll order honey tea. It's dry in winter and can be used to remove the fire.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Mom, you really love me. Why don't you just go to Nancy with me and take good care of me by my side."

Xu Lihua said, "I can't leave now. Your sister-in-law is pregnant, and the due date is in April next year."

Zhang Yang said, "I remember that both of them are staying at home. When did they move out?"

Xu Lihua said, "The eldest daughter-in-law is a little picky. You, Uncle Zhao, are used to it again. They quarreled last month and moved out in anger. The army has also made some money from transportation in the past two years."

Zhang Yang said, "What did my sister-in-law do to you?"

Xu Lihua said, "It's nothing. She's good to me, but she's a little lazy. Nowadays, young people are not like this."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "If she dares to treat you badly, I will tell the boss to let him divorce his wife."

Xu Lihua looked at her son annoy and said, "Don't talk nonsense. She has always respected me."

Zhang Yang said, "Why doesn't the second brother live at home?"

Xu Lihua said, "Niu Wenqiang is now going to Fengze to develop. I heard that the business has grown, and Jin Kaiyue here will take care of the second brother. The second brother was busy all day. He thought it was inconvenient to stay at home early and return late, so he moved to the hotel, so you and I were the only Uncle Zhao left in the family. Now that the house is big, there are fewer people. In such a big house, the two of us go upstairs and downstairs all day long. I begin to miss the time when I was in the dormitory of the agricultural machinery factory.

Zhang Yang said, "I have long advised you to go to Nancy with me for a walk, but you just don't want to go."

Xu Lihua smiled and said, "There is always this process in one's life. Fortunately, I have something to do in a few months."

To be continued) RA