Medical official path

Chapter 626 On the bluff

Chapter 626 bluff (Part 1)

Zhou Yunfan rented a villa near Fengyan Lake in Nanxi. The city of Nancy has come to an end, and Fengyan Lake Water Street has returned to its former noise and noise.

The villa is not far from the Water Street, surrounded by green trees. Standing in the courtyard of the villa, you can see the scenery of Fengyan Lake. Rakuma was also quite satisfied with the environment here, and he moved here with Aishwarya on the same day.

Yu Ziliang arrived that morning. He came from Jiangcheng in a sleeper. He didn't have a good rest this night, and his spirit seemed a little sluggish. He got on the flamboyant pickup truck, said a few words, and then leaned on the back seat and doze off.

Zhang Yang took him to the villa. The car was parked and found that Yu Ziliang was still sleeping. He couldn't bear to disturb Yu Ziliang. He pushed the door and walked down first. Although the sound of closing the door was very light, Yu Ziliang was still woken up. He rubbed his eyes and smiled shyly and said, "I

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Seeing that you sleep so soundly, I really can't bear to wake you up."

Yu Ziliang said, "I had an operation for a day yesterday, and I sat in a soft sleeper at night. I happened to snored with the two people in the same carriage, which made me sleep peacefully all night."

Zhang Yang apologized and said, "Thank you for your hard work. I should have arranged for you to rest first."

Yu Ziliang smiled and said, "It's important to see the patient. When you see the patient, find a place for me, and I'll have a good sleep."

Lakuma in the villa has come out when he hears the noise. Zhou Yunfan is not here, but he left his little girlfriend Zhuo Ting. Zhang Yang once met Zhuo Ting in Dongjiang. She and Zhao Jing are classmates. When Zhuo Ting saw Zhang Yang coming over with a smile, she said, "Director Zhang, do you remember me I'm Zhao Jing's classmate!"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Of course, I remember that Miss Zhuo is so beautiful that I can't forget her." This talk is to please women, and Zhuo Ting is happy to laugh.

Zhang Yang will introduce Ziliang to Lakuma. Yu Ziliang has lived in the United States for many years. He speaks that standard in English. He chatted with Lakuma very speculatively and threw Zhang Yang aside. Zhang Yang took the opportunity to ask Zhuo Ting to take him to visit the villa. Zhuo Ting had a good impression of Zhang From the courtyard behind the villa, there is a small door that can directly lead to Fengyan Lake. Along the long bridge built of anticorrosive wood, you can go all the way to the lake.

Zhang Yangzan said, "The environment here is really good. I often come here, but I haven't found a villa here."

Zhuo Ting said, "These villas were built by the Germans. I heard from Mr. Raz that Nancy Coal Mine Machinery Factory had cooperated with the German side. When German experts came, they prepared a villa area for them to live here, but after a year of cooperation, it ended in failure. The Germans left, leaving more than a dozen villas. Usually, as a place for the machinery factory to entertain guests, several buildings were also rented out, so Laz rented here and paid off the rent for one year at a time.

Zhang Yang said, "Raz is really good to his Indian friend."

Zhuo Ting said, "He is generous, but this villa is not expensive. The annual rent is only 10,000 yuan."

Zhang Yang nodded. At this time, his phone rang. It was from Deputy Director Zang Jintang. Zang Jintang's voice was full of joy: "Director Zhang, I have good news for you. Liu Cuiyan and those old ladies have all been discharged from the hospital."

Zhang Yang smiled faintly. These were all what he expected. Zhang Yang said, "Let's go. It's meaningless to make trouble. It's okay for everyone to give up one step."

Zang Jintang said, "We are all in the hospital to see Master Xiao. Can you say something to her?"


Xiao Weimin over there answered the phone.

Zhang Yang said, "Sister Xiao, how are you feeling?"

Xiao Yumin said, "Director Zhang, I'm fine. I want to be discharged from the hospital."

Zhang Yang laughed. Xiao Yuanmin's hospitalization was just one of their means. Now that the purpose has been achieved, of course, Xiao Yuanmin does not need to stay in the hospital. He whispered, "If you want to go home, go home. Don't rush through the formalities first. Those people may go crazy again. Take this opportunity to Oh, my God, you have been wronged this time.

Xiao Yumin said, "I'm fine. Thank you, Director Zhang, for your concern."

Zhang Yang hung up the phone. As soon as he could put the phone away, Zhao Guoqiang, the deputy director of the bureau, called again. Zhao Guoqiang called to help both of them mediate. Zhao Guoqiang said, "Director Zhang, I have talked to Liu Cuiyan. She has been discharged from the hospital and is not going to investigate yesterday's matter. What is your sports committee going to do?"

Zhang Yang said, "Zhao, we don't have the initiative in this matter. She has led us from the beginning. We have always advocated solving problems peacefully. Everything can be talked about. Besides, we have so much work to do, and we don't have time to make peace with these bitch!"

Zhao Guoqiang reminded Zhang Yang, "Director Zhang, pay attention to your wording. If you had paid attention to your own working methods earlier, you would not have made things so uncontrollable."

Zhang Yang said, "What do you mean? Why do you think this is all my reason?

Zhao Guoqiang said, "There are many reasonable places in the world. Don't tell me, and I don't want to listen. The bureau will hand over your affairs to me, and I will help you mediate. As long as you both reach an understanding, I will have nothing to do with this matter." Zhao Guoqiang's extra words are very clear. I'm too lazy to meddle in your business.

Zhang Yang said, "Thank you very much, Director Zhao. I'm sorry to trouble you. If you really feel troublesome, don't worry about it!"

Zhao Guoqiang was so angry and paralyzed by this man. Is this mother still human? I ran forward and backward for your little thing, and now the matter can finally be solved. Instead, you said to me coldly, "If you have something to do in the future, don't call the police!" Zhao Guoqiang is so angry! I hung up the phone with a bang.

Zhang Guanren grinned. He didn't think Zhao Guoqiang had helped him. The reason why Liu Cuiyan stopped making trouble was that Li Changfeng played a role and had nothing to do with it. Seeing Zhuo Ting looking at him in surprise, Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Where did you say just now?"

Zhuo Ting smiled and said, "Director Zhang is really busy!"

Zhang Yang said, "It has nothing to do with yourself if you are busy with other people's affairs." He remembered that there was no holiday yet, and he said curiously, "You don't have to go to class?"

Zhuo Ting smiled unconsciously and said, "It's almost time for the internship. I've found my internship unit, and I have nothing to do." In fact, she has often skipped classes since she met Zhou Yunfan.

Zhang Yang nodded.

Zhuo Ting said, "Do Zhao Jing also want to go abroad?"

Zhang Yang was stunned by her: "What?"

When Zhuo Ting saw Zhang Yang's expression, she was a little surprised and said, "Don't you know? Ding Bin went to study in the UK after the Spring Festival. Didn't your sister fall in love with him? Didn't they go together?"

Zhang Yang really didn't know. Zhao Jing didn't tell herself about it at all. Obviously, his sister would not go abroad, otherwise he would have known what it meant for Ding Bin to study abroad. Zhang Yang's heart suddenly had an ominous omen. He must have a good talk with his sister. If Ding Bin goes abroad, their feelings will inevitably change.

Yu Ziliang came to them accompanied by Lakuma. Zhang Yang turned to meet them and came to Yu Ziliang and said, "How about it?"

Yu Ziliang smiled and said, "Let's talk about it later."

Zhang Yang arranged for Yu Ziliang to stay in Nanyang International and returned to the room. Yu Ziliang took off his coat, loosened his tie, and said with a sigh of relief, "Aishiwaya's condition is not bad. I have seen her medical records. The cervical spine has been dislocated, and a small piece of broken bone pierc If this broken bone is removed and the cervical spine is restored to its original position, the pressure on the spinal cord will be relieved.

Zhang Yang said, "That's not very simple!"

Yu Ziliang shook his head and said, "If it were so simple, someone would have had an operation long ago. The real problem is that even if I can take out this broken bone and restore the cervical spine to its original position, I can't guarantee that the spinal cord can return to its former state. In other words, I can't guarantee the recovery of He glanced at Zhang Yang and said, "But I know you can!"

Zhang Yang said, "I think her operation is a little similar to Qin Huan, but it is much lighter than Qin Huan's condition."

Yu Ziliang laughed and said, "I want to go with you."

Zhang Yang said, "As long as you have cured Aishwarya, I promise that you can get a large amount of money to open a modern hospital."

Yu Ziliang smiled and said, "I'm not here for the consultation money."

Zhang Yang said, "I'll leave it to you to see a doctor. I'll give you the opportunity to be famous. Can I help you beat the drum?"

Yu Ziliang said humorously, "I'm so embarrassed to let you be an unknown hero every time."

Zhang Yang said, "People are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong. I'm most afraid of being famous. It's really not a good thing to be famous."

Yu Ziliang smiled and said, "I really don't understand you. If you abandon politics and practice medicine, you will definitely become a world-famous medical scientist."

Zhang Yang said, "Maybe I was engaged in this industry in my last life, and I'm tired and tired. I want to live in a different way in my life."

Yu Ziliang, of course, didn't know that Zhang Yang was telling the truth. Yu Ziliang said, "I have to return to Jiangcheng tomorrow. Although I'm sure to have an operation, I still need some time to prepare for it. Let's probably set it next week. When I go back to Jiangcheng this time to finish the hospital,

Zhang Yang said, "I'm here to prepare a table of meals for you tonight."

Yu Ziliang shook his head with a smile and said, "No, really not. I want to have a good sleep. In the afternoon, I made an appointment with Aishwarya to accompany her to the hospital for a comprehensive examination to fully understand her physical condition."

Zhang Yang also understood Yu Ziliang's rigorous academic temper, and did not force him.

The disturbance created by Liu Cuiyan finally calmed down, but Zhang Yang did not give up. He asked Li Changfeng to resign voluntarily. Li Changfeng was held in Zhang Yang's hand because of his handle, so he naturally did not dare to disobey. He honestly submitted his resignation. Zhang Yang contacted the audit to carry out the financial situation of the company in A comprehensive investigation.

The day after Li Changfeng resigned, he was called home by his uncle Xu Guangran, and his second uncle Xu Guangsheng was also there. The two brothers sat in the study playing Go, and the room was smoky.

Li Changfeng didn't dare to disturb them. He stood aside with his hands hanging down. He couldn't understand Go, but just waited patiently.

After waiting for 20 minutes, the two brothers still did not distinguish the winner. Xu Guangran extinguished the cigarette butt in the ashtray and picked up the teacup to take a sip, but found that there was no water in the cup. He handed the teacup to Li Changfeng. Li Changfeng hurried to refill the water for him.

Xu Guangsheng fell down and said with a smile, "Brother, you lost!"

Xu Guangran frowned, picked up the teacup and drank a sip of water. He still looked at the chessboard for a minute, and then shook his head and said, "No, my chess skills are really getting worse and worse."

Xu Guangsheng said modestly, "I'm just a coincidence."

Xu Guangran said, "I haven't played chess with Cui Guozhu for a while."

Xu Guangsheng said, "The state of mind is very important to play chess. Is the eldest brother busy with his work recently? I think you are a little absent-minded!"

Xu Guangran slowly put down the teacup and said, "I don't know what's going on this year. It's really annoying that everything goes wrong."

Xu Guangsheng said, "Will Mingxiu and Mingda come back this Spring Festival?" He said that Mingxiu is Xu Guangran's eldest daughter. Mingda is Xu Guangran's son. Now Xu Mingxiu has married and settled in Canada. Xu Mingda is also studying in Canada and got a green card last year.

Xu Guangran said, "Mingxiu will definitely come back. Mingda hasn't settled yet. He said that he had just opened a company and was very busy."

Xu Guangsheng said, "No matter how busy you are, you have to go home to see your parents. I'll call him later."

Xu Guangran smiled and said, "When my son is up, he must always have his own career. We parents can't hold our children back." The two talked about the child and didn't seem to notice Li Changfeng standing aside at all.

Xu Guangsheng finally looked up at Li Changfeng and said angrily, "What are you standing here for? Sit down!" He said to let him sit down, but there were only two chairs in the study. Where did Li Changfeng sit? You can't sit on the ground.

There is another update in the evening! RO