Medical official path

Chapter 629 The rain has not stopped

"This is the third rain in Nancy since the beginning of winter. The wind is very strong, the rain is very dense, and the fine rain is dancing under the cold wind, and it penetrates into the cuffs of people's collars. Zhang Yang doesn't like the winter in Nancy. It is wet and cold, which is very uncomfortable. Rakuma has returned to India, and it is his wife Langji who stayed to take care of Aishwarya.

Ranghi obviously doesn't care about his nephew. In the past few days when she came to Nancy, she was more willing to travel around and gave Aishwarya to the nurse's care.

When Zhang Yang went to see Aishwarya, the Indian girl was sitting in a wheelchair, looking at the winter rain in the yard. Her emerald-like eyes were covered with a layer of gray, and her face was paler than when Zhang Yang saw her before, and even her lips were not even bloody at all.

Zhang Yang came to her, and Aishvaya's nurse smiled at him.

Zhang Yang whispered, "Isn't it very cold? Go back to your room to rest?" Aishwaya's eyes still stared at the front: "I don't feel cold..." Then she explained, "My body is unconscious" cold, hot and painful. I can't feel anything. Am I lucky?"

When Zhang Yang heard this, there was a burst of sympathy in his heart. He smiled and said, "It will get better" means that the doctor will come and operate on you." Aishwaya said, "I heard that there is a small lake outside, and I want to see it!" Zhang Yang asked the nurse's opinion. The nurse has seen Zhang Yang It was him who contacted Aishwarah for treatment." He agreed and agreed to take her out and reminded Zhang Yang not to be too late.

Zhang Yang pushed Aishwarya out." Aishwarya's body was fixed to a wheelchair with a belt to prevent her from falling, and her body had no control.

Zhang Yang pushed the wheelchair with one hand and held an umbrella for Aishwaya in the other. The bluestone road leading to the lake was a little bumpy. Aishwaya's body trembled. She whispered, "I don't want to take an umbrella. I want to feel the raindrops."

At this time, the rain was very small, and Zhang Yang put away his umbrella. Aishwarya's eyes gradually showed a little brilliance in the suddenly open lake in front of her.

"Have you ever been to [China] country in the past?"

"No, in fact, there is no difference for me wherever I go. No matter where I go." I always stay in the room, waiting for the coming of the night, the night waiting for the arrival of the day, day after day, year after year, I'm tired of such a life. I want to end my life, but it's a pity There is no ability to live." Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Only ability is not enough. Many people have the courage to kill others, but they don't have the courage to kill themselves, because living is a beautiful thing, and no one is willing to give up like this."

"I'm willing to!"

Zhang Yang suddenly remembered that Aishwarya's fate seemed to be more miserable than Gu Yangyang.

Aishwaya said, "There's something I've always wanted to ask you. Why did you find me? Why did you help me?" Zhang Yang said, "I've already said that" Raz is my friend, precisely because of him..."

Aishwarya interrupted Zhang Yang's words: "No! I know it's not! Mr. Zhang, I can see that you are a frank and upright person. I hope you don't deceive me and tell me the truth.

Zhang Yang hesitated for a moment. He wanted to tell her the truth after Aishiwaya's surgery.

Aishwaya said, "If you don't tell me, I will refuse your help, refuse the operation, and refuse everything you do for me."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Are you threatening me?"

Aishwaya said, "It's not a threat." I never threaten anyone. I just want to know, you and I don't know each other. Why did you help me?" Zhang Yang pushed Aishwarya to the bench by the lake. He sat down on the bench and looked at the Phoenix Eye Lake not far away with Aishvaya. Fengyan Lake, which used to be calm and waveless, also set off layers of waves in the swaying days of winter rain. The scenery around a layer of mist on the lake looks hazy and blurred in the fog.

Zhang Yang finally said, "Fan Siqi!"

Aishiwaya's expression was not shocked as expected, and even her expression did not change at all, which made Zhang Yang a little curious.

Aishwarya whispered, "I guessed it was her!"

Zhang Yang said, "She wants to help you, cure you, and make up for her past mistakes to you." Aishiwaya said indifferently, "She has nothing to do to me. I fell down just an accident." Zhang Yang said, "Don't you hate her?" "Don't hate her! Mr. Zhang, she should have said a lot of things to you." Zhang Yang nodded and said, "A lot!" Aishiwaya said, "She likes you?" Zhang Yang laughed and said, "She and I are just ordinary friends." It's not what you think!"

Aishwaya said, "The matter between me and her has never been mentioned to anyone, including my uncle. When I was studying in England, she and I lived together for more than half a year." But I'm tired of this kind of life. I want to get rid of her. She doesn't accept it. We had a quarrel and she wants to I "I want to go. I'm disappointed and have nothing to do with her." It has nothing to do with anyone, so you can tell her that she doesn't have to blame herself or do anything for me.

Zhang Yang looked at this kind girl and was full of appreciation. In the past, it was because Fan Siqi begged him to help Aishwarya, but now Zhang Yang has made up his mind to help Aishwarya recover.

Zhang Yang said, "Wait for you to say it to her yourself." Aishwaya said, "I don't want to see her. I don't want to recall the past." Zhang Yang said, "She has encountered some trouble and is likely to go to prison. She wants to transfer the shares of Xingyue to you." Of course, this requires

Aishwaya replied, "I don't agree. She's in prison. I'm sorry." I know she wants to exchange psychological comfort in this way, but I've never blamed her, so she doesn't have to do so!" Aishwarya took a deep breath of the cold air: "Mr. Zhang, I will pay you the consultation fee!" Zhang Yang laughed.

Aishvaya looked at him in surprise and didn't know why he laughed.

Zhang Yang said, "Aishwaya, although I have known you for a long time, I believe you are a kind and simple girl. I am willing to help you. At the beginning, I was related to Miss Fan, but now I am willing to help you unconditionally."

Aishwaya whispered, "I need to remind you that all your efforts are in vain. Many famous neurologists have seen me, but they can't do anything about it. No one dares to operate on me..."

Zhang Yang said, "Don't you have confidence in traditional Chinese medicine?" Aishwaya whispered, "I don't have confidence in myself. I've been disappointed too many times."

Zhang Yang stretched out his hand to hold Aishwaya's slender, white and tender right hand. Aishwaya's hand was very beautiful, and her skin was delicate and smooth. Zhang Yang was a little surprised and said, "You have been paralyzed for so long, and your [legs] muscles have no atrophy." Aishway Sheng is also puzzled by this. I think it's for this reason. My uncle said, "Yoga can slow down the speed of metabolism." There was once a monk who was buried in the ground for three years. He could survive without eating or drinking.

Zhang Yang said, "Is it possible?"

Aishwaya said, "My uncle won't lie to me!"

Zhang Yang quietly penetrated a trace of inner breath into Aishwarya's [body], and the inner breath flowed along Aishwarya's meridians. Aishiwaya did not react at first, but after a while, she actually felt a hot current moving inside the [body]. She was extremely shocked. A pair of beautiful eyes looked He smiled and said, "Close your eyes, I just want to prove to you that there are always many miracles in the world!"

If it is the first time to diagnose Aishwarya's pulse, it's only a preliminary understanding of her injury, and the second time, Zhang Yang has had a comprehensive understanding of her physical condition. Aishwarya's situation is more optimistic than he thought. Her physical condition is in good condition, as long as Being able to remove the broken bones in her spinal cord with surgery, and then reset the cervical spine, Zhang Yang can use traditional Chinese medicine to nourish her damaged spine, so that she can recover as soon as possible, and her yoga foundation makes her body naturally self-protection after the injury, and a good physical condition can greatly reduce her recovery time. Short.

Zhang Yang's inner breath marched to Aishwaya's cervical spine. Aishwaya felt a tingling pain, which extended from her neck to her tail vertebrae. The pain did not make her panic, but made her feel extremely surprised. Since paraplegia, her spine has never felt such a clear pain.

Zhang Yang slowly withdrew his inner breath and smiled, "Your situation is much better than you think." I believe you can recover. Do you have any confidence in me now?"

Aishwarya's beautiful green eyes rippled like a spring water, in which glittered with crystal tears. She was already desperate, but Zhang Yang's performance just now rekindled the hope in her heart.


In contrast to Aishwarya, Fan Siqi is going to despair day by day at this time. The court date is approaching, and there is still no evidence in her favor. Fan Siqi is ready for the worst.

Zhang Yang told her Aishwaya's decision. Aishwaya's decision had long been expected by Fan Siqi. She sighed and said, "Why did you tell her?"

Zhang Yang said, "She will know sooner or later that if you want to transfer the shares at hand to her, you also need her consent."

Van Siqi bit her lip, and she was a little upset, not only because of Aishwarya, but also because she was about to go to court.

Zhang Yang said, "Asyhua asked me to tell you that she didn't hate you. The fall has nothing to do with you. Don't blame yourself."

Fan Siqi said, "She is still so kind."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Forget the past. If you want to be relieved, you must let go." Fan Siqi said sadly, "If I had let go earlier, I wouldn't have let her suffer so much of cold." Zhang Yang comforted Fan Siqi and said, "She is in good condition. I have discussed it with Dr. Yu ."

Fan Siqi said, "Thank you, Zhang Yang. I will always remember having a friend like you."

Zhang Yang said, "The court session will start in three days. How do you feel?" Fan Siqi said, "The evidence is conclusive. I don't have a chance to win the lawsuit. Thank you for your help to me all the time. I accept my fate!" Zhang Yang shook his head: "But this matter is obviously not done by you. Why

Fan Siqi said, "I'm not willing either." I don't want to admit it, but I can't come up with any evidence. I can't be saved!" After saying this, Fan Siqi closed her eyes hard, and two lines of tears slowly slid down her cheeks.

Zhang Yang stretched out his big hand to cover her left hand. Zhang Yang and Gao Lianming discussed Fan Siqi's case more than once. This time Fan Siqi will definitely lose. Zhang Yang whispered, "It may not be lost. Even if you lose this time," there are still the above opportunities!", "It's useless!" Fan Siqi cried. She opened her eyes and tried her best to control the sadness in her heart: "Zhang Yang" Aishwarya, if you don't want my shares, you can help me set up a foundation and use my money for charity. I don't want to cheap those cold-blooded beasts in vain!"

Zhang Yang patted the back of her hand. Fan Siqi suddenly felt a tingling pain in the back of her hand. A cold airflow passed along the back of her hand to her body. In an instant, half of her body became extremely paralyzed. Looking at Zhang Yang, there was an inexplicable light in her eyes.

Zhang Yang said to Fan Siqi: "Miss Fan" I can't think of any other way to save you." So you can only do this. You may have a serious illness. Modern medical conditions should not be able to find out what disease you have, nor can you provide you with treatment. Take advantage of this opportunity, you can apply for medical insurance. , and even extradited back to China. Although you will be supervised by the police and lose some freedom, it is much better than you from now on. During this period, you will suffer some pain, but this is the only way. "We can exchange some time."

Fan Siqi looked at Zhang Yang. She listened carefully to every word of Zhang Yang, but the cold numbness of her body became more and more intense.
