Medical official path

Chapter 637 Who is the target? Next

"He opened the door in front of him and entered the workshop of the auto repair factory. There were more than a dozen workers working in full swing. Tangshan laughed and said, "Porsche, Ferrari, Bugatti, Lamborghini." All the good cars you can think of can be seen here, but none of them were bought by me. These are all Car, someone stole a car from the United States and changed its face here. I transported it to Canada through secret channels. Someone also stole a black car from Canada and shipped it to me. After transformation, I sold it to the United States. What kind of legal order is all fucking nonsense. There is only one thing that this society believes in. Tangshan snapped his finger and said, "***!"

He threw the key of the jeep that Zhang Yang gave him to a white man and said in English, "Go get me this car!"

Zhang Yang reminded him, "I snatched that car from FBD.

"He was afraid that the car would cause trouble to Tangshan.

Tangshan smiled and said, "Even if you snatch it from the President of the United States, I'm not afraid. Any car is just a part in my eyes. Our ancestral religion will give me one thing and turn it into a zero." Any car in the world is assembled one part after another, unless they can do it in every part. Install the tracker, otherwise I will definitely make it completely different and evaporate from the world from now on." Tangshan took Zhang Yang to the office on the second floor. He invited Zhang Yang to sit down on the sofa and said with a smile, "You are Mr. Xing's friend, that is, my friend. "No matter what you have done, don't be It's absolutely safe." Tangshan went to the wine cabinet and took out a bottle of Erguotou, then went to the refrigerator to take out a plate of braised beef, heat it in the microwave oven, and took it to the coffee table. "Unbuckle the Erguotou, gave Zhang Yang a cup and poured a cup by himself. Tangshan said, "Drink a glass of wine to

Zhang Yang picked up the cup of Erguotou and drank it all.

Tangshan also drank half a cup, smashed his mouth, pinched a piece of beef and stuffed it into his mouth.

Zhang Yang said, "I lost my passport and I want to get it back."

Tangshan said, "No problem, which country do you want? Canada, the United States, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, Argentina, Jamaica, as long as you can think of it, I can get it for you tonight"

Zhang Guanren was a little stunned: "You mean forgery?" Tangshan said, "Of course it's forgery. Do you think I look like a law-abiding citizen?" Of course, he doesn't look like it. He looks like a gangster. Zhang Yang wondered how Xing Chaohui had such a deep friendship with him.

Tangshan picked up the wine glass and took another sip and said, "Don't worry." The certificate I made here is absolutely international first-class, vehicle qualification certificate, frame number license plate, driving license. If you want to do black car business, you must improve a series of supporting services, otherwise how can there be a high profit?" Zhang Yang said, Text."

Tangshan said, "No problem" In this country, whether you are yellow, white or black, you have the opportunity to become a superior person, provided that you have ***!" The swung his arm exaggeratedly.

Zhang Daguanren can't say that he doesn't know anything about English. He also knows some words, such as ***, but two hands should be able to find them.

Tangshan said, "I don't know why someone is staring at you, because you are not in line with this land and walking on the street. Others can see at a glance that you are not an American. It seems that it is difficult for a duck in the chickens to pay attention to you." This is a little harsh. Didn't you say that the crane stands out of the crowd? Why did he become a chicken in his mouth? Zhang Yang was in a bad mood and didn't bother to argue with him.

Tangshan said, "To be honest, you are the most frugged agent I have ever seen!"

Zhang Yang said, "I'm not an agent. I'm just an ordinary [Chinese] Chinese. It's FBU who treats me as an agent."

Tangshan disdained: "** is the most shameless organization in the United States. They are like flies. Their department is full of smart waste." As long as they smell a trace of doubt, they will surround you and pester you endlessly."

Zhang Yang said, "Have you heard about the car accident of three [China] girls?"

Tangshan nodded and said, "I heard that this matter is very shocking. The whole city of Niagara knows it. What's wrong? Did you come here for this matter?" Zhang Yang said, "One of them is my wife." Zhang Yang has decided to treat Gu Jiatong with the gift of his deceased wife forever.

Tangshan sighed. He touched Zhang Yang's glass and said, "I'm sorry. People will always die. You and I will die sooner or later." Zhang Yang said, "Someone called me before the car accident. I want to stop Jiatong from going to Niagara Falls. Jiatong's car just broke down. She said she I met [police] Cha, [police] Cha took their jeep back to the town with a trailer." Then that happened. When the jeep fell into the canyon, a man called me and he described the jeep falling into the canyon." Tang Shan's eyes widened and whispered, "You mean that someone planned it. In this matter, the three girls died in homicide?

Zhang Yang nodded: "Do you know why I crashed into that Mitsubishi sports car? Because the car was driving to Jiatong's brother Gu Mingjian at full speed and trying to kill him, I had no other choice.

Tangshan said, "It's really complicated. Mr. Xing is right. You are a very troublesome person."

Zhang Yang said, "I don't have much money now. I will keep in mind the help you have given me. If there is a chance in the future, I will repay you twice."

Tangshan said, "No amount of money in the world can buy a life. My life was saved by Mr. Xing. Since he opened his mouth, I will try my best to help you. Needless to say, "I'm not trying to help you" but for Mr. Xing. Now tell me, how do you want me to help you?"

Zhang Yang said, "I want to find the real murderer who killed Jiatong, and I'm afraid that someone will be unfavorable to Secretary Gu." I want you to help protect the safety of their father and son."

Tangshan narrowed his eyes. At this time, his expression was extremely cunning. He whispered, "Why did they kill Gu Mingjian? Do you think that the death of your fiancee is just a bait. The person who planned this incident tried to lead you all to the United States and then caught it all? Americans will not have so much hatred for a retired senior official. It must be [China] Chinese. Tang Shan sighed and said, "Boil the beans and burn the beans, and the beans cry in the kettle. It was born from the same root, so why is it too urgent to fry each other? After so many years in the United States, he has long been used to killing each other within his people.

Zhang Yang nodded. At the beginning, he set up as an enemy who wanted to use Gu Jiatong's death to attack himself. But after Gu Mingjian was almost killed just now, he realized that Gu Jiatong's killing was likely to be a bait. Zhang Yang said, "Is there any way to find out who is the owner of the Mitsubishi sports car?"

Tangshan said, "Of course, we can find out that the Mitsubishi sports car is produced by another modification factory." The owner of the factory is Masahiro Ono, who is today's Korean hybrid and my competitor. After he came here to do black car business, I lost at least 30% of my business share. Fuck you!" Speaking of this, Tangshan couldn't help swearing.

Zhang Yang said, "I'm going to find him!" Tangshan said, "It's not convenient for me to come forward," but I can help you find a translator, come with me!",................................................................................................................................................, Zhang Yang followed Tangshan to the workshop outside, Tangshan brought Zhang Yang walked to the elevator at the east end. The two of them got on the elevator and needed card recognition. Tangshan started with card recognition and pressed the negative second floor. After the elevator arrived, Zhang Yang was really impressed this time. "This is the workshop above Tangshan's underground factory is just a cover. This underground The factory has at least 2,000 square meters, and dozens of workers are actively busy.

Tangshan said, "In fact, many people in the United States do not have passports for a simple reason. There are too many people smuggled here. Although the immigration officials are busy, they still can't catch these stowaways. Many people have an American dream." They think that the United States is a paradise on earth, and there is gold everywhere, But when they came here, they found that there was a huge gap between ideals and reality. Heaven always belongs to only a few people, and most of them will go to hell. Some of them are from Latin America, Africa and Asia, but they all belong to me now. Only under my protection can they afford to eat in my underground. When working in the factory, I can give them a good reward to help them send money back to support their families. The only bad thing is that they are restricted, but when I am in a good mood, I will also help them make a few passports and let them go out to get some air.

Tang Tang first took Zhang Yang to a photo studio and asked him to change into a suit. A thin Arab was a makeup artist. He helped Zhang Yang tidy up his hair. Then he opened the makeup box and found the beard to put Zhang Yang on his lips.

Tangshan said, "His name is Larry Han. He used to be the best makeup artist and document forgery expert in the Middle East. Later, he fled because of killing people and smuggled to the United States." When he was desperate, I took him in. His life was mine."

The pulley said a few more words, and Tangshan said, "He said he wanted to help you change the color of your hair and pupils."

Zhang Yang nodded. La Lihan dyed Zhang Yang's hair light brown and put them on colored contact lenses. Zhang Yang's appearance has changed a lot. Looking at himself in the mirror, Zhang Yang could hardly recognize his appearance.

Tangshan smiled and said, "You look like a Latin American, Portuguese! Then get a Brazilian passport! Well, get another American one! It's more convenient to replace it." Zhang Yang sat upright and took a picture." La Lihan stretched out three fingers, and Tangshan said, "Thirty minutes!" He left the photo studio with Zhang Yang and came to the front of the latest red Ferrari sports car. He carefully touched the paint surface of Ferrari with his fingers, just like touching a woman's body. It was as smooth and delicate as silk. He said to Zhang Yang, "Do you like it?"

Zhang Yang nodded.

Tangshan said, "Give it to you!"

Zhang Yang said, "No merit can't help me. You have helped me a lot. How can I be ashamed to take such a valuable thing from you?"

Tangshan said, "You go to Masahiro Ono, find out the truth of the matter, and help me kill him by the way!" Let's be even!"

Zhang Yang was stunned. Sure enough, there is no free lunch in the world. Tangshan has the conditions to help himself." But it's better to live like this.

Tangshan said, "You don't have to worry about killing the wrong person. Masahiro Ono is not a good thing. He not only smuggles black cars, but also sells drugs and robs **. If you kill him, he can be regarded as justice" to eliminate harm for the people.

Zhang Yang said meaningfully, "He also cleared a competitive opponent for you, killing two birds with one stone." Tang laughed: "My brother is a smart man, and it's really easy to talk to you." He kicked a man who was lying under the chassis of the car to repair the car. The man showed his head from below with oil stains. However, it can still be seen that he is very young.

Tangshan said, "He is Zhao Tiantian. He was smuggled to the United States three years ago." He was my best mechanic. Three months ago, his sister was killed by Masahiro Ono." He wanted to revenge and was stopped by me. I couldn't bear him to leave, but during these three months, he tried to escape almost every day Shan said, "Boss, what I promised you has been done." What about your promise?"

Tangshan sighed and said, "When did I go through my promise?" Introduce you to a friend, who will help you kill Masahiro Ono."

Zhao Tianian stood up and looked at Zhang Yang." Zhang Yang was also looking at him.

Tangshan said, "Genius, although you are a first-class engineer, your skills are too bad. If you go to Ono, you have no choice but to die. This Mr. Zhang is my best friend, and Ono Zhengyang is your common enemy." With him to help you, you will definitely realize your desire for revenge. Well, go and wash Take a shower, then find a suit and get a good passport.

Zhao Tiantian has been waiting for the arrival of this day for this period of time. After listening to Tangshan's words, he excitedly threw down his tools and ran to the photo studio. Because he was too excited, he almost tripped over something on the ground.

Tangshan looked at Zhao Tiantian's back and looked quite reluctant. He sighed and said, "My best engineer" is really reluctant!"

Zhang Yang said, "What on earth happened to him?", ....................................,