Medical official path

Chapter 640 Who is the yellow finch

Chapter 640 Who is the Yellowfinch (Part 1)

Tang Xingsheng scolded Uncle Li thousands of times in his heart, but he didn't dare to offend him. He whispered, "The person who called me is Chinese. I suspect that he doesn't just want money. He wants to use my daughter to lead me to the United States. What he wants to deal with is me." Tang Xingsheng is not an ordinary person. Although Zhang Yang threw a ransom of one million dollars, Tang Xingsheng still realized that something was wrong. He did not dare to call the police. All he could think of was that this relationship could be used.

Uncle Li said, "What do you want to do?"

"He wants to meet me and trade, Uncle Li, please help me and save my daughter."

Uncle Li whispered, "Two million, you take out two million dollars, and I'll help you get rid of this disaster once and for all."

Tang Xingsheng said in a trembling voice, "Two million..." Hearing the number of the lion's big mouth, he not only felt a little painful. He said in a negotiative tone, "Uncle Li, you know, I have spent a lot of money when I came to Canada, and I..."

Uncle Li said, "Do you think I'm blackmailing you? Mr. Tang, if it hadn't been introduced by others, I wouldn't have done so many things for you at all. If you feel that the money has been spent wrongly, you can ask Gao Ming.

When Tang Xingsheng saw Uncle Li's anger, he hurriedly apologized and said, "Uncle Li, that's not what I mean. I do have financial difficulties. Can you be more accommodating?

Uncle Li said coldly, "One million, less than a penny, I won't care about your bastard anymore!"

Tang Xingsheng accepted it and hung up the phone. His eyes fell on the ashtray on the coffee table, and suddenly grabbed the ashtray and smashed it into the display cabinet in the living room.

Uncle Li put down Tang Xingsheng's phone, and he immediately dialed another number. After the phone was connected, Uncle Li said respectfully, "Madam, Tang Xingsheng is in trouble!"

"What's going on?"

"Someone kidnapped his daughter Tang Yuling and asked him for one million."

"Have you found out who did it?"

"It's a Chinese!"

The other party fell into silence.

Uncle Li whispered, "Tang Xingsheng thinks that there is another inside story about this matter. Maybe Xiang Zhuang's sword dance is intended for Pei Gong."

"What's going on with Niagara?"

Uncle Li sighed and said, "It's very troublesome. Gu Yunzhi and his son have left the United States safely and sent them to kill Gu Mingjian. Instead of killing Gu Mingjian, they lost them themselves."

"What kind of people are you looking for? Such a simple thing can't be done!" The woman on the phone became angry.

Uncle Li said in panic, "Madam, it seems that we underestimated the boy's strength."

"It's not us, it's you!"

Uncle Li said, "Ono Masahiro was killed, and now Tang Yuling has also been arrested. The next thing to deal with is Tang Xingsheng."

"Tang Xingsheng knows too much, you know what I mean."

Uncle Li said, "Madam, don't worry, I will take this opportunity to get rid of them all."

"You really let me down! Even a hairy boy can't handle it. Gu's father and son went to the United States. When it came to your nose, you couldn't touch them at all. It seems that you are really old.

Uncle Li said awkwardly, "Madam, I will never let you down this time."

"Tang Xingsheng knows too much about the inside story. He must die. I think most of the kidnapping cases were made by that boy."

"I'll kill them together tomorrow!"

"Give that boy a way to live. The police are looking for him everywhere. It's better to hand him over to the Americans!"

Tang Xingsheng arrived in the country at 9 a.m. the next day and walked out of the airport. A black Lincoln was already waiting for him there. A man in a black suit and sunglasses opened the door for him. Tang Xingsheng sat in. Uncle Li sat in it, dressed in a gray Tang suit, holding a crutch in his hand and under his jaw The goat's beard is white.

Tang Xingsheng said respectfully, "Uncle Li!"

Uncle Li nodded and whispered, "I have prepared something for you!" He winched at the opposite man, who opened the black suitcase, which was neatly filled with money.

Tang Xingsheng couldn't go out of the customs with a million yuan in cash, so he asked Uncle Li to prepare for him in the United States. He directly transferred the money into Uncle Li's account, and Tang Xingsheng took the money and looked at it.

Uncle Li said, "Here is one million. You will remit 1.5 million to my account immediately."

Tang Xingsheng said, "I have arranged that one million will be remitted to your account in the morning, and there are still 500,000. When I save my daughter, it will naturally be transferred to your account."

Uncle Li sneered and said, "Don't you believe me?"

Tang Xingsheng said, "Uncle Li, there are rules in any transaction."

Uncle Li said meaningfully, "There is also a way to steal. This is the so-called principle of you domestic cadres. Unexpectedly, you are a person who adheres to the principle."

Tang Xingsheng couldn't help but have a fever on his old face. He could hear that the other party was satirizing him. Under the eaves, people can't help bowing their heads. This is not in China, and he is no longer the director who called for wind and rain in Nancy in the past. When he came to North America, his life is equivalent to a shuffle. Everything has to start again and escape from the country. Tang Xingsheng is undoubtedly lucky. At the moment he set The painstaking management for many years has not been in vain. He sent his daughter and son abroad one after another. Before his crime was exposed, he thought about preparing for a rainy day and unknowingly transferred the assets abroad. If it hadn't been for the incident of killing Zhu Qiaoyue, then he should still stay in China now. Perhaps it has become The deputy director of Pinghai Provincial Department, when Tang Xingsheng thought of this, was full of resentment against Zhang Yang, but he never wanted to revenge Zhang Yang. When he came to North America, he forced himself to forget everything in the past. He wanted to say goodbye to the past, want to be a low-key person, be an ordinary person, and spend the rest I soon found that this was not heaven.

It is not easy to gain a foothold in North America. Although he has all aspects of relations in China, he is just an outsider in North America. His daughter has studied in the United States for many years and has become a lot of westernized, but her life experience is too shallow to help him, but she has caused a lot of troubles for him. Uncle Li is exactly able to solve his problems. Speaking of which, their acquaintance also originated from Wang Junyao's introduction.

Tang Xingsheng silently recalled what happened after his escape. In fact, there are still many officials like him in North America. Most of them know Uncle Li. Uncle Li has a considerable relationship in Canada and the United States. He has a clear understanding of the domestic situation and understands the ideas of these officials. He has the ability to help them get the money. He also has the ability to apply for all kinds of documents and residency for them, but this person is too greedy. In Tang Xingsheng's eyes, he is a complete vampire.

Uncle Li closed his eyes most of the time. He whispered, "Mr. Tang, did the kidnapper call you again?"

Tang Xingsheng shook his head. His expression was full of deep worry. It has been a whole night since his daughter was kidnapped. How can she not worry? This daughter really doesn't let him worry. She spends a lot of money, and her private life is also quite chaotic. Although Tang Xingsheng also has a lover and likes to squander, he hopes that his children know how to be diligent and thrifty, know how to love themselves, and everyone is a contradictory animal.

Uncle Li is still closing his eyes and recuperate: "It seems that the kidnappers are very calm, and we can only continue to wait."

Tang Xingsheng said, "I'm afraid they will be unfavorable to Xiaoling."

Uncle Li smiled indifferently and said, "Don't think too much. If he was single-minded about making money, he wouldn't tear up the ticket so early. Didn't you say that he is Chinese?"

Tang Xingsheng said, "Yes, I'm afraid he's targeting me."

Uncle Li slowly opened his eyes: "A lot has happened in the past two days. Gu Yunzhi's daughter of the former Pinghai Provincial Party Committee had a car accident, and the jeep landed in the Niagara River. Her fiance Zhang Yang came here and made a lot of noise."

Tang Xingsheng said, "I have nothing to do with him! I have nothing to do with Gu Jiatong's death.

Uncle Li said indifferently, "The rumors are terrible. I believe you. It may not be that others will believe you. If this is really done by him, will he count Gu Jiatong's death on you?"

Tang Xingsheng didn't say anything, but his face was hard to see the extreme.

Uncle Li whispered, "I'm afraid it will be very troublesome for you this time!"

Tang Xingsheng's mobile phone suddenly rang, and he was so scared that he was shocked.

Uncle Li looked at him coldly.

When Tang Xingsheng saw that the number above was his daughter's mobile phone number, he picked up the phone and whispered, "Hey!"

"Dad... Dad... save me... save me..." Before Tang Yuling finished his words, Zhang Yang took his mobile phone. He slowly walked out of the barn and faced the rising sun: "Mr. Tang, have you arrived in Bufaro?"

Tang Xingsheng said, "I'm here! I have also prepared the money you want.

"It's 9:30 a.m., and within half an hour, you will arrive at the Bufaro Ice Sports Stadium. When you get there, I'll call you." After saying that, Zhang Yang hung up the phone.

Zhao Tiantian drove the old Ford to his side, and Zhang Yang opened the door and sat in.

Zhao Tiantian said, "What should she do?"

Zhang Yang said coldly, "Bind her up, gag her mouth, and wait for us to come back!"

Zhao Tiantian couldn't bear to say, "What you want to deal with is her father. She is innocent."

Zhang Yang said, "Let's catch Tang Xingsheng!"

Tang Xingsheng came to the Buffalo Ice Sports Stadium five minutes earlier than the appointed time. Recently, the North American Winter Sports Championship is being held here. There is an endless stream of spectators to enjoy it. Tang Xingsheng picked up the black suitcase containing one million dollars. Uncle Li grabbed his arm and said, "Don't take this box. !" He wink, and his men handed another identical black box to Tang Xingsheng.

Tang Xingsheng was surprised and said, "Uncle Li, you have known me for so long, but you still can't believe me?"

Uncle Li said, "I'm not tired of cheating. I have prepared this box. There is only a layer of banknote on the surface, and the rest are all waste paper, which is also to ensure the interests of you and me."

"What if he finds it?"

"Don't worry, my people will subdue him without waiting for him to find out."

Uncle Li took out another pistol and gave it to him. Tang Xingsheng shook his head and refused, "I think he wants to trade in the gym and can't pass the security check."

Uncle Li whispered, "My people will follow you far away. Try to be natural and don't be seen by him."

Tang Xingsheng said, "Keep your distance and don't let him see it." He picked up the suitcase, pushed the door and walked down. He was quite wary of Uncle Li. This was an old fox, extremely greedy. He was interested in the money in his hand, so he would not care about his daughter's life or death.

Tang Xingsheng came to the entrance of the stadium, and his mobile phone rang again.

Zhang Yang said, "Have you arrived yet?"

Tang Xingsheng looked around and didn't see the suspicious figure. He whispered, "It's here!"

"Go to the ticket window to buy an admission ticket. At 10:30, there is a women's figure skating competition. After buying the ticket, enter and call me after entering."

Tang Xingsheng closed the phone and scolded his opponent for being cunning in his heart. There were many spectators in the gymnasium, which was easy to hide his whereabouts. Another important point was that the security at the entrance was strict, and ordinary people could not enter it with guns. He came to the ticket window and bought an admission ticket.

Uncle Li sat in the car and observed Tang Xingsheng's every move through a telescope, and whispered, "What's he doing?"

Uncle Li is not the only one who used the telescope to observe Tang Xingsheng. At this time, Zhao Tiantian also used a telescope in the Ford car to observe Tang Xingsheng's every move. At the same time, he reported to Zhang Yang what he saw: "I saw him. It should be him, holding a black suitcase, a Chinese man in his for He was very careful and paid attention to the situation around him. He bought the ticket and was walking towards the entrance... No... It seems that someone is following him.

Zhang Yang said coldly, "He dares not come alone. Pay attention to how many people there are in total?"

"Two... It shouldn't be six. These six people seem to be together."

Zhang Yang said, "Be careful of yourself."

Zhao Tiantian said, "Don't worry, you have to be careful!"

It was Zhao Tiantian's idea to choose to meet Tang Xingsheng here, and only here can he ensure his safety.

Tang Xingsheng was not in a hurry to enter the gymnasium. He called Zhang Yang: "The security check is so strict that it seems impossible for you to let me walk in with a million cash."

Zhang Yang said, "There are so many reasons. How to bring cash in is your own business!" ( To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come (.) Vote for recommendation, your support is my greatest motivation.) RO