Medical official path

Chapter 655 Don't talk about feelings

Chapter 655 Don't talk about feelings (Part 1)

There is another more important reason why everyone is optimistic about Liu Yanhong. She and Governor Song Huaiming are old classmates. Song Huaiming will definitely spare no effort to support her, and every change in the Standing Committee is actually related to the future division of power in Pinghai. The more people in the Standing Committee, the more people there are, of course, the Liang is a kind of people on the surface, but he is a very domineering person in his bones. Song Huaiming advocates the rule of law. In the past, he was known for his toughness and iron fist in the Northern Plains. Neither of them will give in easily, which determines that there must be a competition between the two of them at this time.

Zeng Laizhou made a speech on behalf of the old members of the Standing Committee who were about to retire. He said with a smile: "Since the reform and opening up, Pinghai has achieved unprecedented rapid development. Although we are trying our best to keep up with the pace of this era, the years are unforgiving. At this age, a lot of work Our cadre team should be young, and our party should always be fresh and dynamic.

Qiao Zhenliang smiled and said, "Lao Zeng, don't be busy expressing your feelings. Don't be in a hurry to put aside your responsibilities. You old comrades still have to exert your enthusiasm."

Zeng Laizhou said, "I'm not in a hurry to put aside my responsibility. I just retreated from the first line to the second line. Taking this opportunity, I will first review myself. During my years as a member of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, my work has not been in place. The incident in Nancy shows that the discipline inspection work in our Discipline to restrain our cadres will breed a lot of corruption and disciplinary violations. I apologize for my mistakes in my work. After saying this, Zeng Laizhou said, he breathed a breath and said, "Now the work of the Commission for Discipline Inspection has basically been handed over to Comrade Liu Yanhong. From these young cadres, I can see the lack of ** of our older generation of cadres. I am convinced that their generation of young cadres will better fulfill their responsibilities." Zeng came to the state's words, which is equivalent to publicly nominating Liu Yanhong as his own person. Although it is not a formal nomination, the candidate must be taken out for the standing committee to discuss first. If the Standing Committee can decide, it will basically be sure after the recommendation.

On the issue of Liu Yanhong, it is not convenient for Song Huaiming to talk more. He and Liu Yanhong are classmates. Since he came to Pinghai, they have been very close to each other. Because of this, the outside world has made some bad statements about their relationship. Although Song Huaiming has a clear conscience, his words are terrible. Even his wife Liu Yuying complained about his relationship with Liu Yanhong. He must consider the possible impact, so recently, he has intentionally or unintentionally alienated the distance between him and Liu Yanhong. This alienation is not reflected in his work. Song Huaiming is a person who is very separated from work and life. How should he get along with each other at work? However, outside of work, he tries to avoid more contact with Liu Yanhong. Liu Yanhong is also an extremely wise woman. She soon realized this. Except for work, she rarely goes to Song Huaiming. But this does not affect her support for Song Huaiming. In her mind, Song Huaiming is an extremely perfect image, and she can do anything for Song Huaiming.

Song Huaiming also appreciates Liu Yanhong very much. In his heart, Liu Yanhong is the natural candidate of the Pinghai Commission for Discipline Inspection.

Zeng Laizhou has always been good to Liu Yanhong. He knew that Song Huaiming absolutely supported Liu Yanhong to become his person. Several times he found opportunities to hint at this matter in front of Qiao Zhenliang. Qiao Zhenliang did not express any opposition, so today Zeng Laizhou mentioned this matter in front of all the members of the Standing Committee

After Zeng Laizhou finished speaking, all the members of the Standing Committee turned their eyes to Qiao Zhenliang. If Qiao Zhenliang expressed his approval at this time, it would mean that the final plan of the Pinghai Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection would be decided. As long as the province passed and recommended it upwards it, there would generally be no problem.

Qiao Zhenliang didn't seem to pay attention to everyone's eyes. He picked up the teacup, took a sip of tea slowly, cleared his throat and said, "Comrade Laizhou's self-criticism is very sincere and practical. Nancy's leadership has such a big problem, which proves that our discipline inspection work is not The requirements for the recommendation and review of cadres should be stricter. When I went to the capital two days ago, I met with the leaders of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection. They were not very satisfied with our discipline inspection work in Pinghai. They gave me a lot of suggestions, and I also got a lot of inspiration. If I want to reverse the current situation of our discipline inspection In the future, you should have enough courage to replace the previous work, be bold, and not afraid of offending others. Comrade Liu Yanhong worked very hard and her work performance was also quite excellent. I also appreciate her very much. However, because of the Xu Guangran case, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection was not satisfied with our whole discipline inspection system in Pinghai, and proposed to ask Comrade Liu Zhao, director of the Party Style and Integrity Office of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, to come to

This news is very sudden for all the members of the Standing Committee. Qiao Zhenliang did not disclose anything before. According to what he said now, he already knew about it when he went to the capital, but he never said it. Qiao Zhenliang seems to have been prepared for a long time. He wants to reorganize the political arena.

The most shocking thing for everyone should be Song Huaiming. He thought that Liu Yanhong's becoming the Commission for Discipline Inspection was a matter of certainty, which was meaningless, but suddenly a change occurred. The position of the Commission for Discipline Inspection suddenly became Liu Zhao, the director of the Party Style and Integrity Office of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection. Originally, air Huai Ming didn't think so. He was very clear about the background of Liu Zhao, and he and Liu Zao and Liu Yanhong were both students of the Central Party School at the same time. Liu Zao and he were appreciated by Qiao Lao and also supported by Qiao Lao. Because of Wen Guoquan, Song Huaiming and Qiao Lao gradually drifted away, but He will stand still in Joe's camp. Song Huaiming is quite clear about these inside stories. He believes that the reason why Liu Zhao came from the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection to Pinghai to serve as the Commission for Discipline Inspection, Qiao Zhenliang played a considerable role. In Song Huaiming's view, Qiao Zhenliang took the opportunity of this party congress to actively cultivate his own strength and eliminate dissidents. Most of the future new members of the standing committee will be pulled up by him, which determines that in the future, only Qiao Zhenliang will have the final say, and his power of the governor will be further weakened by him. Song Huaiming felt angry in his heart, and he also felt a crisis. Absolute power means absolute corruption. He always believed in this. He believed that the current development of the political situation was not a good thing. If Pinghai really became Qiao Zhenliang's words, then Pinghai's future would certainly face a major crisis.

However, Song Huaiming could not raise any objection. Qiao Zhenliang's hand was very beautiful. He seized the opportunity and just stressed that the discipline inspection work in Pinghai Province was not good, which paved the way for Liu Zhao's airborne.

Zeng came to the state and was also surprised. He sincerely criticized himself in front of all the standing committees and took the initiative to review the incompetence of the discipline inspection work. If it hadn't been forced by the situation, he would not have done so. Among the current members of the Standing Committee, Zeng Laizhou is the oldest. Whether it is Gu Yunzhi or Qiao Zhenliang in the past, he has always given him some face. But today, Qiao Zhenliang's performance makes him extremely depressed. He apologizes and apologizes, but you, Qiao Zhenliang, should not push the boat along the water and fall into the Li, Qiao Zhenliang's respect for himself is only superficial. All emotional behaviors in the officialdom are for political service. Now that he has lost his political value, Qiao Zhenliang has no need to give himself face at all. He is not only aimed at himself. He wants the future Pinghai political situation to develop according to his wishes. Zeng came to the state and regretted a little. He should not have taken the initiative to nominate Liu Yanhong. Anyway, he was leaving. There is no need to mind his nomination of Liu Yanhong that made Qiao Zhenliang unhappy, which caused the current embarrassment. Politically, there has never been much to talk about, especially when it comes to his own

Liu Yanhong's matter made Song Huaiming very depressed. As soon as the Standing Committee finished, he got up and left. At today's standing committee meeting, he did not even speak to express his protest against Qiao Zhenliang. Qiao Zhenliang could also see Song Huaiming's anger. He still smiled lightly. After the meeting, there was nothing He also came together with Zeng Laizhou. He didn't mention the embarrassment of Zeng Laizhou at the meeting just now. He smiled and said, "Lao Zeng, are you free on Sunday? Let's go fishing together?"

Zeng Laizhou nodded with a smile. What these veterans in politics are best at is to hide their true feelings.

Song Huaiming can also do it. Even if he is unhappy, he can show no leakage, but at this time, he can't help showing some emotions, otherwise others will think that he has completely succumbed to the power of Qiao Zhenliang. He is the governor of Pinghai Province and has not gained any advantage in the appointment of the Standing Committee It can even be said that he was defeated. At the beginning, he nominated Rong Pengfei as the deputy director of the department, but at the end, Qiao Zhenliang transferred his beloved general Gao Zhonghe from Yun'an Province. He thought that Liu Yanhong's discipline committee was nailed, but there was a change. This is not because he protects Liu Yanhong, but from The working ability is obvious to all, and she has been working in the Pinghai Commission for Discipline Inspection for many years. Song Huaiming does not think that a director of the Party Style and Clean Government Office in the office of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection will know anything about the specific work of Pinghai.

Song Huaim returned to the office with a gloomy face. When he saw Zhang Yang, he just remembered that he asked Zhang Yang to come here to see him. What happened at the Standing Committee today greatly disturbed his mood, and he almost forgot about it.

His secretary Zhong Peiyuan was talking with Zhang Yang. When he saw Song Huaiming coming in, he quickly made a cup of tea for him. Song Huaiming nodded: "Xiao Zhong, go ahead."

Zhong Peiyuan left the office knowingly. After going out, he closed the door with his backhand.

Zhang Yang held the teacup and politely called Governor Song. In his workplace, he always called Song Huaiming like this. As soon as Song Huaiming entered the door, he saw that Song Huaiming's expression was very solemn. It seemed that he was not in a good mood.

Song Huaiming said, "Have you been here for a long time?"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "I just came here. I heard Secretary Zhong talk about the situation of Pinghai."

Song Huaiming finally had a smile on his face: "What kind of situation does he understand?"

Zhang Yang said, "Gour Governor Song, what's the matter with you coming to me today?"

Song Huaiming said, "I heard that you are investigating Wang Junyao, so I asked Xie Zhiguo to help you check some information for 66 years, which may be a little helpful to you." He opened the drawer, took out a thick file bag, and handed it to Zhang Yang.

Only then did Zhang Yang remember that Xie Zhiguo was the director of Jingshan City, Beiyuan Province, and also an old friend of Song Huaiming. When Wang Junyao and Xu Changde went to the countryside, it was in Xiaoshiwa Village, Lujialiang, Xishan County, Jingshan City. Zhang Yang held this document in his hand and patted

Song Huaiming said, "In fact, it doesn't make much sense to investigate this matter now. Zhang Yang, I also know something about you in the United States. No matter what happens, things have passed. I hope you can forget what happened in the United States as soon as possible and put it back into work."

Zhang Yang nodded: "I understand!"

Song Huaiming said again, "Have you met Yanran in the United States?"

Zhang Yang said, "I have caused so much trouble. She and my grandmother have helped me a lot."

Song Huaiming squeezed his lips and said, "Is she all right?"

"It's okay. It's more mature than before and has grown up!"

Song Huaiming leaned back and whispered, "People always have to grow up, don't they?"

Zhang Yang didn't say anything, so he picked up the teacup and took a sip of tea.

Song Huaiming's eyes looked at Zhang Yang, and he finally said, "What's your plan for you and Yanran?"

Before Zhang Yang came here, he had expected Song Huaiming to ask this question. Although he had been thinking about how to answer it, when Song Huaiming really asked, Zhang Yang found that this question was not easy to answer, and he was still not ready. He coughed dryly and answered honestly, "I don't know..."

Song Huaiming sighed: "Whether you can finally get together or not, I just hope that you can all be fine. Emotions are only a small part of life, not all of them. Do you understand?"

Zhang Yang nodded and changed the topic and said, "How's Xiaoxin?"

Song Huaiming said, "The fever has subsided. It seems that your prescription is very effective."

Zhang Yang put a paper bag on Song Huaiming's desk. The paper bag was dry powder grinded with the root of cloud ginseng. Zhang Yang said, "This is some Guben Peiyuan's medicine. Divide it into three parts and give it to him. It will be of great benefit to his recovery."

Song Huaiming carefully put it away.

Zhang Yang didn't want to stay here any longer. He got up and said, "Gour Governor Song, I have to rush back to Nancy in the morning. I'll go first!"

Song Huaiming said, "Let's have a working meal together."

Zhang Yang thanked him for his kindness with a smile. He really didn't want to continue to discuss emotional issues with an elder, not to mention that Song Huaiming was Chu Yanran's father. RO