Medical official path

Chapter 669 Brother City Next

Chapter 669 [Brother City] (Part 2)

Zhang Yang and Zhao Baoqun have not yet arrived at the Dongjiang Municipal Party Committee, and the news here has been sent.

Liang Tianzheng, Secretary of the Dongjiang Municipal Party Committee, is holding a meeting of the Standing Committee. Hearing that this matter is also slightly stunned, he said to Liao Bosheng, director of the Development Zone Management Committee, "Comrade Bosheng, what's going on?"

Liao Bosheng actually knew about the rupture of the sewage pipe in the International Industrial Park before he came to the city for a meeting. He laughed and said, "The sewage pipe in the International Industrial Park has broken, and some sewage has been directly discharged into the turbulent river without treatment, which has had a certain impact on the downstream water environment. At present, Thinking of Nancy coming to hold the blame so quickly.

The Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee present basically kept silent, because everyone knows that the international industrial park in the development zone was created by Liang Tianzheng. From today's point of view, there are considerable problems in the positioning and site selection of the international industrial park. The industrial park selected in the Taijiang River does not take into account the impact on the ecology along the And the next investment was not smooth. Several high-pollution enterprises moved into the International Industrial Park. Even so, the government also gave considerable preferential conditions.

After the first two years of difficult investment, Dongjiang International Industrial Park has finally begun to prosper. Attracted by preferential policies, more and more foreign businessmen have taken a fancy to this place. The output value of the International Industrial Park is also increasing, becoming the most brilliant political achievement in Liang Chenglong's personal political career. He also because The successful planning and construction of the International Industrial Park has won the appreciation of the leaders. He has been promoted from the deputy mayor of Dongjiang City all the way. Now he is the deputy governor of Pinghai Province and the secretary of the Dongjiang Municipal Party Committee. It can be said that Dongjiang International Industrial Park has special significance to Liang Tianzheng.

Liang Tianzheng did not expect that the reform and opening up would bring the rapid development of brokerage. The development of Pinghai was beyond his imagination. As more and more enterprises settled in the International Industrial Park, its drawbacks are constantly emerging. The first thing that bothered him was the pollution problem. At the beginning, he had the idea of attracting investment, no matter what They all give the green light to them. Among them, the two seriously polluting enterprises he personally introduced, the German Baiting Factory and the Korean Ancome Daily Cosmetics Group, all occupy a very important position in the International Industrial Park. Other large and small enterprises also have more or less pollution problems. After Liang Tianzheng became the secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, some people mentioned Out of the pollution problem of the international industrial park, it is proposed to close the existing international industrial park as soon as possible, re-site and re-build it.

Liang Tianzheng ignored his attitude at that time. He proposed to build the International Industrial Park. At that time, the International Industrial Park had become one of the main pillars of the Dongjiang economy. It was precisely because of the construction of the International Industrial Park that Dongjiang, the political leader of Pinghai Province, finally became the leader of economic income as he wished. Tianzheng has also gained huge political interests. To deny the International Industrial Park is to deny his achievements. Of course, as a successful leader, Liang Tianzheng is also aware of the hidden dangers in the International Industrial Park. He has also made some efforts, such as implementing large-scale greening projects in international industrial parks and creating plants along the Twar River. By the scenery belt, the construction of sewage treatment plants in the international industrial park, and the strict treatment of wastewater, waste gas and exhaust materials in the international industrial park, it cannot be said that his measures are ineffective, but it has been proved that relying on the later greening and sewage treatment alone cannot completely solve the pollution problem of the entire international industrial park. With the times As more and more enterprises move into the International Industrial Park, and with the expansion of the scale of enterprises, this contradiction has become more and more prominent.

This sewage discharge incident is by no means accidental. Liang Tian gave instructions on the spot: "Treat it immediately. Be sure to solve this Tumble River pollution incident in the shortest time, track down the relevant responsible responsibilities, and conduct an environmental protection inspection on all enterprises in the international industrial park. ."

After Liang Tianzheng finished the Standing Committee, he quickly returned to his office, and Liao Bosheng, director of the Development Zone Management Committee, also followed.

Liang Tianzheng said, "Why don't you hurry to deal with the sewage incident?"

Liao Bosheng said, "Secretary Liang, the workers are already repairing it."

Liang Tianzheng said solemnly, "Bosheng, this matter involves the interests of brother cities. It is more complicated. You must deal with it carefully!"

Liao Bosheng said, "Secretary Liang, don't worry, we have dispatched the most skilled workers and the most skilled engineers. According to the current repair process, the broken sewage pipe should be repaired within 12 hours."

Liang Tianzheng didn't know the extent of the pollution. He was preparing to replace something. At this time, his secretary came over and handed him his mobile phone and said, "Secretary Liang, the phone number of Secretary Li of the Nancy Municipal Party Committee."

Liang Tianzheng took a look at Liao Bosheng. There is no need to ask. Li Changyu must have called to ask for his guilt.

Liang Tianzheng took the phone and walked to the window of the corridor: "Comrade Changyu! What's wrong with you?"

Li Changyu has called several times in a row before, but Liang Tianzheng has been in a meeting all the time. Li Changyu saw the mountain and said, "Secretary Liang, I'm looking for you for the water pollution of the turbulent river. Now the sewage generated by your international industrial park has flowed down the turbulent river to The factory has been seriously polluted, and there are water problems in the whole North District.

Liang Tianzheng said, "Chang Yu, I was working on solving this matter at the meeting just now. First of all, I want to apologize to you and apologize to all the citizens of Nancy, because our management mistakes have affected the lives of the citizens of Nancy. I have ordered the relevant departments to solve this matter immediately. You can rest assured that the pollution problem will It's improved."

Li Changyu said, "Secretary Liang, but the sewage is still being discharged."

Liang Tianzheng said, "It takes a process to clean up the dirt. It is impossible to solve everything that has happened immediately. Comrade Changyu, I'm sorry. I promise you that I will thoroughly investigate this matter to the end and hold the relevant managers accountable."

Liang Tianzheng said everything to this point, and it was not easy for Li Changyu to continue to say anything. Liang Tianzheng's level was higher than his, and he was more sincere on the phone, and he did not shirk his responsibility. He not only apologized, but also promised to give him a jiā. He must grasp the degree when Too tight, Li Changyu believes in Liang Tianzheng's level of governance and believes that he can deal with this matter as soon as possible.

After Liang Tianzheng answered Li Changyu's call, his expression became heavier and heavier. He said to Liao Bosheng beside him, "The pollution has affected the daily life of Nancy residents, and Nancy has a lot of opinions."

Liao Bosheng said, "Secretary Liang, I think they exaggerate the real situation. We should be responsible for this pollution incident, but they can't be too much. We need time to deal with it." He paused for a moment and whispered, "Secretary Liang, there is something you may not know. Several officials from Nancy broke into the government of the development zone. Their attitude was extremely rude. Liu Baoquan, the deputy director, was beaten in front of so many cadres in the development zone." This matter is not about Liao Bosheng adding oil and vinegar. The information he got is like this. The information from the development zone is that Liu Baosheng was splashed with sewage and beaten.

Liang Tianzheng frowned and said, "If there is a problem, it can be discussed and solved. Why did they come to hit people?"

Liao Bosheng said, "They ask all enterprises in our international industrial park to stop production immediately!"

"Nonsense!" Liang Tianzheng was obviously a little angry. Pollution is one thing, and production is another.

Liao Bosheng said, "I said, if all enterprises in the international industrial park stop production, how much loss our Dongjiang will suffer is immeasurable!"

Liang Tianzheng said, "Well, you should deal with this matter as soon as possible and try your best to be perfect. You should not only take into account the interests of brother cities, but also try not to affect the normal production of international industrial zones. The faster you deal with it, the better. Don't confuse the contradictions." After saying that, Liang Tianzheng turned around and left. After two steps, he remembered another thing: "Well, who on Nancy's side came to deal with this matter?"

Liao Bosheng said, "Zhao Baoqun of the Water Conservancy Bureau and Zhang Yang, director of the Sports Committee!"

When Liang Tianzheng heard Zhang Yang's name, he couldn't help but thump in his heart. It didn't take much time. He figured out the key. In any case, it was not the official of the Sports Commission to take care of the problem of water pollution. The reason why Nancy sent Zhang Yang here seemed ridiculous. In fact, it was Nancy's political and economic status cannot be compared with Dongjiang, the capital of Pinghai Province. In Pinghai Province, Liang Tianzheng, the deputy governor, has more say than Li Changyu. This is exactly what Li Changyu has done, but he still shows enough courtesy and courtesy to Liang Tianzheng. He sent Zhang Yang to ask questions, but proved that Li Changyu was very political and resourceful. Zhang Yang was a fierce general. His background and his style made him a special figure in Pinghai politics. No one can copy his behavior. Liang Tianzheng still knows Zhang Yang very well. Li Changyu chose him to come to Dongjiang Theory, which can be said to be the right person. The more complicated the situation is, the more he needs a quick knife, and Zhang Yang is exactly the sharpest knife in Nancy politics.

Not long after Liang Tianzheng returned to the office, Zhang Yang and Zhao Baoqun, director of the Nanxi Water Conservancy Bureau, came to see him. Liang Tianzheng had predicted this matter in advance and said hello to his secretary in advance. As long as someone from Nancy came to him, he would say that he was not there. Liang Tianzheng did not

When Zhao Baoqun heard that Liang Tianzheng was not here, he looked up at Zhang Yang. Although he was a personal character in Nancy, but when he arrived in Dongjiang, everything was only Zhang Yang's head. It was not that he had no opinion, but that he did not have any opinions on other people's land.

Zhang Yang didn't believe that Liang Tianzheng was not here. He estimated that Liang Tianzheng probably didn't want to see him, but since he said he was no longer there, he couldn't break through, and he couldn't trivialize the contradiction of this matter.

At this time, Zhang Yang received a phone call from Executive Vice Mayor Gong Qiwei. Gong Qiwei told him that Li Changyu had contacted Liang Tianzheng, Secretary of the Dongjiang Municipal Party Committee, and Liang Tianzheng promised to deal with this matter as soon as possible.

Zhang Yang said, "As soon as possible? Have they stopped discharging sewage into the Twarp River?

Gong Qiwei was silent, and after a while, he said, "According to what we know, the international industrial park is still continuing to discharge sewage to the Tianjiang River. If you want to stop the discharge, you must let their entire international industrial park stop production. They certainly don't want to pay such a big price."

publicize: "They don't want to suffer such losses, so let our people in Nancy suffer losses? It's not them who have no water to eat now, but our citizens of Nancy. They have caused trouble. Why don't they take responsibility?

Gong Qiwei whispered, "Zhang Yang, this matter must put some pressure on Dongjiang."

Zhang Yang said, "When we went to the development zone, the director of the management committee of the development zone disappeared. When we came to the city, the secretary of the municipal party committee couldn't find anyone. He was sure that we were going to come and hide from us."

Gong Qiwei said, "Think of a way, they must really attach importance to this matter from top to bottom, but pay attention to the way to deal with things, and try not to make contradictions."

Zhang Yang complained, "I know that this matter is so tricky that you put it on me. Mayor Gong, you have made me suffer."

Gong Qiwei said that I didn't push the matter to you this time, but Secretary Li named it. Anyway, this matter really can't be done to others. Gong Qiwei said, "You are very capable. Besides, as a member of the leadership team of Nancy City, the problem of ordinary people's watering is closely related to you."

Zhang Yangle, when did he become a member of the leadership team of Nancy City? Gong Qiwei gave him the soul. Zhang Yang said, "I'll go to the Water Resources Department!" This matter can't be done like this." Things in the world are most afraid of the word "serious". Zhang Daguan just got serious.

Zhao Baoqun is very familiar with the Water Resources Department of Pinghai Province. Hearing that Zhang Yang is going to find the leader of the Water Resources Department, he also agrees that this matter involves the destruction of public water resources, which is under the jurisdiction of the Water Resources Department. It is a good way to put pressure on Dongjiang City through the Water Resources Department.

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