Medical official path

Chapter 675 Worth it

Chapter 675 [Worth] (Part 1)

What did Liu Hong taste from Song Huaiming's words? Did Zhang Yang coax Qiao Mengyuan? No wonder this one is not afraid? But on second thought, there was something wrong. Qiao Zhenliang was angry today instead of pretending. He really wanted to make a show. However, from Song Huaiming's words, it can be seen that he has a lot of complaints about Zhang Yang. In fact, it is also easy to understand. After all, Zhang Yang fell in love with his nv son Chu Yanran before. When this boy's relationship was never settled, Liu Hong suddenly realized that Gu Yunzhi, the former provincial party secretary of the In front of the governor, Song Huaiming, almost all of their nv have feelings with Zhang Yang. This guy is really capable. He specializes in the art industry. He specializes in the treasure nv of leading cadres.

Liu Hong said, "According to what I know, there is a reason for Zhang Yang's temper."

Song Huaiming said, "No matter what the reason, it is wrong to beat the superiors. There are rules of officialdom in the officialdom. Whether Secretary Qiao really wants to do it or act, this publicity will definitely not be able to escape."

Liu Hong said, "Are you really going to ignore it?"

Song Huaiming said, "It's not convenient for me to talk!"

Liu Hong was slightly stunned: "But... if no one speaks for him, I'm afraid the matter will be very serious this time."

Song Huaiming said, "Although the water pollution incident is serious, it is very simple. Everyone knows that the responsible party is in Dongjiang, and Nancy comes to hold the blame. It is originally a righteous thing, but why did these leaders of Nancy send Zhang Yang here?"

Liu Hong said, "Because they dare not take responsibility, because they are afraid of offending people!"

Song Huaiming said, "There is a reason in this regard, and the more important reason is that they realize that they come here to get involved, which may not be more efficient and more effective. Zhang Yang has always been a desperate Sanlang. He dares to act. Such a young man in the system is rare, and only he can sue at the first level after encountering obstruction.

Liu Hong said, "Because he has a godfather of the vice premier, and your uncles cover him!"

Song Huaiming said, "Politics is fair and cruel. If a person's behavior is covered with too many feelings in the system, then he is destined not to go too far."

The person who didn't want to hear it. Liu Hong suddenly thought of her current situation from Song Huaiming's words, and her expression couldn't help but feel gloomy. Even if such an expression was fleeting, it was still grasped by Song Huaiming's sharp eyes. Song Huaiming apologized and said, "I'm not talking about you."

Liu Hong smiled. She picked up the wine glass and bumped into Song Huaiming and said, "The responsible party for water pollution is in Dongjiang. Liang Tianzheng, as the secretary of the municipal party committee, has to bear the main responsibility for this matter. He built the International Industrial Park at the beginning. Will this matter affect his future?"

Song Huaiming did not say anything, and the answer was obviously yes. His suggestion to rectify the International Industrial Park was not aimed at Liang Tianzheng. As one of the leaders of Pinghai, Song Huaiming first considered the people's livelihood and future development of Pinghai. He could not support Liang Tianzheng against his heart for his own political interests Clearly, Liang Tianzheng's official career must be affected by this matter, and may even endanger the position of executive vice governor at his fingertips. Qiao Zhenliang obviously gained another political interest in this matter. At the Standing Committee, he contributed to the rectification of the international industrial park and concentrated the main contradictions on himself. Whether he was intentional or unintentional, this matter will cause the contradiction between Song Huaiming and Liang Tianzheng.

Since Qiao Zhenliang came to Pinghai, Song Huaiming has undoubtedly been passive in the political situation. At this party meeting, the provincial leadership team will be greatly changed. The candidates for several important positions have been basically determined, and it is difficult for Song Huaiming to change this doomed result.

Liu Hong can understand Song Huaiming's current situation. She whispered, "Will this water pollution incident be investigated to the end?"

Song Huaiming said, "Some leaders in Dongjiang are indeed suspected of mishandling, but if they are held accountable just because they did not stop the production of the international industrial park at the first time, this reason is slightly insufficient."

Liu Hong said, "Water pollution itself proves that the relevant departments have defects in management?"

Song Huaiming smiled and said, "Why did Secretary Qiao deal with Zhang Yang solemnly? Why did you put the first board on Zhang Yang before the matter was fully investigated?

Liu Hong really didn't consider this problem. In her opinion, even if Zhang Yang was impulsive, Zhang Yang was also the benefit of Nancy. It was Dongjiang's side that did not go first, so he provoked Zhang Yang. Zhang Yang's impulse was understandable, but Song Huaiming's words began to make her think deeply There is only one reason for Yang. Qiao Zhenliang doesn't want Zhang Yang to continue to make trouble. He doesn't want the impact of turbulent river water pollution to continue to expand. The rectification of the International Industrial Park is imperative, but this incident will not turn into a political storm. Qiao Zhenliang wants to calm this matter down.

Song Huaiming said, "The matter of Nancy has not been completely over. Pinghai's political arena really can't afford it."

Liu Hong said, "Why does this board hit Zhang Yang? Is the Water Conservancy Bureau, Environmental Protection Bureau and Management Committee of the Development Zone not sick?

Song Huaiming smiled and said, "His board may be to make others speechless. Whether it is to protect him or to beat him will only be known in the future, but there must be someone in Dongjiang who will be affected by this incident."

Although Song Huaiming's words are very implicit, Liu Hong has guessed from it that the person who is most affected is probably Liang Tianzheng, Secretary of the Dongjiang Municipal Party Committee. Liu Hong sighed softly, "Recently, I've suddenly been tired of politics. Maybe we as nv people should not have engaged in this kind of intrigue career. It is the most suitable job for us to teach our husband and children."

Song Huaiming laughed and said, "You are our iron lady in Pinghai politics. Why did you suddenly say such a thing?" Of course, he understood that Liu Hong's succession to Zeng Laizhou to become the secretary of the Dongjiang Commission for Discipline Inspection failed this time, which caused a great blow to her, and the loss in her heart was inevitable.

Liu Hong said, "It's not easy to be an iron lady. In today's era, the iron lady nv strong people are at the expense of their families."

Song Huaiming picked up his glass and looked at Liu Hong and suddenly whispered, "I'm sorry!"

Liu Hong was stunned there. She looked at Song Huaiming in a daze. She understood something from Song Huaiming's eyes in an instant. They knew each other enough. There was no need to say many words so clearly. Liu Hong's eyes suddenly turned red. She lowered her head in fear. For a short period of time, she drank the wine Ge smiled and said, "Old classmate, you are becoming more and more like a politician!"

Song Huaiming looked at her with some guilt.

Liu Hong said, "Is there anything real in politics?"

Song Huaiming nodded and said, "Yes! And this has always been our goal!"

ūn The rain was as crisp as crisp. Zhang Yang came to Zixia Lake on such a rainy day and came to visit Gu Yunzhi, who was idle at home. Of course, he had another purpose, in order to sweep Gu Jiatong's clothes.

There are a lot of people in the Gu family today. Gu Mingjian, Liu Yan, and two executives from Chang Haitian and Jiangcheng Factory who came from Jiangcheng. They made a special trip to report to Gu Mingjian about the Jiangcheng factory, and there will be a new press conference in Dongjiang in the past two days. After Gu Jiatong's death, Gu Mingjian took over the enterprise founded by his sister and became the new chairman of Jiangcheng Factory.

Seeing Zhang Yang coming, Chang Haitian was a little surprised. He and the two executives who brought him got up and greeted Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "What a coincidence. I didn't expect you to be here."

Chang Haitian said, "Let's hold a new press conference and report the recent production situation to Mr. Gu by the way."

Gu Mingjian stood up with a smile and said, "Zhang Yang, my father went fishing. I asked Xiaoyan to call him."

Zhang Yang said, "No, I'll go there by myself."

Gu Mingjian did not regard Zhang Yang as an outsider. He nodded and said, "Well, go from our house to the lake, near Lao Junyan."

Zhang Yang took a taxi. Fortunately, the rain was not heavy, and the drizzle fell on his body. He felt very cool, and his face was extremely numb and useful. He walked slowly along the road paved with anticorrosive wood. From afar, he saw Gu Yunzhi sitting alone on Laojunyan fishing. His figure looked a little hazy

Gu Yunzhi's eyes were very focused, staring at the lake.

Zhang Yang's voice sounded behind him: "Dad! Are you fishing for the cold river snow alone? Or is it the bait of Jiang Taigong's fishing wish?

Gu Yunzhi showed a smile on the corners of his lips. He pointed to the fish basket and said, "It's fruitless to catch more than a catty of small fish!"

Zhang Yang came to him and sat side by side with him. Gu Yun knew, "Why are you free today?"

Zhang Yang said, "I've been in Dongjiang for two days, and I didn't come to see you until I finished it."

Gu Yunzhi nodded: "The matter of water pollution in the turbulus river?"

Zhang Yang was a little surprised and said, "Aren't you always retreating? Is the news so well-informed? He immediately thought of Xia Boda. Did Xia Boda tell Gu Yunzhi the news?

Gu Yunzhi raised the fishing rod, and the bait had been eaten up. Zhang Yang helped install the bait. Gu Yunzhi put the hook into the water again. He whispered, "The TV news is on. Although I am not in place, I am still the people of Pinghai, and I still care about the big things in Pinghai." He turned his head and looked at Zhang Yang: "What's more, the International Industrial Park was a project approved when I was in place. Now I can't absolve myself from such a big leak!"

Because of this sentence, Zhang Guanren was a little embarrassed. He coughed dryly and said, "Dad...what..."

Gu Yunzhi smiled and said, "I don't mean to blame you!"

Zhang Yang said, "I'm just fighting for Nancy's interests, and I don't think so much about it."

Gu Yunzhi smiled and said, "The things in the political arena are all interrelated. It has always been the same when I pull the whole body. In retrospect, there were indeed mistakes in my approval of the International Industrial Park project at the beginning."

Zhang Yang said, "No one is a saint, and it is impossible to do everything." After knowing that the International Industrial Park was related to Gu Yunzhi, Zhang Yang began to speak for him, and this person still had a lot of selfishness.

Gu Yun knew: "At the beginning of the reform and opening up, everyone's attention was focused on the word economy. They were trying their best to improve the economy of the region in a short period of time. There were many things that did not conform to the economic law and the law of development. At the beginning of the establishment of the International Industrial Park, its The positioning is still good, and the pollution problems that may be caused have been considered, and a complete plan has been made for the relevant treatment. However, after the establishment of the International Industrial Park, it has been unattended for a long time. After investing so much manpower and material resources, we can't watch this land idle. The cadres of Dongjiang City To this end, we have also made a lot of efforts, attracted a lot of projects from abroad, and the International Industrial Park has gradually flourished. To be fair, the International Industrial Park has made great contributions to the economic development of Dongjiang and even Pinghai.

After saying this, Gu Yunzhi sighed again: "The problem of water pollution proves that there was a big mistake in site selection and positioning when we established an international industrial park at the beginning. This mistake was not only caused by the advocates and executors of the project. As the highest leader in Pinghai at that time, I should also undertake With considerable responsibility, the economic development is beyond the imagination of each of us, and the pollution is more serious than we originally expected.

Zhang Yang said, "I heard that the province has decided to focus on the rectification of the international industrial park. This time, all the heavily polluted enterprises will be relocated from the international industrial park."

Gu Yunzhi nodded and said, "This decision is correct. Environmental protection is a great cause that benefits generations, and the economic development is only temporary."

The fish float suddenly sank down. Gu Yunzhi's eyes were cold, and he interrupted the conversation with Zhang Yang. After the fish float sank again, he began to pull, and a water line separated from the calm lake quickly extended to the distance.

Zhang Yang saw a black è dorsal fin with a foot and said in surprise, "Big fish!" Before he finished speaking, he only heard a click, and Gu Yunzhi's fishing rod in his hand was broken.

The official Zhang reacted so quickly that he didn't even take off his clothes and jumped into the lake.

Gu Yunzhi didn't have time to stop him, but he saw the boy swimming quickly to the broken fishing rod and grabbed it. The fish was also unlucky when it met Zhang Daguan. He finally broke the fishing rod. Who would have thought that the man would be desperate to jump into the lake and pick up the broken rod.

Zhang Yang took the big fish and swam back again. Gu Yunzhi fished the fish with a net. A snail with more than six catties of snails, Gu Yunzhi laughed happily.

Zhang Yangshui climbed up the shore of the lake, and Gu Yun knew, "Are you worth it, boy?" RA