Medical official path

Chapter 704 National Dignity

Seeing that Zhang Yang was silent, Sui Guoming patted him on the shoulder and said, "... Zhang Yang, we are a brother city." We must support our work more this time!"

Mr. Zhang laughed and laughed twice, saying that you are going to play. If I really want to dig your corner, you guys can only follow behind to eat soil.

Shui Xiaoou called for ten minutes. When he came back, there was only Zhang Yang in the hall. Zhang Yang did not mean to wait for her, but the relevant procedures for check-in had not been completed, and he was waiting at the service desk.

Shui Xiaoou came to Zhang Yang and smiled shyly: "I'm sorry to keep you waiting for a long time."

Zhang Yang said, "I didn't wait for you. I'm waiting for them to go through the formalities."

Shui Xiaoou couldn't help staring at him. "This man is too faceless.

Zhang Yang grinned and said, "Well, who called you for so long? Hotline!"

Liao Xiaoou couldn't help laughing and said, "Zhang Yang, you are really a mother-in-law."

Zhang Yang said, "Don't you care about you? We are friends, aren't we?"

Sorghumi Xiaoou sighed and said, "It's so annoying. My boyfriend likes to be jealous too much." Zhang Yang said, "Jealousy proves that people care about you." The smile of Yang Xiaoou is still sweet, but when she saw Sadmento walking towards her again, she didn't feel a little hairy in her heart." *〗 Dang, it's not a good bird at first glance." If it weren't for work, the yang Xiaoou wouldn't want to deal with him.

There is also an American girl next to Sademento. The old American prostitute's mind is quite cunning. He said to Zhang Yang, "Zhang Yang, this is Sarah, the manager of the overseas development department of Indle Company." She wants to buy something. "You go with her!"

Zhang Daguan heard that this guy obviously wanted to get away from himself.

Sarah looks good from afar. She has blonde hair and blue eyes. ** fat buttocks, but her skin is too rough. She smiled at Zhang Yang. She smiled charmingly, but her mouth is quite big. Zhang Guanren estimated that if she played KISS with her, she would have to be included in half of her face.

Zhang Yang said: "LET, SGOL" shows that Zhang's English level has improved a lot.

Sademento opened his head and came to the side of the sorghum Xiaoou with a smile: "Miss Sorghum, I'm really overjoyed to see you here!"

Suo Xiaoou said, "The city originally arranged for me to receive your delegation all the way. On the way, I walked away for a while. As soon as the matter was dealt with, I rushed over. I hope Mr. Sadmento can understand the place where I don't take good care of it." Sadmento shook his head and said, " Zhibang, this trip to Pinghai left a deep impression on me. I was even more impressed by Miss Liang.

Liao Xiaoou said, "I am also very impressed with Mr. Sadmento."

Sademento pointed out and said, "Let's go for a walk!"

It's still an hour before dinner. Liao Xiaoou really can't think of a reason to refuse him. In addition, he made a special trip today to get close to others. It doesn't matter about the economy. The political purpose is relatively clear. We must determine the matter of the friendly cities.

The two walked along the bluestone road in Jinwan. "Sademento took a breath of air" and his exaggerated chest undulated: "Miss Sorghum, the air in Jinwan is really fresh!" Liao said: "Jinwan is one of the famous tourist attractions in Pinghai." It is a national concave wind In the scenic area, "There is a long history and culture here." Liang Xiaoou wanted to continue to introduce, but Sadmento suddenly interrupted her and said, "The fresh air is still mixed with the fragrance of Miss Liang's body." It's really refreshing!" Liang Xiaoou blushed. This Sadmento was really thick-skinned and began to harass without saying a Liang Xiaoou said, "Mr. Senator" Are you satisfied with our investigation of Dongjiang? She changed her name to Mr. Senator to remind Sadmento of his identity.

Sadmento looked at the cute face of the sorghum and muttered. "Spit" nodded and said, "Satisfied" Satisfied, "I'm very satisfied with Miss Liang's reception!" Liang Xiaoou said, "When we were in Dongjiang, we Liang [Shu] intended to form a sister city with New York. What does the senator think of this proposal?"

Sadmento laughed and said, "Dongjiang is very good and friendly!"

Sorghum Xiaoou was overjoyed to hear him say this, but Sadmento then said, "I haven't been in Pinghai for a long time, but all places are very friendly to us. Nancy is also good, and it is also our friendly city in New York!" Ah, not only did he not make a statement, but he also deliberately threw Nancy out. He honestly wanted to make himself nervous.

What is the role of Sadmento? After wandering in American politics for so long, he is definitely a master who doesn't see rabbits and don't withdraw eagles. Since he saw Liang Xiaoming, Sadmento has had indiscuous thoughts. Does Sadmento know what she wants? There is no free lunch in the world. If you want to get something from me, you have to pay something first.

Shao Xiaoou said, "Senator, isn't the purpose of your trip to promote the political and economic development of China and the United States?" Sadementou said, "The scenery of Jinwan is so beautiful. Let's talk about these official matters in the evening!" In one sentence, the following words of Liao Xiaoou were blocked.

......................................................................................................................................................, Zhang Yang accompanied Sarah to the specialty street of Jinwan. Sarah was interested in everything. She touched this and that, and the hawkers saw that Foreigners immediately cheered up. The domestic tourism market is very irregular. At this time, the first thing the small traders think of is to kill them fiercely. As soon as Sarah picked up a colorful knitted handbag, the small traders over there stretched out five fingers. Zhang Daguan thought he wanted fifty, but the peddler said in English, "Five hundred!"

Sarah likes to watch it over and over again. She also knows how to bargain: "Three hundred!"

The hawker pretended to be very reluctant: "Zi Baiba!"

Sarah nodded: "Deal!" She opened her wallet to get the money.

Zhang Yang stopped her and said to the hawker, "Your broken bag is still three hundred and eight, and you are really willing to take it!" The hawker said, "Brother, are you a Chinese? Why do you turn your elbow out!" Zhang Yang pointed to his nose and said, "Listen to me, legal operation, integrity-based, our tourism market in Nancy is to make you illegal traders stink."

The hawker heard the fire: "I said, who the fuck are you? When is it your turn to do business?" A group of hawkers around him gathered around Zhang Yang.

Sarah was a little scared when she saw the situation in front of her. She pulled Zhang Yang and said, "I won't buy it, I won't buy it!"

Zhang Yang said, "Sarah" you wait!" He walked over and looked at the hawker and said, "I'll tell you who I am!"

A voice sounded outside the crowd: "Director Zhang! Director Zhang!" But Lin Chengge, director of the Jinwan Landscape Management Office, arrived. He was also a genius to know Zhang Yang. The U.S. delegation came to Jinwan to visit. Of course, Lin Chengge had to do his best to do a good job in reception. He also made an explanation to let these small traders strengthen self-discipline, but he didn' "He squeezed over from the crowd in a panic. When the small traders saw Lin Chengge, they were so scared that they quickly dispersed. "Lin Chengge has great power in Jinwan Scenic Area." If these small traders provoked him, it was equivalent to not wanting to continue to make a living in Jinwan.

Lin Chengge came to Zhang Yang in a sweat and said with a frightened face, "Director Zhang, I'm sorry" I'm sorry..."

Zhang Yang sneered and didn't say anything, but it's up to you.

Lin Chengge glared at the trouble-monger: "Close the door for me now and pack up now." Don't work in Jinwan from today on!"

The peddler's face turned gray with fear. His legs were weak, and he almost knelt down on the spot for Lin Chengge. He said with a bitter face, "Director Lin." Our family all depended on this stall. I was wrong, I was wrong... I won't dare to do it again..." Lin Chengge said angrily It's ruined."

Zhang Yang said, "Forget it, there is no need to cut off others' way of life. Give him a chance." Zhang's official can't argue with a small trader, and no businessman is not a traitor." Seeing that foreign fat sheep rarely can do business on their own business.

The peddler knew that he had offended the big man, so he quickly ran over to thank Zhang Yang and said, "How much do you sell that bag?"

The hawker said, "What's the lady like, just take it. I'll give it for free!" He picked up the woven handbag and sent it to Sarah. Sarah wanted to give him money." He quickly waved his hand and said, "The gift for you, no money, no money!" He did this, which made Sarah embarrassed." Zhang Yang The national college girl is a little rough-looking, but she is still full of reality. At this moment, Lin Chengge quickly asked someone to inform him that during the stay of the U.S. delegation, no operators in the scenic area shall rip off customers, and as long as they are found, they will be expelled from the scenic area.

Zhang Yang doesn't want to argue with those hawkers. He is afraid that the behavior of these hawkers will affect the image of Nancy and affect the interests of the whole city for personal benefit. Of course, the gains outweigh the losses. However, Sarah didn't seem to pay attention to this matter. She was very happy with a knitted handbag. She bought a few local specialties in the market. When she came to Jinwan Cao Laojiu stinky tofu, she smelled the stinky smell and couldn't help frowning: "What smell" is so stinky!"

Zhang Daguan said happily, "Stinky tofu! Speaking of which, the most famous one in Jinwan is Cao Laojiu's stinky tofu.

Sarah said, "It really stinks!"

Zhang Yang said, "This is a traditional Chinese food. It smells stinky and tastes good! If you haven't eaten Cao Laojiu's stinky tofu, it means you haven't been to Jinwan. He took Sarah to the stall and asked the shopkeeper to fry two boxes of stinky tofu.

Sarah pinched her nose and looked aside. The stinky tofu was fried, and the golden one was beautiful, but the smell was still very smelly. Zhang Yang took a toothpick and put on a piece of stinky tofu, stained it with a little spicy sauce, stuffed it into his mouth, and made it extremely useful.

Sarah also learned from him, inserted a piece of stinky tofu and ate it in her mouth. Sure enough, she answered Zhang Yang's words and smelled the smell. She gave Zhang Yang a thumbs up. This American girl can really eat it. Two boxes of stinky tofu were eaten, and Zhang Yang bought her two boxes, saying that she would take them back for others to taste.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "This thing must be fried and eaten now." It doesn't taste good when it's cold."

Sarah keeps ****!

Although Zhang Yang's English is not very good, he communicated with Sarah smoothly. When the two returned to Fuming Academy, they met Chang Lingfeng. Chang Lingfeng had just arranged things and greeted them with a smile, "How are you doing?" Zhang Yang said, "I just bought something with Sarah, and I haven't had time to do it. Enjoy the scenery of Jinwan." Chang Lingfeng said, "Sorghum Xiaoou and Sadmento went to play together. Did you call her?" We're going to have dinner soon."

Zhang Yang nodded, and Sarah burped aside. "Chang Lingfeng knew that the foreign girl was eating stinky tofu as soon as he heard it. Chang Lingfeng smiled and said, "Although the stinky tofu is delicious", you can't eat too much. I prepared a lot of Jinwan specialties in the evening. You must keep your stomach and !

It is always easy to communicate between young people and young people. At dinner, Sarah and the other American girl Dura all sat down with Zhang Yang, Chang Lingfeng was also at the same table with them, Sadmento and Li Xiaoou at the same table, and Sui Guoming, the executive deputy mayor of Dongjiang, also sat there. Of course, Sui Guo With too much contact with Demento, everyone has selfishness. Naturally, they don't want to give up their own efforts to others.

Simple English dialogue Zhang Daguan will also deal with it. "But once it comes to political, economic and trade cooperation, he can only use [Chinese] Chinese. Fortunately, Chang Lingfeng is around him. In order to entertain these American devils, the city specially prepared the old Chivas. The two American girls were very bold and had a few drinks with Zhang Daguan, but they drank ice. To put it plainly, it was mixed with water. Zhang Daguan really drank the original pulp. After a few glasses of wine, everyone was a little excited and public. He asked, "What's your impression of our Nancy?"

Sarah took the lead and said, "Well, you Nancy are not only beautiful in scenery, but also very enthusiastic, especially Mr. Zhang Yang, who is handsome, enthusiastic and sexy, overturned my impression of oriental men in the past!"

After listening to Chang Lingfeng's translation, Zhang Guanren laughed proudly. He asked, "What's Sarah's impression of Orientals in the past?" Sarah said, "I always feel that Orientals are strictly forbidden and lack humor, and you are not as strong and unrestrained as us Westerners!" Zhang Yang said, "Cut! This is definitely a misunderstanding. We [China] Chinese people are hardworking, brave, kind, optimistic and positive!",