Medical official path

Chapter 707 Development Opportunities Under

Chapter 107 Development Opportunities (Part 2)

Zhang Yang said, "Mayor Gong, do you agree that we should make the Economic and Trade Conference an i grand event?"

Gong Qiwei couldn't restrain his excitement. He nodded heavily and said, "Let it go, and I will give you all possible support."

Zhang Yang said, "Then I'll really get rid of my hands!"

Gong Qiwei said, "The premise is to implement the affairs of Indell's company first."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "No problem, but when you need money, you must not step back."

Gong Qiwei said, "I haven't started to do it yet. I just want to ask for money first. Isn't that good?"

Zhang Yang said, "The soldiers and horses have not moved their food and fodder first. They have been like this since ancient times."

Gong Qiwei laughed. At this time, another distinguished guest came to visit. Zhang Yang stood up and said goodbye, but he didn't expect that it was Qiu Fengxian of Star Diamond Group who came to visit.

Qiu Fengxian didn't expect that Zhang Yang was in Gong Qiwei's office, and a charming smile suddenly appeared on his beautiful face: "Director Zhang, I didn't expect you to be here too."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "I'm here to report my work to Mayor Gong. I won't delay your conversation. I'll go first."

Qiu Fengxian said, "Don't worry, this matter has a lot to do with you."

Zhang Yang was slightly stunned, but he didn't know why Qiu Fengxian came to Nancy this time.

Gong Qiwei smiled and said, "Since it's related, let's listen to it together." He went back to his desk and sat down.

Qiu Fengxian said bluntly, "I came here this time for the old stadium plot in Nancy City. I heard that the city has restarted the investment plan of this land, and our company is very interested in this land."

Gong Qiwei and Zhang Yang looked at each other. Only then did they know that Qiu Fengxian came from the stadium plot. Gong Qiwei smiled and said, "Miss Qiu's news is very well-informed. As soon as the city decided to restart the development of this land, you got the news."

Qiu Fengxian smiled and said, "I have a lot of good friends in Nancy, and the news is naturally better than others."

Zhang Yang quickly said, "I didn't say anything."

Qiu Fengxian smiled and said, "It doesn't matter who said it. The important thing is that we Star Diamond really hope to contribute to the economic development of Nancy. We are optimistic about the development prospects of Nancy, so we decided to invest in Nancy."

Gong Qiwei took a meaningful look at Zhang Yang: "I don't care about this matter."

Qiu Fengxian was slightly stunned. Gong Qiwei was the executive vice mayor, and he actually said so.

Gong Qiwei said, "There have been a lot of things in the city recently, and my energy can't take care of so many things. Regarding the old stadium plot, the city leaders have decided to hand over the land to the sports committee after discussion, that is, Zhang Yang. You are old friends, and it is easier to communicate."

Qiu Fengxian smiled and said, "I originally planned to find Mayor Gong first, and then go to the Sports Commission to find Director Zhang. It seems that I'm looking for the right person today."

Gong Qiwei smiled and said, "About that land, you can talk to Zhang Yang and talk to him about the specific conditions." Gong Qiwei did not pass the responsibility. What he said was indeed true. After the city decided to restart the development of the land, the leadership discussed the decision-making power of the land. The result of the discussion was to delegate power and delegate power to the sports committee. Previously, Li Changyu also called Zhang Yang to explain the matter to him.

Gong Qiwei said this for this, Qiu Fengxian was a little embarrassed. Originally, according to the usual process, she first went to the big leader to say hello, and then to Zhang Yang, the leader in charge, but she didn't expect that the city would leave this matter to Zhang Yang with full authority. What she didn't expect was that she would meet Zhang Yang in Gong Qiwei's office.

Gong Qiwei had another meeting in the morning, and Qiu Fengxian and Zhang Yang left together.

When the two walked out of the door, Qiu Fengxian smiled and said, "I'm sorry, I found the wrong partner this time. Director Zhang won't be angry with me, will he?"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "You came to Nancy to invest. Why should I be angry with you? Besides, we are old friends. In your eyes, my heart is so small?"

Qiu Fengxian smiled and said, "No, I'll find Mayor Gong first. Do you feel disgrateful?"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "How can I have so many ideas?"

Qiu Fengxian said, "In order to apologize to you, I'll treat you to lunch."

Zhang Yang shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, I made an appointment with someone else at noon today, and I have agreed that I can't change it!"

Qiu Fengxian looked at Zhang Yang, and the woman's mind was always more delicate. She thought more, and even suspected that Zhang Yang was deliberately squiring. However, Qiu Fengxian did not show any loss on the surface. He smiled and said, "That night, give me some time so that I can talk to you about the land in detail."

Zhang Yang nodded and said, "No problem." He walked to his army-green jeep.

Qiu Fengxian also followed him there. Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Didn't you drive?"

Qiu Fengxian nodded and said, "So I want to take your ride and take me to Nanyang International."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "It's a great honor!"

Qiu Fengxian got on Zhang Yang's jeep and said curiously, "Why did you suddenly change the car?"

Zhang Daguan laughed and said, "Now it is popular to save energy and reduce emissions, and I also respond to the country's call."

Qiu Fengxian smiled and said, "Although your jeep is green, the displacement is not small, which is not as good as energy saving and emission reduction."

Zhang Yang laughed and started the jeep to send Qiu Fengxian to Nanyang International Hotel. Qiu Fengxian chose Nanyang International because he saw that Nanyang International was close to the Sports Committee, and it was convenient to communicate with Zhang Yang. On the way to Nanyang sent her to Nanyang International, Qiu Fengxian did not mention the old stadium plot again. Just chatting about some unincompetent news. Some things are not good if they are too hasty. Almost no one cares about the old stadium plot now. They don't have any strong opponents. If they seem too eager, they will give people too much sense of superiority. Although Qiu Fengxian and Zhang Yang have known each other for a long time, they are also good friends, but on this issue, they represent two different interest groups, and a bargain is inevitable.

Qiu Fengxian got off the bus at Nanyang International and didn't forget to remind Zhang Yang when he got off the bus: "Don't arrange anything else in the evening. I'll treat you to dinner, just the two of us."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Time, place!"

Qiu Fengxian pointed to Guiyang International: "That's it, I'll treat you to a seafood meal!" Seven o'clock in the evening!"

Zhang Yang nodded. He did have something to do at noon, and he didn't mean to pass it off. Zhang Yang went to a beef restaurant in the east of the new sports center. Zhou Shanhu invited him to dinner. Because of Zhang Yang's help, Zhou Shanhu and his fellow villagers successfully got the salary. In order to express his gratitude to Zhang Yang Zhang Yang ate, and Zhou Shanhu was just a migrant worker. Even if his salary was paid, he didn't have much money. He couldn't afford to buy a big hotel, so he chose to treat in this beef restaurant.

Zhang Yang didn't want him to spend money, but he refused. He could only accept Zhou Shanhu's invitation. Zhang Yang parked the car and saw Zhou Shanhu standing at the door waiting for him. He waved to Zhou Shanhu with a smile. Zhou Shanhu ran over happily: "Brother Zhang, you really come It's over!"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "How can I refuse to promise you?" He took out two boxes of Maotai from the car and handed them to Zhou Shanhu.

Zhou Shanhu didn't reach out to pick it up: "Brother Zhang, I agreed to invite you to dinner. How can I let you bring wine?"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Take it, how can your brother have so many polite words?"

Zhou Shanhu then picked up Maotai. After Zhang Yang locked the car door, he followed Zhang Yang to the beef restaurant. He said to Zhang Yang, "Brother Zhang, I didn't call anyone else, just the two of us."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "It's best for two people to eat, clean and not to be disturbed by others."

When I walked into the beef restaurant, I saw that the hall was already full. The beef restaurant was very popular with ordinary people because of its low price and affordable food. Zhou Shanhu had set the table in the corner in advance, and the cold dishes had been set.

Zhang Yang has no airs and is used to eating in the hotel all day long. He likes this kind of occasion very much.

Zhou Shanhu said, "Brother, I can only invite you to dinner here. Don't dislike it."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "You boy, how can there be so many polite words? If you say too much, you will be hypocritical!"

Zhou Shanhu smiled and said, "Then I won't say it."

The two sat down at the table. Zhou Shanhu rushed to open the wine and filled Zhang Yang with wine in a small black bowl. Although he came from the mountains, he also understood the value of this Maotai wine, and any bottle was more expensive than his own table.

Zhang Yang picked up the little black bowl and said, "I've always wanted to invite you to dinner, but it's a pity that I've been busy with work recently and can't find time. Let you take the lead. I'll treat you in a couple of days."

Zhou Shanhu said, "Brother, thanks to you for helping us get our salary this time, we are all very grateful to you. I deserve it."

Zhang Yang said, "Did it!"

Zhou Shanhu was also very refreshed. He accompanied Zhang Yang to dry the bowl of wine, and then poured Zhang Yang with wine. Zhang Yang picked up a piece of beef and tasted it. Not to mention that the beef restaurant tasted really good.

Zhou Shanhu said, "Let's eat together. I didn't order too much, so I ordered two dishes, one to cook the cow whip and the other to cook the oxtail, all of which are big tonic."

Zhang Yang laughed and said, "Huzi, how are you doing on the construction site?"

Zhou Shanhu said, "It's okay. The villagers take good care of me. I'm young and have a lot of strength. I want to make more money when I'm young. In the future, I will go home and rebuild my shabby houses to see if I can get a daughter-in-law." Zhou Shanhu was very honest. When he said these things, his eyes were full of hope, which was his hope for the future.

Zhang Yang said, "Huzi, I'm here today. I'm not only looking for a drink, but also one more thing."

Zhou Shanhu said, "Brother, you said, as long as there is a place that can help me, I, Zhou Shanhu, will go through fire and water!" RO