Medical official path

Chapter 708 Counterfeit and shoddy

When Zhang Daguanren saw this advertisement painting, he was immediately angry. I remember that when she went to the capital, she saw the advertisement of Dongshan Tiger Whip Pill at the high-speed rest station for the first time. At that time, she was a little annoyed, but because of the rush of time, he did not care about it. Because of this matter Yan has never done any advertising of tiger whip pills. This Dongshan Linlang Health Products Factory is simply infringing on her portrait rights. After He Xinyan knew about this matter, she asked Zhang Yang not to ask. She would entrust her own lawyer to deal with it, so Zhang Yang also forgot about it. But today, when she saw the advertisement of Dongshan Tiger Whip Pills, she immediately understood. It seems that He Xinyan's handling it is not very good. This manufacturer's Tiger Whip Pill When I got to Nancy, I did it under the eyes of publicity.

Zhang Daguan can't stand it. He stepped on the brakes, pushed the door and walked down. In addition to the middle-aged driver, there are two people in this car. Both of them are now hiding from the rain in the car. Zhang Yang came to the middle-aged driver and said, "What's in the car?"

The middle-aged driver glanced at him and grinned, "Health care products!"

Zhang Yang said, "Open me and have a look!"

The middle-aged man was stunned for a moment, saying in his heart, what do you do? However, he was still very polite: "It's not good. What if the goods get wet in such a heavy rain?"

Zhang Yang said, "Dongshan Tiger Whip Pill?"

Middle-aged people: "Yes, you have also heard that we are a genuine manufacturer, very famous in Linlang City, Dongshan Province. Our products sell well all over the country, no problem." When he said this, he seemed to think of something. He pointed to the advertisement on the car and said, "See it? Even the big stars advertise for us!"

Zhang Yang was not annoyed when he didn't mention this. Hearing what he said, Zhang Yang said angrily, "Open the container!"

Middle-aged people feel something wrong when they listen to his bad tone.

Zhao Tiantian also stopped his work and got up to see what was going on.

Middle-aged humane: "If you repair the car, you can repair the car. If you don't repair it, you can leave. What are you doing? What do you want to check our goods? Do you want to rob?" The two companions in the car heard the quarrel below." Both of them pushed the door and walked down. Both of them were tall and round-shaped men. One of them stared at Zhang fiercely: "What are you doing? What do you think you are doing? If you want to find something, think about your own weight!" While talking, he reached out and pushed it to Zhang Yang. Zhang Yang pushed his arm away, pushed it out with one hand, and pushed it to his chest. "The big Han suddenly stood unsteadily and his body was fluffy! The ground hit the carriage, and then he did not stand firmly and sat on the muddy road.

The middle-aged man was very angry. When he saw his companion being pushed by Zhang Yang, he roared, "Kid, you fucking want to die!" He rushed up and punched at the door.

How could Zhang's official be touched by him? Before he could rush to him, he raised his foot first and kicked the dog to eat shit. The remaining man still wanted to move. Zhao Tiantian punched him on the side of his neck unexpectedly and knocked the boy unconscious. Although Zhao Tianyu didn't understand what was going on, Zhang Yang was his life-and-death comrade-in-arms. In the United States of America, they fought together, and Zhao Tiantian still did not hesitate in the People's Republic of China.

Zhang Yang laughed. After he came to the car, he grabbed the door lock and carried the internal force. When he only heard a click, he broke the lock and opened the two doors, but he saw that the pile in the car was full of cardboard boxes. There were all kinds of [medicine] products in the cartons, mostly Dongshan .

The middle-aged man got up from the ground, and he looked a little panicked." He took out his mobile phone and called, obviously asking for help.

Zhao Tiantian quietly reminded Zhang Yang, "He called a helper."

Zhang Yang gave a cold look and whispered, "Let him scream, damn it, I'd like to see who is so bold today.

Zhao Tiantian still didn't understand why Zhang Yang wanted Lou Huo. He opened a cardboard box and took out a box of Dongshan tiger whip pills. He was a little surprised and said, "Isn't it just a tiger whip pill? Is it worth your big fire?"

Zhang Yang told Zhao Tiantian the reason why he was angry. As soon as Zhao Tiancai heard it, it was no wonder that Zhang Yang was angry. He couldn't stand it.

The middle-aged man did not arrive, but Zhang Yang called the person. The public security police of the Hexi Public Security Bureau quickly came to the scene under the leadership of Director Cheng Yandong. Cheng Yandong came to Zhang Yang to ask about the situation. Zhang Yang said the matter. Cheng Yandong whispered, "This matter is not my control."

Zhang Yang said, "Don't worry so much. Let's deduct this truck and goods first. I'm going to ask the leaders of the factory to come over. We have to make this matter clear to them."

A public security officer picked up the [medicine] product and looked at it, uncoctioned one of them, smelled it, and said in a shocked voice, "Fake medicine!"

One sentence attracted both Zhang Yang and Cheng Yandong. Cheng Yandong said, "Fake medicine? Can you make a decision?"

The police officer nodded and whispered, "I have taken this medicine. Look at the packaging. It's very crude. It's not produced by the factory at all."

Zhang Yang went over and saw that it was really like this.

The three people escorting the car were a little scared at this moment. The middle-aged man said, "Comrade [Police], we are just transporting goods. We really don't know what's in the car!"

Cheng Yandong snorted coldly: "Search carefully and see what else is in the car!"

The two armed policemen climbed into the car and searched carefully. If you don't search, you don't know. In this container car, there are not only Dongshan tiger whip pills, but also antibiotics, anti-cancer drugs, and many of which are scarce [medicines] on the market. However, from the appearance, it can be preliminarily

Zhang Daguan also had no intention to insert Liu Liu Chengyin. Originally, he wanted to get justice from He Xinyan, but he didn't expect to find a truck of fake medicine by mistake.

Cheng Yandong estimated that these three people were probably members of the fake drug gang, and shouted angrily, "All of them, come up!"

The three of them were so scared that they were pale. The middle-aged man shouted, "It's wrong, it's wrong!"

Zhang Yang walked over and slapped him on the head: "Look at you, it's not a good thing at first glance. Are you wrong? It's wrong! To be honest, where did these fake drugs come from?

The middle-aged man bit his mouth and didn't admit it, only saying that he was shipping the goods.

Cheng Yandong smiled and said, "Let me do this matter. I will find out this matter as soon as possible and give an explanation."

Zhang Yang didn't want to explain what he wanted. His original purpose was not to check fake drugs, but to find the bad luck of Dongshan Tiger Whip Pills, but he didn't expect that even Dongshan Tiger Whip Pills were fake.

Zhang Yang deliberately said to Cheng Yan: "Cheng Bureau" such a truck of fake drugs can be regarded as a big case. It is estimated that it will take ten years to go up!"

Cheng Yandong, of course, knew what he meant, and cooperated quite tacitly with Zhang Yang. He nodded and said solemnly, "In such a big case, maybe it's indefinite." If it's serious, it's possible to be shot."

The middle-aged man was scared by Zhang Yang, his face turned white, and his lips trembled! "It has nothing to do with me%............"

Zhang Yang said, "Be frank and lenient, resist and strict. You should know our party's policy. Hurry up and tell us the dens of counterfeiting and strive for leniency." Cheng Yandong said: "Some people just die and don't repent and don't cry when they see the coffin." Director Zhang, don't worry

The middle-aged man was fine. The two accomplices beside him were scared to death. The two scrambled and shouted, "It has nothing to do with us. It has nothing to do with us. He called us to help escort the car... We don't know what's inside." Cheng Yan said, "Hurry up and explain, where

The spiritual defense line of these people finally collapsed. "They soon explained that these fake drugs were all shipped from a private factory in the northern suburbs of Nanxi. The factory had a signboard for filling water, but inside was a fake drug production and sales den. After they explained, Cheng Yandong led his public security police, when They went there to collect and conduct a thorough investigation. What shocked them was that the thousands of square meters of warehouses in this private factory were full of fake drugs. Most of these fake drugs were anti-cancer drugs, sexual health care products, and the production conditions and filling equipment were extremely simple.

The owner of the factory had received the news in advance and ran away. Those caught on the spot were some workers who came to work, not important people.

The fake drug factory targeted sexual health care products and anti-cancer drugs. The reason is that the counterfeiting of these drugs is relatively hidden and not easy to be found. Cheng Yandong found a shipping order at the scene. The transaction volume of counterfeit drugs in the past two months alone is 1.3 million. This number is only their shipping price. Once these When fake drugs are shipped out, their prices will rise several times and dozens of times, and then pretend to be real [drugs] products will flow into the medical market, harming the interests of relevant enterprises. At the same time, it is also damaging the health of the people.

The fake drug incident that Zhang Yang accidentally found was of great significance, and it also relieved many pharmaceutical companies. Shortly after the incident on the same day, the local sales representative of the health care product factory in Linlang City, Dongshan Province came to the sports committee to express his gratitude to Zhang Yang.

The sales representative's name is Xue Dongyang. He is the director of the South West Office of Linlang Health Products Factory. In the past two years, the sales situation of their tiger whip pills has been very good. Last year, the profit of the factory reached 15 million. It is expected that the sales in the first quarter of this year will double on the basis of The group is keeping an eye on it. Now there are more and more fake Dongshan tiger whip pills on the market, and the factory is also deeply troubled by this matter.

When he heard that the fake drug group was seized, Xue Dongyang went to the branch office to find out the situation as soon as possible. Only then did he learn that Zhang Yang, the director of the Sports Commission, found the fake drug vehicle and found the fake den. The public security organ took decisive action to destroy it. Xue Dongyang has been famous for Zhang Yang for The intention of climbing to make friends is that he has never had a chance. Now that he has encountered such a good opportunity, he just came to Zhang Yang in the name of gratitude.

Xue Dongyang, of course, doesn't know what was Zhang Yang's original motivation for the seizure of counterfeit drugs? If he knew it, he wouldn't throw himself into the trap anyway.

When Zhang Yang heard that someone from Linlang Health Products Factory came, he said to his heart that it didn't take much time to step on the iron shoes. I haven't come to you yet. You actually came to the door by yourself. Well, today I want to settle the old account and new account with you to get the picture of my woman on the package Are you bold?

Xue Dongming also brought a brocade flag specially when he came this time. He saw the righteous and bravery on the brocade flag, the public servant of the people, and eight large characters. It was ready-made in front of the brocade flag store. Anyway, it was all high-sounding clichés, and you can easily get there.

Xue Dongming took his assistant into Zhang Yang's office. Because the sports committee was moving these two days, the yard looked a little messy. When Xue Dongming walked in, Zhang Yang was reading the newspaper and heard Fu Changzheng say, "Director Zhang, Director Xue from Linlang Health Products Factory in Dongshan Province came to thank you!"

Zhang Yang raised his head and saw a black and fat middle-aged man coming in with an assistant. The assistant behind him held a brocade flag with eight big characters embroidered on it. The expression on Zhang Yang's face was like a smile: "Go..."

Xue Dongming is a little familiar. He strode to Zhang Yang, stretched out his hand, held Zhang Yang's big hand tightly and said, "Director Zhang, thank you very much. If you hadn't found out the fake medicine group, I don't know how much our company would have suffered. Thank you, thank you so much!" Dongshan people have a refreshing and straight strength, and they also hold hands vigorously.

Zhang Yang grinned and said, "Are you from Linlang Health Products Factory?" Xue Dongming let go of his open hands and handed over a business card very nibly: "Xue Dongming, director of the office of Linlang Health Products Factory in Nancy."

Zhang Yang glanced at the business card: "Sit down!" Xue Dongming asked his assistant to hand over the banner to Fu Changzheng, and then the two sat down on the sofa.

Zhang Yang said, "Does your factory produce tiger whip pills?" Xue Dongming nodded and said, "Yes, Director Zhang helped us solve a big problem today. The problem of fake drugs has been bothering us for a long time. Since the beginning of this year, there have been a large number of fake drugs that counterfeit our Dongshan tiger whip pills on the market, Fortunately, Director Zhang found the fake medicine group. Today, I came here to express my gratitude to Director Zhang." Zhang Yang said, "Do you have any real medicine on your body?" Xue Dongming was stunned by one sentence. What does Director Zhang mean? Does he want tiger whip pills? But he is so young that there should be no problem in this regard.

Zhang Yang saw that he didn't say anything and couldn't help asking, "Do you have it?" Xue Dongming said, "There are in the car. I brought more than a dozen gift boxes. Xiao Liu, hurry up and get them." He smiled and said to Zhang Yang, "Director Zhang, I'm not bragging. Our tiger whip pills In a few words, I'll send you as much as you want.

Zhang Yang also smiled, but the smile began to reveal such a little sinister taste.