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Chapter 714 Entering and Playing

In fact, it doesn't matter who a life is in history now. The most important thing is whether he or she can understand his or her mission to come to the world, cherish this great opportunity, assimilate, and fulfill his sacred vow to countless sentient beings to "save all sentient beings". ( Mobile phone access:).

Waiting for them, and the evil life controlled by them, will continue to repay the great sins they have committed in hell and be completely destroyed layer by layer. This is really what the master once said: "Laugh at the gods."

One day, a respected teacher, dressed in shackle, was walking a hundred miles on a mountain path in a cloudy and dense jungle. In the cold, a big tan poisonous snake rushed out of the woods by the path, blocked the way of the master, and wanted to win over the master. The life of the master was in danger.

Anne saw that a loved one of her former relatives was also being caught and baked. The gray, gloomy situation, horrible torture, made her scalp tingled.

Let's talk about the two stories that happened to Annie in the land of China, playing different roles and bringing different historical causes.

In order to get what they want, the old forces have participated in the arrangement of the life trajectory of the gods in history, and made detailed arrangements at every step. This is the truth of human history.

But aliens are just a group of poor, evil low-level lives used by the old forces. They have caused incomparable sins to the gods and the universe that have come to the earth. They are a group of lives to be eliminated by God.

When the little sister of the Yang family was hesitating, a loud voice came from Guangyu: "Isn't you going to the battlefield just for this? Can't you defend the country and protect the family?

Annie has also seen the world of aliens, and aliens do really exist. Some aliens are similar in length to human beings. Their science and technology are much higher than that of modern human beings, but they regard people on earth as animals instead of humans.

The young warrior listened and had a slight understanding in his heart: think that he has been practicing martial arts since he was a child, and he has been alone. If he can practice with this teacher and accumulate virtue and goodness, it will not be in vain in the next life.

Some men on earth are caught by them and put on the machine, just like the kind of water massager in the store now. After they had physiological surgery, the man lay on those machines all his life, and was connected to the test instrument network everywhere, and the wonderful physiological reactions were recorded by them.

Annie has also seen the scene in hell. Although it is only a fragment of hell, it can also serve as a warning to the world.

So the warrior knelt on one leg, bowed his fists with both hands, reported his name to the teacher, and said, "I want to accompany the guardian to spread the Buddha all my life."

In addition to interpreting a cultivation culture of Hongyang Buddha as a protective warrior, Anne also played the role of a general, that is, the story of the well-known Yangmen female general in the land of China. ///.Iuyd/.//m first release

Looking at the remnants of the poisonous snake, the master thanked the ranger. Seeing the teacher's kind eyebrows, the ranger thought: Why is such a gentle and kind monk walk alone in this dangerous mountain forest? So in curiosity, he asked, "Why did the teacher walk alone in the forest?"

Now it seems that the so-called arrangement of the old forces has become the biggest obstacle on the way for the gods to become gods in the human world. They persecute their regular disciples through all kinds of grievances in history, slander the fundamentals of the universe through evil forces, and make countless lives become irreparable!

In fact, the Yang family will play all kinds of roles played by today's regular disciples in history, vowing to protect the Central Plains, because in the Central Plains, when all the causes are in the world, all sentient beings will see the truth of history.

It is because of their so-called "goodwill" arrangement that countless cosmic beings are eliminated. This is their greatest sin, waiting for their final end, which is that they are cleaned up by themselves.

The second generation of Yang Jiajun is Yang Yanzhao (Liulang), the first general in the Northern Song Dynasty. Yang Yanzhao is brave and good at fighting, and has both wisdom and courage. In 986 A.D., when Yang Ye led the army to the Northern Expedition of Ying and Shuo, Yang Yanzhao was appointed as the vanguard and fought fiercely with the Khitan army under the city of Shuozhou. In the tearing up, Yan Zhao was shot through his arm by random arrows, still majestic, leading the crowd to defeat the Khitan army and defeat Shuozhou.

Hey! All the disciples, if the master hadn't come to save all sentient beings, what would be waiting for everyone? I really can't even think about it. In the ten vicious world, is everyone really in the roster of hell? And some couples are both regular disciples, and they are still confused because they can't let go of this "affe" persistence. Don't make a mistake!

The third generation of the general of the Yang family is Yang Wenguang and the female general of Yangmen. The story of the defeat of the Western Xia army, especially the female general of Yangmen, is still a favorite topic of the Chinese people to this day. The story of Anne's reincarnation mentioned here happened when the female general of Yangmen went on an expedition.

Now the alien's nest has been cleaned up by God, leaving only some remnants hiding on the earth, which is panicked all day long. The space here on the earth has been blocked, and their spacecraft can't fly out. Recently, there has been a large number of this phenomenon on the earth, which shows that they are waiting for God's final judgment.

For more wonderful stories and Buddha's Heavenly Machines, please look forward to the next chapter!

Aliens need to form the living environment they need on the earth, and also form their set of things in the human body. Through the development of high-end computer technology, they will control human beings through intelligent robots.

On the contrary, the oil pot in hell is waiting for countless people in the world. This is only preliminary, and what is waiting later is really more terrible. The misery experienced by life in the process of destruction is also extremely terrible in God's view!

In the first month of 986 A.D., Emperor Taizong of the Song Dynasty divided into three northern expeditions to Khitan. The two fronts were frustrated by Qigouguan. Only Yang Ye's western army was very sharp. Lian Keshuo, Huan, Yun and Ying four prefectures, and the fronts reached the Sangqian River. But at this time, it was already alone. After defeating the Song army on the East Road and the Middle Road, Khitan mobilized 100,000 elites to crush the Huanzhou occupied by Yang Ye.

From then on, as soon as the Khitan army saw the banner of the word "Yang", they were panicked and fled, calling Yang Ye "Yang Invincible". Yang Ye has been stationed at Yanmen Pass for eight years, and the Khitan army has never dared to invade.

The whole sinner's back was attached to the red-hot iron plate, and the divorced people were crying and howling during the torture. The two jailers who carried out the execution were murderous, with a ruthless face, with arms, and worked very hard. They pulled one over and roasted the other, and they were very busy.

After hearing this, the little sister was deeply ashamed of her timidity. She immediately got on the horse and led the soldiers to go with the army.

Anne in this life is now cherishing the time in a peaceful way, talking about the halal image and saving the world. That kind of active, decisive, straightforward, wisdom seems to be the reappearance of the martial arts ranger and the female general of Yangmen in those years.

It was too late. At that time, at the critical moment when the viper was about to bite the master, a young martial arts ranger fell from the sky with a long sword. The samurai's eyes were bright and his hands were fast. He flew out of a sword to stab the poisoned snake, threw it in the air, then broke his body, and finally stabbed the poisonous snake to death.

At this time, Annie thought: she was also divorced, but she could not be caught and roasted, and she thought that she was really lucky to embark on the road of cultivation and could solve all the grievances in history. As the master said, the master picked up all the disciples from hell one by one and then washed them, and the hell was removed...

That battle was really dizzy, with swords and blood, and horses galloping. In the end, they finally repelled the Xixia army and returned to the court in triumph.

Yang Yanzhao let the soldiers water the wall into ice, making the wall strong and smooth. The Khitan army could not attack for a long time, so they had to retreat. In the more than 20 years when Yang Yanzhao led his army to guard the north, he repeatedly defeated the Khitan army and became the first general of the Northern Song Dynasty.

The teacher replied, "This physical and mental wish is to walk through villages and alleys, to form a wide range of good relationships, and spread the Buddha..."

The first generation of Yang's generals was Yang Ye, a famous general during the reign of Emperor Taizong of the Northern Song Dynasty, who once recognized the general of the left army. Yang Ye has been good at riding and shooting since he was a child, and his martial arts skills are strong. Every time he hunts, his gains are much higher than his companions. He often says to his partners, "I will lead troops to fight in the future, just like a falcon chasing a hare."

When the troops were sent at the school site, Yang Wenguang was young and ambitious and asked to go with the army to kill the enemy. She Taijun thought about it over and over again, and finally ordered Mu Guiying to have a martial arts competition with Yang Wenguang on the campus to see Yang Wenguang's martial arts. During the test, Mu Guiying saw that his son was brave and extraordinary, and there was a successor from Yangmen, so he gave him three points and fulfilled Yang Wenguang's wish to fight.

It's a long story. The first is the role of "the martial arts warrior of the guardian", which happened in ancient times. At that time, the north and south of the Yangtze River were still primitive jungles everywhere, and the people were rare and shrouded in mysterious colors.

That is to say, aliens have an evil heart for human beings, that is, they want to get human bodies and replace human beings to live on the earth. The civilization of modern science and technology is that they carry out this evil plan, and what they impose on human beings is a magical civilization that slanders God and denies God.

Although Anne is a white man in this life and lives in the United States, as a life from the high-level world, she has also been reincarnated in the land of China, where she has created the culture of the land of China, and also made various causes with sentient beings there. Of course, the most important thing is to get married.

Talking about the story of Yang Jia Jiang, almost everyone can now tell one or two, which is an almost household story in the land of China.

At that time, Yang Liulang's sister, Anne of that life, held a weapon in one hand and the rein of the horse in the other when she was in armor, but she hesitated. As she walked, she thought to herself, "I am a daughter. If I am captured by the enemy on the battlefield, will I show my female body? What should I do if I are humiliated by the enemy?

There is a place in hell, like Hitler's barracks, and the executors in it are dressed like the costumes of Hitler's troops. They punish those who violate the marriage contract in the world, the divorced, one by one.

Finally, the human body that aliens want is created in large quantities through cloning technology, because this is the person they created, so there is no god in charge, so that they can completely replace the existence of human beings through a large number of reincarnations and become the masters of the earth.

If people can't see for a while, they won't believe it, so they will do nothing. If people in the world have good thoughts and mindfulness for the fundamentals of the universe and righteous disciples, they still have the opportunity and possibility of being saved.

The teacher readily acquiesced. From then on, the master and apprentice had dinner and traveled all over the land of China, turning the fate into a wide range of all sentient beings. This young martial arts ranger was Anne's life.

Because Wang Xian and Pan Mei wanted to fight, they framed Yang Ye, insisted that Yang Ye attack 100,000 Khitan soldiers, and deliberately led the army to retreat, and did not support Yang Ye, which made Yang Ye fall into a desperate situation of fighting alone. Although Yang Ye fought bravely, he was finally defeated and finally killed. Yang Ye's son Yang Qilang also died in this lonely battle.

After these people's culprits (soul bodies) were caught here, the executor first copied the two hands of the divorced couple to the iron frame on both sides, and then pushed the red iron plate from the back of the sinner to the back.

At that time, the female generals of Yangmen faced the invasion of Xixia and asked to kill the enemy one after another. The Song Emperor ordered She Taijun to take charge in person and lead the female generals out.

In the fifth year of Emperor Taizong of the Song Dynasty, in March 980 A.D., Yang Ye led his troops to use interception and surprise attacks to defeat 100,000 Khitan troops in front of the Yanmen Pass, and annihilated the Khitan jiedushi, the emperor's son-in-law, Xiao Duli's

In the winter of the second year of Emperor Zhenzong of the Song Dynasty (999 AD), the Khitan army once again invaded the Northern Song Dynasty. At this time, Yang Yanzhao led his army to guard Suicheng (now west of Xushui County, Hebei Province). Under the siege of Khitan, the city was small and unprepared, and the people were in danger. Yang Yanzhao led his soldiers to the city and defended it calmly. RH