Medical official path

Chapter 716 Unpredictable on

Chapter 716 Unpredictable (Part 1)

Song Huaiming did not continue to say anything. He was grateful to Zhang Yang's special trip to remind him. Song Huaiming also quickly made a decision. He wanted to talk to Li Tongyu openly as soon as possible. The knot between the two should be untied for more than 20 years. Song Huaiming said a lot about his past feelings today, and he didn't expect that he would be so frank about Zhang Yang. Even Liu Yuying didn't know what she said tonight. Song Huaiming said, "Yanran is back."

Zhang Yang nodded: "I'll go to Jing'an tomorrow."

When Song Huaiming heard the news, he felt a little comfort in his heart. It seemed that there was still a lot of love between Zhang Yang and his daughter. Song Huaiming was indeed disgusted with Zhang Yang's emotional focus, but he could not deny the fact that his daughter could not tolerate other people's positions in her heart, and Zhang Yang was As a father, Song Huaiming wants his daughter to be happy. He also hopes that Zhang Yang can really understand feelings and cherish his daughter after a series of changes. Song Huaiming originally wanted to say a few words, but he changed his mind. Feelings are the business of the two of them, even himself. He can't change anything. He believes that his daughter has grown up and should be able to deal with the problems between her and Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang did not stay at Song Huaiming's house for too long. He left before 8 p.m. When he passed Chen Shaobin's door, he actually saw Chen Shaobin's car parked there. Did he come back from Shanghai? Zhang Yang called Chen Shaobin with the idea of trying. Unexpectedly, Chen Shaobin was really at home. Hearing that Zhang Yang was outside, Chen Shaobin was also very happy. He changed his clothes and ran out. When he saw Zhang Yang's jeep, he couldn't help laughing: "Damn it, where did you get this antique?"

Zhang Yang stared at him dissatisfiedly and said, "If you are rich, you are rich, aren't you? You look down on me, a poor party member and cadre, don't you?

Chen Shaobin smiled and said, "How dare I look down on you? You are now the director of the Nancy Sports Committee. You hold the power. You have the final say on hundreds of billions of projects. How many rich people have to look at your face. What is my little shrimp like me?"

Zhang Yang said, "Bullshit, I don't have so much power!"

Chen Shaobin followed him to open the door and sat in: "I heard Liang Chenglong say that his project funds in the new sports center are all in your hands. When to give it to him depends on your mood."

Zhang Yang said, "How can this bastard ruin my reputation everywhere? Is there less project money for him? Greed is not enough to swallow elephants. Next time I see him, I have to scold him.

Chen Shaobin said, "Liang Chenglong is comfortable now, and he has a wife and son."

As Zhang Yang started the car, he smiled and said, "How can I listen to your mouth full of jealousy?"

Chen Shaobin smiled and said, "Don't talk nonsense. There is nothing between me and Lin Qinghong. What a good person Qinghong is. You can insult me. Don't bring them up."

Zhang Yang said, "It's not easy for these two people. After tossing around for so long, they finally got back together."

Chen Shaobin said, "I hope Liang Chenglong can really change this time and live in peace."

Zhang Yang said, "I haven't eaten yet."

Chen Shaobin smiled and said, "I'll take you to eat hot pot."

Zhang Yang said, "I'm most tired of eating that thing."

Chen Shaobin said, "I know I just opened an old east gate. It's quite good." He raised his hand to look at the time and said to Zhang Yang, "I said, call Zhao Yong out for a drink."

Zhang Yang knew that Ding Zhaoyong was in Dongjiang, but he did not contact him after coming. Although he did not object to the relationship between Ding Zhaoyong and Zhao Jing, Ding Zhaoyong suddenly changed from a friend to a brother-in-law, and Zhang Guanren still felt a little uncomfortable here.

Chen Shaobin smiled and said, "Do you know something?"

Zhang Yang saw his bad smile and knew what the man was trying to say. He nodded and said, "Call him and call him out."

Ding Zhaoyong knew that his future brother-in-law would come to Dongjiang, he didn't dare to neglect it and immediately agreed.

Chen Shaobin put down the phone and smiled: "You know?"

Zhang Yang stared at him: "So what if you know?"

Chen Shaobin said, "Congratulations!"

Zhang Daguan said, "No matter how I look at you, you don't look like a good thing."

Chen Shaobin said, "I'm just a little bad-looking. In fact, I'm the most honest among our brothers. Liang Chenglong doesn't have to say. Ding Zhaoyong is not a good thing, so..." Speaking of this, he saw that Zhang Yang's face was a little red. Obviously, he felt embarrassed. Chen Shaobin did He is also a discerning master. Jokes aside, now the relationship between Zhang Yang and Ding Zhaoyong has changed. If I say too much, Zhang Yang will turn against him. Chen Shaobin coughed: "Hey hey, good thing, kiss me!"

They came to the old east gate, but found that Ding Zhaoyong had arrived in front of them. In fact, Ding Zhaoyong and Zhao Jing now live near here, and it took only ten minutes to walk over. Ding Zhaoyong ordered the dishes in advance and stood at the door. When he saw Zhang Yang's car coming, he quickly greeted them and looked at Zhang In front of Chen Shaobin, this brother couldn't shout out anyway. He was a little embarrassed and said, "...when did you come?"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "I just arrived. I will have a night's rest in Dongjiang tonight and leave for Beiyuan tomorrow morning."

"Business trip!"

Zhang Yang nodded.

When Chen Shaobin saw the expressions of the two of them, he couldn't help laughing. He deliberately said, "Why do I think you have become so polite now?"

Zhang Yang scolded, "If you say a few words, no one will think you are mute."

Chen Shaobin said, "Yes! If you think I'm in the way, I'll go. I'll officially drink with you later.

After Chen Shaobin left, Ding Zhaoyong smiled at Zhang Yang again: "Go in, the dishes are all ordered."

Zhang Yang said, "Where's Xiaojing?"

Ding Zhaoyong said, "She is prone to sleepiness recently. She has fallen asleep now. I wanted to follow her, but I didn't let her come."

Zhang Yang knew from this sentence that the two of them had lived together now. He sighed secretly in his heart that the women's university could not stay, and he couldn't control it. He smiled and said, "It's okay if she doesn't come. It's more convenient for our brothers to talk."

Ding Zhaoyong nodded with a smile.

Because he had to go early tomorrow morning, Zhang Yang only let them open a catty of liquor. Although it didn't matter if he drank too much, it was extremely important to meet Chu Yanran. It was agreed that at twelve o'clock, Zhang Yang could only be late in advance. Only in this way can he show his sincerity.

Ding Zhaoyong went to Nancy two days ago and knew that Qiao Mengyuan was going to invest in i Commercial Square in Nancy. Ding Zhaoyong said, "I think Qiao Mengyuan's idea is very good. Now Indell Company has settled in Nancy, which has a great impact on the domestic computer industry. If Qiao Mengyuan's The business square can be started as soon as possible, which can play a considerable role in gathering popularity.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "She has gone to Hong Kong to talk about cooperation with the little demon. With such a big investment, she can't do it alone."

Ding Zhaoyong said, "It's a pity that I don't have such strong strength. If I can, I'm willing to invest."

As soon as Chen Shaobin heard this, he also came over: "Don't forget me, Zhang Yang, what's the good business? Is it a book that is profitable and sure to make a profit without losing money? If so, it's my share.

Zhang Yang said, "Don't ask me for advice on business matters. I am responsible for finding the most suitable developer for this land. Now that Qiao Mengyuan has taken the right to develop this land, it means that my task has been completed. You want to talk about business and cooperate to find Qiao Mengyuan."

Ding Zhaoyong said, "I'm really going to talk to her. I still have the ability to raise thousands of funds. If she is willing to cooperate with me, I will definitely join without hesitation."

Chen Shaobin said, "Didn't your computer company do a good job? Dongjiang is the capital of the province. Why did you go to Nancy?

Ding Zhaoyong said, "It can be seen that the Nancy Municipal Government attaches great importance to the high-tech industry. The earlier it participates, the greater the profit it can make in the future."

Chen Shaobin smiled and said, "Listen to what you said so well, it's my share. I'll take two million yuan to buy shares."

Zhang Yang still said: "You can talk to Qiao Mengyuan in person."

Chen Shaobin drank a few glasses of wine, and he talked a little more. He smiled and said, "I really envy you. You used to be good friends, but now you kiss each other, one has become a brother-in-law, and the other has become a brother-in-law."

Ding Zhaoyong's face turned red, and Zhang Yang scolded, "I said you were sick. Let's talk about it."

Chen Shaobin laughed and said, "Okay, I won't say you, I'll just say you, Zhang Yang, why did you make Chang Haixin a secretary?" Chen Shaobin has pursued Chang Haixin in the past. Although he was clearly rejected by Chang Haixin, he still has some thoughts about Chang Haixin.

Zhang Yang said, "Chang Haixin is a normal job transfer. Now he is the director of the Information Center of the Sports Committee, a section-level cadre, not my secretary."

Chen Shaobin said, "Ghosts believe it. I have already seen that she likes you, Zhang Yang. The reason why she refuses is that she likes you."

Zhang Yang said, "There are many girls who like me. Do I have to pay for them when others are rejected?"

Chen Shaobin sighed, "The world is too unfair. Drought death, waterlogging death. In theory, I am young and rich, handsome and handsome. Why don't girls like me?"

Ding Zhaoyong said, "Where's the college student you brought last time?"

Chen Shaobin said, "There is a generation gap, bye!"

Ding Zhaoyong said, "You are not old!"

Chen Shaobin said, "People are not old, but my heart is old. My heart has been broken for a long time. From Li Shanshan to Chang Haixin, I like others, and they don't like me. Why do you think I'm so tragic?"

Too little, too little, why do you think I'm so tragic? RO