Medical official path

Chapter 723 I wish you happiness Next

Zhang Yang was worried that Chang Haixin would drink too much, but this did not happen. Although Chang Haixin was depressed, he still remained rational. After dinner, Zhang Yang found an excuse to send Chang Haixin and Zhao Tian on the way back. "After putting down Zhao Tian in the repair shop", only Zhang Yang and Chang Haixin were left in the jeep. Two. This is an opportunity deliberately created by Zhang Yang, and he wants to say something to Chang Haixin alone.

Zhang Yang parked the jeep on the bank of the Xiling River and suggested to Chang Haixin, "Go down and walk. You drank a lot tonight!"

Chang Haixin shook her head and still insisted on sitting in the jeep. She whispered, "I didn't drink too much."

Zhang Yang said, "Me and Yanran..."

Chang Haixin said, "I'm homesick, and my parents don't trust me to work alone in Nancy, so..." Zhang Yang understood what she meant and shook his head and said, "The information center has just been established. Are you leaving?" Chang Haixin bit his lip, but his eyes were already red: "Zhang Yang, you and Yan Ran It should be a couple. I, I love you." But I shouldn't be mixed in your middle. I feel like a thief now. I don't like this feeling. I'm willing to pay for you, no matter what, but I'm afraid of being sorry for Yanran, and I'm afraid of destroying the relationship between you."

Zhang Yang was silent. He stretched out his hand, stroked Chang Haixin's hair, and whispered, "It's my fault!"

Chang Haixin shook his head and said, "Since you know it's wrong, don't let this mistake continue." Treat Yanran well. If we continue to maintain this relationship, it's unfair to her."

Zhang Yang's hand suddenly hugged Chang Hai's heart in his arms, and Chang Hai's heart was attached to Zhang Yang's solid chest. Tears couldn't help falling down: "Zhang Yang, although it's painful to break up, we have to face a person's heart can't be divided into two parts." Zhang's heart He felt that he was very greedy. Every relationship wanted it, and every girl didn't want to give up, but the result of his greed caused their sadness.

Holding Zhang Yang's strong body, Chang Haixin was soft and broken at this time. She clearly realized that her feelings for Zhang Yang were difficult to give up, but reason told her that they continued like this. "It's wrong. Chang Haixin is a girl living in modern society today. Her emotional outlook and [dao] Deguan can't be with Zhang The old demon of the second generation is the same.

Zhang Yang said, "Give me some time. I should be able to deal with this matter."

Chang Haixin looked at him with tears: "Is it possible?" Zhang Daguan said: "Everything is possible!" After careful consideration, Chang Haixin finally did not leave Nancy, but she obviously took the initiative to alienate Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang also expressed his understanding. In fact, everyone needs space to think about how their lives should go in the future and where their feelings will go. Zhang's officials are also rare to take care of it, and put most of their energy on their work.

Of course, the withdrawal of "Southeast Daily" will not affect the publicity and reporting of the Provincial Games with the ability to show off its ability and all aspects. This matter can be done very simply. Originally, he wanted to give the priority reporting power of the Provincial Games to Nancy Daily, but he didn't expect that Pinghai Daily would take the initiative to come to The influence and breadth of their distribution in the province of Pinghai Provincial Newspaper are far greater than that of Nancy Daily. Naturally, Zhang Yang was overjoyed. He not only gave them the priority reporting power of the Provincial Games to them, but also handed over the exclusive reporting power of the Economic and Trade Fair to the provincial newspaper.

The TV broadcasting rights of the Provincial Games were signed to Pinghai TV Station. The broadcasting reporting rights were handed over to Nancy Sports Radio Station.

Everything went smoothly. Zhang Yang still attaches great importance to the publicity and reporting. "When signing the formal contract for publicity and reporting rights" specially invited Xiao Yuanping, Minister of Publicity of Pinghai Province, and Qu Shengming, Director of Pinghai Provincial Sports Commission, to Nanxi. "Teachingxi Municipal Party Committee [Book] Li Changyu, Mayor Xia All of them were present, and the signing site was located in the Nancy Government Auditorium. Almost all the news media in the province came here.

After Li Changyu and Xia Boda met with the leaders, they came to the [Lord] stage and sat down one by one. Li Changyu smiled and said to Xia Boda, "There are really a lot of news media today."

Xia Boda smiled and said, "It seems that our provincial sports meeting has focused the attention of the media." But he understood in his heart that the arrival of these media reporters was not because of Xiao Yuanping's arrival? Xia Boda knew Xiao Yuanping very well. In the era of Gu Yunzhi's rule, this person was widely known for his personality. It was precisely because of his straightforward personality that he had offended many people, and even dared to contradict the provincial party committee face. Gu Yunzhi. Gu Yunzhi's attitude towards him also adopted a strategy of pressing. For a long They all squatted in the position of deputy director of the provincial TV station. It was not until Wang Zhongyang, the director of the provincial TV station and the deputy minister of the provincial propaganda department, made a mistake that Xiao Yuanping replaced him. Gu Yunzhi was an extremely fair person in the appointment of officials. He never made decisions because of his personal likes and dislikes With Xiao Yuan's ability, it is difficult for an official who contradicted him face to face and questioned his governance strategy to be reused, while Gu Yunzhihuai reused Xiao Yuanping.

Political setbacks and grinding have also made Xiao Yuanping much more mature. After he became the director of the TV station, his outstanding working ability was quickly recognized by the senior management. With the age of Chen Pingchao, the provincial propaganda minister, went to the CPPCC to serve, Xiao Yuanping successfully became the head of the propaganda department of Pinghai Province He was elected as one of the members of the Standing Committee of Pinghai Province at the Party Congress.

There is another very important point. Xiao Yuanping has a good relationship with Governor Song Huaiming, which is also one of the reasons for his publicity.

Qu Shengming and Zhang Yang, the director of the Provincial Sports Committee, don't know each other. "He and Zhang Yang are friends with each other, not to mention that the Provincial Sports Games is also his political achievement project." Of course, he should pay enough attention to it. After Qu Shengming and Xiao Yuanping sat in the middle of the [Lord] table, Xiao Yuanping made a brief speech.

Xiao Yuanping said, "Good guests." Hello, journalists from all fronts of the media! First of all, I would like to express my gratitude to everyone for coming to Nancy to participate in this signing meeting. Thank you for your attention to this provincial sports meeting. Thank you for your support for Pinghai Sports!"

There was warm applause at the scene.

After the applause, Xiao Yuanping said, "The propaganda classics are related to the long-term stability of the Party and the country, and the extreme importance of propaganda and ideological work is more prominent at the critical moment. The more major challenges we face, the more we need strong ideological guarantee, public opinion support and spiritual motivation. Our propaganda and ideological front has conscientiously implemented the central decision-making and deployment. While comprehensively promoting theoretical armed forces, news propaganda, literary and artistic publishing, ideological [Tao] moral construction, spiritual civilization creation and cultural sports reform and other work, it has played an important role at a critical moment and had a great impact. The status and role of propaganda and ideological work in the overall situation.

In modern society, the social influence of public opinion is increasing. Public opinion guidance is correct. "It benefits the party, the country and the people. Public opinion leads the wrong way, and the party, the country and the people. Whether we can grasp the publicity and public opinion work in our hands is related to the people's hearts, the rise and fall of the cause, and the ruling position of the party. More and more people feel the unique advantages and great power of ideological work.

First, it has effectively served the overall situation of the work of the Party and the state. The propaganda and ideological front insists on thinking and acting under the overall situation. Historical experience shows that propaganda and ideological work is an extremely important work. Nowadays, the environment of international public opinion is profoundly changing, the situation in the ideological field is complicated, and the social ideology is increasingly diverse and changeable. Propaganda and ideological work is by no means impossible to do nothing, but irreplaceable and doable. As propaganda and ideological workers, we must fully understand the special value of propaganda and ideological work, clearly see the important mission we shoulder, constantly enhance our political awareness, overall situation awareness and responsibility, and firmly grasp the initiative of propaganda and ideological work. We must adhere to reviewing the propaganda and ideological work with the requirements of the times, innovate ideas, innovative content, innovative forms, innovative methods and innovative means, strive to reflect the times, grasp the regularity, be creative, and create a new situation in propaganda and ideological work from a new starting point.

Xiao Yuanping said so much in a row. He picked up the water glass and took a sip.

Qu Shengming, who was on the sidelines, was quite speechless. Today is the signing ceremony of the publicity and reporting rights of the Provincial Games. Xiao Yuanping forgot the importance of publicity work. However, Xiao Yuanping is a little old-fashioned and serious. Besides, he is a member of the provincial standing committee. When he speaks, it is not easy for

After Xiao Yuanping talked about the importance of publicity work, he finally put the topic on sports: "The Provincial Games is a quadrennial event in Pinghai Province." This time I came to Nancy, visited the appearance of Nancy, and visited the major venues of the Provincial Games in Nancy's New Sports Center. This visit gave me a deep With a momentary impression, I saw a Nancy that was different from the past. I saw the change of Nancy. I can see that the cadre group in Nancy City is working steadily and has done serious and hard for the change of Nancy. The Provincial Games were held in Nancy, which is not Nancy's own business. The Provincial Games belong to Pinghai. Every member of Pinghai should treat the Provincial Games as their own business. Our propagandists should bear the brunt of it, build momentum for this Provincial Games, and use our media advantages to "use our propaganda resources to make the Provincial Games deeply rooted in the hearts of the people" and strive to let every citizen of Pinghai Province participate in this sports event!"