Medical official path

Chapter 732 Retribution with virtue

Liu Yanhong said, "I still remember Du Tianye's incident in those years. He was involved in the fight in Zhu Xiaoqiao Village, Qingtai Mountain. At that time, Chen Chongshan killed a person in order to save him." Zhang Yang said, "Yes, I was very strange at that time why the Southeast Daily was so enthusiastic about this matter and Zhu Xiaoqiao Village squatted and encouraged the villagers to make trouble. Now looking back, it is not an accident at all. Li Tongyu is not for the news, but for revenge." Liu Yanhong said, "What is the revenge between Li Tongyu and Du Tianye?" Zhang Yang said, "Du Tianye and he did not know each other in the past. According to me, this matter is likely to have something to do with the previous generation. We should check the origin of Li Tongyu. He once told me personally that his father had served as the local committee of the Liao Dynasty in the past. In those years, Commander Chu once saved his life. Later, his father was killed by Di in Wencao. After his death, Commander

Liu Yanhong said, "It's not difficult to find out this matter. According to you, Li Tongyu's father, Commander Chu, Du Shankui and Chen Chongshan all know each other."

Zhang Yang nodded. He suddenly thought of one thing. Li Tongyu's hatred for Du Tianye should come from the previous generation. His father must have conflicts with Chen Chongshan and Du Shankui. Most of the people mentioned by Liu Yanhong have passed away, and now the only one who knows the inside story is Chen Chongshan. If you want to solve this question, you must find Chen Chongshan to ask.

Liu Yanhong said, "No matter what purpose Li Tongyu's crazy revenge is amazing."

Zhang Yang said, "I won't let him continue to go crazy."

Liu Yanhong took a sip of wine and said, "It's already messy enough. Don't do anything out of line again."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Don't worry, I will definitely convince people with virtue this time!" People in a bad mood are easy to drink too much. Liu Yanhong soon became drunk. Zhang Yang was worried that she drank too much and no one would take care of her, so he dissuaded her from continuing to drink. Liu Yanhong sighed and said, "It's really boring to live in the world. I can't get drunk once." She stood up and said, "I should go, go to a spa, wake up, and welcome my future life in a new state." Zhang Yang sent her out, but Liu Yanhong didn't let Zhang Yang send her off. He waved his hand and said, "Go ahead. I have nothing to do. I'm not far away. I want to be quiet!" Looking at Liu Yan's red and leaving alone, Mr. Zhang felt a little sympathy in his heart. Just as he was standing here and sighing, he heard someone sweetly behind him say, "Brother!"

Zhang Yang turned around and saw his sister Zhao Jing and his future brother-in-law Ding Zhaoyong standing at the door of the hotel. They also happened to see Zhang Yang when they came to Wu Yue's house to go out.

Zhang Yang laughed and knew from Zhao Jing's ruddy face that the little girl's body had almost recovered.

Ding Zhaoyong also shouted: "Brother" Although his love relationship with Zhao Jing has been made public, he still felt a little embarrassed in the face of Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang said, "Well, you'd better call me by my name. I heard that your hair is standing up."

Ding Zhaoyong and Zhao Jing both laughed.

Ding Zhaoyong said, "Why do you eat alone?" Zhang Yang said, "I just accompanied Liu [Book] of the Commission for Discipline Inspection. She resigned and was in a bad mood, so I comforted her a few words."

Ding Zhaoyong was also quite surprised to hear the news: "Resigned? No way, she is at this level, how can she resign?" Zhang Yang said, "People with temperament will inevitably do something passionate and impulsive." He did not continue the topic and smiled, "You two are so leisurely?"

Ding Zhaoyong said, "The hen pot here is good. I specially brought her here to add some camp bottles for her."

Zhang Yang nodded and felt that his sister was indeed a little fatter.

Zhao Jing said, "Brother, I will go home with Zhao Yong tomorrow!" "Do you want to go together?" Zhang Yang didn't understand. He thought he was going to Ding Zhaoyong's house: "What are you going to do with my future parents-in-law?"

Ding Zhaoyong said, "Zhang Yang, we are Hui Chunyang!" Only then did Zhang Yang know that they were going to return to their hometown.

Ding Zhaoyong said, "We have decided to get married on May Day this year, so this time I have to go to Chunyang to visit the two old people in advance. My parents have told me to go back this time and take my uncle and aunt to Dongjiang by the way. The two families will meet and discuss the wedding." Zhang Yang heard that the two I'm getting married. It's true that we should arrange for the parents of both sides to meet. Although I'm a brother, after all, my parents are here. It's impossible to take over the responsibility of my parents' affairs. He said, "Okay, but I may not be able to leave. Dongjiang still has something to do.

Zhao Qi was a little disappointed: "Brother, you can go back with me. I'll go back tomorrow. I'll pick up our parents the day after tomorrow and come back. Haven't you been home to see our mother for a long time?" Zhang Yang mainly couldn't let go of Li Tongyu's matter. He smiled and said, If I can handle the matter, I will almost go back with you." Some things can't be solved immediately if Zhang Yang wants to solve them. After Li Tongyu reported Song Huaiming and Du Tianye to the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, he has gone to the capital. The newspaper said that he went to a meeting, but Zhang Yang doesn't think so. This one In the Southeast Daily, Zhang Yang forced Rang Dongping, who was packing up. Ryang Dongping has now become a street mouse. Everyone in the newspaper is shouting to fight, but some of his information and personal belongings are still in the newspaper and must be taken away, so he returned here in the cynicism of others. His things have been thrown into the corner In a large cardboard box. While cleaning up, Liang Dongping listened to the sarcasm and sarcasm of several colleagues in his ear. Li Dongping was very sad that he was a cultural person who got to such a point. It was really bleak. He realized that he was not a hard-core literati and lacked the backbone to defend the truth.

Liang Dongping picked up his belongings. When he went out with a cardboard box in his arms, he forced Zhang Yang and Zhang Yang not to find Li Tongyu. He was so angry that he was scolding there: "Where is Li Tongyu's grandson? After finishing the bad things, did you pat your buttocks and leave? Listen to me and tell Li Tongyu for me that I will beat his grandson every time I see him in the future." There are many staff in the newspaper, but no one dares to take the fault. Ghosts are afraid of evil people. This has been the case since ancient times.

Looking at this notorious Zhang official, he suddenly felt indescribable sadness. Why do people like him live so miserable? Why can the bad elements like Zhang Yang get along well? They all say that the world is fair, but he Why don't you feel fair?

When Zhang Yang saw Liang Dongping, he smiled and patted him on the shoulder. He didn't want to talk to him, but when he met him, he couldn't avoid it. He didn't dare to offend Zhang Yang. He could only smile at Zhang Yang very reluctantly and it was also very difficult. When he smiled at Zhang Yang, When he was afraid, he was no longer the one who did at all costs to defend truth and justice. He changed and became afraid of death, prison and beating.

Shou Dongping whispered, "I'll go first..."

Zhang Yang said, "Don't mind, I have something else to do with you." Liang Dongping walked very fast. When he went out like a god of plague, he was in a hurry to hit a newspaper employee who came in and spilled all the things in the box on the ground. Liao Dongping said he was sorry, and then squa My own things.

Zhang Yang came over and helped him clean up together.

Liang Dongping took the stack of books handed over by Zhang Yang and whispered, "Thank you!" Zhang Yang said, "No?" Didn't you talk nonsense about you? I was pulled by you to hold a press conference and accused Li Tongyu in front of the people of the whole province, which completely drew a clear line with the Southeast Daily. Even if I wanted to do it, who would want me? In fact, Li Dongping is more pessimistic about reality. After this happened, not to mention the Southeast Daily, he no longer has a foothold in the press. Who will use a reporter like him?

Zhang Yang and Liang Dongping walked out of the door of the newspaper together. Liao Dongping said, "I'm leaving!" He didn't dare to hate Zhang Yang, but he didn't want to have any more involvement with Zhang Yang. If he hadn't plotted to frame himself, how could he have fallen to this point? Liang Dongping felt that he was elegant and down, and the world was so big that he didn't have his place to stand.

Zhang Yang said, "You quit here. What are you going to do in the future?"

Sang Dongping said, "I don't know!" To be honest, I really don't know.

Zhang Yang said, "You are so talented, it's a pity not to be a reporter!"

Sorghum Dongping understood this man's sentence as a mockery to himself. His face was slightly red and angry, but he did not dare to show it. It took Liang Dongping to work for a long time before saying, "Maybe people like me are not suitable for today's society." Zhang Yang said, "This thing makes it difficult for you Ping, I have a proposal. Now we in Nancy are preparing for the Provincial Games. The Sports Committee is seriously understaffed. Come to Nancy to help with publicity and arrest the work of the publicity department. What do you think?

Liang Dongping didn't expect that such a good thing would fall on him at all. For a moment, he didn't know how to answer Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang thought he didn't want to, and laughed and said, "Don't worry, our manuscripts and promotional materials are easier to write than the editorials of Southeast Daily. During this session, we have to contact a lot of media. You are very good at this. In terms of treatment, we will talk about it in detail when we get to Nancy.

Liao Dongping stammered and said, "It's like..., but..."

"Don't go, that's it. I'll say hello to the Nancy Sports Committee later. You will report to Nancy tomorrow. I'll ask Deputy Director Chang to arrange everything for you. Liang Dongping, really, come and help me!",