Medical official path

Chapter 742 Under the Ancient Temple

Chapter 742 Ancient Temple (Part 2)

The Zen master said, "Heaven's sins are still forgivable, and he can't live by his own sins. How many bad things he has done over the years."

Sang Kun said, "My Buddha is based on compassion. Your Dharma is profound, but why can't you save you when you see death? You can give black jade to these ignorant strangers. Why don't you want to save my son?"

Master Enchan said, "I saved him, and he will harm others again!"

Sang Kun took back his dislocated palm, pulled and pinched it, reset it by himself, and then punched the Zen mage's chest again, Peng! With a muffled sound, it was like hitting a rotten tree. The Zen master's expression remained unchanged. He sighed and said, "You go!"

Sang Kun roared crazily, "Unless you give me black jade intermittent ointment!"

The Zen master said, "You get melons and beans. Everything in the world has the word cause and effect. You have been in Buddhism for more than 30 years, but you have never been peeping through the word cause and effect! All right! All right!" He took out a small wooden box from his arms and threw it to Sang Kun.

Sang Kun finally got the black jade intermittent ointment. He was really grateful. Thinking that his son was finally saved, he was indescribably excited. Just when he was overjoyed, the Zen mage's dry right fist slowly pushed out and printed on Sang Kun's lower abdomen Dantian. Although the speed of his punching was not fast, Sang But he couldn't avoid it. A strong pressure made it difficult for him to move at all. He watched the punch fall on his body, and his meridians hurt like a burst, and then his whole body became weak and weak.

Zen Master En said, "Since you can't see through the cause and effect, martial arts are a burden for your father and son. You can cure his hands and feet and stay in this Nile Temple to practice Buddhism in the future."

Sang Kun's mood was from great joy to great sadness in a short time. The joy was that he finally got the black jade intermittent ointment, and his son's injury could be healed. The sad thing was that his martial arts were abandoned, and his son also had to accompany him to eat fasting and recite Buddhism in the temple.

Sang Kun left the Zen room without saying a word with black jade ointment.

The little lama Dorji also collapsed to the ground because he inhaled too much incense. Master Zen looked at the scene in the room and couldn't help sighing. He moved the three of them to the Zen room next door one by one. The incense only played an anesthetic effect and was harmless to the body. Zhang Yangyi was the first to recover One. Little Lama Dorji is the second, but An Yuchen has been sleeping all the time.

The Zen master just checked their bodies for them, and he muttered something.

Little Lama Doji translated, "My master said that you are good at martial arts."

Zhang Yang apologized and said, "I'm sorry to trouble the master!"

Enchan shook his head and said, "If I'm not mistaken, this girl is born with a desperate pulse, and her life won't last long!"

Doji translated Enchan's words to Zhang Yang. Zhang Yang was shocked. Master Enchan could actually see An Yuchen's illness. Does he have a way to cure him? Zhang Yang was respectful and asked the Zen master for help, "The master is right. She was born with a unique vein, and I haven't come up with a way to save her so far."

Enchan said, "I have checked her condition. She was born with a vein. With her condition, she may not live to be 20 years old, but someone temporarily opened the meridians in her body with internal force, delaying the time of her meridians to die, supplemented by drugs, so she has lived until now." Enchan paused for a moment, stared at Zhang Yang and said, "Did you do it?"

Zhang Yang did not hide it. He nodded and said, "The younger generation is good at medicine. Over the years, she has delayed her life with internal force and elixir, but after all, she can't completely cure her stubborn disease."

Enchan said: "The natural vein often died in adolescence. The only cure is to regenerate the meridians in the body, melting yin and yang to promote rebirth. If she gets married and has children, she may have a glimmer of vitality."

After listening to the translation of Dorji, he admired Enchan's medical opinions to the extreme at this time. Unexpectedly, there was such a medical master hidden in the ice peak and snow valley. It seemed that everything was doomed in the dark. An Yuchen chose to come to Mount Everest. He pursued them, and the two fell into the ice cave Until they were rescued and came to Nil Temple, it seemed that God was guiding them.

Zhang Yang fell to the ground and said sincerely, "Ask the master for mercy, show the way for the younger generation, and save her!"

Master Zen put Zhang Yang up with both hands. He whispered, "According to my judgment, her life will not exceed three months at most."

This is exactly what Zhang Yang is worried about. Even if An Yuchen is pregnant as she wishes, she will face death again in three months. At that time, not only she, but also the fetus in her belly will die. Not only can she not save her, but she will lose her mother and son's lives.

Master Enchan said, "I can see that you are much stronger than me in terms of medical strength."

Zhang Yang said, "There is a specialty in art, and the way of medical martial arts is as vast as the sea. What I master is only one of the seas."

Master Enchan said, "I can't save her either, but I can give you a hint."

Zhang Yang said respectfully, "The younger generation is listening!"

"You should have heard of yoga."

Of course, Zhang Yang has heard of it, and he also got a Buddhist scripture from Aishwarya. The second half of the Buddhist scripture records a set of ancient yoga mind. Aishvaa delayed muscle atrophy because she practiced the yoga mind.

Zen Master En said, "Yoga can slow down the body's metabolism and delay aging." His eyes fell into the indoor brazier: "The same charcoal fire, the burning time and slow burning time must be different. If she practices yoga, she may be able to delay her life from three months to one year, and there is enough time for the new meridians in the body to mature."

Zhang Yang said, "Please give me some advice!" The method proposed by the Zen master is indeed practical.

Enchan mage said, "The yoga I practice focuses on visualization, but the yoga she needs is the opposite of mine. When practicing, she closes the six senses. Mingheng Yoga is the oldest method of yoga. According to me, this practice method may have been lost. I can teach her this kind of yoga, but I can It's hard to say whether it has the best effect or not.

Zhang Yang said, "Master, I have a yoga mind, and I hope you can give me some advice."

Master En Zen nodded.

Little Lama Dorji found pencils and paper. In a low-temperature environment, pencils have become the most commonly used writing tools. Zhang's memory is amazing. He silently wrote down the set of yoga mind methods given to him by Aishwarya, and even drew the map without error.

The original mind method is actually Sanskrit. Aishwaya has been translated into Chinese. Now Zhang Yang is written in Chinese, and the little lama Dorji wants to translate it in Sanskrit. As long as he read the beginning, the Zen master couldn't help sighing, "Sure enough, it's fate The long-standing meditation yoga.

After the snow, it was sunny. The whole Nile Temple was shrouded in the golden sun, but the temperature was still very low. The snow in the courtyard was very deep. Zhang Yang sat in the middle of the courtyard and practiced Mingheng Yoga under the guidance of the Zen Master. The focus of this kind of mind method is on control. After successful cultivation, you can freely control the breathing and heartbeat, and even the flow speed of blood. Zhang Yang thought it was connected with the turtle breathing skill, but when he really practiced, he found that this control was not blindly slowing down.

En Zen Master stood in the snow and saw that Zhang Yang's breath was as straight as an arrow. The young man's internal strength was as pure as that of this, and Zhang Yang's understanding was high. Originally, he was familiar with this set of yoga mind, but he had not actually practiced it. Under the guidance of the En Zen Master, he The key is to integrate the whole set of mental methods in a short time. He found that this set of yoga methods has great benefits for healing wounds. Slowing down the speed of the body's metabolism can play a role in delaying aging. However, if it is injured, it can accelerate the speed of blood circulation at the wound, so that the repair of the wound can have twice the effect with half the effort.

Zhang Yang had originally taken the anti-sky elixir, coupled with the intermittent external application of black jade ointment. Now it is supplemented by Mingheng yoga, and the speed of wound healing is amazing. In just one day and night, his trauma has basically healed, and the broken leg bone has also begun to heal. According to the speed in front of him, It can be as good as before.

An Yuchen also began to practice yoga under the guidance of Zen Master En. Her martial arts foundation is already very good, and it is not easy to practice yoga. Zhang Daguan is a person who repays kindness. The Zen master gave him such a great kindness. Of course, he can't accept it calmly. The Zen master discussed medical theory with him. Zhang Yang helped the Zen master solve a lot of medical confusion and problems. By the way, he wrote some prescriptions for him. The Zen master will be happy every once in a while He practiced medicine in the surrounding areas of the Malaya Mountains, and these prescriptions were very helpful to him.

Three days later, Zhang Yang's injury has completely recovered. Except for the Enchan mage, everyone else is deeply surprised by this. You know, when Zhang Yang was just rescued, his left leg was fractured, and his ribs were fractured in many places. Such a serious injury was cured in three days. Although the effect of the black jade intermittent ointment In the above course of treatment, the Zen master learned that Zhang Yang also had anti-sky elixir, coupled with Mingheng yoga, the three complemented each other to achieve such an amazing therapeutic effect.

Zhang Yang and Master En Zen stood side by side on the bell tower of Nile Temple. The little lama Doji stood in front of the bell, facing the glow and rang the bronze bell. The bell was melodious and echoed in the ice peak and snow valley. Thinking of the experience of the past two days, Zhang Yang couldn't help sighing that if he hadn't met this group of kind lamas, he and An Yuchen would have been frozen on the snowy mountain.

There will be two chapters to be updated in the evening. It's a little chilling to see. The farther you run in the front, the closer you are in the back. It's only two days away from the end of the year, because now there are only two tickets per day. I hope you can vote as soon as possible. Octopus needs your I'm in the twelfth place at night, and I'm really a little reluctant! RO