Medical official path

Chapter 745 Waves

Jiao Naiwang participated in the Standing Committee of Pinghai Province for the first time as a newcomer. Qiao Panqi, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, introduced the new executive vice governor to all the standing committees. In fact, Jiao Naiwang and most of the standing committees here have met. He and the head of the Organization Department "provided by Qi Hong Jiao Naiwang smiled and said, "Hello, everyone. This is my first time to attend the party of the core leaders of Pinghai. Thank you for giving me this opportunity."

Qiao Zhenliang smiled and said, "Comrade Nai Wang, it's not us who give you a chance, it's the Party and the country who give you a chance."

Everyone laughed, and the laughter made the atmosphere at the scene much easier.

Jiao Naiwang smiled and said, "I'm new here. I originally wanted to be familiar with the environment before talking, but before coming to the meeting just now, Secretary Qiao specially reminded me, "Let me do a detailed self-introduction, so I will follow the leader's instructions and introduce myself to everyone."

The members of the Standing Committee all laughed and applauded. Jiao Naiwang's population is still very good.

Jiao Naiwang said, "My name is Jiao Naiwang. I am 53 years old. I was born in four or three years. I was born in the old society and grew up under the red flag. My current political outlook is a member of the Communist Party. I graduated from the Northern University of Technology. At that time, I majored in metal

There was another burst of laughter at the scene.

Jiao Naiwang said, "I won't talk about other resumes. If you want to know more about it, you can go to Minister Kong Yuan Kong after the meeting. By the way, he is an old classmate of our party school."

Kong Yuan smiled and said, "I thought you forgot!"

Jiao Naiwang said, "I can't forget. At that time, you were the branch secretary and I was the monitor. We often quarreled because of disagreements."

Kong Yuan laughed and said, "I can't say that you can't quarrel with you. In a training class, you bullied me all the time."

Kong Yuan interrupted, and there was more laughter at the scene. Today's standing committee is more like a tea party.

Jiao Naiwang said, "There are iron soldiers. We cadres can't always work in one place for a lifetime. To be honest, I have worked in Nanwu for so many years, and I really don't want to leave. But since the work of the party and the country is in need, I must obey the order and obey the command. But I have to state that I'm not a deserter.

Governor Song Huaiming smiled and said, "You are not a deserter, you are a tiger general... The central government will transfer you to Pinghai to support us."

Jiao Naiwang said, "Thank you, Governor Song, for your praise. I am a person who doesn't like to talk about the truth. Although I joined the leadership team of Pinghai on the first day, I am very eager to integrate into this group. I hope you can accept me as a newcomer, and I will try my best to prove in the Be qualified to be your comrades-in-arms fighting side by side!" Jiao Naiwang's words attracted another round of applause.

After Jiao Naiwang sat down, Qiao Zhenliang said, "The iron camp is full of soldiers. This sentence is the truth. No one can always stay in the position of the leader of "this text is provided by Qi Hongyan" to benefit one party for the official. I often think that if you want to do a good job, you must first do Limited, officials also have a term of office. We can't live a mediocre life. Everyone wants to leave something for the world. As officials, we can't do nothing. We should think about leaving something for Pinghai. If we don't seek politics in his position, that is decoration, that is, dereliction of duty, that is, waste of The trust of the people is the sinner of the country!"

There was thunderous applause again at the scene.

Qiao Zhenliang said, "Being an official doesn't care about size, and don't care about how big or do things. We are a group. It is impossible for everyone to do great things. Everyone has a division of labor and strive to exert our greatest strength in every position!" The next time was handed over to Song Huaiming. What Song Huaim said was the reform of state-owned small and medium-sized enterprises. Song Huaim talked about the recent increasingly serious ** phenomenon from the current situation of state-owned small and medium-sized enterprises in Pinghai. His opinion is to start from Nancy, take Nanxi as a reform pilot, adjust it according to the actual situation, and then implement the successful experience to the whole province. After Song Huaiming finished speaking, everyone fell into silence. Qiao Zhenliang picked up the teacup and drank it. Tea whispered, "Huaiming, I agree with Nancy as a pilot to implement the reform of state-owned small and medium-sized enterprises, but how much time do you plan to take?"

Song Huaiming said, "At least half a year, more than a year. The attitude of the Party Central Committee and the State Council to implement the reform of state-owned small and medium-sized enterprises nationwide is very clear, and the current business status of small and medium-sized enterprises in Pinghai also shows that the management methods in the past are no longer suitable

Liu Li, Secretary of the Pinghai Commission for Discipline Inspection, said: "Enterprises have been constantly reforming since the 1980s, but the results have not been great.

Song Huaiming said, "We should see that many reforms in the past were headaches and did not fundamentally solve the problems of enterprises. Why did the State Council specifically propose to accelerate the reform of state-owned small and medium-sized enterprises? Because high-level leaders have found the symptoms in the reform, enterprise reform must be deepened, not superficial. What did state-owned enterprises mean in the past? It means that the iron rice bowl means drought slander to ensure harvest. What we have to do now is to break the iron rice bowl and make the workers feel a sense of crisis. Only the sense of crisis can arouse their sense of worry, so that they can really connect their own fate and the fate of the enterprise closely.

Kong Yuan, Minister of Organization, said: "Deepening reform requires a process. Our policy is timely and the direction is right, but in the process of implementation, we must take into account the feelings of the employees of the enterprise. Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, some ideas of the employees of state-owned enterprises have been followed, smash ."

Song Huaiming nodded and said, "Minister Kong is right, so I decided to carry out a pilot in Nancy, adjust our reform strategy according to the actual situation, and then implement it to the whole province. Today, I want everyone to work hard to see how the reform of state-owned small and medium-sized enterprises in Pinghai should go on, and how we can not hurt the feelings of the majority of enterprise workers, but also effectively promote enterprise reform.

Qiao Zhenliang smiled and said, "Comrade Nai Wang said."

Since he was directly named by Qiao Zhenliang, Jiao Naiwang could not continue to remain silent. He smiled and said, "The central government has been in this document for some time. When I was in Nanwu, I also had several meetings on this matter. To be said, in this state-owned small and medium-sized enterprise reform, the country does not It's going to have a major operation. To tell everyone, before I came, I did a pilot in Nanwuqiao Box Factory, but the effect was not good. It was too difficult to change the inherent concepts of enterprise employees. Governor Song said that it was very right. Enterprise reform must be deepened, and the iron rice bowl of the enterprise must be smashed. Only by making them truly realize that they are the owners of the enterprise and that the fate of the enterprise is related to their own body, so that they can really invest 100% enthusiasm in the enterprise, and enterprise reform is imperative.

Qiao Zhenliang nodded and said, "This medicine must be taken, but it also needs to control the heat, and you can't take the medicine."

Song Huaiming smiled and said, "Nanxi as a pilot this time was proposed by Comrade Gong Qiwei, Executive Vice Mayor of Nancy. This reform spirit is worth advocating."

Qiao Zhenliang smiled and said, "Gong Qiwei is a little bold."

Although Gong Qiwei was too bold, he took the initiative to ask Nancy to make Nancy a reform pilot still exploded in Nancy. Almost at the same time as the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee was held, several major leaders of the Nancy Municipal Party Committee came to the office of Li Changyu, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee. Mayor Xia Boda's face was pale He shouted angrily, "How can he do this and make the decision without authorization! The province has called all the deputy mayors of enterprises in charge of prefecture-level cities. Who doesn't know about the reform of state-owned small and medium-sized enterprises? In terms of the position of Jiangcheng, we are in front of us. Why don't they talk? In terms of development, Lanshan is more advanced than us. Why don't they recruit this? What's wrong with Gong Qiwei? We don't have enough things to do in Nancy? Does he still think that Nancy is not messy enough? Although his fire was aimed at Gong Qiwei, he said it to Li Changyu.

Li Changyu was also quite depressed after knowing this. Recently, everyone knows about the country's vigorous promotion of the reform of state-owned small and medium-sized enterprises, but no one wants to be a leader. Although Li Changyu does not agree with Gong Qiwei's approach, he still has to fight against Gong Qiwei in front of others. Li Changyu Is Wu Ming here, too?"

Xia Boda sat down angrily. Wu Ming smiled and said, "I was pulled in by Mayor Xia. He said that there was something important to discuss together. It turned out to be this matter. Wu Ming was very cunning. He knew that Li Changyu was unhappy with himself. Now he was in an awkward situation in Nancy and was quietly trying to move a place. If he stays in Nancy for a full term, he won't have much development.

Xia Boda's recent performance is obviously different from the past. Since Li Changyu became the secretary of the Nancy Municipal Party Committee, Xia Boda's calculation has completely failed. Now Li Changyu and his predecessor Xu Guangran have adopted the same strategy for him, deliberately raising the executive deputy mayor to suppress him. At least Xia Boda thinks so, although Li Chang He was polite and put on a face to discuss everything with him, but he looked down on him in his heart, and in the bottom of his heart, "this text is provided by Qi Hongyan" is to reject him. Sherbert's past forbearance and mediocrity did not win the political benefits he wanted. For him, his political path has come to an end, and his future can only stand still. Unless there is a miracle, he will not have any turning point. Once people reach this point, their mentality will be huge. Change, now Xia Boda has no scruples, and he began to sing the opposite tune with Li Changyu. Xia Boda believes that he is weaker than Li Changyu in terms of qualifications and background. The reason why Li Changyu can achieve today's position is to exploit the loophole in his struggle with Xu Guangran.