Medical official path

Chapter 747 Old Friends Next

This incident made Zhang Yang conclude that the Blue Rubik's Cube is really not a good place. Every time he comes, "more or less something will happen." I didn't want to come today. Later, I changed my mind and accompanied Shi Wei, and let him encounter this murder case, and the murderer and the murdered person's life are in danger Help the two of them stop the bleeding in time.

[Police] The inspection arrived soon. They first arranged for Rang Deguang and the teenager to be sent to the hospital for emergency treatment. Zhang Yang had checked them and was sure that neither of them should be in danger. He and Guo Zhiqiang recorded at the scene. The two of them are just bravely acting for justice, and there is no suspicion in this incident. There are also many people at the scene who can testify for them, so they will not cause trouble.

This incident made Guo Zhiqiang feel very uncomfortable. After all, it was because he caught up. The teenager panicked and encountered the car accident. No matter what the starting point was. He always felt that it had something to do with him. After all, the child seemed to be a minor.

Zhang Yang patted him on the shoulder to comfort him and didn't say anything.

Qiao Mengyuan came to Zhang Yang and said apologetically, "It's all my fault. If I hadn't come here, I wouldn't have encountered this."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "What does it have to do with you? It's me who is in conflict with this Blue Rubik's Cube. Every time I come here, I have to encounter something. In the future, I will have a memory. If I meet here again, I will go around.

When this happened, several people were in a bad mood and left after saying goodbye to each other.

Qiao Mengyuan whispered, "I'll go to Nancy with you tomorrow."

Zhang Yang nodded. Qiao Mengyuan went to Nancy mainly for Duval. She wanted to take Duval on a field trip. It seemed that he should also leave. "He should not stay here.

Qiao Mengyuan wanted to send Zhang Yang back to Nanguo Villa. Zhang Yang asked her and Shi Wei to go back quickly and take a taxi back to the villa by herself.

Seeing the neon lights of Nanguo Villa, Zhang Yang was relieved. Originally, he was in a good mood, and all of them were disturbed by this accident.

But before Zhang Yang got out of the car, Huang Jun called and asked him for help in an emergency.

Huang Jun's voice was full of tension: "Zhang Yang" You must help me this time." Zhang Yang said, "What's wrong? Did something happen to your bar again?" Zhang Yang's first reaction was about this.

Huang Jun smiled bitterly and said, "How can it be?" My bar hasn't been opened yet. It's about my friend's child. He pricked a person and was also hit by a car. He has been sent to the hospital. Zhang Yang, you have to help me with everything you say. "This child is pitiful and You have to save the child's life no matter what you say.

Zhang Yang was stunned as soon as he heard it. How can things in the world be so coincidental? Huang Jun's cousin should be the one who stabbed people in the Blue Devil's Cube tonight, right? Zhang Yang said, "Tell me clearly, where did he arrest the people?"

Huang Jundao: "Blue Magic Cube" I'm in Dongjiang First People's Hospital now." [Police] The inspector didn't tell me the situation and interrogated me like a criminal. I'm worried about this child. At a young age, even if he makes a mistake, he is impulsive. Zhang Yang, please help me

Zhang Yang said, "Wait for me." I'll go there right away." Zhang Yang felt that Dongjiang First People's Hospital "saw Huang Jun standing at the gate of the emergency room." There was also a woman dressed up beside him. He should have seen it before. When Huang Jun saw Zhang Yang, he hurried to him, and he looked very nervous. They all trembled: "Zhang Yang, you have to help him."

Zhang Yang said, "Where's the person?" Huang Jun pointed to the surgical building and said, "I sent it up to have an operation. It is said that it was hit by a car, and there were two basins of blood."

Of course, Zhang Yang knew that the matter was not so serious. He checked the child's injury at that time. He was sure that his life was not in danger before he left. Zhang Yang said, "Who is he? It's cruel enough. I stabbed sorghum Deguang with one knife. I heard that it was a broken liver!"

Huang Jun said, "My buddy's child" His father is Feng Xiaohu."

"Feng Xiaohu?" Zhang Yang talked about this name and suddenly remembered a man. A few years ago, a gang of gangs was dug up in Dongjiang's anti-crime operation. The leader was Feng Xiaohu. This man died of illness soon after he was imprisoned. Did Huang Jun say about him? Huang Jun's own background is very complicated. Zhang Yang can't help but be vigilant when he thinks of this. He must pay attention to moderation and must not do things that violate the principles.

Huang Jun also saw Zhang Yang's hesitation." He sighed and said, "Zhang Yang, I have been in it for more than a year because of Boss Feng's affairs, but this child has nothing to do with his father's affairs. He has always studied very well and is very good. I don't know how he suddenly went to Zha S Does this really have nothing to do with you?" Huang Jun shook his head.

At this time, two [police] inspectors came over and said to Huang Jun, "Huang Jun," Huang Jun turned around: "Comrade [Police] Cha, have you been saved?" A [Police] inspector said, "Come here, we have something else to ask you." Huang Jun walked over helplessly.

After thinking about it, Zhang Yang still called Luan Shengwen, director of the Baisha District Public Security Bureau. After listening to Zhang Yang's words, he whispered, "Don't get involved in Zhang Yang's matter. That Huang Jun is not a good bird. His gambling machine was confiscated and the bar was ordered to close because someone reported it ."

Zhang Yang was stunned for a moment: "What?"

Luan Shengwen said, "That child's name is Feng Meng." After his father was arrested, Huang Jun has been taking care of him. It must be that Huang Jun found out that Liang Deguang did this matter. I guess Feng Meng knew what he said, so he went to revenge."

Zhang Yang still knows about Huang Jun's person. He believes that Huang Jun is righteous and should not take advantage of children.

Luan Shengwen said, "Most of these people in the mixed society are mud. We'd better not have to interact with them as national cadres, so as not to get fishy and can't wash them off." Luan Shengwen is giving advice to Zhang Yang.

Huang Jun explained for a long time, and finally was allowed to leave. When he returned to Zhang Yang, he complained bitterly, "Do I look like a criminal? They interrogated me like a thief one by one!"

Zhang Yang said, "Did Liang Deguang report that there was a gambling machine in your bar?" Huang Jun bit his lip. He nodded and said, "It's him! He lost more than 9,000 yuan from me. He asked me to give him face and return the money to him. Fuck, his face is worthless. He really regards himself as a figure. I asked him to get out of here at that time. I didn't expect this son of a bitch to report me to the Public Security Bureau.

Zhang Yang said, "So you let someone take revenge on him?" "I didn't!" Huang Jun said angrily. He glared at Zhang Yang: "You all think of me like this, I admit" I have a case record. I have done a lot of bastard things, but I have my own principles! Boss Feng is very kind to me. "Even if I want revenge, I won't let his son go!"

Zhang Yang said, "What's the hurry? Didn't I ask you?" Huang Jun said, "Didn't you ask, you just doubted me at all.

Zhang Yang said, "Why did Feng Meng stab Liang Deguang? What's the conflict between him and Sorghum Deguang?

Huang Jun said, "I don't know. I didn't mention to anyone about Liang Deguang's report on me." He can't know."

When the two were talking, Zhang Yang saw Liang Zi coming out of the ward building with a low expression. Zhang Yang winked at Huang Jun. He walked over to Liang Zi. Liang Zi was absent-minded and almost hit Zhang Yang. Realizing that there was someone in front of him, he hurriedly stopped, held his forehead, and said with a long sigh of I'm sorry!" Only then did I see that the person who came was Zhang Yang: "It's you!"

Zhang Yang said with concern, "How's the situation?"

Shouzi said gloomy, "I'm still in the rescue, but the doctor said that there should be no danger to my life. Thank you for your help!" At that time, Lizi had already understood the situation and knew that Zhang Yang would give a helping hand in time." Otherwise, her brother's situation would only be worse.

Zhang Yang said, "Do you know that child? Why did he find your brother?" He shook his head.

A black Audi drove over in the distance. A man and a woman got out of the car. The woman was Liangzi's sister, Liaohong, and the man was Lizi's brother-in-law Liu Xiaozhong, the director of the Provincial Electric Power Bureau. I heard that Liang Deguang was injured. The couple also rushed over from home in a hurry. Liang Hong grabbed his sister's hand. Before he could speak, tears fell down. Although their brother was not competitive, after all, the blood is connected. The flesh and blood relationship can't be changed.

In contrast, Liu Xiaozhong is much calmer: "Why are you crying? Let's see how the people are doing first!"

After the group left, Huang Jun came to Zhang Yang's side. He looked at Liu Xiaozhong's back and said coldly, "Liu Xiaozhong!"

Zhang Yang said, "Do you know him?"

Huang Jun sneered and didn't say anything. Zhang Yang always felt that Huang Jun had something to hide from him. Today's things are by no means as simple as they seem. Since Huang Jun didn't want to tell the truth, Zhang Yang didn't want to ask more questions.

What Huang Jun is most worried about is that the hospital will not try its best to save Feng Meng, but according to what Zhang Yang learned, the hospital has tried its best to treat both of them. Before midnight that night, the murderer Feng Meng and the killed person, the victim, Liang Deguang, were out of danger one after another. When Zhang Yang told the Sitting on the chair in the corridor, he groped for a cigarette and said, "It's good to get out of danger... If this child has an accident, I won't be better in my life..." Zhang Yang said, "Life is saved, but the murderer will not be so easy to solve."

Huang Jun said, "He is still young, and there is still a chance..." After saying that, he closed his eyes a little tiredly: "This child is too much like Boss Feng, so fucking guts!"