Medical official path

Chapter 748 Wild Doctor

Xu Guangsheng also came out when he heard the noise. He covered it more tightly than Zhang Yang. He said to the little nurse, "I said, Xiao Liu, should the scope of isolation be expanded more? These people just directly or indirectly touch the infected person, which does not mean that we will definitely get sick."

The little nurse recognized Xu Guangsheng and was quite polite to the urologist: "Xu Zhuren, this is the rule of the hospital. Now that our President Zhong is sick, and Mayor Gong's driver has died of suffocation, and the whole hospital is panicked. After the research of the Wei Shengsheng Bureau and the Center for Disease Control, In principle, you are not allowed to go out to isolate all direct or indirect contacts. In principle, you are not allowed to go out.

Xu Guangsheng said, "We won't go out! It's just that we can't be locked in the room. Do you want to give us some space for activities?

Zhang Yang walked over to Xu Guangsheng, and Xu Guangsheng said, "Zhang Shuren, how are you?"

Zhang Yang said, "It's okay!"

Xu Guangsheng said, "I have just been in contact with the hospital. As long as I have had direct contact with the infected person, they will basically get sick within 24 hours. At present, there is no exception."

Zhang Yang said, "If you say so, we will stay for at least 24 hours?"

Xu Guangsheng smiled bitterly and said, "I don't know. Anyway, this is what we can understand now. As for when the quarantine will be lifted, we have to wait for outside monitoring."

The little nurse asked them to take their temperature. Zhang Yang and Xu Guangran's body temperature was normal, but Qiao Mengyu's body temperature had risen, and her body temperature had reached 39 °C in a short time. The little nurse quickly informed the doctor. But when she notified the doctor, Zhang Yang had already approached Qiao Mengyuan's ward. It was too late to stop him when he found out.

When Qiao Mengyuan saw Zhang Yang coming in, she covered her mouth and nose in panic and said, "Go out, go out quickly!"

Instead of going out, Zhang Yang walked in. He came to Qiao Mengyuan's side and laughed, "Is there any reason for a patient to drive the doctor out?"

Qiao Mengyuan covered her mask, and she shrank her body into the quilt: "Zhang Yang, I'm sick, I'm infected! You go out, I don't want to infect you!"

Zhang Yang said, "Lao Du can't infect me. Don't talk about you. Don't worry, I'm immune to this disease.

Qiao Mengyuan said, "Impossible, you don't even know what's wrong."

Zhang Yang came to the bedside and sat down. At this time, the doctors and nurses in isolation clothes all walked into the room, led by Ren Zhang Qiuling, the deputy director of the respiratory department, who saw Zhang Yang actually ran to Qiao Mengyuan's room. Zhang Qiuling is usually more lonely and doesn't laugh. She doesn't care what kind of official position Zhang Yang is. In her eyes, there are only patients and normal people. She said angrily, "What's wrong with you? Haven't the quarantine regulations been announced to you? Why do you still do this?"

Zhang Guanren ignored her at all. He grabbed Qiao Mengyuan's pulse and explored her vein. Although Qiao Mengyuan was very resistant, she didn't want to be infected by herself, but the matter had reached this point, and it was up to her to make the decision.

Zhang Qiuling came to Zhang Yang: "You get out of the way, don't affect our treatment."

After checking Qiao Mengyuan's pulse, Zhang Yang stood up and gave up his position to Zhang Qiuling.

The little guardian surnamed Liu stared at him fiercely and said, "How many times have I told you that you still run around? You are not responsible for your own life and health, and you are not responsible for other people's lives and health."

Zhang Yang smiled and walked alone to the window. He closed his eyes and realized the difference in Qiao Mengyuan's veins. He could almost conclude that this disease was completely different from Jiangcheng last year. Zhang Yang thought carefully that there was no cure for this disease in his memory. More than a thousand years have passed from the Great Sui Dynasty to the present. Many diseases are constantly changing over time. Nowadays, the diseases in the world are ever-changing compared with the past. Even if it is magical, I dare not say that any disease can be cured. In the absence of a radical cure, the only choice is symptomatic treatment.

At this point, Western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine obviously have something in common. Zhang Qiuling gave a doctor's advice on the spot after Qiao Mengyuan's examination. At the same time, she also proposed to isolate Zhang Yang alone. After all, Zhang Yang just touched Qiao Mengyuan at close range.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "You don't have to quarantine me. I'll stay here. Isn't she sick? I'll take care of it."

Zhang Qiuling said, "Do you think you won't be infected?"

Zhang Yang said confidently, "I should be immune. Up to now, I have nothing to do. Xu Zhiren has touched me, and he is fine."

"This doesn't prove anything!" Zhang Qiuling said coldly.

Zhang Yang said, "The same is true of medicine. Any disease can find a way to restrain it in the world. Even if it is a terminal disease, it is not incurable, but that we have not found the right way at present."

"It sounds like you know a lot!"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "I know a little!" He handed a prescription he wrote to Zhang Qiuling: "Help me grab these medicines!,,

Zhang Qiuling looked at the prescription and asked strangely, "Do you have a medical license?"

"It doesn't matter whether you have a medical license or not. What matters is whether you can control the patient's condition. By the way, prepare another set of decoction utensils for me, and I'll decoct the medicine myself!"

After everyone left, Zhang Yang was still by Qiao Mengyuan's side. The doctor's advice made by Zhang Qiuling was nothing more than symptomatic treatment, fever-retion, supplementing the fluid components in the body, supplemented by antiviral and antibacterial drugs. This treatment method is a bit of a comprehensive net. In fact, the transportation of antibiotics and It is a little rampant. When you encounter an inaccurate disease, antiviral and antibacterial drugs can be used together. In short, you can cover one. As soon as they left, Zhang Yang stopped the infusion. This treatment method was a little blind for the cat to kill the mouse, which was harmful to the human experience. He decided to treat Qiao Mengyuan in his own way.

Zhang Yang reached out and touched Qiao Mengyuan's forehead. She still burned badly. Looking at Zhang Yang, Qiao Mengyuan's eyes turned red. When people were sick, they often became particularly fragile and easily moved. Zhang Yang knew that she was sick and guarded her side at the risk of being infected. Qiao Mengyuan's heart She was so moved that her lips moved and wanted to speak.

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Don't say anything. Close your eyes. Imagine that you are in a snowy winter."

Qiao Mengyuan closed her eyes. She forced her thoughts to calm down, but her brain was in a mess, and the high fever made her unable to calm down.

Zhang Yang looked at Qiao Mengyuan's red face because of a fever, and felt pity in his heart. Heqian carried his internal force. With the internal force circulating in his body, a cold air flow flowed out of his palm. As long as the palm control was properly, it would not cause any damage to Qiao Mengyuan. On the contrary, he could It has the effect of physical cooling.

The fresh and cool feeling penetrated through the skin in front of Qiao Mengyuan's forehead. Qiao Mengyuan felt that a gap had been opened on her forehead, and the cool air kept blowing into her mind. The other hand held Qiao Mengyuan's palm, and the same method sent the cool inner breath into her meridians. Such an internal force cooling method is much more effective than any physical cooling method. Ten minutes later, Zhang Yang has successfully lowered Qiao Mengyuan's temperature to 37.2 °C. After the body temperature dropped, Qiao Mengyuan's whole state suddenly became much better. She sat up and took the towel handed over by Zhang Yang to wipe her forehead. The sweat on his head said, "I feel much better!"

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "With me, you will be fine."

Qiao Mengyuan said, "Zhang Yang, do you really have immunity?"

Zhang Yang said, "It should be like this. Anyway, I'm still good so far. Maybe I'm in good physical condition and have stronger resistance to diseases than ordinary people. ,,

Qiao Mengyuan said, "If you know the treatment of the disease, you can help more people!"

Zhang Yang shook his head and said, "I just used internal force to help you lower your body temperature. In principle, it's almost the same as physical cooling. There are so many people who are sick now. I can't do this to everyone. In that case, I will be exhausted in less than a day. In addition, your body temperature will definitely be I dare not leave you before the law.

Qiao Mengyuan listened to Zhang Yang's serious words, sighed and stopped talking.

The little nurse sent the traditional Chinese medicine that Zhang Yang wanted. Seeing that Qiao Mengyuan's infusion had stopped, she said in shock, "Why did you pull out the needle?"

Zhang Yang said, "This medicine is useless. If it was useful, others would have been cured long ago.

He came to the little nurse and looked at the drugs. After being sure that they were right, he said, "Although this medicine can't cure this disease, it can play a role in dispelling heat, cooling and qi. Tell the hospital to fry more for other patients."

The little guardian's words showed his disapproval of Zhang Yang: "I'm really like a doctor."

Zhang Yang smiled and said, "I'm a wild doctor!"

Zhang Qiuling took Zhang Yang's prescription and specially asked Ren Cao Fangda, the head of traditional Chinese medicine. After Cao Fangda saw the prescription, he decided that the prescription was very standard. The prescription must be a high-level traditional Chinese medicine doctor. However, when he heard that the prescription was actually Ren Zhang Yang, the head of the sports committee, he said What made them feel incredible was that Qiao Mengyuan refused to have an infusion. Without taking any medicine, her body temperature had dropped.