Medical official path

Chapter 749 Political Show

Chapter 749 Political Show (Middle)

In fact, the places inspected by Li Changyu and Xia Boda have been specially disinfected in advance. After the Second Hospital of Nancy knew the news that they were coming to inspect, the hospital was on standby. We must not let the epidemic spread, but also ensure the health of the city leaders. Previously, Xiao Nanshan, the director of Health, had specifically emphasize Things.

Li Changyu said to Xiao Nanshan beside him, "The medical staff who take the initiative to enter the quarantine area and treat patients and suspected cases are our heroes. I want to talk to them."

Xiao Nanshan said what Li Changyu meant. Vice President Liu Huatang took them to a lawn behind the hospital. From here, you can see the ward building of the burn department. Li Changyu and Xia Boda stood on the lawn. The doctors and nurses fighting on the front line of the hospital were all concentrated in the doctor's office. They opened the window Hu, wave your hand down. I don't think so at ordinary times, but in this special period, doctors and nurses looked at the leaders downstairs and suddenly had a feeling of life and death. Several nurses with a slightly bad heart actually burst into tears. Zhang Qiuling, the head of the diagnosis and treatment team, said, "Be strong. This is the time when the party and the people test us. We can If there is any fear and weakness, we should face it with a smile and show the best spirit of our medical workers in front of the leaders.

So the little nurses with red eyes and tears automatically stepped back, and a group of medical workers with excellent psychological quality came to the front.

Li Changyu took the loudspeaker from the staff beside him and shouted, "Comrades, thank you for your hard work!"

The medical staff upstairs shouted together, "We don't work hard!"

Li Changyu said, "Thank you for your efforts. Thank you for your spirit of Bethune, which is not self-interested. I believe that with your selfless efforts and the joint efforts of all our Nancy people, we will definitely win this battle against the disease!"

The upstairs began to applaud, and every medical worker was very excited.

Li Changyu said again, "Don't worry, we will support you behind your back, and all the citizens of Nancy will support you behind your back!"

A doctor shouted, "Thank you for your concern!"

I don't know who said behind him, "Thank you, thank you? If they really care about us, they can also come up for close contact!"

Li Changyu said a few words. Although he couldn't see the expressions of the medical staff clearly, he could also imagine that the mood of these medical staff in the quarantine area must be complicated and uneased.

After shouting with the microphone, Li Changyu said to Vice President Liu Huatang, "Comrade Huatang, we must do a good job in logistics support, relieve the worries of these medical workers on the front line of the fight against the epidemic, and do a good job in the comfort of their families. We will help solve anything at home. Your doctor If the hospital can't solve it, report it directly to the Health Bureau. If the Health Bureau can't solve it, the city will do it. In short, we must let our heroes have no worries and let them fight this difficult battle wholeheartedly!"

Liu Huatang always nodded, and what he said was nothing more than those two words: "Thank you for your concern. I will definitely work hard and lead the whole hospital to win the war against the epidemic." Liu Huatang's use of war to describe the epidemic is no longer so exaggerated.

The leaders who came to the scene were in a heavy mood. Li Changyu used his mobile phone to call Zhong Lin, the dean who had fallen ill, to express his condolences on behalf of all the city leaders. Zhong Lin was still in a good mood and spoke clearly.

Xia Boda didn't say much. He coldly watched Li Changyu doing this political show. No matter what others thought, Xia Boda always thought so. Li Changyu came to the second hospital to make a show. He knew in his heart that first of all, the epidemic may not be so serious. Another thing is that since Li Chang Yu dares to inspect, and the health system must be ready. The route of their inspection and the places they pass through are carefully planned. In the eyes of ordinary people, the leaders are brave and fearless. At this very moment, they still dare to go deep into the front line, but how do they know how many people are silently paying for this political show? Out?

However, Xia Boda has to admit that even a political show is necessary. Li Changyu's coming here at this time can stabilize at least some people's hearts and play a good role in appeasing the medical workers fighting on the front line of the Second Hospital in Nancy. The reason why Xia Boda is unwilling to lag behind is that he doesn't want to fall behind in the future. If you, Li Changyu dares to go, I also dare to go.

Li Changyu returned to his car, leaned on the seat tiredly and closed his eyes, then took out his mobile phone and dialed Zhang Yang's phone.

Zhang Yang just returned to his room and took a shower. At this time, he was only wearing a pair of small trousers and sat cross-legged to adjust his breath silently. Although he has not been infected so far, it does not necessarily mean that he has immunity. After a week of internal breathing, he was sure that his body was not different. Zhang Yang slowly At this time, Li Changyu called.

When Li Changyu was shouting downstairs, Zhang Yang was taking a shower. Although he didn't see it with his own eyes, he could hear Li Changyu's words clearly. Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Li, you are too bold. How dare you come here at this time."

Li Changyu sighed and said, "When it comes to courage, who can be compared with you!"

Zhang Yang said, "I'm not brave. I was forced to do it. I have direct contact with Duval and belong to the object that must be quarantined."

Li Changyu said, "You must try your best to find a way!"

Zhang Yang said, "I'm thinking about how to do it, but I've never seen this disease. What I can do now is to relieve the disease and rely on their own immunity to get through the dangerous period."

Li Changyu said, "There has been quite serious panic among the citizens. If this emotion spreads, it will definitely seriously affect the production and life of the people. I believe you will come up with a way."

Zhang Yang smiled bitterly and said, "Li, don't say that. I'm a mud bodhisattva crossing the river now. I want to save all mankind, but I really can't find a way at present."

Hearing what he said, Li Changyu also realized that Zhang Yang had not found a complete cure for the disease. He whispered, "Pay more attention to your health!" He originally wanted to tell Zhang Yang to try his best to save Qiao Mengyuan and Duval, but he changed his mind. He didn't need to say these words at all. Zhang Yang will definitely try his best to do it.

Li Changyu still knows a lot about Zhang Yang's temperament. It is difficult for others to change what Zhangguan decided to do. Just like him now, he insists on taking care of Qiao Mengyuan in person.

Qiao Mengyuan slept for a while, and her condition repeated again. The already stable body temperature rose again. Zhang Yang could only use Yinsha Shura's palm to help her cool down again.

After the body temperature returned to normal again, Qiao Mengyuan came down from ** and slowly walked to the window. Looking out through the window, night had fallen. This small building has now become an isolated island in the second courtyard. When people pass by here, they try to avoid it. Qiao Mengyuan suddenly thought that if Zhang Yang hadn't taken the initiative to take care of herself, she would have been so lonely.

Zhang Yang went to the microwave oven outside to warm up the food for Qiao Mengyuan. The little nurse on duty held her cheek and sat at the nurse's station to look at him. The days of being quarantined were like years, and both the medical staff and the quarantined patients felt torment.

Zhang Yang said, "Xiao Liu, have you eaten yet?"

The little nurse shook her head and said, "I'm not in the mood to eat. We had another nurse who was sick just now."

Zhang Yang said, "Didn't you promote my traditional Chinese medicine to everyone?"

The little nurse said, "Everyone drank it, but it seems that your medicine can only have a stabilizing effect on patients, and there is no preventive effect."

Zhang Yang said, "Don't worry, there will always be a way."

When the two were talking, Zhang Qiuling came downstairs. She was the leader of the medical team in the quarantine area. Since the establishment of the medical team, Zhang Qiuling has not rested for a moment. Her eyes are full of fatigue. Her attitude towards Zhang Yang is obviously much better, because she has realized that the young body in front of her. Director of the Commission, there are really two brushes in traditional Chinese medicine. Qiao Mengyuan did not receive their treatment, but under Zhang Yang's treatment, her condition was also very stable. Compared with other infected people, Qiao Mengyuan's physical condition was much better. In fact, Zhang Yang shared the prescription with them without reservation. The real difference is that he used his internal force to help Qiao Mengyuan cool down, and he did not do this to others Do it.

Zhang Qiuling took the initiative to come to Zhang Yang: "Director Zhang, how is Miss Qiao?"

Zhang Yang said, "The condition was a little repeated just now, and the body temperature has risen to 38.5°, and now it has returned to normal."

Zhang Qiuling said, "Several patients upstairs have repeated high fever. It's not easy to lower the body temperature, but it didn't take long to rise again."

Zhang Yang said, "Aren't there a few experts in the province? What can they do?"

Zhang Qiuling said, "Up to now, no pathogen has been detected, and no effective treatment can be found. The epidemic in the capital is still expanding, and it has been found all over the country. However, at present, only Nancy has found infected cases in Pinghai Province, because it is found in time and properly controlled, and there is no further spread at Signs."

Zhang Yang said, "You must observe the whole process, and you can't relax for a moment."

Zhang Qiuling said, "Can you take care of it alone?"

Zhang Yang said, "It's okay. I've been fine until now, which proves that I'm immune to this disease."

Zhang Qiuling said, "Maybe!"

Xu Guangsheng also came to the corridor from his room. He is still fine. He has basically concluded that he has not been infected, but he has not been released from afar. Xu Guangsheng said, "Director Zhang, has the quarantine time been set?"

Zhang Qiuling shook her head and said, "It's not decided yet!" RO